Cop shoots black man in the eye

You folks are mentally deranged and racist

Trump made us that way. Actually, we had it in us all along. Trump just brought it out of us.

I'm channeling my inner-liberal again. I need to ask the doctor to prescribe something for that. o_O
Don't you guys get a little tired of pushing this same ol' crap? No mention of all the good stuff cops do, or the huge black on black violence in poor black communities?
How many good cops does it take to justify the actions of a bad cop? 10 to 1? 100 to 1? When is a bad cop justified? If they help 100 little old ladies cross the street, is it then OK for them to murder one black child walking down the street??
How many good cops does it take to justify the actions of a bad cop? 10 to 1? 100 to 1? When is a bad cop justified? If they help 100 little old ladies cross the street, is it then OK for them to murder one black child walking down the street??
Nobody does this. Talking facts or statistically: black males are far likely to die at the hands of other blacks, not white cops. So how about we address that FIRST? Sound fair?
What passes for a cop in this century are low IQ, trigger happy , half men
Drunk and trying to enter my house without permission… I would have shot the motherfucjer too. 00 Buckshot would likely have done a lot more damage to this kid’s head. If not the slug following it would have.
If he's black you'd likely be in prison now just like that fellow from Dearborn (Detroit suburb)
Nobody does this. Talking facts or statistically: black males are far likely to die at the hands of other blacks, not white cops. So how about we address that FIRST? Sound fair?
Got it. Don't worry about that dead kid. We'll get back around to him after we end all black crime. When we get all black folk perfect, then we'll get back to him. Sounds reasonable, right?
Got it. Don't worry about that dead kid. We'll get back around to him after we end all black crime. When we get all black folk perfect, then we'll get back to him. Sounds reasonable, right?
Actually let obsess on just just that ONE black kid. Let's blame ALL white cops and racism. Let's ignore all the other black kids slaughtered by other blacks and dysfunctional poor black culture. Because, we have a narrative to conserve, don't we?
Actually let obsess on just just that ONE black kid. Let's blame ALL white cops and racism. Let's ignore all the other black kids slaughtered by other blacks and dysfunctional poor black culture. Because, we have a narrative to conserve, don't we?
Well, no. Lets investigate why that dead kid is dead, and if he has been murdered, lets punish that murderer, even if he is a cop.

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