Black U.S. Senate Dem Candidate: Democrat Leaders Trying 'Endorsement Intimidation'


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate and current Maryland state Sen. Anthony Muse is railing against House Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer and Maryland Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley for what he calls “endorsement intimidation.”

O’Malley and Hoyer both endorsed incumbent U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, who Muse is challenging as a fellow Democrat, during Tuesday’s annual Maryland Democratic Party luncheon.

The Maryland Democratic Party and President Barack Obama broke the state party’s bylaws by endorsing Cardin over Muse and the others who have filed to run in the April 3 primary.

According to a statement from Muse, during the luncheon, after Hoyer and O’Malley endorsed Cardin for re-election, Muse took to the podium in protest. He said party officials cut his microphone before he was given the chance to make a case for why he’s better than Cardin.

“We have gone from voter suppression to endorsement intimidation,” Muse said in a statement. “Those in control assume that if they say ‘let’s go this way’ then the rest of us must fall in line with their suggestions. That is not democracy.”

Muse argued that if Hoyer and O’Malley are going to break party bylaws by making endorsement at an official Democratic luncheon, he and other candidates on site should have been allowed to as well. He said his invitation to the luncheon came with a message: that he was to “be seen” but “not heard.”

“There were many views and candidates in the audience,” Muse said. “If you are here to give endorsements, then there was absolutely no reason why I was not afforded an opportunity to express another view to my own party. As an elected official and a senior member of the State Senate, that was completely disrespectful.”

Read more: Black US Senate Candidate | Maryland Democratic Leaders | The Daily Caller
One local news outlet reported that Hoyer “shrugged” at Muse’s criticisms. “It speaks for itself,” Hoyer said...

What the hell does THAT mean? Rules schmules?
I don't understand why the Daily Caller felt it necessary to point out in the headline the candidate is black.

Weird. It has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

As for the actual issue, if the party bosses broke the rules then they should be held to account.
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I don't understand why the Daily Caller felt it necessary to point out in the headline the candidate is black.

Weird. It has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

Curious innit? Next post he'll say liberals always talk about race and pretend he has credibility
Soooo, maybe the Dems actually liked the GOP purification list for endorsing candidates idea so much, they decided to start their own?:eusa_shhh:

OR,,,maybe State Senator Sen. Anthony Muse refused to sign a loyalty oath? :badgrin:
whoa...WHOA...WHOA a friggin' second here!!!

Somebody find that idiot truthmatters and get her ass in here, pronto!

From Democrat Muse..."“We have gone from voter suppression to endorsement intimidation,” Muse said in a statement. “Those in control assume that if they say ‘let’s go this way’ then the rest of us must fall in line with their suggestions. That is not democracy.”

Democrats...voter suppression? But...but truthy's been telling us only the nasty Republicans do that sort of stuff during elections. I'm shocked! I guess truthy either lied to us or is just an incompetent dipshit.
whoa...WHOA...WHOA a friggin' second here!!!

Somebody find that idiot truthmatters and get her ass in here, pronto!

From Democrat Muse..."“We have gone from voter suppression to endorsement intimidation,” Muse said in a statement. “Those in control assume that if they say ‘let’s go this way’ then the rest of us must fall in line with their suggestions. That is not democracy.”

Democrats...voter suppression? But...but truthy's been telling us only the nasty Republicans do that sort of stuff during elections. I'm shocked! I guess truthy either lied to us or is just an incompetent dipshit.

Just because a Dem does it doesnt mean a Republican DOESNT :badgrin:

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