Black driver issued warning for driving 65mph in a 70mph zone

And you just assume racism, because white cop?


Cracker white cop
Cracker, white, asshole cop
In this case yes, the cop was pulling the guy over just to check him out without cause. Also, at least what I'm familiar with, Sheriffs don't typically make traffic stops so much as CHP or city cops.
Really? Did you ask the police officer if he had a just reason?

Or did you make that statement based solely on your bigotry against law enforcement?

And how likely is it, that the cop can see the color of the driver, before deciding to pull the car over?
He followed him for miles

So, that is a no then.


You generally can't see the driver in other cars well, from behind.

That you are so twisted up with hate, that you can't know that, is sad.

Read the link.
The guy passed the idiot cop and then the cop followed him for ten minutes waiting for him to make a mistake
When he didn’t, the cop made up a bogus reason to pull him over

And you just assume racism, because white cop?
Sure do

And that is you being a racist.
In this case yes, the cop was pulling the guy over just to check him out without cause. Also, at least what I'm familiar with, Sheriffs don't typically make traffic stops so much as CHP or city cops.
Really? Did you ask the police officer if he had a just reason?

Or did you make that statement based solely on your bigotry against law enforcement?

Every cop that has ever pulled me over has started out by telling me why he was pulling me over. This is called POLICE TRAINING and courtesy to the taxpayer who pays his wages. Innocent until proven guilty, thus... we deserve at least a modicum of respect.
The cop refused to tell the guy why he was being pulled over in the first place. This is not typical and furthermore, take your crap about me being bigoted against law enforcement and shove it. I typically give them the benefit of the doubt but when something is caught on video I can make an opinion based on a case by case basis. Just because you adhere to a rigid ideology, unable to think for yourself does not mean everyone has to do it.
Cops tell you why they pulled you over or ask....Do you know why I pulled you over? In order to provide justification for a legal traffic stop.
Once they do that they can start asking for driver identification.

Initially it his cop said he pulled him over because he was driving under the limit and wanted to see if he was OK.

Once it was established that the driver was not in distress, the officer should have sent him on his way.
When a cop asks "Do you know why I pulled you over?" he is usually looking for a confession. In some cases it may be wise to plead the 5th; however, if you are really hot looking you may get by with only a warning anyway.
In this case yes, the cop was pulling the guy over just to check him out without cause. Also, at least what I'm familiar with, Sheriffs don't typically make traffic stops so much as CHP or city cops.
Really? Did you ask the police officer if he had a just reason?

Or did you make that statement based solely on your bigotry against law enforcement?

Every cop that has ever pulled me over has started out by telling me why he was pulling me over. This is called POLICE TRAINING and courtesy to the taxpayer who pays his wages. Innocent until proven guilty, thus... we deserve at least a modicum of respect.
The cop refused to tell the guy why he was being pulled over in the first place. This is not typical and furthermore, take your crap about me being bigoted against law enforcement and shove it. I typically give them the benefit of the doubt but when something is caught on video I can make an opinion based on a case by case basis. Just because you adhere to a rigid ideology, unable to think for yourself does not mean everyone has to do it.
Cops tell you why they pulled you over or ask....Do you know why I pulled you over? In order to provide justification for a legal traffic stop.
Once they do that they can start asking for driver identification.

Initially it his cop said he pulled him over because he was driving under the limit and wanted to see if he was OK.

Once it was established that the driver was not in distress, the officer should have sent him on his way.
When a cop asks "Do you know why I pulled you over?" he is usually looking for a confession. In some cases it may be wise to plead the 5th; however, if you are really hot looking you may get by with only a warning anyway.
It is a game they play

Just like.....Have you had anything to drink?
Please confess to a crime
Traffic signs say, SPEED LIMIT 65 MILES, SPEED LIMIT 25 MILES, this means you drive at 60 miles per hour or 23 miles per hour, you are fine.

Those traffic signs are not saying you must drive reaching the speed limit but you must drive at the stipulated speed limit of under.

The warning ticket should be given to a driver who goes at 45 miles per hour in a 70 miles speed limit highway because is perturbing the easy flow of traffic.

But going at 65 miles per hour definitively is not a speed to receive a warning ticket in a 70 miles speed limit highway. The young and white police officer obtained what he wanted: making the car driver having a bad moment in his life and about 15 minutes of wasted time.

The video show a racist police officer. This video reminds me how racists are as well police officers and even judges in Arlington Virginia. Same arrogant attitude, never recognizing they make mistakes and judges declaring guilty to innocent people just to cover up the incompetence of their police officers.

Unless the driver is in the left passing lane doing 65 which mean they are impeding the flow of traffic.

Stay right unless passing and no you do not get the right to impede the flow of traffic and force others to use the right lane to pass you!
Traffic signs say, SPEED LIMIT 65 MILES, SPEED LIMIT 25 MILES, this means you drive at 60 miles per hour or 23 miles per hour, you are fine.

Those traffic signs are not saying you must drive reaching the speed limit but you must drive at the stipulated speed limit of under.

The warning ticket should be given to a driver who goes at 45 miles per hour in a 70 miles speed limit highway because is perturbing the easy flow of traffic.

But going at 65 miles per hour definitively is not a speed to receive a warning ticket in a 70 miles speed limit highway. The young and white police officer obtained what he wanted: making the car driver having a bad moment in his life and about 15 minutes of wasted time.

The video show a racist police officer. This video reminds me how racists are as well police officers and even judges in Arlington Virginia. Same arrogant attitude, never recognizing they make mistakes and judges declaring guilty to innocent people just to cover up the incompetence of their police officers.

Unless the driver is in the left passing lane doing 65 which mean they are impeding the flow of traffic.

Stay right unless passing and no you do not get the right to impede the flow of traffic and force others to use the right lane to pass you!
And considering how stressed everyone is now, we don't need any more reason to provoke road rage.
The cop said nothing about the guy being in the left lane! If that were part of the problem, then he should have said so. The cop was very unprofessional.
Driving while black?

Dep Snow, Sampson County Sheriffs Office

Obviously the policeman suspected the driver was up to no good, so he stopped him.

I don't see anything wrong with that. ... :cool:

I drive slowly-----especially when in unfamiliar places. I was driving thru-----a somewhat rural part of Jersey------the kind of
place that has pictures of deer along the way with the words "caution---deer crossing"--------I got stopped for "blocking traffic"-----actually there were very few other cars. No one was blocked.
Somehow it got changed to "reckless" (????) I actually had to go to court---WAY OUT THERE----------i am white as snow (they searched my car----the cop said "sign consent for a search------or I will get a court order anyway......" ) I signed (so damned cooperative little white girl) The cop seemed happy to hassle me.
I tried the "I did not want to kill bambi..." defense----it did not work.
I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:

A warning isn't a ticket. No fine, no court, no points on your record. .. :cool:

A warning has to warn OF something.

Officer Piggo doesn't seem to get that a 70mph speed limit is a maximum, not a minimum. Makes ya wonder what the qualifications for the job aren't.
OK that sounds bad, but what if he was camped out in the left lane going slow and backing up traffic and creating problems behind him?

Then it would have been mentioned at some point. Watch the video -- it ain't.
Obviously the policeman suspected the driver was up to no good, so he stopped him.

I don't see anything wrong with that. ... :cool:

I drive slowly-----especially when in unfamiliar places. I was driving thru-----a somewhat rural part of Jersey------the kind of
place that has pictures of deer along the way with the words "caution---deer crossing"--------I got stopped for "blocking traffic"-----actually there were very few other cars. No one was blocked.
Somehow it got changed to "reckless" (????) I actually had to go to court---WAY OUT THERE----------i am white as snow (they searched my car----the cop said "sign consent for a search------or I will get a court order anyway......" ) I signed (so damned cooperative little white girl) The cop seemed happy to hassle me.
I tried the "I did not want to kill bambi..." defense----it did not work.
He has no reason to search your vehicle. You should have made him get a warrant.
If you were driving slow and have a legitimate reason, take it to court and make him explain it in court
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Obviously the policeman suspected the driver was up to no good, so he stopped him.

I don't see anything wrong with that. ... :cool:

I drive slowly-----especially when in unfamiliar places. I was driving thru-----a somewhat rural part of Jersey------the kind of
place that has pictures of deer along the way with the words "caution---deer crossing"--------I got stopped for "blocking traffic"-----actually there were very few other cars. No one was blocked.
Somehow it got changed to "reckless" (????) I actually had to go to court---WAY OUT THERE----------i am white as snow (they searched my car----the cop said "sign consent for a search------or I will get a court order anyway......" ) I signed (so damned cooperative little white girl) The cop seemed happy to hassle me.
I tried the "I did not want to kill bambi..." defense----it did not work.
He has no reason to search your vehicle. You should have made hem get a warrant.
If you were driving slow and have a legitimate reason, take it to court and make him explain it in court

it did go to court------"I said it was evening----getting dim and raining and I did not know the area." The judge said----"do you have the weather report for that day'? It was hopeless ------this event was LONG AGO---------decades. More to the story-----when the cop stopped me he said "get out of the car" I said "why" and he said "BECAUSE I SAID SO"--------I assumed he thought I was drunk---so I immediately launched into tandem gait. I think that move annoyed him. -----actually I was kind of sassy about it

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