Black males set 4 people on fire in Denver

Every color commits heinous crimes - dah! This thread is about black crime, the huge disparity. Not one liberal will even acknowledge the math for reasons I previously stated. You can't have a dialog if you don't recognize the facts.
Do you think that if an alien race covertly studied human socialism that they wouldn't place blacks on the
bottom of the list? They are the least social; responsible for more societal degragation than any other race in America - those are the facts!
:offtopic: " but whites commit crimes too " :ahole-1:
Yes Matthew all blacks are evil

LOl...............That ubiquitous "black bogeyman" sure has lots of folks scared:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

But that was a white boy who had a whole town of white folks scared yesterday after he slaughtered 27 people,20 lil kindergartens,7adults,all white.

No Huey, there was actually a bi racial child killed as well. The daughter of a professional saxophone player(I think his last name is Greene). He happens to be black. no matter what race, it was innocent children, and too many of these types of shootings are becoming common place
But come'on steve, all black people are evil!

Yes...........evil and dangerous. As we speak, the majority of the black population is in a "huddle meeting", thinking of ways to further victimize the entire white population.:eusa_boohoo:

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