Black Professor mocks Columbus Day with list of ‘15 most overrated White people’

I can think of no american more overrated than MLK - a loser who never did anything but make speeches and encourage hatred of white ppl.

Professor mocks Columbus Day with list of

Oct 08, 2012
A prominent Ivy-League professor denounced Columbus Day and mocked those who celebrate it by releasing a list of individuals he deems are the “15 most overrated white people” on Monday.

Professor Marc Lamont Hill mocked Columbus Day by releasing a list of individuals he claims are the “most overrated White people.”
“To honor the true spirit of Columbus Day, I have created my own list of overrated white people,” he wrote in his article published on the Huffington Post.

The list includes Elvis Presley, Ronald Reagan, Babe Ruth, William Shakespeare, Tim Tebow, among others.

:lol: A butt hurt leftie...didnt see that coming.......:eusa_whistle:
I can think of no american more overrated than MLK - a loser who never did anything but make speeches and encourage hatred of white ppl.

You're a fucking idiot.

Columbus may very well be the most overrated person in the history of the world. Not only was he not the first guy to discover the Americas, he wasn't even the first white guy to discover the Americas! It takes quite a twist of affirmative action to consider Columbus to have made a significant contribution towards anything except the subjugation of large groups of people.
Joel Osteen - The only preacher in America who can give an entire sermon without referencing a bible. Somehow, Osteen has convinced the world that he is a legitimate theologian rather than a schmaltzy self-help salesmen in pastor's clothing.
Next thing you know, you're going to demand that black people go back into the fields as a field. Slavery again!

Field hands are more useful than english professors.

Judging by the writing ability (or lack thereof) of most people getting out of college these days, I agree.

My wife has to routinely make basic grammatical corrections on the things her interns write. These are law school interns. They all have at least 1 year of law school under their belt - and they lack basic writing skills. Many are from Ivy League institutions.
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Columbus may very well be the most overrated person in the history of the world. Not only was he not the first guy to discover the Americas, he wasn't even the first white guy to discover the Americas! It takes quite a twist of affirmative action to consider Columbus to have made a significant contribution towards anything except the subjugation of large groups of people.

The arrival of europeans was the best thing that ever happened to the indians. They didn't even have a written language until white men came. They are a backward people and would still be living in caves but for whites.
Columbus may very well be the most overrated person in the history of the world. Not only was he not the first guy to discover the Americas, he wasn't even the first white guy to discover the Americas! It takes quite a twist of affirmative action to consider Columbus to have made a significant contribution towards anything except the subjugation of large groups of people.

The arrival of europeans was the best thing that ever happened to the indians.

According to who? The natives? I guess we can't ask the Taino if they are better off, because they do not even exist anymore. So you speak on their behalf then, is that how that works?

They didn't even have a written language until white men came. They are a backward people and would still be living in caves but for whites.

The Taino didn't live in caves your ignorant bigot.
William Shakespeare is overrated? Let's see this loser write something more than a handful of people have even read, let alone something that endures and resonates with people centuries after his death.

Shakespeare was just a great entertainer. Totally useless.
Slavery is evil. I wish it never existed as it's morally wrong....End of discussion. Who ended it??? The white man.:eusa_boohoo:

Slavery was also extremely common. Until 200 years ago it was everywhere and no one questioned it. All races enslaved all other races.
What racist piece of GARBAGE!!! What if a white professor made a list of the most over-rated Black people. He would be fired and this son of a bitch is poisons young minds!

Of course the guy leaves out that in 1987 the US manufactured 28% of the world's good (more than any country in the history of the world). He trued the Carter Depression into a recovered where unemployment was cut in half WITH HIGH PAYING JOBS!!! He set the economy on the right track. That military expansion you say was a bad thing? Fuck you, it steam rolled that collaspe of the evil empire.

Tebow over-rated, by who? THE MEDIA not the fans. Coming into the league everyone knew what he was, despite that he succeed. In a league of classless, womanizing, over-indulging criminals, it Tebow's role-modelness is REFRESHING! For anyone who has a daughter, could you name ONE other football player you would want your daughter to marry over Tebow? Not without being dishonest.

Of course he says Palin? Liberal trash!
This clown is an english professor. Another useless stupid black parasite. Why don't blacks go into useful fields like engineering? They don't have the brains.

Next thing you know, you're going to demand that black people go back into the fields as a field. Slavery again!

Slavery is evil. I wish it never existed as it's morally wrong....End of discussion. Who ended it??? The white man.:eusa_boohoo:

Bullshit! Blacks were selling blacks to whoever presented the money long before whites established plantations in the southern colonies.

Don't go blaming slavery on white people.
Black Professor mocks Columbus Day with list of ‘15 most overrated White people’

The professor is clearly a quack. He didn't put me on his list.

Of course, maybe he doesn't know that I'm pretty white for a person out of Africa.
Black Professor mocks Columbus Day with list of ‘15 most overrated White people’

The professor is clearly a quack. He didn't put me on his list.

Of course, maybe he doesn't know that I'm pretty white for a person out of Africa.

That's a common misconception you're referring to. There's nothing to suggest that the Homo sapians who walked out of the Rift Valley to spread their seed were black. Just because anthropologists have identified that part of modern-day Kenya as the human race's point of origin, it doesn't mean the first 'humans' were black.
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Black Professor mocks Columbus Day with list of ‘15 most overrated White people’

The professor is clearly a quack. He didn't put me on his list.

Of course, maybe he doesn't know that I'm pretty white for a person out of Africa.

That's a common misconception you're referring to. There's nothing to suggest that the Homo sapians who walked out of the Rift Valley to spread their seed were black. Just because anthropologists have identified that part of modern-day Kenya as the human race's point of origin, it doesn't mean the first 'humans' were black.

Doesn't mean they weren't.

Also, it stands to reason that they likely were.
The truth is this man discovered the new world for us all.

No he didn't. My ancestors had already been here for thousands, if not millions of years.

Shouldn't that be honored?

Honor the beginning of the genocide of North America's native people, a very cultured people? No thanks.

Exploration and discovery is at the core of human nature.

Apparently, so is blood-lust and greed.

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