Black Power’s Gonna Git You Sucka: Right-Wing Paranoia


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Prominent white conservatives are angry about racism.

Forget all that talk about a post-racial society. They know better than to believe in such a thing, and they’re hopping mad.

What is it that woke them up finally, after all these years of denial, during which they insisted that racism was a thing of the past?

Was it the research indicating that job applicants with white sounding names have a 50 percent better chance of being called back for an interview than their counterparts with black-sounding names, even when all qualifications are the same?


Tim Wise Black Power 8217 s Gonna Git You Sucka Right-Wing Paranoia and the Rhetoric of Modern Racism
What kind of special class of moron actually quotes Tim Wise? You are like a non-stop comedy show.

Everyone knows that Affirmative Action requires the elevation of unqualified people at the expense of the qualified. It's perfectly rational to discount the credentials earned by blacks in a society where AA is operative. As soon as I see a black person I question the value of any credentials they've earned.

If you want the credentials earned by blacks to be valued by the same standards as the credentials earned by whites, then fight for a uniform scheme of admission, grading and performance. Token credentials combined with token experience is of no use to an employer looking for an actual qualified applicant who earned his experience and credentials.
This post gets the people's eyebrow:


You got that from 'The Bell Curve: Politically Correct Edition' yes?
No, I got that from dozens of major psychometric studies I've read over the years.

And on which campus were such studies ever allowed the latitude to approach anything close to reality regarding blacks and IQs?

Not campuses, broad cross sections of the African-American population. A few studies even looked at the failure and pass rate of blacks taking the ASVAB. They all converge on a mean of 85.

If you want to find blacks with 70 IQ then you have to go to Africa, and I've personally seen this.
I think it's great the Chinese Press is mocking Obama. Maybe the liberals will see obama as the rest of us and our enemies see him: a fool who is not a leader.

No, I got that from dozens of major psychometric studies I've read over the years.

Do you know what "race-norming" and "centering" are?
Just ask me what you want to know.

Yes, I thought I just did that.
I think it's great the Chinese Press is mocking Obama. Maybe the liberals will see obama as the rest of us and our enemies see him: a fool who is not a leader.

No, I got that from dozens of major psychometric studies I've read over the years.

Do you know what "race-norming" and "centering" are?
Just ask me what you want to know.

Yes, I thought I just did that.

That's all you wanted to know? Yes, I know what race norming is. A practice prohibited by law in the field of employment testing.


Section 703 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-2) (as amended by section 105) is further amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

`(l) It shall be an unlawful employment practice for a respondent, in connection with the selection or referral of applicants or candidates for employment or promotion, to adjust the scores of, use different cutoff scores for, or otherwise alter the results of, employment related tests on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.'.​

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