Black Teen Car Jacker Guilty of Murdering Elderly Grandmother Who Was Ripped From Car and Had Her Arm Torn Off

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

Oh, these urban boys and their felonies!! Just boys being boys!!

Our urban culture has become a cesspool of crime. Why? Well, I have my suspicions that it has to do with fatherless homes, little supervision due to moms having to work (or being junkies). Then there is the whole gang culture. Is white supremacist racism to blame? Of course not. That is just a loaded excuse that acts to sacrifice these young lads, their lives, and their communities for political gain. That is pure Democrat sleaze. It is pretty damned racist too given the fact that said false narrative about racism directly impacts blacks.

Black culture has an acute problem with having no effective morality. Dad hits the road before the kids are born, and mom is either busy working or too high to give a damn. Then they - Democrats and leftists - pour gas on the fire by blaming whites racism. This is absolutely toxic to civilization, especially to blacks themselves. Back in the good old days someone may say that these communities need religion. Get them sumbitches back in touch with Jesus!! But the thing is, if you are in the know, then you know damn well that one of the most corrupt institutions in the black community is the black church. They are all about stealing money and screwing the female parishioners.

While this is going to sound crazy to you brainwashed zombie leftists, blacks need to be guided back to morality by sensible white folks who sincerely want to see blacks stop dying in the inner cities. Essentially, we need a bunch of well-meaning whites to do missionary work in the inner city, along with a mandate that they cooperate with the missionaries. Further, they must be armed, to the teeth. It is a said state of affairs in the inner cities right now, where violence abounds. Therefore, it would be misguided not to provide protection for these folks in their noble endeavor.

Clearly, this would greatly benefit inner cities and their toxic black culture. But the left will fight it, calling it a "white supremacy" centered attempt to "white wash" black culture. Such opposition is detrimental to the black condition, which is what the leftists who spout such want. In reality, it would be an effort of outreach to bring blacks into the fold of American and her values; i.e., assimilation. The idea is to teach them self-respect and life skills that do not involve drugs and GlawK FoTties! It would be an act of love. Why would anyone oppose THAT?!? The best thing that could happen to these inner city kids is to assimilate them into our nation, where they can be anything legitimate they want to be with a little hard work. It is obviously depressing when your life choices are pro athlete, drug dealer, or drug addict. They need more options, like we all have. But the left is not allowing them to have these options.

Therefore, it is up to us white folks to take the lead here. And the federal government does not need to be involved one bit. We should divert all the money currently being wasted in the black communities and give it to white run NGOs to fund a viable and moral/ethical plan to assimilate inner city youth into our national values communities. Lord knows they are not taking care of this themselves.

Oh, these urban boys and their felonies!! Just boys being boys!!

Our urban culture has become a cesspool of crime. Why? Well, I have my suspicions that it has to do with fatherless homes, little supervision due to moms having to work (or being junkies). Then there is the whole gang culture. Is white supremacist racism to blame? Of course not. That is just a loaded excuse that acts to sacrifice these young lads, their lives, and their communities for political gain. That is pure Democrat sleaze. It is pretty damned racist too given the fact that said false narrative about racism directly impacts blacks.

Black culture has an acute problem with having no effective morality. Dad hits the road before the kids are born, and mom is either busy working or too high to give a damn. Then they - Democrats and leftists - pour gas on the fire by blaming whites racism. This is absolutely toxic to civilization, especially to blacks themselves. Back in the good old days someone may say that these communities need religion. Get them sumbitches back in touch with Jesus!! But the thing is, if you are in the know, then you know damn well that one of the most corrupt institutions in the black community is the black church. They are all about stealing money and screwing the female parishioners.

While this is going to sound crazy to you brainwashed zombie leftists, blacks need to be guided back to morality by sensible white folks who sincerely want to see blacks stop dying in the inner cities. Essentially, we need a bunch of well-meaning whites to do missionary work in the inner city, along with a mandate that they cooperate with the missionaries. Further, they must be armed, to the teeth. It is a said state of affairs in the inner cities right now, where violence abounds. Therefore, it would be misguided not to provide protection for these folks in their noble endeavor.

Clearly, this would greatly benefit inner cities and their toxic black culture. But the left will fight it, calling it a "white supremacy" centered attempt to "white wash" black culture. Such opposition is detrimental to the black condition, which is what the leftists who spout such want. In reality, it would be an effort of outreach to bring blacks into the fold of American and her values; i.e., assimilation. The idea is to teach them self-respect and life skills that do not involve drugs and GlawK FoTties! It would be an act of love. Why would anyone oppose THAT?!? The best thing that could happen to these inner city kids is to assimilate them into our nation, where they can be anything legitimate they want to be with a little hard work. It is obviously depressing when your life choices are pro athlete, drug dealer, or drug addict. They need more options, like we all have. But the left is not allowing them to have these options.

Therefore, it is up to us white folks to take the lead here. And the federal government does not need to be involved one bit. We should divert all the money currently being wasted in the black communities and give it to white run NGOs to fund a viable and moral/ethical plan to assimilate inner city youth into our national values communities. Lord knows they are not taking care of this themselves.
Oh my....he might do a month in jail for that!

Oh, these urban boys and their felonies!! Just boys being boys!!

Our urban culture has become a cesspool of crime. Why? Well, I have my suspicions that it has to do with fatherless homes, little supervision due to moms having to work (or being junkies). Then there is the whole gang culture. Is white supremacist racism to blame? Of course not. That is just a loaded excuse that acts to sacrifice these young lads, their lives, and their communities for political gain. That is pure Democrat sleaze. It is pretty damned racist too given the fact that said false narrative about racism directly impacts blacks.

Black culture has an acute problem with having no effective morality. Dad hits the road before the kids are born, and mom is either busy working or too high to give a damn. Then they - Democrats and leftists - pour gas on the fire by blaming whites racism. This is absolutely toxic to civilization, especially to blacks themselves. Back in the good old days someone may say that these communities need religion. Get them sumbitches back in touch with Jesus!! But the thing is, if you are in the know, then you know damn well that one of the most corrupt institutions in the black community is the black church. They are all about stealing money and screwing the female parishioners.

While this is going to sound crazy to you brainwashed zombie leftists, blacks need to be guided back to morality by sensible white folks who sincerely want to see blacks stop dying in the inner cities. Essentially, we need a bunch of well-meaning whites to do missionary work in the inner city, along with a mandate that they cooperate with the missionaries. Further, they must be armed, to the teeth. It is a said state of affairs in the inner cities right now, where violence abounds. Therefore, it would be misguided not to provide protection for these folks in their noble endeavor.

Clearly, this would greatly benefit inner cities and their toxic black culture. But the left will fight it, calling it a "white supremacy" centered attempt to "white wash" black culture. Such opposition is detrimental to the black condition, which is what the leftists who spout such want. In reality, it would be an effort of outreach to bring blacks into the fold of American and her values; i.e., assimilation. The idea is to teach them self-respect and life skills that do not involve drugs and GlawK FoTties! It would be an act of love. Why would anyone oppose THAT?!? The best thing that could happen to these inner city kids is to assimilate them into our nation, where they can be anything legitimate they want to be with a little hard work. It is obviously depressing when your life choices are pro athlete, drug dealer, or drug addict. They need more options, like we all have. But the left is not allowing them to have these options.

Therefore, it is up to us white folks to take the lead here. And the federal government does not need to be involved one bit. We should divert all the money currently being wasted in the black communities and give it to white run NGOs to fund a viable and moral/ethical plan to assimilate inner city youth into our national values communities. Lord knows they are not taking care of this themselves.
To be fair, I have seen on other forums some videos about really nice and kind youths of ethnicity X.

But, yes, ethnicity X has an unusually large number of amoral youths.

"Liberals" attribute their heartless behavior to poverty.

Others feel that they were just born evil. (That's why we must support abortion.)

Oh, these urban boys and their felonies!! Just boys being boys!!

Our urban culture has become a cesspool of crime. Why? Well, I have my suspicions that it has to do with fatherless homes, little supervision due to moms having to work (or being junkies). Then there is the whole gang culture. Is white supremacist racism to blame? Of course not. That is just a loaded excuse that acts to sacrifice these young lads, their lives, and their communities for political gain. That is pure Democrat sleaze. It is pretty damned racist too given the fact that said false narrative about racism directly impacts blacks.

Black culture has an acute problem with having no effective morality. Dad hits the road before the kids are born, and mom is either busy working or too high to give a damn. Then they - Democrats and leftists - pour gas on the fire by blaming whites racism. This is absolutely toxic to civilization, especially to blacks themselves. Back in the good old days someone may say that these communities need religion. Get them sumbitches back in touch with Jesus!! But the thing is, if you are in the know, then you know damn well that one of the most corrupt institutions in the black community is the black church. They are all about stealing money and screwing the female parishioners.

While this is going to sound crazy to you brainwashed zombie leftists, blacks need to be guided back to morality by sensible white folks who sincerely want to see blacks stop dying in the inner cities. Essentially, we need a bunch of well-meaning whites to do missionary work in the inner city, along with a mandate that they cooperate with the missionaries. Further, they must be armed, to the teeth. It is a said state of affairs in the inner cities right now, where violence abounds. Therefore, it would be misguided not to provide protection for these folks in their noble endeavor.

Clearly, this would greatly benefit inner cities and their toxic black culture. But the left will fight it, calling it a "white supremacy" centered attempt to "white wash" black culture. Such opposition is detrimental to the black condition, which is what the leftists who spout such want. In reality, it would be an effort of outreach to bring blacks into the fold of American and her values; i.e., assimilation. The idea is to teach them self-respect and life skills that do not involve drugs and GlawK FoTties! It would be an act of love. Why would anyone oppose THAT?!? The best thing that could happen to these inner city kids is to assimilate them into our nation, where they can be anything legitimate they want to be with a little hard work. It is obviously depressing when your life choices are pro athlete, drug dealer, or drug addict. They need more options, like we all have. But the left is not allowing them to have these options.

Therefore, it is up to us white folks to take the lead here. And the federal government does not need to be involved one bit. We should divert all the money currently being wasted in the black communities and give it to white run NGOs to fund a viable and moral/ethical plan to assimilate inner city youth into our national values communities. Lord knows they are not taking care of this themselves.
"boys will be boys" the 3 female juvenile car jackers in this case made plea deals

Oh, these urban boys and their felonies!! Just boys being boys!!

Our urban culture has become a cesspool of crime. Why? Well, I have my suspicions that it has to do with fatherless homes, little supervision due to moms having to work (or being junkies). Then there is the whole gang culture. Is white supremacist racism to blame? Of course not. That is just a loaded excuse that acts to sacrifice these young lads, their lives, and their communities for political gain. That is pure Democrat sleaze. It is pretty damned racist too given the fact that said false narrative about racism directly impacts blacks.

Black culture has an acute problem with having no effective morality. Dad hits the road before the kids are born, and mom is either busy working or too high to give a damn. Then they - Democrats and leftists - pour gas on the fire by blaming whites racism. This is absolutely toxic to civilization, especially to blacks themselves. Back in the good old days someone may say that these communities need religion. Get them sumbitches back in touch with Jesus!! But the thing is, if you are in the know, then you know damn well that one of the most corrupt institutions in the black community is the black church. They are all about stealing money and screwing the female parishioners.

While this is going to sound crazy to you brainwashed zombie leftists, blacks need to be guided back to morality by sensible white folks who sincerely want to see blacks stop dying in the inner cities. Essentially, we need a bunch of well-meaning whites to do missionary work in the inner city, along with a mandate that they cooperate with the missionaries. Further, they must be armed, to the teeth. It is a said state of affairs in the inner cities right now, where violence abounds. Therefore, it would be misguided not to provide protection for these folks in their noble endeavor.

Clearly, this would greatly benefit inner cities and their toxic black culture. But the left will fight it, calling it a "white supremacy" centered attempt to "white wash" black culture. Such opposition is detrimental to the black condition, which is what the leftists who spout such want. In reality, it would be an effort of outreach to bring blacks into the fold of American and her values; i.e., assimilation. The idea is to teach them self-respect and life skills that do not involve drugs and GlawK FoTties! It would be an act of love. Why would anyone oppose THAT?!? The best thing that could happen to these inner city kids is to assimilate them into our nation, where they can be anything legitimate they want to be with a little hard work. It is obviously depressing when your life choices are pro athlete, drug dealer, or drug addict. They need more options, like we all have. But the left is not allowing them to have these options.

Therefore, it is up to us white folks to take the lead here. And the federal government does not need to be involved one bit. We should divert all the money currently being wasted in the black communities and give it to white run NGOs to fund a viable and moral/ethical plan to assimilate inner city youth into our national values communities. Lord knows they are not taking care of this themselves.
At least I am glad they are taking out the garbage in Louisiana.

Oh, these urban boys and their felonies!! Just boys being boys!!

Our urban culture has become a cesspool of crime. Why? Well, I have my suspicions that it has to do with fatherless homes, little supervision due to moms having to work (or being junkies). Then there is the whole gang culture. Is white supremacist racism to blame? Of course not. That is just a loaded excuse that acts to sacrifice these young lads, their lives, and their communities for political gain. That is pure Democrat sleaze. It is pretty damned racist too given the fact that said false narrative about racism directly impacts blacks.

Black culture has an acute problem with having no effective morality. Dad hits the road before the kids are born, and mom is either busy working or too high to give a damn. Then they - Democrats and leftists - pour gas on the fire by blaming whites racism. This is absolutely toxic to civilization, especially to blacks themselves. Back in the good old days someone may say that these communities need religion. Get them sumbitches back in touch with Jesus!! But the thing is, if you are in the know, then you know damn well that one of the most corrupt institutions in the black community is the black church. They are all about stealing money and screwing the female parishioners.

While this is going to sound crazy to you brainwashed zombie leftists, blacks need to be guided back to morality by sensible white folks who sincerely want to see blacks stop dying in the inner cities. Essentially, we need a bunch of well-meaning whites to do missionary work in the inner city, along with a mandate that they cooperate with the missionaries. Further, they must be armed, to the teeth. It is a said state of affairs in the inner cities right now, where violence abounds. Therefore, it would be misguided not to provide protection for these folks in their noble endeavor.

Clearly, this would greatly benefit inner cities and their toxic black culture. But the left will fight it, calling it a "white supremacy" centered attempt to "white wash" black culture. Such opposition is detrimental to the black condition, which is what the leftists who spout such want. In reality, it would be an effort of outreach to bring blacks into the fold of American and her values; i.e., assimilation. The idea is to teach them self-respect and life skills that do not involve drugs and GlawK FoTties! It would be an act of love. Why would anyone oppose THAT?!? The best thing that could happen to these inner city kids is to assimilate them into our nation, where they can be anything legitimate they want to be with a little hard work. It is obviously depressing when your life choices are pro athlete, drug dealer, or drug addict. They need more options, like we all have. But the left is not allowing them to have these options.

Therefore, it is up to us white folks to take the lead here. And the federal government does not need to be involved one bit. We should divert all the money currently being wasted in the black communities and give it to white run NGOs to fund a viable and moral/ethical plan to assimilate inner city youth into our national values communities. Lord knows they are not taking care of this themselves.
What expletives do you administer when a white kid kills?
It's inhuman and terrible from a Canadian's POV, but it' a price Americans have to pay for their failure to adjust to other races as equal in their society.
The 'equalizer' is assimilation; "When in Rome..." (sadly we're looking less like Romans and more like the Barbarians every day). :omg:
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It's inhuman and terrible from a Canadian's POV, but it' a price Americans have to pay for their failure to adjust to other races as equal in their society.
You dipshit Canadian, did you not read a fucking thing I wrote? The problem is that blacks refuse to assimilate. We have given them equality, economic and social subsides, etc... Yet their culture still needs training wheels. The Dems are exasperating the problem, playing with black lives for political reasons.

Look, if you are not even going to try to understand America, then I do not see why you continue to opine.
It's the cultural problem. Democrats pretend there is no such thing as the black cultural problem. Republicans won't tell it like it is fearing the racist label.

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