Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
More and more of this fraud presidency is exposing itself. You Trump lovers elected an idiot with a loud mouth and no skill. Those of us who did not vote for this chump should not have to endure these years of national stupidity.

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

Pedro Nicolaci da Costa

The black unemployment rate, often more than double the white rate even when the economy is supposedly humming, is one especially stark symbol of the deep racism that underpins the American economy.

Take current conditions. The overall unemployment rate fell to a 50-year low of 3.6% in April. The rate for whites is 3.1%. For black Americans, it’s 6.7%. Worse, that rate has been rising in opposition to the broader trend.

What gives?

The black jobless rate tends to be a volatile data series, so it’s still possible the recent uptick might be a statistical anomaly. That shouldn’t make anyone feel good about a 6.7% jobless rate, which if applied to the overall economy would equate to deeply recessionary conditions.

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, has a frighteningly plausible theory about what could be taking place.

In a recent column for TruthOut, Baker wrote: "The idea that the labor market is deteriorating even as the overall unemployment rate hits 50-year lows is very disturbing."

"If the rise in black male unemployment is real, why is this happening in an otherwise strong labor market? Having a president who seems to think that white men, starting with himself, are the biggest victims in society could be part of the problem. This may encourage employers to think that it is okay to discriminate again."

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role
More and more of this fraud presidency is exposing itself. You Trump lovers elected an idiot with a loud mouth and no skill. Those of us who did not vote for this chump should not have to endure these years of national stupidity.

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

Pedro Nicolaci da Costa

The black unemployment rate, often more than double the white rate even when the economy is supposedly humming, is one especially stark symbol of the deep racism that underpins the American economy.

Take current conditions. The overall unemployment rate fell to a 50-year low of 3.6% in April. The rate for whites is 3.1%. For black Americans, it’s 6.7%. Worse, that rate has been rising in opposition to the broader trend.

What gives?

The black jobless rate tends to be a volatile data series, so it’s still possible the recent uptick might be a statistical anomaly. That shouldn’t make anyone feel good about a 6.7% jobless rate, which if applied to the overall economy would equate to deeply recessionary conditions.

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, has a frighteningly plausible theory about what could be taking place.

In a recent column for TruthOut, Baker wrote: "The idea that the labor market is deteriorating even as the overall unemployment rate hits 50-year lows is very disturbing."

"If the rise in black male unemployment is real, why is this happening in an otherwise strong labor market? Having a president who seems to think that white men, starting with himself, are the biggest victims in society could be part of the problem. This may encourage employers to think that it is okay to discriminate again."

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role
More and more of this fraud presidency is exposing itself. You Trump lovers elected an idiot with a loud mouth and no skill. Those of us who did not vote for this chump should not have to endure these years of national stupidity.

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

Pedro Nicolaci da Costa

The black unemployment rate, often more than double the white rate even when the economy is supposedly humming, is one especially stark symbol of the deep racism that underpins the American economy.

Take current conditions. The overall unemployment rate fell to a 50-year low of 3.6% in April. The rate for whites is 3.1%. For black Americans, it’s 6.7%. Worse, that rate has been rising in opposition to the broader trend.

What gives?

The black jobless rate tends to be a volatile data series, so it’s still possible the recent uptick might be a statistical anomaly. That shouldn’t make anyone feel good about a 6.7% jobless rate, which if applied to the overall economy would equate to deeply recessionary conditions.

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, has a frighteningly plausible theory about what could be taking place.

In a recent column for TruthOut, Baker wrote: "The idea that the labor market is deteriorating even as the overall unemployment rate hits 50-year lows is very disturbing."

"If the rise in black male unemployment is real, why is this happening in an otherwise strong labor market? Having a president who seems to think that white men, starting with himself, are the biggest victims in society could be part of the problem. This may encourage employers to think that it is okay to discriminate again."

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

its more likely due to the increase of immigrants both legal and illegal taking low skilled jobs that blacks once had,,,

so in essence its the democrats fault,,,
This is the most accurate sentence in the article FYI:
"The black jobless rate tends to be a volatile data series, so it’s still possible the recent uptick might be a statistical anomaly."
In this economy, anyone who wants a job can find one, regardless of your race. Maybe they just find it easier to be on welfare like they were when Obama was president.
More and more of this fraud presidency is exposing itself. You Trump lovers elected an idiot with a loud mouth and no skill. Those of us who did not vote for this chump should not have to endure these years of national stupidity.

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

Pedro Nicolaci da Costa

The black unemployment rate, often more than double the white rate even when the economy is supposedly humming, is one especially stark symbol of the deep racism that underpins the American economy.

Take current conditions. The overall unemployment rate fell to a 50-year low of 3.6% in April. The rate for whites is 3.1%. For black Americans, it’s 6.7%. Worse, that rate has been rising in opposition to the broader trend.

What gives?

The black jobless rate tends to be a volatile data series, so it’s still possible the recent uptick might be a statistical anomaly. That shouldn’t make anyone feel good about a 6.7% jobless rate, which if applied to the overall economy would equate to deeply recessionary conditions.

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, has a frighteningly plausible theory about what could be taking place.

In a recent column for TruthOut, Baker wrote: "The idea that the labor market is deteriorating even as the overall unemployment rate hits 50-year lows is very disturbing."

"If the rise in black male unemployment is real, why is this happening in an otherwise strong labor market? Having a president who seems to think that white men, starting with himself, are the biggest victims in society could be part of the problem. This may encourage employers to think that it is okay to discriminate again."

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

TruthOut. :auiqs.jpg:

No more need be said.
The black unemployment is always higher due to so many selling drugs for a living.
More and more of this fraud presidency is exposing itself. You Trump lovers elected an idiot with a loud mouth and no skill. Those of us who did not vote for this chump should not have to endure these years of national stupidity.

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

Pedro Nicolaci da Costa

The black unemployment rate, often more than double the white rate even when the economy is supposedly humming, is one especially stark symbol of the deep racism that underpins the American economy.

Take current conditions. The overall unemployment rate fell to a 50-year low of 3.6% in April. The rate for whites is 3.1%. For black Americans, it’s 6.7%. Worse, that rate has been rising in opposition to the broader trend.

What gives?

The black jobless rate tends to be a volatile data series, so it’s still possible the recent uptick might be a statistical anomaly. That shouldn’t make anyone feel good about a 6.7% jobless rate, which if applied to the overall economy would equate to deeply recessionary conditions.

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, has a frighteningly plausible theory about what could be taking place.

In a recent column for TruthOut, Baker wrote: "The idea that the labor market is deteriorating even as the overall unemployment rate hits 50-year lows is very disturbing."

"If the rise in black male unemployment is real, why is this happening in an otherwise strong labor market? Having a president who seems to think that white men, starting with himself, are the biggest victims in society could be part of the problem. This may encourage employers to think that it is okay to discriminate again."

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

its more likely due to the increase of immigrants both legal and illegal taking low skilled jobs that blacks once had,,,

so in essence its the democrats fault,,,

Immigrants can't take jobs. Somebody has to hire them.
This is the most accurate sentence in the article FYI:
"The black jobless rate tends to be a volatile data series, so it’s still possible the recent uptick might be a statistical anomaly."
No that's not the most accurate sentence. You just want to deny things.
And we see the standard dumb from the same people.
blacks graduate at lower levels
....I've been over this before with the facts/links/etc = blacks are doing very well considering they graduate at lower levels and committing crime at higher levels
..blacks are overrepresented in good/great jobs
more blah blah RACISM
Black Unemployment Is Rising Again
Then go get a job you lazy fuck.
Trump can't help it if all you fuckers do is smoke crack.

For the OTHER members looking at the quoted posts, allow me to explain:

This crying sniveling piece of shit IM2 does nothing but complain and blame others for his sorry life. He cannot admit that his problems are of his own making. Oh no, its all because of "whitey" and racism, and Trump, and whatever. He is nothing but a lazy, punk, bitch, full of excuses.

So, since he lives in a world where everyone is racist against him, I give him what he wants. I'll show the piece of shit real racism. Hell, the dumb punk is already their in his fantasy-addled brain anyways, so I just give it to him.

I have decided that is my MO with this dirtbag. I don't know if its the best approach, but since I don't give a fuck about the piece of shit anyways, I don't care. LOL

And now, here is a great African American patriot who refutes this dirtbag:

Trump Repairing Obama's Economic Damage for Blacks and Hispanics
By Clarence McKee

BLACK REPUBLICAN BLOG: Trump Repairing Obama's Economic Damage for Blacks and Hispanics

I am getting pretty fed up with the constant “fake news” barrage from Democrat presidential candidates and their fellow party and media sycophants arguing that Obama is responsible for the Trump booming economy.
What a lie.

BET founder and billionaire Robert Johnson said it well — President Trump deserves credit for a “great” economy and low black unemployment:

“I think the economy is doing absolutely great, and it’s particularly reaching into populations that heretofore had very bad problems in terms of jobs, unemployment and the opportunities that come with full employment, so African-American unemployment is at its lowest level.”

He went on to say that he gives "the president a lot of credit for moving the economy in a positive direction that’s benefiting a large amount of Americans" and "the tax cuts clearly helped."

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board went even further in its July 4 editorial, “A Tale of Two Economies.”

Among its excellent points:

  • The jobless rate for blacks is 6.2%, which is only 2.9 percentage-points higher than for whites versus a 4.6 percentage-point difference before the start of the 2008 recession.
  • Unemployment has fallen twice as much among blacks as whites since December 2016.
  • Nearly one million more blacks and two million more Hispanics are employed than when Barack Obama left office.
  • Minorities account for more than half of all new jobs created during the Trump Presidency.
  • Unemployment among black women has hovered near 5% for the last six months, the lowest since 1972.
  • A mere 3.5% of high school graduates are unemployed.
The editorial also disputes the allegation of presidential wannabee Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Ca, that people are “stringing jobs together to make ends meet.” It points out that there are now “1.3 million fewer Americans working part time” for economic reasons than at the end of the Obama presidency.

Even more evidence of how the Trump economy has benefitted black and Hispanic Americans was pointed out in a July 8 Communications/Research Memo by Steve Guest, Rapid Response Director for the Republican Nation Committee, outlining how the Trump economy and polices “are helping workers more than Obama’s did.”

Among the significant points:

  • “Wages are rising at the fastest rate in a decade for lower-skilled workers.”
  • “Unemployment among less-educated Americans and minorities is near a record low.”
  • “Nearly one million more blacks and two million more Hispanics are employed than when Obama left office.”
  • “Minorities account for more than half of all new jobs created during the Trump Presidency.”
Guest rightly states in his “Bottom Line” that, “It is clear that the Democrat talking points on the economy are as phony as a $3 bill. President Trump’s America First policies are delivering higher wages and lower unemployment for more Americans.”

Trump’s positive impact on the black economy is not the only issue on which Democrats are deceiving America. The citizenship question issue on the 2020 census is another.

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