Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

This is how these criminals are dealt with.

Military hardware still flowing to local police after Ferguson - Washington Times

There you go. When black people want to rise up. They get an expected response.

That's how you impose tyranny.
No, it's how you stop the beginning of White Genocide!
you mean payback for all the genocides white have propagated on themselves and everybody else.
I really hope you're not allowed to breed.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be jailed, fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
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Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
smoking weed is as American as hot dogs!
arresting him was uncalled for .
you shit head are the true enemy of the state...
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.

Being against laws that hurt no one is unAmerican?
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.
And one more tiny step towards they days when our police will have said fuck it, and wont so shit anymore, and the animals will run our cities by mob rule.

Planet of the Apes may be a documentary.

Oh no! They wont harass citizens for no reason anymore! What will we do?

If by "doing nothing" you mean committing crimes like drug possession and robbing gas stations...then yes.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.

Being against laws that hurt no one is unAmerican?
The law is the law. Obey them and the police's authority or go to jail. It's that simple.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.

Being against laws that hurt no one is unAmerican?

Fighting with police isn't peaceful you fucking illiterate baboon
People rising up is the only answer to tyranny
I'd hardly call enforcing the law tyranny. What is Tyranny is blacks subjecting cops and whites to unreasonable demands and acting like they have the right to break the law without consequences based on the color of their skin. I'm tired of the race card. So far none of these morons they seem to be supporting as "victims" of police violence wasn't breaking the law. You're not black or white, you're American and America has laws. You break them you get arrested end of story. Do they actually think the police would have responded differently if these men had been white? You don't like rules, there's the door, go pull this crap on Russia or in the Middle East and see how far you get.
I'm ready for a race war.
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.

Oh well, when you trample on people eventually they are going to stand up
And one more tiny step towards they days when our police will have said fuck it, and wont so shit anymore, and the animals will run our cities by mob rule.

Planet of the Apes may be a documentary.

Oh no! They wont harass citizens for no reason anymore! What will we do?

If by "doing nothing" you mean committing crimes like drug possession and robbing gas stations...then yes.

No I mean like harassing citizens for no reason. No reason meaning like, No reason
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.

Being against laws that hurt no one is unAmerican?

Fighting with police isn't peaceful you fucking illiterate baboon

Maybe you saw me mention the word fighting, but I didnt.
I'm ready for a race war.
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.

Oh well, when you trample on people eventually they are going to stand up

I've trampled on no one. Yet.
Those of us that live in the real world knows what is happening. The media is fooling us into believing whites are evil as blacks systematically destroy our country. They are destroying our economy, education system and now our judicial system. Our political system is now becoming an international joke. Stats loudly display the truth that there is no validity to their protest and complaints; however, the left is throwing in more and more support for their lies, as white lives continue to be attacked on an even more frequent basis. There is trouble in the air. I only hope whites wake up to what is REALLY happening.


You are ignoring the reason for this mob action.

If these cops were arresting someone for an actual crime, I would be on their side. But what was this fellow doing? Who was he hurting? I'm personally glad the mob interfered with this bullshit arrest -- and I don't care who disagrees with me!

Enough of this stupid goddam marijuana prohibition.

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