Black Georgia Sheriff Says Brook's Shooting Justifiable Use of Force

When I was part of the Security Force, we were taught to deescalate a situation. The person who had the taser didn't have lethal force in their hands, and the cops should not have shot him. That isn't deescalation, that is actually escalation, responding to non lethal force with lethal.

What security force?

Part of the Base Security Force (basically base police), while stationed up at Newport RI.

Thats a far cry from policing ghetto gang bangers who could pull out a gun at any second and start shooting....they may not be able to hit shit but they could get lucky.

Depends. There was a week where we had protesters at the gate because a South African ship had docked at the base. Some of them were pretty animated and passionate.
When I was part of the Security Force, we were taught to deescalate a situation. The person who had the taser didn't have lethal force in their hands, and the cops should not have shot him. That isn't deescalation, that is actually escalation, responding to non lethal force with lethal.

What security force?

Part of the Base Security Force (basically base police), while stationed up at Newport RI.


Your opinion of what I did and didn't do has zero bearing on what I did in the service. I can back it up with copies of my service record, DD214, retired ID card, pension and VA ID cards, used for my benefits. If you want to believe that about me, go right ahead, you are nothing but a bunch of phosphor dots on a screen, expressing an opinion, nothing more. Shoot, for all I know, you could be a Russian troll or a bot.

I've been on this board for almost 12 years.
I know what you said early on, when you were honest.

You're legend with naval line cooks!
They say that you are real 'fast on the draw' with an electric can opener when it comes to opening institutional size cans of green beans! :icon_sjung:
When I was part of the Security Force, we were taught to deescalate a situation. The person who had the taser didn't have lethal force in their hands, and the cops should not have shot him. That isn't deescalation, that is actually escalation, responding to non lethal force with lethal.

What security force?

Part of the Base Security Force (basically base police), while stationed up at Newport RI.


Your opinion of what I did and didn't do has zero bearing on what I did in the service. I can back it up with copies of my service record, DD214, retired ID card, pension and VA ID cards, used for my benefits. If you want to believe that about me, go right ahead, you are nothing but a bunch of phosphor dots on a screen, expressing an opinion, nothing more. Shoot, for all I know, you could be a Russian troll or a bot.

I've been on this board for almost 12 years.
I know what you said early on, when you were honest.

You're legend with naval line cooks!
They say that you are real 'fast on the draw' with an electric can opener when it comes to opening institutional size cans of green beans! :icon_sjung:

Actually, if you knew anything about what I've posted on here about what I did in the Navy, you would know that I was a Personnelman, not a cook.
If this dude was a good guy, he wouldn't have threatened a cop. RIP. He shouldn't have to die this way but he made some really stupid decisions.

He complied until the cuffs came out. Then turned Jekyll/Hyde on the officer's.
I believe that he wasn't even frisked at that point. They didn't know if he was packing or not.
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He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
I'd say the force was justified, not because it started over the punk falling asleep in his car in line at a burger joint, not because he fled, but because the stupid ass, after resisting arrest, stole the cops taser then turned to use it. Had he tased the officer, he might have gotten the gun off of him then been a danger to the officer, the business or the community.

Moral of the story, if you don't want to get your ass popped, don't fight with a cop, steal his weapon, then try to use it on him.

Doubtful. If you watch the video, the guy was running away, and firing over his shoulder. No, he wasn't interested in getting the gun, he was just interested in running away. If he had stopped and aimed, I might be willing to believe your story, but he didn't stop, didn't take time, just fired it over his shoulder, hoping it would let him get away.
Too bad the cop there in that split second didn't have the benefit of your insights and ability to sit back and study the tape in slo-motion.

Rule of the day: Cops carry guns and can shoot you. They might NOT act in your best interest. Police have to make life and death decisions in a split second, that judgement has to be upheld to protect the position of the officer, so unless you're willing to gamble your life, don't fight with a cop, piss him off, steal his weapon, aim it at him and try to use it!
When I was part of the Security Force, we were taught to deescalate a situation. The person who had the taser didn't have lethal force in their hands, and the cops should not have shot him. That isn't deescalation, that is actually escalation, responding to non lethal force with lethal.

What security force?

Part of the Base Security Force (basically base police), while stationed up at Newport RI.

Thats a far cry from policing ghetto gang bangers who could pull out a gun at any second and start shooting....they may not be able to hit shit but they could get lucky.

Depends. There was a week where we had protesters at the gate because a South African ship had docked at the base. Some of them were pretty animated and passionate.

Any shooting from either side?
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
I'd say the force was justified, not because it started over the punk falling asleep in his car in line at a burger joint, not because he fled, but because the stupid ass, after resisting arrest, stole the cops taser then turned to use it. Had he tased the officer, he might have gotten the gun off of him then been a danger to the officer, the business or the community.

Moral of the story, if you don't want to get your ass popped, don't fight with a cop, steal his weapon, then try to use it on him.

Doubtful. If you watch the video, the guy was running away, and firing over his shoulder. No, he wasn't interested in getting the gun, he was just interested in running away. If he had stopped and aimed, I might be willing to believe your story, but he didn't stop, didn't take time, just fired it over his shoulder, hoping it would let him get away.
He took the law enforcement officers Taser. Immediate justification for use of deadly force. He could have disabled the officer and took his weapon. No charges need be filed. If so DA will lose.
When I was part of the Security Force, we were taught to deescalate a situation. The person who had the taser didn't have lethal force in their hands, and the cops should not have shot him. That isn't deescalation, that is actually escalation, responding to non lethal force with lethal.

What security force?

Part of the Base Security Force (basically base police), while stationed up at Newport RI.
The mean streets of the Naval station at Newport.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
Yep. You must stop a fleeing felon facing serious jail time because there is no telling how many people he will kill to stay out of jail. Very dangerous person.

The leftist agitators (in my opinion) tried to burn down the Wendy's hoping to destroy security camera footage of the incident.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
I'd say the force was justified, not because it started over the punk falling asleep in his car in line at a burger joint, not because he fled, but because the stupid ass, after resisting arrest, stole the cops taser then turned to use it. Had he tased the officer, he might have gotten the gun off of him then been a danger to the officer, the business or the community.

Moral of the story, if you don't want to get your ass popped, don't fight with a cop, steal his weapon, then try to use it on him.

Doubtful. If you watch the video, the guy was running away, and firing over his shoulder. No, he wasn't interested in getting the gun, he was just interested in running away. If he had stopped and aimed, I might be willing to believe your story, but he didn't stop, didn't take time, just fired it over his shoulder, hoping it would let him get away.
He took the law enforcement officers Taser. Immediate justification for use of deadly force. He could have disabled the officer and took his weapon. No charges need be filed. If so DA will lose.
The guy's family ought to charged with the loss of the Wendy's and ordered to repay the cost if the actual perps are not found. Had that guy not been a total ass, none of that would have happened, and then the perps will know that not only did they end up hurting the victim's family, but maybe they will come forward and take the blame instead.
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He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
I'd say the force was justified, not because it started over the punk falling asleep in his car in line at a burger joint, not because he fled, but because the stupid ass, after resisting arrest, stole the cops taser then turned to use it. Had he tased the officer, he might have gotten the gun off of him then been a danger to the officer, the business or the community.

Moral of the story, if you don't want to get your ass popped, don't fight with a cop, steal his weapon, then try to use it on him.
If the police had not been called to the scene, after he woke-up he could have driven away and killed someone or even a family.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.

He is wrong. The guy was not a serious threat and the crime he may have committed was trivial. Your older brother should be fired before he kills someone needlessly.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
Yep. You must stop a fleeing felon facing serious jail time because there is no telling how many people he will kill to stay out of jail. Very dangerous person.

If an officer is tazed an incapacitated, the perp can take his sidearm and kill the officer or civilians.

The guy was shot in the back. That was not happening fool.
If this dude was a good guy, he wouldn't have threatened a cop. RIP. He shouldn't have to die this way but he made some really stupid decisions.

He complied until the cuffs came out. Then turned Jekyll/Hide on the officer's.
I believe that he wasn't even frisked at that point. They didn't know if he was packing or not.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
Yep. You must stop a fleeing felon facing serious jail time because there is no telling how many people he will kill to stay out of jail. Very dangerous person.

If an officer is tazed an incapacitated, the perp can take his sidearm and kill the officer or civilians.

The guy was shot in the back. That was not happening fool.

He's dead proof that a perp can take a couple of slugs to the back while turning to fire while running at the same time.
When I was part of the Security Force, we were taught to deescalate a situation. The person who had the taser didn't have lethal force in their hands, and the cops should not have shot him. That isn't deescalation, that is actually escalation, responding to non lethal force with lethal.
That is irresponsible bullshit. Did you watch the video?
If this dude was a good guy, he wouldn't have threatened a cop. RIP. He shouldn't have to die this way but he made some really stupid decisions.

He complied until the cuffs came out. Then turned Jekyll/Hide on the officer's.
I believe that he wasn't even frisked at that point. They didn't know if he was packing or not.
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.
Yep. You must stop a fleeing felon facing serious jail time because there is no telling how many people he will kill to stay out of jail. Very dangerous person.

If an officer is tazed an incapacitated, the perp can take his sidearm and kill the officer or civilians.

The guy was shot in the back. That was not happening fool.

He's dead proof that a perp can take a couple of slugs to the back while turning to fire while running at the same time.

Brooks was frisked, so he had no gun. That has been made clear.

When he took the tazer he ran... That is not being aggressive, that is running.

The cop can try and make the case that he felt his life was in danger... I don't know how, tazer is not a lethal weapon and if he was shot he has another cop beside him.

I feel for as there was a lot of split second decisions but the shooting wasn't right. If it happened again tomorrow it would be wrong. Brooks fires the tazer, Rolf then drops his tazer and pulls his gun a fires... Brooks tazer is effectively unless brooks has more cartilages (he doesn't).

So Brooks is effectively running away from Rolf unarmed. Rolf has no right to shoot at that point. Rolf was trained not to shoot but he did shoot.

Personally I think Rolf got confused with what is a weapon or not in the heat of the moment but better training would have told him that he effectively unarmed and running away... Time to get running or call backup....

Clearly something really spooked Brooks... He wasn't really drunk and was only just over the limit. He panicked... Cops again are supposed to be trained for this...

So Brooks and the cops are both in the wrong but Brooks pays with his life... This wasn't a justified killing in any measure, sorry but the law is the law and administrating the death penalty on the street for resisting arrest is Judge Dredd stuff...

I see a lot of extenuating circumstances, if I was Rolf I would using his previous record and lack of training as a means of defence...
Of course it was. I laugh at the people who say they should have just let him run away from the beginning of the chase.

Because that is a great idea. Let a desperate and aggressive drunk man who has been convicted of several violent felonies loose in downtown Atlanta with a taser. Fantastic.

And once he used the taser? 100% justified.
I don't care what color your skin is if you beat down two cops steal a taser run away and aim that taser at one of the cops you will be shot.....any fool knows this.....any fool that isn't a race baiting cop hater....

You guys do realize that tasers only carry 2-3 shots each, right? And, the taser he took had already been fired once, then he fired it over his shoulder when he was running (and missed), so the most he could have left would be just 1 shot left (more than likely it was empty though). And, there were 2 police on the scene, meaning that if 1 had managed to get shot, there would be 1 left to handle the situation against an unarmed man. was obvious from the video, two cops could not control the point he got away, after taking the taser.......for all the perp knew he had a gun, not the taser. Then, having tasere one officer, that would have left him facing just one officer, when two couldn't control him.....he could have fought the other officer and gotten his gun or the other officers gun...

You guys just don't understand anything pertaining to the real world...
Of course it was. I laugh at the people who say they should have just let him run away from the beginning of the chase.

Because that is a great idea. Let a desperate and aggressive drunk man who has been convicted of several violent felonies loose in downtown Atlanta with a taser. Fantastic.

And once he used the taser? 100% justified.
I don't care what color your skin is if you beat down two cops steal a taser run away and aim that taser at one of the cops you will be shot.....any fool knows this.....any fool that isn't a race baiting cop hater....

You guys do realize that tasers only carry 2-3 shots each, right? And, the taser he took had already been fired once, then he fired it over his shoulder when he was running (and missed), so the most he could have left would be just 1 shot left (more than likely it was empty though). And, there were 2 police on the scene, meaning that if 1 had managed to get shot, there would be 1 left to handle the situation against an unarmed man. was obvious from the video, two cops could not control the point he got away, after taking the taser.......for all the perp knew he had a gun, not the taser. Then, having tasere one officer, that would have left him facing just one officer, when two couldn't control him.....he could have fought the other officer and gotten his gun or the other officers gun...

You guys just don't understand anything pertaining to the real world...

He was frisked so they know he was unarmed and he was running away... That is on the video...
He is correct. Talked to my older brother who is in law enforcement last night. He stated same as the Sheriff.

He is wrong. The guy was not a serious threat and the crime he may have committed was trivial. Your older brother should be fired before he kills someone needlessly.
Trivial crime, fucking pathetic viewpoint there.
He was a drunk operating a 3000 lb deadly weapon. If he killed a family on the road if his night was uninterrupted by police, he would be the common criminal he already was, and not the martyr idiots like you wish to elevate him to.
He was a baby man child who couldn't accept what 99% of those arrested for DUI do. Accept the consequences of their actions like a fucking adult when in the wrong. He chose to throw a tantrum like a pathetic loser and fight armed officers.
His own bad judgment and stupidity cost him his life and good riddance, rather than some innocent person on the road.

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