Black Lives Matter creating an atmosphere of fear on college campuses


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
We cannot allow these extremist bullies who work tirelessly to silence people, to win this fight. This professor simply told the truth about the thug Michael Brown, and how the "hands up don't shoot" narrative is not truthful.

Demands that Cornell Fire Clinical Law Prof William Jacobson for Criticizing Black Lives Matter Movement


Prof. Jacobson, best known as the founder of the Legal Insurrection blog, has the details here.

The good news is that he reports that Dean Eduardo Peñalver "properly has defended my writings as protected within my academic freedom, although he strongly disagrees with my views." While protecting faculty's academic freedom is indeed proper, and in fact the perhaps the most important task a dean is charged with in regard to his faculty, nowadays such action cannot always be assumed, so good for Dean Peñalver.

The bad news, reflecting the current toxic environment for faculty dissenters from politically-correct progressivism:

Here's one of his pieces.

Reminder: “Hands up, don’t shoot” is a fabricated narrative from the Michael Brown case

It’s a lie that gave birth to the Black Lives Matter movement, and is chanted by protesters and politicians to this day.

The Black Lives Matter movement was born of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. While the BLM founders started their organizing after the prior Trayvon Martin case, it was Brown and Ferguson which launched the BLM movement into the public spotlight through the protests and riots in Ferguson.

Nothing was more associated with the BLM movement than the chant “hands up, don’t shoot,” based on the narrative that Brown had his hands raised and said ‘don’t shoot’ when shot. That same chant drives protesters and rioters ripping up cities after the George Floyd killing.

This is what happens when you hand power to the mob. They show up with torches and pitchforks demanding men be fired for stating truths such as "ALL LIVES MATTER" and that "HANDS UP, DON'T SHOOT" was completely made up to pump up Black Lives Matter Inc.

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