Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

this is the reason why cops get jumpy when apprehending or in the presence of black males

don't wonder why black males get shot, just be amazed at the restraint the cops display

Mike is another idiot that doesn't understand that good police work is often the result of checking out something that is suspicious.

A man who smells like pot in public is suspicious. At a minimum you have to be almost too stupid to live to go out in public smelling like pot when you know pot is illegal.
most of the time he smells like weed.
was there any other indication or report of criminal activity by the smoker?
did the cops even bother to check?

That's what they were in the process of doing when the guy ran you fucking moron
why didn't they do that first?

See, you don't know shit about police work

How could they have investigated the guy without first identifying him?

God you are truly stupid son.

Do yourself a favor and just walk away from the thread. You've been clearly defeated here.
since I'm not fighting or trying to prove how big my dick is or attempting and failing to show intellectual dominance there is no defeat.
if it makes you feel better to think so ,go right ahead.
I'll think I'll stick around if for no other reason just to piss you off.
Waste of money chasing people that smell like weed. I'm surprised the cops bothered and given recent events it doesn't surprise me that someone would run from the cops, even for a minor offense.
but he was black and breaking the law !
you know how those people are! (the previous is sarcasm.)
since I'm not fighting or trying to prove how big my dick is or attempting and failing to show intellectual dominance there is no defeat.
if it makes you feel better to think so ,go right ahead.
I'll think I'll stick around if for no other reason just to piss you off.
No one blames you as regards your dick or intelligence, but I doubt you're pissing anyone off.
Waste of money chasing people that smell like weed. I'm surprised the cops bothered and given recent events it doesn't surprise me that someone would run from the cops, even for a minor offense.
I am inclined to agree. However, it is even stupider to resist or run away from cops for such a minor offense, unless of course you're wanted for other things.

What's stupider is thinking that standing there would turn out favorable for him given recent events. Or are we ignoring recent events?
Waste of money chasing people that smell like weed. I'm surprised the cops bothered and given recent events it doesn't surprise me that someone would run from the cops, even for a minor offense.
I am inclined to agree. However, it is even stupider to resist or run away from cops for such a minor offense, unless of course you're wanted for other things.

What's stupider is thinking that standing there would turn out favorable for him given recent events. Or are we ignoring recent events?
Ask yourself that next time a cop kills a thug.
Mike is another idiot that doesn't understand that good police work is often the result of checking out something that is suspicious.

A man who smells like pot in public is suspicious. At a minimum you have to be almost too stupid to live to go out in public smelling like pot when you know pot is illegal.
most of the time he smells like weed.
was there any other indication or report of criminal activity by the smoker?
did the cops even bother to check?

That's what they were in the process of doing when the guy ran you fucking moron
why didn't they do that first?

See, you don't know shit about police work

How could they have investigated the guy without first identifying him?

God you are truly stupid son.

Do yourself a favor and just walk away from the thread. You've been clearly defeated here.
since I'm not fighting or trying to prove how big my dick is or attempting and failing to show intellectual dominance there is no defeat.
if it makes you feel better to think so ,go right ahead.
I'll think I'll stick around if for no other reason just to piss you off.

No, you're just babbling about shit you have no clue about. Namely police work.

Obviously you have a small penis and you fear that admitting "hey guys the guy who was a cop probably does know more about police procedure than I do" would somehow make your penis even smaller than it is , so you've chosen instead to come off as stupid.

Either that, or you've simply dug your ideological heels in now, and have nothing left but to stamp your feet and scream "my opinion matters dammit"

Here's a clue, no it doesn't. I'm not one of those nice guys who believes every kid should get a trophy.

You are stupid, you are wrong in this thread, and you need to be told so.

Or grow up and admit that you don't have a clue what you're talking about .

or prove you're a child and stick around claiming that you're right dammit , even though you're oh so obviously wrong.

PS - I'm not angry. I'm sad. I'm sad that someone has stolen the ability to think clearly from you.

I pity you.
I'm ready for a race war.
I'm not ready for a race war but what I am ready for is the black community to stop making excuses and blaming whites for all that's wrong in their lives. It's not whites that are holding them down, it's the victim mentality that's hold them down. You are not going to get 40 acres and a mule, you've never been a slave, you've had your civil rights for 50 years now, other people immigrate to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and do better than American blacks, time to put up or shut up.

Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
since I'm not fighting or trying to prove how big my dick is or attempting and failing to show intellectual dominance there is no defeat.
if it makes you feel better to think so ,go right ahead.
I'll think I'll stick around if for no other reason just to piss you off.
No one blames you as regards your dick or intelligence, but I doubt you're pissing anyone off.
why would they I'm not the poster with those issues.
as to pissing other posters off you must not be reading the thread.
nice attempt at humor
I'll give it a 6 .
the Russian judge abstains
To the people supporting the 50 thugs. Do you really want to turn this country into a failed one that is ruled by gangs such as this???
hold the fuck on here! when did the people helping that guy morph in to thugs?
what about white religious groups that protect baby rapers like the head of the reformed Mormon church?
or the Vatican,
are they also thugs?
Life is full of contradictions. A lot of liberal whites want to ban smoking, and condemn all the harm passive smoking does. But then they defend smoking marijuana. Smoking is bad, Marijuana GOOD. My parents both died from lung cancer, smoking (tobacco or marijuana), not seeing the difference. And YES, I have inhaled, I have smoked pot. I have no problem banning it. I have also have had guns used against me, I have no problem banning guns, too. People are such idiots.
since I'm not fighting or trying to prove how big my dick is or attempting and failing to show intellectual dominance there is no defeat.
if it makes you feel better to think so ,go right ahead.
I'll think I'll stick around if for no other reason just to piss you off.
No one blames you as regards your dick or intelligence, but I doubt you're pissing anyone off.
why would they I'm not the poster with those issues.
as to pissing other posters off you must not be reading the thread.
nice attempt at humor
I'll give it a 6 .
the Russian judge abstains
You brought your lack of intellect and the size of your dick up. The former is obvious, the latter not so much except to your boyfriends.
most of the time he smells like weed.
was there any other indication or report of criminal activity by the smoker?
did the cops even bother to check?

That's what they were in the process of doing when the guy ran you fucking moron
why didn't they do that first?

See, you don't know shit about police work

How could they have investigated the guy without first identifying him?

God you are truly stupid son.

Do yourself a favor and just walk away from the thread. You've been clearly defeated here.
since I'm not fighting or trying to prove how big my dick is or attempting and failing to show intellectual dominance there is no defeat.
if it makes you feel better to think so ,go right ahead.
I'll think I'll stick around if for no other reason just to piss you off.

No, you're just babbling about shit you have no clue about. Namely police work.

Obviously you have a small penis and you fear that admitting "hey guys the guy who was a cop probably does know more about police procedure than I do" would somehow make your penis even smaller than it is , so you've chosen instead to come off as stupid.

Either that, or you've simply dug your ideological heels in now, and have nothing left but to stamp your feet and scream "my opinion matters dammit"

Here's a clue, no it doesn't. I'm not one of those nice guys who believes every kid should get a trophy.

You are stupid, you are wrong in this thread, and you need to be told so.

Or grow up and admit that you don't have a clue what you're talking about .

or prove you're a child and stick around claiming that you're right dammit , even though you're oh so obviously wrong.

PS - I'm not angry. I'm sad. I'm sad that someone has stolen the ability to think clearly from you.

I pity you.
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?


I believe the laws against pot are outdated, ineffective, costly, and should be scrapped. Blaze up all you wish but it is presently illegal and best to be enjoyed privately in your own home. Walking around smoking pot is literally begging for trouble. All the pot heads I know and chill with don't get busted because they are smart about it and don't walk the streets firing up joints.

Smoked weed for years and never got caught because I wasn't dumb enough to walk down the street smoking something illegal. The smell of pot sticks out so why not hang a neon sign above your head saying "criminal activity here"?
If I had done what this guy did my friends would have let the cops arrest me for being stupid and I never would have lived it down. lol

Actually If i ran into their house knowing they had drugs there themselves,they would have kicked my ass for getting them in trouble too.
To the people supporting the 50 thugs. Do you really want to turn this country into a failed one that is ruled by gangs such as this???

They're calling it people "rising up". And they appear to be doing this with a straight face.

The PC Police will support their constituency no matter what, no matter what laws are broken.

Amazing to watch.
To the people supporting the 50 thugs. Do you really want to turn this country into a failed one that is ruled by gangs such as this???

They're calling it people "rising up". And they appear to be doing this with a straight face.

The PC Police will support their constituency no matter what, no matter what laws are broken.

Amazing to watch.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing

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