Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

I'm ready for a race war.
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.

Oh well, when you trample on people eventually they are going to stand up

I've trampled on no one. Yet.

Thats even more reason why you taking offense is illogical

I'm not offended.

It makes less sense that you responded then

I wasn't responding.
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?
Maybe not -- but it should!

Anyone who believes we need the police wasting their time on this kind of nonsense is a narrow-minded fool.

So get the law changed, UNTIL then the law is the law.

and frankly, I should be free to walk down any street in America with my children without fear of them smelling marijuana.
oh fuck me !
as if smelling weed would warp their minds!
maybe educating them about it would be preferable to your paranoia.
I should bee free to walk down any street in America and not run the risk of seeing gay people holding hands!
I'm ready for a race war.
when it starts I'll be sure to see you first.

In Texas City over the past weekend we had a cop kill a black man and Houston's version of Al Sharpton showed up. His name is Quanell X, well they went to protesting against the cops so about thirty of us show up and start protesting the protesters and there was some pushing and shoving that went on along with a lot of trash talk but in the end no real violence happened.

Tempers flare over Texas City police shooting News - Home

Fatal Texas City police shooting under investigation - Houston Chronicle

Family speaks out after police shooting in Texas City News - Home

We didn't back down.

As to this race war you and your pal are drooling for depends on a majority of Americans rallying to your cause.
that ain't gonna happen.
besides the president whoever, he or she is will call in the armed forces and then you'll see what your hatred has made.

call the armed forces? LOL for what you moron
learn to read ...race war.....
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!
I'm ready for a race war.
when it starts I'll be sure to see you first.

In Texas City over the past weekend we had a cop kill a black man and Houston's version of Al Sharpton showed up. His name is Quanell X, well they went to protesting against the cops so about thirty of us show up and start protesting the protesters and there was some pushing and shoving that went on along with a lot of trash talk but in the end no real violence happened.

Tempers flare over Texas City police shooting News - Home

Fatal Texas City police shooting under investigation - Houston Chronicle

Family speaks out after police shooting in Texas City News - Home

We didn't back down.

As to this race war you and your pal are drooling for depends on a majority of Americans rallying to your cause.
that ain't gonna happen.
besides the president whoever, he or she is will call in the armed forces and then you'll see what your hatred has made.
I wouldn't exactly count on the armed forces who have no love for or loyalty to liberal masters. The armed forces is much like the police.
Apparently the message that has been sent by those in Uniform, is that it is okay to turn your backs on authority figure heads such as Mayors by these cops,

And now Blacks against authority figures such as Police... (sure, the men in blue did not do anything illegal and were not thugs in their turning their backs, agree, but they turned their backs on authority, none the LESS.... the message was made, that figures of authority over you, deserve no respect, especially if you disagree with them, and especially if what they have said, really hurt your 'feelings')

I guess that's okay with some....

but I could see this coming from the moment those FEW protesters, about 100, out of the tens of thousands of protesters through out the nation, that chanted, Dead Cops now....and the mayor mentioning having to give his son the message of, don't make any quick moves if you are stopped by cops, don't reach in your pocket, don't reach for your cell phone, and basically don't make any move what so ever, if stopped by a cop.... (I actually LEARNED THIS, on this very site by many of those on the right wing of the aisle....those getting knocked down and beaten up or choked should have known better about not ever pulling away, or not reaching your hand in your pants etc etc etc when you have been stopped by a cop)

You know, I was never taught that....(And my Uncle Jimmy and my Uncle Joe are both cops) but I (taught by my parents).... just always believed that the Police were good people, trying to protect it never even dawned on me, if ever stopped by a cop, not to make any quick moves or reach for something in my purse or pants when around them or any of that kind of stuff...? Was I so naive? Was I just the average white girl growing up in a different era, without knowledge of this kind of info?

Somebody (the Mayor), or some group (the men in Blue) at war with each other better learn the message of "turning the other cheek" and "walking an EXTRA mile with your adversary'' (of your own free will), or this war between them, will be spread far and wide, throughout the colors of society...(including the color white).
I'm ready for a race war.
when it starts I'll be sure to see you first.

In Texas City over the past weekend we had a cop kill a black man and Houston's version of Al Sharpton showed up. His name is Quanell X, well they went to protesting against the cops so about thirty of us show up and start protesting the protesters and there was some pushing and shoving that went on along with a lot of trash talk but in the end no real violence happened.

Tempers flare over Texas City police shooting News - Home

Fatal Texas City police shooting under investigation - Houston Chronicle

Family speaks out after police shooting in Texas City News - Home

We didn't back down.

As to this race war you and your pal are drooling for depends on a majority of Americans rallying to your cause.
that ain't gonna happen.
besides the president whoever, he or she is will call in the armed forces and then you'll see what your hatred has made.

Wasn't trying to impress you so huh no, you're not supposed to be impressed. But yes, they did back down. They packed up their shit and went back to Houston. We're still here.
do you live there? lol!
bet there was lots of yeehawing and we showed ums !
I'm ready for a race war.
when it starts I'll be sure to see you first.

In Texas City over the past weekend we had a cop kill a black man and Houston's version of Al Sharpton showed up. His name is Quanell X, well they went to protesting against the cops so about thirty of us show up and start protesting the protesters and there was some pushing and shoving that went on along with a lot of trash talk but in the end no real violence happened.

Tempers flare over Texas City police shooting News - Home

Fatal Texas City police shooting under investigation - Houston Chronicle

Family speaks out after police shooting in Texas City News - Home

We didn't back down.

As to this race war you and your pal are drooling for depends on a majority of Americans rallying to your cause.
that ain't gonna happen.
besides the president whoever, he or she is will call in the armed forces and then you'll see what your hatred has made.
I wouldn't exactly count on the armed forces who have no love for or loyalty to liberal masters. The armed forces is much like the police.
you just keep believing that fantasy.
the number one priority in that situation would be restoring order regardless of who or what started it.
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!

Cops are being assassinated because they aren't aggressive enough in fighting. Had they opened fire on the human chain the result would have been much different. You kill one of ours we take out 20 of yours is something these criminals understand.
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!

Cops are being assassinated because they aren't aggressive enough in fighting. Had they opened fire on the human chain the result would have been much different. You kill one of ours we take out 20 of yours is something these criminals understand.
the us and them mentality how telling....
I'm ready for a race war.
I'm not ready for a race war but what I am ready for is the black community to stop making excuses and blaming whites for all that's wrong in their lives. It's not whites that are holding them down, it's the victim mentality that's hold them down. You are not going to get 40 acres and a mule, you've never been a slave, you've had your civil rights for 50 years now, other people immigrate to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and do better than American blacks, time to put up or shut up.
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!

I cant wait until the next time one of these goes off on
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!

Cops are being assassinated because they aren't aggressive enough in fighting. Had they opened fire on the human chain the result would have been much different. You kill one of ours we take out 20 of yours is something these criminals understand.
the us and them mentality how telling....

As if that might will only be used against "certain people". But thats republicans for ya, always playing checkers.

I really enjoyed their last fuck up...Homeland Security! They were all for checking out other people until they found out those resources were being used to spy on them! WHODA THUNK IT?

Stop and frisk isnt a big deal but ask them about the TSA removing their K-Swiss sneakers and they howl to the moon about wasting time and annoying innocent citizens
I'm ready for a race war.
I'm not ready for a race war but what I am ready for is the black community to stop making excuses and blaming whites for all that's wrong in their lives. It's not whites that are holding them down, it's the victim mentality that's hold them down. You are not going to get 40 acres and a mule, you've never been a slave, you've had your civil rights for 50 years now, other people immigrate to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and do better than American blacks, time to put up or shut up.

Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.
bullshit in most places it's a ticket able offence.
in most cases the officer has discretion .
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?

How many times a day do you have to prove you're a stupid, lying sack of shit?

From the OP

But the man quickly scampered away, going into a house near the corner of Southwest Eighth Avenue and Southwest Third Court. Officers tried to talk to the man, but out from the house came about 20 people and they were forming a human shield.

The man ran from police.How do you know they wouldn't have just ticketed him and moved on? Or if even that?

Occasionally a person gets scared and runs from the police for nor reason. but USUALLY when someone bolts from what should be a routine ticket, it's for a reason.

Are you capable of admitting that this man escalated things by running?

Or, do you now suggest that running from the cops is okay?
I'm suggesting anything.
he ran from the cops even thought it's not a good idea. because of real or imagined prior treatment by the cops.
being ok has jack shit to do with it .
my guess is if the cops had said from the start it was a minor ticket able offence things would have been different.
his running did not escalate the situation their pursuit did.
ass always you make false statements

My God you truly are stupid.

The police are under NO obligation to tell you shit about ticketable offense. Do you know how police work goes?

" I smell pot" can, and often DOES result in a felony arrest for something far worse. Criminals are stupid. T McVeigh was arrested for mass murder in what was initially a traffic stop for no brake lights.

What if the cop had said "oh, that's a minor offense and he's running, I won't pursue him?"

Fucking idiot, blaming the police for this man running. Seriously, you are fucking retarded.
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.
bullshit in most places it's a ticket able offence.
in most cases the officer has discretion .
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?

How many times a day do you have to prove you're a stupid, lying sack of shit?

From the OP

But the man quickly scampered away, going into a house near the corner of Southwest Eighth Avenue and Southwest Third Court. Officers tried to talk to the man, but out from the house came about 20 people and they were forming a human shield.

The man ran from police.How do you know they wouldn't have just ticketed him and moved on? Or if even that?

Occasionally a person gets scared and runs from the police for nor reason. but USUALLY when someone bolts from what should be a routine ticket, it's for a reason.

Are you capable of admitting that this man escalated things by running?

Or, do you now suggest that running from the cops is okay?
I'm suggesting anything.
he ran from the cops even thought it's not a good idea. because of real or imagined prior treatment by the cops.
being ok has jack shit to do with it .
my guess is if the cops had said from the start it was a minor ticket able offence things would have been different.
his running did not escalate the situation their pursuit did.
ass always you make false statements

My God you truly are stupid.

The police are under NO obligation to tell you shit about ticketable offense. Do you know how police work goes?

" I smell pot" can, and often DOES result in a felony arrest for something far worse. Criminals are stupid. T McVeigh was arrested for mass murder in what was initially a traffic stop for no brake lights.

What if the cop had said "oh, that's a minor offense and he's running, I won't pursue him?"

Fucking idiot, blaming the police for this man running. Seriously, you are fucking retarded.
no that would be you ....great tantrum though.
btw my step brother is a canine officer in my city...
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.
bullshit in most places it's a ticket able offence.
in most cases the officer has discretion .
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?

How many times a day do you have to prove you're a stupid, lying sack of shit?

From the OP

But the man quickly scampered away, going into a house near the corner of Southwest Eighth Avenue and Southwest Third Court. Officers tried to talk to the man, but out from the house came about 20 people and they were forming a human shield.

The man ran from police.How do you know they wouldn't have just ticketed him and moved on? Or if even that?

Occasionally a person gets scared and runs from the police for nor reason. but USUALLY when someone bolts from what should be a routine ticket, it's for a reason.

Are you capable of admitting that this man escalated things by running?

Or, do you now suggest that running from the cops is okay?
I'm suggesting anything.
he ran from the cops even thought it's not a good idea. because of real or imagined prior treatment by the cops.
being ok has jack shit to do with it .
my guess is if the cops had said from the start it was a minor ticket able offence things would have been different.
his running did not escalate the situation their pursuit did.
ass always you make false statements

My God you truly are stupid.

The police are under NO obligation to tell you shit about ticketable offense. Do you know how police work goes?

" I smell pot" can, and often DOES result in a felony arrest for something far worse. Criminals are stupid. T McVeigh was arrested for mass murder in what was initially a traffic stop for no brake lights.

What if the cop had said "oh, that's a minor offense and he's running, I won't pursue him?"

Fucking idiot, blaming the police for this man running. Seriously, you are fucking retarded.
no that would be you ....great tantrum though.
btw my step brother is a canine officer in my city...

I'm retarded for thinking that the guy shouldn't have ran from police and HIS actions led to this, while you think you're sane for blaming the cops who chased a suspect who ran?
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!

this is the reason why cops get jumpy when apprehending or in the presence of black males

don't wonder why black males get shot, just be amazed at the restraint the cops display
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.
bullshit in most places it's a ticket able offence.
in most cases the officer has discretion .
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?

How many times a day do you have to prove you're a stupid, lying sack of shit?

From the OP

But the man quickly scampered away, going into a house near the corner of Southwest Eighth Avenue and Southwest Third Court. Officers tried to talk to the man, but out from the house came about 20 people and they were forming a human shield.

The man ran from police.How do you know they wouldn't have just ticketed him and moved on? Or if even that?

Occasionally a person gets scared and runs from the police for nor reason. but USUALLY when someone bolts from what should be a routine ticket, it's for a reason.

Are you capable of admitting that this man escalated things by running?

Or, do you now suggest that running from the cops is okay?
I'm suggesting anything.
he ran from the cops even thought it's not a good idea. because of real or imagined prior treatment by the cops.
being ok has jack shit to do with it .
my guess is if the cops had said from the start it was a minor ticket able offence things would have been different.
his running did not escalate the situation their pursuit did.
ass always you make false statements

My God you truly are stupid.

The police are under NO obligation to tell you shit about ticketable offense. Do you know how police work goes?

" I smell pot" can, and often DOES result in a felony arrest for something far worse. Criminals are stupid. T McVeigh was arrested for mass murder in what was initially a traffic stop for no brake lights.

What if the cop had said "oh, that's a minor offense and he's running, I won't pursue him?"

Fucking idiot, blaming the police for this man running. Seriously, you are fucking retarded.
no that would be you ....great tantrum though.
btw my step brother is a canine officer in my city...

your step brother is a german shepherd?
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!

this is the reason why cops get jumpy when apprehending or in the presence of black males

don't wonder why black males get shot, just be amazed at the restraint the cops display

Mike is another idiot that doesn't understand that good police work is often the result of checking out something that is suspicious.

A man who smells like pot in public is suspicious. At a minimum you have to be almost too stupid to live to go out in public smelling like pot when you know pot is illegal.
bullshit in most places it's a ticket able offence.
in most cases the officer has discretion .
if it had been a white guy would the same shit have happened?

How many times a day do you have to prove you're a stupid, lying sack of shit?

From the OP

But the man quickly scampered away, going into a house near the corner of Southwest Eighth Avenue and Southwest Third Court. Officers tried to talk to the man, but out from the house came about 20 people and they were forming a human shield.

The man ran from police.How do you know they wouldn't have just ticketed him and moved on? Or if even that?

Occasionally a person gets scared and runs from the police for nor reason. but USUALLY when someone bolts from what should be a routine ticket, it's for a reason.

Are you capable of admitting that this man escalated things by running?

Or, do you now suggest that running from the cops is okay?
I'm suggesting anything.
he ran from the cops even thought it's not a good idea. because of real or imagined prior treatment by the cops.
being ok has jack shit to do with it .
my guess is if the cops had said from the start it was a minor ticket able offence things would have been different.
his running did not escalate the situation their pursuit did.
ass always you make false statements

My God you truly are stupid.

The police are under NO obligation to tell you shit about ticketable offense. Do you know how police work goes?

" I smell pot" can, and often DOES result in a felony arrest for something far worse. Criminals are stupid. T McVeigh was arrested for mass murder in what was initially a traffic stop for no brake lights.

What if the cop had said "oh, that's a minor offense and he's running, I won't pursue him?"

Fucking idiot, blaming the police for this man running. Seriously, you are fucking retarded.
no that would be you ....great tantrum though.
btw my step brother is a canine officer in my city...

I'm retarded for thinking that the guy shouldn't have ran from police and HIS actions led to this, while you think you're sane for blaming the cops who chased a suspect who ran?
first off you don't think you spout programming
what you or I think has jack shit to do with what happened.
the he ran so we chased him is a circular argument.
in real life shit happens there is no should
and if you're worried about who's retarded and who is sane In theses sort of incidences you have a shitload of issues...

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