Black mob on rampage fractures cop's skull


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Black mob on rampage fractures cop's skull

Public 'has no idea' of racial hatred directed toward white officers

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A Chicago police officer is hospitalized in serious condition with a fractured skull, a victim of black mob violence.

The as-of-yet unidentified officer was responding to a call early Saturday morning when he found dozens of people in the street, creating mayhem. He immediately called for backup, but instead of waiting for reinforcements, went to the assistance of a woman under attack.

The mob turned on him: He was struck on the head with the bat.

“No one tried to help him or stop the attack,” said one Chicago police officer. “That happens a lot: Mob violence. No assistance. If anything, most of the people are either participating or encouraging the violence. Not trying to help.”

What the stories do not report is more important, say two Chicago police officers: The crowd was black, missing from all the news reports.

“Maybe the paper did not know,” said one of the officers. “Or maybe they did not think it was important to note that fact because it happens all the time. Or maybe, as usual, Chicago media does an awful job of reporting racial violence. Never reporting it because they think that would be racist.”

Every single day whites are beaten, killed and our lives are destroyed by these violent racist blacks. Yet, the black community blames whites as the ones hunting them down???

Blacks kill twice as many(10 times per capita) every single year.

I wish blacks and whites could wake up and tell the truth. The truth shell set you free...Because if a thug like Travyon is what these people judge everything by...Well, we're truly and honestly fucked.
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It's a good thing the north won the Civil War, just think of all the fun like this that northern cities would have missed out on.
In local stories the media wouldn't report the race because everyone knows that it is an entirely black neighborhood. White people don't step a foot into that hood unless they are paid to.

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