Black Op Victim

dave diamond

Oct 19, 2014
OK, I'm 40 and live in the UK and have inside me (I believe) both implants and nanobots, and the peoplee controlling the devices are very nasty, so you can imagine what they do with the devices (and indirectly to ME). The devices were all put inside me while staying as a "locked-in" patient in the local mental hospital in Northumberland, England. The only thing that differed from "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", is that I didn't get lobotomised, at least not fully, and they (over a few admissions all caused by previous implantations) just left me to run around outside, discharged, with torture implants inside - any time they wanted me back in for more torture devices, they would just switch on an implant and leave it on, the result I go mad and complain the community mental health team, and get what's called in the UK, a "section" put on me. (Or I act slightly violently, or strangely, and someone 'phones the team up reporting me). All of the "sections" I've been on have been grossly over-the-top, like the time I got four months in a mental ward in Newcastle for nearly pushing my neice, who was staying at my house. I say nearly, but that's the fact of the matter and I recall it well...I was stopped, physically, from having a go by my mother, who showed suprising strength in restraining me. I just lost my rag for a second, but in the end commited no offence - typical of all of their sections, hardly anything done by me.

You can get sectioned if you a threat to yourself or others, a ridiculous law where you can get locked up for just being a large chap, if you think about it.

Over the last fifteen years, I've been a victim of torture (I know it's not as bad as "proper" torture like the rack, for example, but it's painful and has been all through the last fifteen years). First it was "voices", which are by no-means as spiritual as they sound, and the audio received just began to insult me over and over and over. Then it was pains (horrendous) and at first I believed the cause of the pains were stationary implants the same as the brain implants which caused the "voices". The people on the end of the invisible wire corrected my mistake, and informed me the pains were caused by nanobots. (Bloody hell, I thought, futuristic things I thought would never be used as a weapon on anyone, let alone used on me!). The pains were electricity as you may have guessed, and I've proof of this, measured on a tradesman's multimeter and recordred on my webcam. These two problems were bad enough, but then I got depression, to complete the set.

Briefly, as I'm running low on stamina and want this posted now, after the voices and electrocution pains (see paragraph above), as stated above, I got depression (the type where you wish you were dead) which were caused by nanobots or implants, I'm not sure which.

Other things they've demonstrated are the ability to read my thoughts (read the non-vocal thoughts you have, for example when reading) as they put something in my throat during an admission a while ago. I got another bit of evidence when they did that to me as another patient, locked in with me, noticed I was missing from the ward for an entire day, the other patients couldn't care, it seeemed.

That's it, any advice or questions, or info welcome below.

Thanks for reading.
I think you spin an entertaining yarn. Ken Kesey would be entertained. I live not far from Los Alamos. Do you know what they do there? I have a friend who works there. They're all very tight-lipped as you might imagine.

The public library in Los Alamos is very nice. That's the foyer in the bottom photo. The architect made the place look like a fuel rod chamber in a nuclear reactor. Cool, yes? Then of course there's the obligatory bronze bust of J. Robert Oppenheimer. The top photo is...well, that's the business of Los Alamos.

Now even though everything is super top secret there, any idiot of a spy who wanted to know what's going on at the National Lab, would only have to go as far as the library. If they stock a considerable number of nanotechnology resources, well, guess what? In fact, rumor has it that they make molecular-size smart bots, programmable bots.

So your story might not be so far fetched as it sounds...only your mental hospital would probably need a budget of $100 billion a year to do the things you expect them of doing. And what worth are you to the world that they'd do that in the first place? Join a support group.

los alamos temp.jpg
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