Black man hailed as Waffle house hero......where's the love?

Err I understand it's intent perfectly. It's sniveling rubbish and a troll post.

It would serve you better to look in the mirror dickhead ... :thup:


I only troll troll trolls, Snowflake, especially trolls posting in troll threads. You can usually get even by whining to Coyote or Doctorisin; they love censoring posters and feeling weirdos' pain n stuff.

Or don't ... There's nothing to whine about in my comments.
Feel free to rage on if necessary ... It is of no consequence to me ... :thup:

Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
“I just wanted to live,” 29-year-old James Shaw Jr. said of his decision to fight back.

We all know, had this been a white guy who took on the murdering white guy with a gun......Trump would be tweeting like a drunkin GOP mobster, haralding this guy to the high heavens of glory.....but because its a negro man.....silence!!

I would also like to add, for the first time in US mass murders by WHITE PEOPLE.....finally a low down dirty murdering white guy.......with 2 names....let the history book note that!!

And his fuckin dad should be arrested and charged too...I;m sick of these gun loving white nuts killing mf's cause they BORED!!

You are a nut job who needs to get some kind of a life. :dunno: I'm willing to bet that black man would want nothing to do with the likes of you, no matter the color of your skin. It's simply because you are an asshole. :D
Agreed. I really don't know why Triggered has to make everything about race.
Um...that's what racist assholes do. In spades in her case.
Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
“I just wanted to live,” 29-year-old James Shaw Jr. said of his decision to fight back.

We all know, had this been a white guy who took on the murdering white guy with a gun......Trump would be tweeting like a drunkin GOP mobster, haralding this guy to the high heavens of glory.....but because its a negro man.....silence!!

I would also like to add, for the first time in US mass murders by WHITE PEOPLE.....finally a low down dirty murdering white guy.......with 2 names....let the history book note that!!

And his fuckin dad should be arrested and charged too...I;m sick of these gun loving white nuts killing mf's cause they BORED!!
The black guy was one really lucky guy.

Imagine he was still holding the weapon he took away from the crazy. There would be five dead. Four by the crazy and a black guy with 50 bullets pumped into him as he was running away because the police thought his fingernail was a gun even though his hands were straight up and he was crying it wasn't me, it wasn't me......

Republicans feel crazies have the right to carry semi automatic weapons. They'll say this is the fault of Chicago, no matter where the shooting took place.
Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
“I just wanted to live,” 29-year-old James Shaw Jr. said of his decision to fight back.

We all know, had this been a white guy who took on the murdering white guy with a gun......Trump would be tweeting like a drunkin GOP mobster, haralding this guy to the high heavens of glory.....but because its a negro man.....silence!!

I would also like to add, for the first time in US mass murders by WHITE PEOPLE.....finally a low down dirty murdering white guy.......with 2 names....let the history book note that!!

And his fuckin dad should be arrested and charged too...I;m sick of these gun loving white nuts killing mf's cause they BORED!!
I gotz a blunt and a forty if hes wanting it..But hes gotz to say someting fast or it will be gone..
This has been shared thousands of times on facebook. The OP is racist and full of shit.
View attachment 189561
I'm serious. Thank God he threw the gun away. Still surprised with the murderer gone, the police didn't pump him full of bullets. You know how they love to shoot unarmed black men.
If unarmed black bastards could just learn what show me your hands really means.
This has been shared thousands of times on facebook. The OP is racist and full of shit.
View attachment 189561
I'm serious. Thank God he threw the gun away. Still surprised with the murderer gone, the police didn't pump him full of bullets. You know how they love to shoot unarmed black men.
If unarmed black bastards could just learn what show me your hands really means.
Yeah it means dey gonna shoot you wit yer hands up in da air, like you just don't care...
Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
“I just wanted to live,” 29-year-old James Shaw Jr. said of his decision to fight back.

We all know, had this been a white guy who took on the murdering white guy with a gun......Trump would be tweeting like a drunkin GOP mobster, haralding this guy to the high heavens of glory.....but because its a negro man.....silence!!

I would also like to add, for the first time in US mass murders by WHITE PEOPLE.....finally a low down dirty murdering white guy.......with 2 names....let the history book note that!!

And his fuckin dad should be arrested and charged too...I;m sick of these gun loving white nuts killing mf's cause they BORED!!

You are a nut job who needs to get some kind of a life. :dunno: I'm willing to bet that black man would want nothing to do with the likes of you, no matter the color of your skin. It's simply because you are an asshole. :D
Ask me do I give a fuck? Listen, he's proboally dating a white mop anyways, next?
Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
“I just wanted to live,” 29-year-old James Shaw Jr. said of his decision to fight back.

We all know, had this been a white guy who took on the murdering white guy with a gun......Trump would be tweeting like a drunkin GOP mobster, haralding this guy to the high heavens of glory.....but because its a negro man.....silence!!

I would also like to add, for the first time in US mass murders by WHITE PEOPLE.....finally a low down dirty murdering white guy.......with 2 names....let the history book note that!!

And his fuckin dad should be arrested and charged too...I;m sick of these gun loving white nuts killing mf's cause they BORED!!

Spot on, Lying Trump and the rest of the "I'm not racist but let me do everything a racist would say and do but deny it" crowd are silent. They don't want a black man to get credit for such a heroic act. Rushing someone that has an assault weapon and is shooting people IS heroic.

While they're tearing down these bullshit statues of all the racists in the south how about put up a statue of this guy James Shaw who is a real hero.

Tiger doesn't like you. YOU are white and are therefore responsible for all the atrocities committed against African Americans throughout history. You need to pay Tiger some reparations before you can be beg the black people to "like" you. :dunno:
Chris, clearly your obsessed with me and its okay....but listen, there is wide strip between the cracks of my ass just waiting for you to kiss to oblige?
This has been shared thousands of times on facebook. The OP is racist and full of shit.
View attachment 189561
Unsuprising, what the OP has accomplished, is getting suckers like you asssssss always is to get on board the soul train, follow my lead and talk about this soon to be sell out hero....AND IT WORKS ALL THE FUCKIN TIME, because you nuts love love love attacking the Tiger red
Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
“I just wanted to live,” 29-year-old James Shaw Jr. said of his decision to fight back.

We all know, had this been a white guy who took on the murdering white guy with a gun......Trump would be tweeting like a drunkin GOP mobster, haralding this guy to the high heavens of glory.....but because its a negro man.....silence!!

I would also like to add, for the first time in US mass murders by WHITE PEOPLE.....finally a low down dirty murdering white guy.......with 2 names....let the history book note that!!

And his fuckin dad should be arrested and charged too...I;m sick of these gun loving white nuts killing mf's cause they BORED!!

Spot on, Lying Trump and the rest of the "I'm not racist but let me do everything a racist would say and do but deny it" crowd are silent. They don't want a black man to get credit for such a heroic act. Rushing someone that has an assault weapon and is shooting people IS heroic.

While they're tearing down these bullshit statues of all the racists in the south how about put up a statue of this guy James Shaw who is a real hero.

Tiger doesn't like you. YOU are white and are therefore responsible for all the atrocities committed against African Americans throughout history. You need to pay Tiger some reparations before you can be beg the black people to "like" you. :dunno:

Better to keep your self-speak behind the curtain.

ALL white people are racists and bigots. You think you are special or somethin? *points and laughs* :D Maybe if you kiss up a little more, they will like you?
Bitch, all conservative dick suckin Trump supporters are racist with you leading the way. Own it and move on
I wonder how anyone can follow their political party lock and step. It is just SO weird. Lol.

you don't seem to have a problem with it

Everyone here knows I'm a centrist. The problem here is I will never agree to give up one of my Bill of Rights rights to the government. Just the term "Bill of RIGHTS" should explain why, but you leftists will never get it, I'm sure. :)
I'm shocked that your dumb white ass can even spell the fuckin bill of rights let alone know its meaning. You government using white mf's make me sick...always whining about your fuckin rights...the only right you whore's have is to die someday with the hopes somebody gives a fuck about you enough to fill in the hole after your done!!
Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
“I just wanted to live,” 29-year-old James Shaw Jr. said of his decision to fight back.

We all know, had this been a white guy who took on the murdering white guy with a gun......Trump would be tweeting like a drunkin GOP mobster, haralding this guy to the high heavens of glory.....but because its a negro man.....silence!!

I would also like to add, for the first time in US mass murders by WHITE PEOPLE.....finally a low down dirty murdering white guy.......with 2 names....let the history book note that!!

And his fuckin dad should be arrested and charged too...I;m sick of these gun loving white nuts killing mf's cause they BORED!!

You are a nut job who needs to get some kind of a life. :dunno: I'm willing to bet that black man would want nothing to do with the likes of you, no matter the color of your skin. It's simply because you are an asshole. :D
Agreed. I really don't know why Triggered has to make everything about race.
Um...that's what racist assholes do. In spades in her case.
LOLOLO....never thought I'd live to see white whiners, throw the word racist around as if, its a new day and age for them......News Flash, mfs.....YOU MF'S CREATED THE WORD, PERFECTED ITS MEANING AND OWN IT!!
Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
“I just wanted to live,” 29-year-old James Shaw Jr. said of his decision to fight back.

We all know, had this been a white guy who took on the murdering white guy with a gun......Trump would be tweeting like a drunkin GOP mobster, haralding this guy to the high heavens of glory.....but because its a negro man.....silence!!

I would also like to add, for the first time in US mass murders by WHITE PEOPLE.....finally a low down dirty murdering white guy.......with 2 names....let the history book note that!!

And his fuckin dad should be arrested and charged too...I;m sick of these gun loving white nuts killing mf's cause they BORED!!

The real shame in all of this is that a man like that is NOT the role model for a lot of inner city youths. Instead, they would rather glorify criminals who get shot in the commission of crimes by the cops, or martyr them, whatever the case may be.
Uh, that beautiful intelligent, articulate leader, ie Barack Obama is the role model for every black person born and yet unborn...just as Donald Dumb represents you white moronic vomit smelling simps!!
Spot on, Lying Trump and the rest of the "I'm not racist but let me do everything a racist would say and do but deny it" crowd are silent. They don't want a black man to get credit for such a heroic act. Rushing someone that has an assault weapon and is shooting people IS heroic.

While they're tearing down these bullshit statues of all the racists in the south how about put up a statue of this guy James Shaw who is a real hero.

Tiger doesn't like you. YOU are white and are therefore responsible for all the atrocities committed against African Americans throughout history. You need to pay Tiger some reparations before you can be beg the black people to "like" you. :dunno:

Better to keep your self-speak behind the curtain.

ALL white people are racists and bigots. You think you are special or somethin? *points and laughs* :D Maybe if you kiss up a little more, they will like you?

View attachment 189560

Looks like Marty Feldman doesn't it?

Never heard of him, but the point here is that you are a white person. Wrap that noose around your neck and beg for forgiveness . . . or send a check. They may even accept American Express.

You have a bizarre way of looking at life. Just ignore James Shaw's race, he did a heroic act without question regardless of his race, his height, or his golf score.
Chris, clearly your obsessed with me and its okay....but listen, there is wide strip between the cracks of my ass just waiting for you to kiss to oblige?
You have cracks in your ass? How many?

And a wide strip between them? Do you peel it open or wut up wit dat.
Waffle House Customer Hailed A Hero After Wrestling Rifle Away From Shooter
“I just wanted to live,” 29-year-old James Shaw Jr. said of his decision to fight back.

We all know, had this been a white guy who took on the murdering white guy with a gun......Trump would be tweeting like a drunkin GOP mobster, haralding this guy to the high heavens of glory.....but because its a negro man.....silence!!

I would also like to add, for the first time in US mass murders by WHITE PEOPLE.....finally a low down dirty murdering white guy.......with 2 names....let the history book note that!!

And his fuckin dad should be arrested and charged too...I;m sick of these gun loving white nuts killing mf's cause they BORED!!

Spot on, Lying Trump and the rest of the "I'm not racist but let me do everything a racist would say and do but deny it" crowd are silent. They don't want a black man to get credit for such a heroic act. Rushing someone that has an assault weapon and is shooting people IS heroic.

While they're tearing down these bullshit statues of all the racists in the south how about put up a statue of this guy James Shaw who is a real hero.

You gotta love it. When President Trump tweets, you have a meltdown. If he doesn’t tweet, you have a meltdown.

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