Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.
bullshit in most places it's a ticket able offence.
in most cases the officer has discretion .
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?
I'm ready for a race war.
when it starts I'll be sure to see you first.

In Texas City over the past weekend we had a cop kill a black man and Houston's version of Al Sharpton showed up. His name is Quanell X, well they went to protesting against the cops so about thirty of us show up and start protesting the protesters and there was some pushing and shoving that went on along with a lot of trash talk but in the end no real violence happened.

Tempers flare over Texas City police shooting News - Home

Fatal Texas City police shooting under investigation - Houston Chronicle

Family speaks out after police shooting in Texas City News - Home

We didn't back down.

How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.
bullshit in most places it's a ticket able offence.
in most cases the officer has discretion .
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?
No. Of course not. The white guy would have been arrested without incident. 75 black terrorists wouldn't fight with the police over a white guy getting arrested.
I'm ready for a race war.
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.

Oh well, when you trample on people eventually they are going to stand up

I've trampled on no one. Yet.

Thats even more reason why you taking offense is illogical
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be jailed, fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
Do yourself a favor and read some of Thomas Paine's work. I recommend Common Sense to start with.

Educate yourself on what being American really means, because you obviously have it backward. If I am an enemy of any state it is the emerging police state which you seem to approve of.
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.
bullshit in most places it's a ticket able offence.
in most cases the officer has discretion .
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?

How many times a day do you have to prove you're a stupid, lying sack of shit?

From the OP

But the man quickly scampered away, going into a house near the corner of Southwest Eighth Avenue and Southwest Third Court. Officers tried to talk to the man, but out from the house came about 20 people and they were forming a human shield.

The man ran from police.How do you know they wouldn't have just ticketed him and moved on? Or if even that?

Occasionally a person gets scared and runs from the police for nor reason. but USUALLY when someone bolts from what should be a routine ticket, it's for a reason.

Are you capable of admitting that this man escalated things by running?

Or, do you now suggest that running from the cops is okay?
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be jailed, fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
Do yourself a favor and read some of Thomas Paine's work. I recommend Common Sense to start with.

Educate yourself on what being American really means, because you obviously have it backward. If I am an enemy of any state it is the emerging police state which you seem to approve of.
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
How do you know they wouldn't have just ticketed him and moved on? Or if even that?

I want you to think about this for a second. What reason do you have that shows that a black man will simply receive a ticket for a non-violent offense when our jails are FILLED with Non Violent offenders? Should they suspend disbelief?
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?
Maybe not -- but it should!

Anyone who believes we need the police wasting their time on this kind of nonsense is a narrow-minded fool.

So get the law changed, UNTIL then the law is the law.

and frankly, I should be free to walk down any street in America with my children without fear of them smelling marijuana.
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

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I'm ready for a race war.
when it starts I'll be sure to see you first.

In Texas City over the past weekend we had a cop kill a black man and Houston's version of Al Sharpton showed up. His name is Quanell X, well they went to protesting against the cops so about thirty of us show up and start protesting the protesters and there was some pushing and shoving that went on along with a lot of trash talk but in the end no real violence happened.

Tempers flare over Texas City police shooting News - Home

Fatal Texas City police shooting under investigation - Houston Chronicle

Family speaks out after police shooting in Texas City News - Home

We didn't back down.

As to this race war you and your pal are drooling for depends on a majority of Americans rallying to your cause.
that ain't gonna happen.
besides the president whoever, he or she is will call in the armed forces and then you'll see what your hatred has made.
I'm ready for a race war.
when it starts I'll be sure to see you first.

In Texas City over the past weekend we had a cop kill a black man and Houston's version of Al Sharpton showed up. His name is Quanell X, well they went to protesting against the cops so about thirty of us show up and start protesting the protesters and there was some pushing and shoving that went on along with a lot of trash talk but in the end no real violence happened.

Tempers flare over Texas City police shooting News - Home

Fatal Texas City police shooting under investigation - Houston Chronicle

Family speaks out after police shooting in Texas City News - Home

We didn't back down.

As to this race war you and your pal are drooling for depends on a majority of Americans rallying to your cause.
that ain't gonna happen.
besides the president whoever, he or she is will call in the armed forces and then you'll see what your hatred has made.

call the armed forces? LOL for what you moron
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.
bullshit in most places it's a ticket able offence.
in most cases the officer has discretion .
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?

How many times a day do you have to prove you're a stupid, lying sack of shit?

From the OP

But the man quickly scampered away, going into a house near the corner of Southwest Eighth Avenue and Southwest Third Court. Officers tried to talk to the man, but out from the house came about 20 people and they were forming a human shield.

The man ran from police.How do you know they wouldn't have just ticketed him and moved on? Or if even that?

Occasionally a person gets scared and runs from the police for nor reason. but USUALLY when someone bolts from what should be a routine ticket, it's for a reason.

Are you capable of admitting that this man escalated things by running?

Or, do you now suggest that running from the cops is okay?
I'm suggesting anything.
he ran from the cops even thought it's not a good idea. because of real or imagined prior treatment by the cops.
being ok has jack shit to do with it .
my guess is if the cops had said from the start it was a minor ticket able offence things would have been different.
his running did not escalate the situation their pursuit did.
ass always you make false statements
I'm ready for a race war.
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.

Oh well, when you trample on people eventually they are going to stand up

I've trampled on no one. Yet.

Thats even more reason why you taking offense is illogical

I'm not offended.
How do you know they wouldn't have just ticketed him and moved on? Or if even that?

I want you to think about this for a second. What reason do you have that shows that a black man will simply receive a ticket for a non-violent offense when our jails are FILLED with Non Violent offenders? Should they suspend disbelief?
my point exactly
I'm ready for a race war.
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.

Oh well, when you trample on people eventually they are going to stand up

I've trampled on no one. Yet.

Thats even more reason why you taking offense is illogical

I'm not offended.

It makes less sense that you responded then
I'm ready for a race war.
when it starts I'll be sure to see you first.

In Texas City over the past weekend we had a cop kill a black man and Houston's version of Al Sharpton showed up. His name is Quanell X, well they went to protesting against the cops so about thirty of us show up and start protesting the protesters and there was some pushing and shoving that went on along with a lot of trash talk but in the end no real violence happened.

Tempers flare over Texas City police shooting News - Home

Fatal Texas City police shooting under investigation - Houston Chronicle

Family speaks out after police shooting in Texas City News - Home

We didn't back down.

As to this race war you and your pal are drooling for depends on a majority of Americans rallying to your cause.
that ain't gonna happen.
besides the president whoever, he or she is will call in the armed forces and then you'll see what your hatred has made.

Wasn't trying to impress you so huh no, you're not supposed to be impressed. But yes, they did back down. They packed up their shit and went back to Houston. We're still here.

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