Black Lives Matter Leader now Yale 'Professor' - Defends Looting


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Black Lives Matter leader lands Yale teaching gig

"One of the newest teachers at the vaunted Yale University burnished his Ivy League resume in the Black Lives Matter movement.

DeRay McKesson will be teaching a one-credit course this fall as a guest lecturer at Yale Divinity School, according to higher education blog Campus Reform. The outspoken activist will be joining U.S. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., and the Rev. Nancy Taylor, whose Old South Church in Boston is located near the site of the 2013 marathon bombing, to teach a special three-section course as part of a new leadership program. The young activist will teach the first section of the course, entitled "Transformational Leadership in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement.”

SWEET - The leader of the 'Hate Group' that has called for the murders of all whites and policemen has been invited to one of he top Ivy League schools to 'educate' our kids on organized liberal hate speech and crime! Of note, this 'professor' actually defends / defended looting, like what went on in Baltimore...... 'nuff said.

(Yay, another 'domestic terrorist' like Bill Ayers gets to 'mold youg minds...')
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He's just a pawn to them. Now they can say, "look how diverse Yale is". If they are willing to bring that filth into their school, they are as vile as he is.
No one can defend a criminal activity. Anyone that loots a business should go to prison for a very long time.
Simply corresponds with my opinion of how profs are completely inept, useless, hugely overpaid, teniored and cannot get fired. None of them do their jobs nor do anything to better students' educational process. The educational system is going away one day since kids can access all they need on the Internet to build their knowledge base independently.
"Black Lives Matter Leader now Yale 'Professor' - Defends Looting"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a composition fallacy.
To complete the course, students are writing papers reflecting on the readings and interactions with McKesson.

Black Lives Matter leader lands Yale teaching gig

"One of the newest teachers at the vaunted Yale University burnished his Ivy League resume in the Black Lives Matter movement.

DeRay McKesson will be teaching a one-credit course this fall as a guest lecturer at Yale Divinity School, according to higher education blog Campus Reform. The outspoken activist will be joining U.S. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., and the Rev. Nancy Taylor, whose Old South Church in Boston is located near the site of the 2013 marathon bombing, to teach a special three-section course as part of a new leadership program. The young activist will teach the first section of the course, entitled "Transformational Leadership in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement.”

SWEET - The leader of the 'Hate Group' that has called for the murders of all whites and policemen has been invited to one of he top Ivy League schools to 'educate' our kids on organized liberal hate speech and crime! Of note, this 'professor' actually defends / defended looting, like what went on in Baltimore...... 'nuff said.

(Yay, another 'domestic terrorist' like Bill Ayers gets to 'mold youg minds...')

Yo, cross that "Socialist College" off your list!!!

To complete the course, students are writing papers reflecting on the readings and interactions with McKesson.

I would sign up for the course just for that opportunity alone. I doubt he would like what I had to say. :laugh:
I watched the Ferguson riots as they were happening. There were shootings, fires, and looting, and the only building the cops defended was the court/police station.

The people in charge wanted this to happen.
No one can defend a criminal activity. Anyone that loots a business should go to prison for a very long time.
Try looting mine and you won't be going to prison. (and it don't take no scientist to figure out why)
Black Lives Matter leader lands Yale teaching gig

"One of the newest teachers at the vaunted Yale University burnished his Ivy League resume in the Black Lives Matter movement.

DeRay McKesson will be teaching a one-credit course this fall as a guest lecturer at Yale Divinity School, according to higher education blog Campus Reform. The outspoken activist will be joining U.S. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., and the Rev. Nancy Taylor, whose Old South Church in Boston is located near the site of the 2013 marathon bombing, to teach a special three-section course as part of a new leadership program. The young activist will teach the first section of the course, entitled "Transformational Leadership in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement.”

SWEET - The leader of the 'Hate Group' that has called for the murders of all whites and policemen has been invited to one of he top Ivy League schools to 'educate' our kids on organized liberal hate speech and crime! Of note, this 'professor' actually defends / defended looting, like what went on in Baltimore...... 'nuff said.

(Yay, another 'domestic terrorist' like Bill Ayers gets to 'mold youg minds...')

well, at least theres not too many negroes in college.
I watched the Ferguson riots as they were happening. There were shootings, fires, and looting, and the only building the cops defended was the court/police station.

The people in charge wanted this to happen.

That's because THEY were the TARGETS of the shooting / violence!

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