Black man kidnaps white woman, forces her to watch all 9 hours of Roots...

I don't mean to defend the guy's choice of action, but if nine hours was how long he had the girl for, is that long enough to be considered a kidnapping? I don't normally watch the Law & Order SVU show, but I did see an episode of the show where the guy in question was finally nailed because he kept at least one of his rape victims for more than twelve hours which is how his wrong doing was given the kidnapping sticker, an act that had no statue of limitations time limit. The guy was then given a thirty year prison sentence for it.

God bless you and the woman always!!!


If she was taken against her will for two seconds it is kidnapping.
9 hours of Roots ?
Good lord, couldn't he try another torture that's less painful, like maybe bamboo chutes under the fingernails ?
^^^ If they live together, how can it be considered a kidnapping?

God bless you always!!!

Because he held there against her will, threatened her, wouldn't let her leave...

This may shock you, but a husband can be charged with raping his wife as well...
I am well aware about what you say here concerning the act of rape. Rape is rape no matter what the status is of the people involved.

I don't mean to defend the guy's choice of action, but if nine hours was how long he had the girl for, is that long enough to be considered a kidnapping? I don't normally watch the Law & Order SVU show, but I did see an episode of the show where the guy in question was finally nailed because he kept at least one of his rape victims for more than twelve hours which is how his wrong doing was given the kidnapping sticker, an act that had no statue of limitations time limit. The guy was then given a thirty year prison sentence for it.

God bless you and the woman always!!!

If she was taken against her will for two seconds it is kidnapping.
Thank you for the knowledge.

God bless you two always!!!

African American man kidnaps white woman and makes her watch Roots to 'understand her racism' | Daily Mail Online

An African American man kidnapped a white woman and forced her to watch nine-hour slavery miniseries Roots so she could 'understand her racism'.

Cedar Rapids police seized 52-year-old Robert Noyes on Monday on charges of first-degree harassment and false imprisonment.

The woman, who was not clearly described in previous reports as being white, was allegedly forced to sit with Noye and threatened when she tried to move from watching the 1977 TV miniseries.

I love this guy. :lmao:
Coulda been worse. Imagine having to watch 8 hours of Auntie Maxine footage.
Seriously speaking, forcing someone to watch a movie will usually not change anyone's mind.

What DOES work, however, are entertaining movies that quietly sneak in a message.

I have read that some movie producers admit that for many years before 2008, they produced both serious and humorous movies and TV shows about this country having a non-Caucasian president.

And their efforts paid off.
^^^ If they live together, how can it be considered a kidnapping?

If they actually live together, how can a beating with broken arms, collarbone and jaw broken be considered assault?

If they actually live together, how can tying her up and having forcible sex for days be considered rape?

If they actually live together, how can sex with the children be considered pedophilia assault?
^^^ If they live together, how can it be considered a kidnapping?
If they actually live together, how can a beating with broken arms, collarbone and jaw broken be considered assault?

If they actually live together, how can tying her up and having forcible sex for days be considered rape?

If they actually live together, how can sex with the children be considered pedophilia assault?
I get what you are meaning here, but the guy doesn't appear to be guilty of anything that horrendous which is the only point that I was trying to make in my earlier message. If making the girl watch nine hours worth of a TV show is all that really took place between the two of them, how bad is that really in the grand scheme, especially when what you mention here is way worse?

God bless you always!!!

I get what you are meaning here, but the guy doesn't appear to be guilty of anything that horrendous which is the only point that I was trying to make in my earlier message. If making the girl watch nine hours worth of a TV show is all that really took place between the two of them, how bad is that really in the grand scheme, especially when what you mention here is way worse?

It's okay with you to be forced to watch something for nine hours with the threat 'When she tried to move, he is accused of saying he would 'kill her and spread her body parts across Interstate 380 on the way to Chicago"'?

Seems to me you are enabling serious racist criminal intent by a black MAN against a white WOMAN and any such behavior by any man should, if there were any justice, which there probably isn't, lead to him spending a lot of years in prison: hopefully till he died there.

If this is the way you like men to treat you, I suggest you advertise it on one of these Internet dating sites: I bet you'd get DOZENS of men hoping to go out with you and abuse, threaten, kidnap, murder you, and desecrate your body all over Interstate 380.

Wake up, woman: Naïvetee is the worst way to live in this life. It just opens you up to every predator around. And don't tell me any silly pious slogan the way you typically end your posts ---- that's offensive nonsense. Get your head together and don't enable serious violent abusers.
African American man kidnaps white woman and makes her watch Roots to 'understand her racism' | Daily Mail Online

An African American man kidnapped a white woman and forced her to watch nine-hour slavery miniseries Roots so she could 'understand her racism'.

Cedar Rapids police seized 52-year-old Robert Noyes on Monday on charges of first-degree harassment and false imprisonment.

The woman, who was not clearly described in previous reports as being white, was allegedly forced to sit with Noye and threatened when she tried to move from watching the 1977 TV miniseries.

I love this guy. :lmao:
I would have selected "Watermelon Man" instead.
As a matter of fact every Republican should watch it.
African American man kidnaps white woman and makes her watch Roots to 'understand her racism' | Daily Mail Online

An African American man kidnapped a white woman and forced her to watch nine-hour slavery miniseries Roots so she could 'understand her racism'.

Cedar Rapids police seized 52-year-old Robert Noyes on Monday on charges of first-degree harassment and false imprisonment.

The woman, who was not clearly described in previous reports as being white, was allegedly forced to sit with Noye and threatened when she tried to move from watching the 1977 TV miniseries.

I love this guy. :lmao:

Mother fucker! I bet that white girl was smoking weed. It makes white chicks want to have sex with black dudes.
There should be a long prison term, obviously.
There won't be -- and probably NO jail time -- because black males get to do any kind of crime against white women, including the Barnard girl killing, with no penalties.

Are you fucking kidding? Have you looked at the demographics of who is in prison and who isn't, Tard-a-roni?

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