Black Unemployment hits RECORD LOW!


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015

Black unemployment rate falls to record low

Yes indeed! ANOTHER thing democrats CAN'T run on in 2018 or 2020



Damn President Trump! Putting black's back to work! HOW RACIST OF HIM!
Yup, lowest level ever recorded. Not bad for that 'bad ole racist' Trump, huh? Dude's on a roll. He is making America great again. Good on em. :thup:
[dim] "Somehow must figure out how this is bad and post it over and over!"[/dim]
[dim] "Somehow must figure out how this is bad and post it over and over!"[/dim]

Oh, the usual suspect hater-bots will make it to this thread eventually. They can't help themselves. They're crazed with hate.
Next time someone accuses Trump of being WAAAAAYYYCIST, show them this fact and point out that Trump has already been better for the black community than Obama. Obama being president never benefited the blacks in any way; they were just as dysfunctional at the end of his regime as they were at the beginning.
Next time someone accuses Trump of being WAAAAAYYYCIST, show them this fact and point out that Trump has already been better for the black community than Obama. Obama being president never benefited the blacks in any way; they were just as dysfunctional at the end of his regime as they were at the beginning.

Hussein's only claim to fame was that he was a 'Community Organizer.' His job was to incite hate and bitterness in the community. And he did that job very well. He just carried his 'Community Organizer' incitement into the White House. He thrived on hate and division. He absolutely loved Race-Baiting.

Trump's going a different route. And it's working. African American Unemployment is now at an all-time record low. But don't expect the usual suspect hater-bots to praise him for it. They're consumed with hate. They'd actually prefer African American Unemployment to be at record high levels. It's only about 'Party before Country' for them. They could care less about Americans. That's the reality.
Damn President Trump! Putting black's back to work! HOW RACIST OF HIM!

How many work for Trump? If he doesn't pay them, he didn't hire them, so he didn't put them to work, they got a job on their own..Amazing how logic works...
Next time someone accuses Trump of being WAAAAAYYYCIST, show them this fact and point out that Trump has already been better for the black community than Obama. Obama being president never benefited the blacks in any way; they were just as dysfunctional at the end of his regime as they were at the beginning.
What was better for blacks was states forcing welfare people to work...
Fake News ^ ^ ^ Disparity remains --- has NOTHING to do with Trump

While the unemployment rate for black Americans has dropped, the gap between white and black unemployment remains relatively unchanged. Over the years, the gap has maintained with black Americans holding twice the level of unemployment compared to white Americans. The new unemployment rate reveals that the gap is now at about 1.85 times higher for black Americans.

"There is still a large racial disparity and that disparity is still persistent," Wilson said.

Although the unemployment rate fluctuates, Wilson expects that if more jobs continue to be added than economists can expect the unemployment rate to further decline.

"A low employment rate and wage growth together would be the best outcome we would want to see," she said.​

The black unemployment rate reached a low not seen in more than 40 years.
[dim] "Somehow must figure out how this is bad and post it over and over!"[/dim]

Oh, the usual suspect hater-bots will make it to this thread eventually. They can't help themselves. They're crazed with hate.
Pointing what you do is not hateful, it it truthful. It's all regressives do is lie and cheat.

Yeah, it truly kills em that Trump is doing more for African Americans than Hussein did. They just can't handle that reality. That's why they sound so hateful and irrational. They don't wanna accept reality. But oh well, i guess it's back to 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!' ;)

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