Black Riot, Kept Quiet

But it is true. Just because you are not intelligent enough to figure that out on your own doesnt mean its not true. Who exactly is overlooking or justifying the behavior? Look up understanding and justifying. They are 2 different words for a reason. They have different meanings.

I know the difference in the definitions. As someone has already opined, whatever happened 50 years ago is not relevant.

So my UNDERSTANDING is that this activity is going to grow and grow with the mobs getting bigger and bigger.

I want the Feds to relax the restrictions on fully automatic firearms because it is my UNDERSTANDING that we will be better able to protect ourselves if those conditions arise.

If you knew the difference why did you ask a stupid question then?

Like they always say opinions are like.....well you get my drift. No one cares about your opinion. I just told you a fact. Plenty of people still care.

You already have a hard time understanding simple things. Don't strain yourself trying predict whats going to happen. Who told you that this activity is going to grow?

If the Feds relax the restrictions on fully automatic firearms Black people can buy them as well. You see that goes both ways. What you really want is a return to the pre Civil Rights era like I mentioned earlier.

Nonsense. I'm a live and let live person. You leave me alone, I leave you alone. I don't want anything from you and I don't want anyone taking from me.
Lol, by "kept Quite" he means that it isn't blowing up the news waves, like it would if i was 200 muslims or 200 whites.

How obtuse is this board?

They aren't obtuse they are anti white racists who are excusing negro's violence towards whites on a daily basis. You will see that more and more. They crack jokes or change the subject to avoid actually dealing with what the politicians they support have let loose on America.
I know the difference in the definitions. As someone has already opined, whatever happened 50 years ago is not relevant.

So my UNDERSTANDING is that this activity is going to grow and grow with the mobs getting bigger and bigger.

I want the Feds to relax the restrictions on fully automatic firearms because it is my UNDERSTANDING that we will be better able to protect ourselves if those conditions arise.

If you knew the difference why did you ask a stupid question then?

Like they always say opinions are like.....well you get my drift. No one cares about your opinion. I just told you a fact. Plenty of people still care.

You already have a hard time understanding simple things. Don't strain yourself trying predict whats going to happen. Who told you that this activity is going to grow?

If the Feds relax the restrictions on fully automatic firearms Black people can buy them as well. You see that goes both ways. What you really want is a return to the pre Civil Rights era like I mentioned earlier.

Nonsense. I'm a live and let live person. You leave me alone, I leave you alone. I don't want anything from you and I don't want anyone taking from me.

BS. Live and let live people don't trivialize what other people find important. Interesting you are so afraid that you think someone is going to take something from you. So much so you need a fully automatic weapon to help you defend what ever that is. :lol: You sound much more like one of those pussies waiting on a race war so you can shoot someone.
That crook Holder is in charge of the Attorney Generals office. In 2014, blacks can do whatever the fuck they want with no fear of reprisal. Society becomes more of a Jonestown day by day.

Sounds like the pre Civil Rights days when whites could do whatever the fuck they wanted to and get away with it.

Yeah, I hear tell Democrats used to but them all in chains.
Looks like the Louisville cops were as useless as bull-tits in this incident. Pity the investors in the Louisville waterfront.
That crook Holder is in charge of the Attorney Generals office. In 2014, blacks can do whatever the fuck they want with no fear of reprisal. Society becomes more of a Jonestown day by day.

Sounds like the pre Civil Rights days when whites could do whatever the fuck they wanted to and get away with it.

Yeah, I hear tell Democrats used to but them all in chains.

Yeah they did until all the inbred ones left and became Reps. The ones that went to the Dems then put a Black POTUS in office. Funny how times change.
Blacks behave like this everywhere in the world
Sounds like the pre Civil Rights days when whites could do whatever the fuck they wanted to and get away with it.

meh......that was 50 years ago. Nobody cares.

These days, and lets face it with the emergence of radical political correctness......if you're white and let your tan go in the summer for too long you risk being labeled a racist.

Meh....Plenty of people care. What do you think is fueling the racial anger? You cant be that ignorant. If you were let your tan go too long you usually end up with skin cancer. Ever seen the mom that tanned too much?

So in 20-30 years when white kids are fed up with being attacked for their skin color, their fueled anger will be unleashed on black people. When that happens will you still be casual about it? Do you really think there wont eventually be a backlash?
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meh......that was 50 years ago. Nobody cares.

These days, and lets face it with the emergence of radical political correctness......if you're white and let your tan go in the summer for too long you risk being labeled a racist.

Meh....Plenty of people care. What do you think is fueling the racial anger? You cant be that ignorant. If you were let your tan go too long you usually end up with skin cancer. Ever seen the mom that tanned too much?

So in 20-30 years when white kids are fed up with being attacked for their skin color, their fueled anger will be unleashed on black people. When that happens will you still be casual about it? Do you really think there wont eventually be a backlash?

That wont no I'm not worried about it. What I am worried about is living in a country that tries to pretend everything is cool and keeps sweeping the issue under the rug. When you have a part of the population dealing with institutionalized racism and lack of awareness on the part of the people that benefit from it, things are going to get worse if its not addressed.
Like I said, this is the way blacks behave everywhere in the world
Like I said, this is the way blacks behave everywhere in the world

Yep. Thats what I do at night. I go mob on unsuspecting white people.

No you just make excuses for them or you simply deflect with some incoherent rant about institutionalized racism against blacks that doesnt exist. The only racism we have to worry about in 2014 is coming from the black community. Your community breeds violent racists at alarming levels, but you dont have the courage or credibility to address it.
Like I said, this is the way blacks behave everywhere in the world

Yep. Thats what I do at night. I go mob on unsuspecting white people.

I'm about to go mobbing in just a few minutes! With the government raining so many welfare checks and jet ski's and BMW's on me... what else am I supposed to do?!!!

There's nothing better than being born a minority in this country baby!!! Rock n Roll!!! \m/
It's not some much about "racism" as it is just that blacks are a naturally violent people.

After all, the way they treat each other is much worse then they treat others
The reason why this isn't aired on CNN...MSNBC....Fox is because that would be racist. :eek:
Like I said, this is the way blacks behave everywhere in the world

Yep. Thats what I do at night. I go mob on unsuspecting white people.

No you just make excuses for them or you simply deflect with some incoherent rant about institutionalized racism against blacks that doesnt exist. The only racism we have to worry about in 2014 is coming from the black community. Your community breeds violent racists at alarming levels, but you dont have the courage or credibility to address it.

No I make observations about the causes. Of course that's incoherent to you because....well your comprehension has not advanced beyond the level of a 5 year old. I agree you only have to worry about Black racism. Well that's whenever Black people get in a position to do so. Black people have to worry about it everyday from white people. Your institutionalized racist society is what breeds Black bigots. Lets not pretend its something else other than that. Of course you dont have the courage or intellect to admit that.
It's not some much about "racism" as it is just that blacks are a naturally violent people.

After all, the way they treat each other is much worse then they treat others

Let me know when a Black person wipes out multiple indigenous societies, drops a atomic bomb on another country, attempts to exterminate Jewish people, or amasses the nuclear capability to destroy the world a million times over "just in case". After that we can talk about why white people are the most violent people the earth has ever seen.
Ya, you black folks are so mad at white people, you abandon your children, you contract STD's, you drop out of school, you are unemployed, you murder and rape each other at the highest of rates and you are fat asses.

Way to get back at whitey

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