Black Guy Uses Brass Knuckles to Brutally Pucker Punch 12 Year Old White Kid--National Media Silent.

But whites use brass knuckles too.
Whites do everything blacks do.....just not remotely as often.
Yes. Whites do everything blacks do, but as in all things, it is a matter of degree. The unfortunate part is that blacks can only do few of the things whites do. East Asians are far better, which is why they are successful and useful. Again, a matter of degree.
But whites use brass knuckles too.
Whites do everything blacks do.....just not remotely as often.
Yes. Whites do everything blacks do, but as in all things, it is a matter of degree. The unfortunate part is that blacks can only do few of the things whites do. East Asians are far better, which is why they are successful and useful. Again, a matter of degree.
Blacks commit more violent crimes, in fact it isn't even close. That's the whole point.
Meanwhile a third grade white kid is investigated by police for talking about BROWNIES. Jesus Christ this country is going to hell.
I cannot understand why the RW has such a poor reputation with minorities.
Well, if minorities act like this why would we want a good reputation with them? The question is why do democrats prize thugs so highly?
The sucker punch is disturbing. The news coverage video is also disturbing, with all the race mixing. And the lack of national media attention is even more disturbing. Why? Because black feral savages are a protected class, like gays. But all of that will change when Trump, a true White nationalist, is president.

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Video Shows Attack on Conway 12-Year-Old


06/27 2016

CONWAY, Ark. - The video is disturbing. A 16-year-old boy flashes two middle fingers to the camera. On one hand, he's wearing brass knuckles. Then, he winds up and delivers a devastating punch to a victim with his back turned.

When the victim is on the ground, the suspect delivers three more blows to the head.

Video Shows Attack on Conway 12-year-old
Typical of a socialist society
THIS is where a parent needs to calmly walk into the police station and politely tell the Police Chief - "You take that kid off the streets for as long as the law will allow (charged as an adult) or I WILL take him off the streets permanently."

Are you quoting the parent of the black kid, talking about the white kid? Was that parent an apt pupil of "Reverend" Al Sharpton?

Yeah, I thought so.
Are you quoting the parent of the black kid, talking about the white kid? Was that parent an apt pupil of "Reverend" Al Sharpton?

Yeah, I thought so.

No. I'm talking about the parent of the kid who got punched. An assailant like this MUST be brought to Justice if society is to continue to exist. If the LEOs and Courts cannot make that happen, then the family, friends and community need to.

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