Black Folks cant farm (part 1)

Black Folks can't farm.
Shit. George Washington Carver is going to be pissed when he finds that out.
Why do you hate Africans so much ?
Why dont you give credit to the people who made it possible? Why are you trying to steal another cultures history?

He is.
Hand pollination was invented by a French/Belgian man. Quit trying to steal Europes cultural achievement. Meanwhile, William Frederick Gericke (American) invented Soilless Vegetable Production.

Yeah we know. Whitey created the earth in 6 days and on the 7th whitey took vacation on the Riviera.
I dont know about that, but Africans didnt invent the technology they are using to successfully farm with. You claimed they did. You were wrong.

Quit trying to steal the accomplishments of other cultures.

I am of African descent. We don't have to steal shit. But you whites do.
Black, brown, and all varieties in between invented farming it goes back thousands and thousands of years. Do any of you people ever read archeology or prehistory or anything? Your media sources are about controlling you, wake up conservatives. See the book referenced in link below. Why are American on the right so uneducated?

Race is a Myth

Prehistory: The Making Of The Human Mind by Colin Renfrew

The only farming that counts, in historical terms, was that undertaken by the four great river-valley civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley and the Yellow River Valley. Thus began human civilization.
Black, brown, and all varieties in between invented farming it goes back thousands and thousands of years. Do any of you people ever read archeology or prehistory or anything? Your media sources are about controlling you, wake up conservatives. See the book referenced in link below. Why are American on the right so uneducated?

Race is a Myth

Prehistory: The Making Of The Human Mind by Colin Renfrew

The only farming that counts, in historical terms, was that undertaken by the four great river-valley civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley and the Yellow River Valley. Thus began human civilization.
Yeah all of those cultures were started by people with copious amounts of melanin in their skin. Whites were still eating each other in the caves of europe.
Black, brown, and all varieties in between invented farming it goes back thousands and thousands of years. Do any of you people ever read archeology or prehistory or anything? Your media sources are about controlling you, wake up conservatives. See the book referenced in link below. Why are American on the right so uneducated?

Race is a Myth

Prehistory: The Making Of The Human Mind by Colin Renfrew

The only farming that counts, in historical terms, was that undertaken by the four great river-valley civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley and the Yellow River Valley. Thus began human civilization.
Yeah all of those cultures were started by people with copious amounts of melanin in their skin. Whites were still eating each other in the caves of europe.

Now look, however. Who won in the end?
Black, brown, and all varieties in between invented farming it goes back thousands and thousands of years. Do any of you people ever read archeology or prehistory or anything? Your media sources are about controlling you, wake up conservatives. See the book referenced in link below. Why are American on the right so uneducated?

Race is a Myth

Prehistory: The Making Of The Human Mind by Colin Renfrew

The only farming that counts, in historical terms, was that undertaken by the four great river-valley civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley and the Yellow River Valley. Thus began human civilization.
Yeah all of those cultures were started by people with copious amounts of melanin in their skin. Whites were still eating each other in the caves of europe.

Now look, however. Who won in the end?
The end hasnt come yet. Undoubtedly melinated people will win in the end. You recessive people have low fertility and bad genes. Not to mention your women would prefer to better their genes by being with a Black man.
Black, brown, and all varieties in between invented farming it goes back thousands and thousands of years. Do any of you people ever read archeology or prehistory or anything? Your media sources are about controlling you, wake up conservatives. See the book referenced in link below. Why are American on the right so uneducated?

Race is a Myth

Prehistory: The Making Of The Human Mind by Colin Renfrew

The only farming that counts, in historical terms, was that undertaken by the four great river-valley civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley and the Yellow River Valley. Thus began human civilization.
Yeah all of those cultures were started by people with copious amounts of melanin in their skin. Whites were still eating each other in the caves of europe.

Now look, however. Who won in the end?
The end hasnt come yet. Undoubtedly melinated people will win in the end. You recessive people have low fertility and bad genes. Not to mention your women would prefer to better their genes by being with a Black man.

We're dying out because we're too responsible to have kids we can't support. Non-Whites breed like rabbits, without the slightest regard for parental responsibility. The latter will overpopulate, and then devour themselves, amid the total social chaos they've created. Without WHITE dominance, humanity is doomed.
Black, brown, and all varieties in between invented farming it goes back thousands and thousands of years. Do any of you people ever read archeology or prehistory or anything? Your media sources are about controlling you, wake up conservatives. See the book referenced in link below. Why are American on the right so uneducated?

Race is a Myth

Prehistory: The Making Of The Human Mind by Colin Renfrew

The only farming that counts, in historical terms, was that undertaken by the four great river-valley civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley and the Yellow River Valley. Thus began human civilization.
Yeah all of those cultures were started by people with copious amounts of melanin in their skin. Whites were still eating each other in the caves of europe.

Now look, however. Who won in the end?
The end hasnt come yet. Undoubtedly melinated people will win in the end. You recessive people have low fertility and bad genes. Not to mention your women would prefer to better their genes by being with a Black man.

We're dying out because we're too responsible to have kids we can't support. Non-Whites breed like rabbits, without the slightest regard for parental responsibility. The latter will overpopulate, and then devour themselves, amid the total social chaos they've created. Without WHITE dominance, humanity is doomed.

You're nuts. Then why was there "humanity" already in existence in every place that Europeans invaded or colonized when they arrived?

Natives who were already in what was to become America, did not have epidemics of the diseases brought to this continent by the Europeans, which included chicken pox, pneumonic plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza,measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough.

Prior to colonialism, many African states had mastered their environment and the spread of diseases was relatively under control. The agricultural skills they had acquired up to this point ensured that famines were never an issue and diseases could be controlled.

Africans had cultural norms that placed value on the environment and animal species. Contact with Europeans introduced diseases that devastated local African tribes, like cholera, yellow fever and meningitis.

Humanity survived in other areas of the world before Europeans arrived and would adapt and still survive in their absence.
The only farming that counts, in historical terms, was that undertaken by the four great river-valley civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley and the Yellow River Valley. Thus began human civilization.
Yeah all of those cultures were started by people with copious amounts of melanin in their skin. Whites were still eating each other in the caves of europe.

Now look, however. Who won in the end?
The end hasnt come yet. Undoubtedly melinated people will win in the end. You recessive people have low fertility and bad genes. Not to mention your women would prefer to better their genes by being with a Black man.

We're dying out because we're too responsible to have kids we can't support. Non-Whites breed like rabbits, without the slightest regard for parental responsibility. The latter will overpopulate, and then devour themselves, amid the total social chaos they've created. Without WHITE dominance, humanity is doomed.

You're nuts. Then why was there "humanity" already in existence in every place that Europeans invaded or colonized when they arrived?

Natives who were already in what was to become America, did not have epidemics of the diseases brought to this continent by the Europeans, which included chicken pox, pneumonic plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza,measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough.

Prior to colonialism, many African states had mastered their environment and the spread of diseases was relatively under control. The agricultural skills they had acquired up to this point ensured that famines were never an issue and diseases could be controlled.

Africans had cultural norms that placed value on the environment and animal species. Contact with Europeans introduced diseases that devastated local African tribes, like cholera, yellow fever and meningitis.

Humanity survived in other areas of the world before Europeans arrived and would adapt and still survive in their absence.
Ya, Africans had disease under control, here comes the medicine man!!!!!!
Black, brown, and all varieties in between invented farming it goes back thousands and thousands of years. Do any of you people ever read archeology or prehistory or anything? Your media sources are about controlling you, wake up conservatives. See the book referenced in link below. Why are American on the right so uneducated?

Race is a Myth

Prehistory: The Making Of The Human Mind by Colin Renfrew

The only farming that counts, in historical terms, was that undertaken by the four great river-valley civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley and the Yellow River Valley. Thus began human civilization.
Yeah all of those cultures were started by people with copious amounts of melanin in their skin. Whites were still eating each other in the caves of europe.

Now look, however. Who won in the end?
The end hasnt come yet. Undoubtedly melinated people will win in the end. You recessive people have low fertility and bad genes. Not to mention your women would prefer to better their genes by being with a Black man.

We're dying out because we're too responsible to have kids we can't support. Non-Whites breed like rabbits, without the slightest regard for parental responsibility. The latter will overpopulate, and then devour themselves, amid the total social chaos they've created. Without WHITE dominance, humanity is doomed.
Thats hilarious. :)

When white people were bonafide savages and living in the caves of europe the most important societies to every exist were in bloom. We know because white people lack any originality and can only copy from those cultures.
Seychelles Issues World's First Blue Bond to Fund Fisheries Projects

And they can fish as well.

The Republic of Seychelles announced on Monday that it has issued a 10-year blue bond to finance fisheries projects, making it the world's first country to utilise capital markets for funding the sustainable use of marine resources.

Seychelles Vice President Vincent Meriton told IPS that the bond was officially issued Oct. 9 and that its sales have so far raised 15 million dollars from three institutional investors: Calvert Impact Capital, Nuveen, and Prudential.

No handouts needed here.

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