Black Georgia Sheriff Says Brook's Shooting Justifiable Use of Force

He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
Super evil 4chan Anon nails it

When I was part of the Security Force, we were taught to deescalate a situation. The person who had the taser didn't have lethal force in their hands, and the cops should not have shot him. That isn't deescalation, that is actually escalation, responding to non lethal force with lethal.

A Taser is designated as a "less-lethal" weapon, not non-lethal. Plenty of cases of people being killed by Tasers, including single exposures. If the Taser makes contact with certain body parts under various condition, or if a person has certain health conditions, a single shot from a Taser can be lethal. I practice civil rights law and we have a library of evidence about the lethality of Tasers under a host of conditions. That's why many law enforcement agencies restrict the use of Tasers and are required to train officers on the use of Tasers.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
It's irrelevant to the BLM and pro-BLM crowd. To them, no matter what a black does, murder, rape, burglary, home invasion, domestic abuse, armed robbery, et cetera, if the black doesn't want to go with them, they are not to be arrested. They're privileged, didn't you know?
I heard a brief snippet of some black woman that was played on Hannity, that said in part: "When we blacks rule the world." That got me chuckling. They're 14.8% of the US population and just because they scream the loudest, they are going to rule the US. Hell, the African nations can't get their acts together without military coups toppling former military leaders that ran their nations from previous military coups. Much of the African nations are third-world nations with populations that live well below the poverty line.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.

He is wrong. The guy was not a serious threat and the crime he may have committed was trivial. Your older brother should be fired before he kills someone needlessly.

'May have committed' look at you lying to yourself.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.

How DARE you?!

How dare you post the 'rantings' of some obvious 'Uncle Tom' who has wandered off the Progressive Liberal Socialist Democrat Plantation, who no longer - like Pavlov's dog - regurgitates the Leftist Extremist talking points after an event like this, who has the unmitigated gall to think for himself instead of fall in line with top old, white, elitist, millionaire Democratic Party leaders who kneel before and side with thugs, thieves, looters, arsonists, murderers, race-baiters, and foreign-funded domestic terrorists?!

You are one of them damn 'Trumpers', ain't ya?!

When I was part of the Security Force, we were taught to deescalate a situation. The person who had the taser didn't have lethal force in their hands, and the cops should not have shot him. That isn't deescalation, that is actually escalation, responding to non lethal force with lethal.
According to the law any electronic weapon that has more than 20k volts is considered a lethal weapon. So
Not in Georgia.
The sheriff is right

This is the split second before Brooks was shot...
View attachment 351412

He had his back to the officer running away with a empty tazer...

Explain how that is a justifiable killing?
First he resisted arrest. Next he took the cop’s weapon. Then he pointed it at one of them. When he took the weapon it was justified. He earned that bullet.
No, he did not. That's why the officer is now unemployed.
So if a black persons says what whitey wants to hear, he speaks for all blacks.

The sheriff is right

This is the split second before Brooks was shot...
View attachment 351412

He had his back to the officer running away with a empty tazer...

Explain how that is a justifiable killing?
First he resisted arrest. Next he took the cop’s weapon. Then he pointed it at one of them. When he took the weapon it was justified. He earned that bullet.
No, he did not. That's why the officer is now unemployed.

This is where some folks version of liberalism flies in the face of common sense.

It also reflects a serious naïveté about police work
The question that is not being asked as far as I can tell is why did Brooks suddenly go off and attack the two officers? From the video I have seen the police were being professional in dealing with Brooks and he was being cooperative then when one of them goes to put the cuffs on all hell breaks lose.
If this dude was a good guy, he wouldn't have threatened a cop. RIP. He shouldn't have to die this way but he made some really stupid decisions.

He complied until the cuffs came out. Then turned Jekyll/Hyde on the officer's.
I believe that he wasn't even frisked at that point. They didn't know if he was packing or not.

Some reports say they gave him a pat down before administering the breathalyzer, but I have yet to see any video confirming that, so . . .
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.

He is wrong. The guy was not a serious threat and the crime he may have committed was trivial. Your older brother should be fired before he kills someone needlessly.

Oh, WELL, we should definitely all defer to your "extensive" knowledge of policing, based on . . . your personal sense of moral rectitude, apparently.

The law says YOU'RE wrong. Is there any way we can fire you from cluttering up the board with your nonsensical posts?
If this dude was a good guy, he wouldn't have threatened a cop. RIP. He shouldn't have to die this way but he made some really stupid decisions.

He complied until the cuffs came out. Then turned Jekyll/Hide on the officer's.
I believe that he wasn't even frisked at that point. They didn't know if he was packing or not.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
Yep. You must stop a fleeing felon facing serious jail time because there is no telling how many people he will kill to stay out of jail. Very dangerous person.

If an officer is tazed an incapacitated, the perp can take his sidearm and kill the officer or civilians.

The guy was shot in the back. That was not happening fool.

He's dead proof that a perp can take a couple of slugs to the back while turning to fire while running at the same time.

Brooks was frisked, so he had no gun. That has been made clear.

When he took the tazer he ran... That is not being aggressive, that is running.

The cop can try and make the case that he felt his life was in danger... I don't know how, tazer is not a lethal weapon and if he was shot he has another cop beside him.

I feel for as there was a lot of split second decisions but the shooting wasn't right. If it happened again tomorrow it would be wrong. Brooks fires the tazer, Rolf then drops his tazer and pulls his gun a fires... Brooks tazer is effectively unless brooks has more cartilages (he doesn't).

So Brooks is effectively running away from Rolf unarmed. Rolf has no right to shoot at that point. Rolf was trained not to shoot but he did shoot.

Personally I think Rolf got confused with what is a weapon or not in the heat of the moment but better training would have told him that he effectively unarmed and running away... Time to get running or call backup....

Clearly something really spooked Brooks... He wasn't really drunk and was only just over the limit. He panicked... Cops again are supposed to be trained for this...

So Brooks and the cops are both in the wrong but Brooks pays with his life... This wasn't a justified killing in any measure, sorry but the law is the law and administrating the death penalty on the street for resisting arrest is Judge Dredd stuff...

I see a lot of extenuating circumstances, if I was Rolf I would using his previous record and lack of training as a means of defence...

Lots of ASSumptions based on no evidence. Thanks for sharing, and we'll get right on laughing at you and ignoring you, as per our usual arrangement.
Of course it was. I laugh at the people who say they should have just let him run away from the beginning of the chase.

Because that is a great idea. Let a desperate and aggressive drunk man who has been convicted of several violent felonies loose in downtown Atlanta with a taser. Fantastic.

And once he used the taser? 100% justified.
I don't care what color your skin is if you beat down two cops steal a taser run away and aim that taser at one of the cops you will be shot.....any fool knows this.....any fool that isn't a race baiting cop hater....

You guys do realize that tasers only carry 2-3 shots each, right? And, the taser he took had already been fired once, then he fired it over his shoulder when he was running (and missed), so the most he could have left would be just 1 shot left (more than likely it was empty though). And, there were 2 police on the scene, meaning that if 1 had managed to get shot, there would be 1 left to handle the situation against an unarmed man. was obvious from the video, two cops could not control the point he got away, after taking the taser.......for all the perp knew he had a gun, not the taser. Then, having tasere one officer, that would have left him facing just one officer, when two couldn't control him.....he could have fought the other officer and gotten his gun or the other officers gun...

You guys just don't understand anything pertaining to the real world...

He was frisked so they know he was unarmed and he was running away... That is on the video...

You're going to have to tell us which video - there's more than one - and the exact point at which he was frisked, because none of the video I've seen have indicated that.

Also, they knew he WASN'T unarmed, because he stole the cop's Taser. That really IS on the video. Moron.

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