Black males set 4 people on fire in Denver


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Black males set 4 people on fire in Denver

DENVER - Denver police say four people were set afire during an assault in North Denver Thursday night.

The incident happened in the 4300 block of Lipan Street shortly before 7:30 p.m.

Police spokesman Raquel Lopez said two black males knocked on an apartment door and when a woman answered, she was sprayed with some type of liquid from a lawn and garden sprayer. She was then set afire when the men threw a match or lighter on her. She said the initial report of a small propane torch was incorrect. .

Three others inside - 2 men and a second woman -- the apartment were also sprayed and set afire, but suffered only minor burns, she said.

Lopez said the woman who answered the door was the most seriously burned and she was transported by ambulance to a local hospital.

Police do not have a motive for the attacks but they called the incident "highly unusual and extremely scary."

Police were trying to get better descriptions of the suspects.

Police are also investigating an earlier robbery with flammable liquid used at a check-cashing service at 32nd and Champa streets, in the Curtis Park neighborhood.
7NEWS - Four people set on fire during assault in North Denver - Local Story
While both white and black people commit similar crimes, black people by far commit the greater percentage of crimes of increasing violence. Some crimes are close to being exclusively black. Random flash mob attacks are done by groups who are both black and young.
While both white and black people commit similar crimes, black people by far commit the greater percentage of crimes of increasing violence. Some crimes are close to being exclusively black. Random flash mob attacks are done by groups who are both black and young.

Mass shootings in public places like schools, malls, theatres and restraunts are also close to being exclusively committed by whites.

What is your point?
If it were White people setting Blacks on fire Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson would be marching in Selma Alabama.

The typical Liberal does this:

Attacks Whites and Christians, Defends Blacks and Muslims.

No matter what the circumstances.
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If it were White people setting Blacks on fire Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson would be marching in Selma Alabama.

The typical Liberal does this:

Attacks Whites and Christians, Defends Blacks and Muslims.

No matter what the circumstances.

This is why I feel it is justified to point out black racism so much. They're willing to go on Tv and scream us down for far less.
Why the fuck does it matter that they were black? You think a white person wouldn't do such a thing?
The point is blacks have a greater propensity for violence; they have more testosterone, and less reasoning skills - so they are quick to wrath; enculterated with malevolence, and disrespect! Their really is a great disparity between black, and white violent crimes. All you have to do is look at the evidence - if your bleeding heart ideology will allow you to. There must be reason?
My explanation, as sound as it is, will not be accepted by the left even with a crushing preponderance of evidence - you all have a mental intractible impass that won't allow you to entertain any possible truth that opposes your ideology; you have empty ofuscating rebuttlals, because you do not have the courage to reason!
Mathew has repeatedly tried to dialog about a malignancy of great deleterious concern - blacks as a whole ( especially black males ) are a societal liability; they take more than they give, and there are many Americans ( black, white, and other ) who are tired of the shit- what is the solution? :confused:
Why the fuck does it matter that they were black? You think a white person wouldn't do such a thing?
The point is blacks have a greater propensity for violence; they have more testosterone, and less reasoning skills - so they are quick to wrath; enculterated with malevolence, and disrespect! Their really is a great disparity between black, and white violent crimes. All you have to do is look at the evidence - if your bleeding heart ideology will allow you to. There must be reason?
My explanation, as sound as it is, will not be accepted by the left even with a crushing preponderance of evidence - you all have a mental intractible impass that won't allow you to entertain any possible truth that opposes your ideology; you have empty ofuscating rebuttlals, because you do not have the courage to reason!
Mathew has repeatedly tried to dialog about a malignancy of great deleterious concern - blacks as a whole ( especially black males ) are a societal liability; they take more than they give, and there are many Americans ( black, white, and other ) who are tired of the shit- what is the solution? :confused:

The problem is males.

The greatest genocides have been perpetrated by white males. Stalin. Hitler. White males.

I'm also willing to bet that more blacks have been killed by white guys than the other way around. Heck, this one event alone probably accounted for more blacks killed by whites than all the whites killed by blacks in recorded history.

From 1885 to 1908, it is estimated that the Congolese native population decreased by about ten million people.

Belgian Congo | Colonial Genocides | Genocide Studies Program | Yale University
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Hey Matthew, when are you going to start a thread that says "White male guns down children in CT school?"

Did he make his attack based on racial hatred? I doubt it. You're ok with the 8 times murder rate of blacks and you use this nut to throw dirt over it.

Now, I'm not making excuses for what this piece of shit did to those innocent kids.
Hey Matthew, when are you going to start a thread that says "White male guns down children in CT school?"

at least one in four black males goes to jail at least once in his lifetime. jail! how many white males shoot up a public place?

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