Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

how come the asian unemployment numbers is never talked about? why not indian unemployment? The hispanic unemployment?

Because they don't snivel and cry the way this bitch IM2 does. They actually work.
More and more of this fraud presidency is exposing itself. You Trump lovers elected an idiot with a loud mouth and no skill. Those of us who did not vote for this chump should not have to endure these years of national stupidity.

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role

Pedro Nicolaci da Costa

The black unemployment rate, often more than double the white rate even when the economy is supposedly humming, is one especially stark symbol of the deep racism that underpins the American economy.

Take current conditions. The overall unemployment rate fell to a 50-year low of 3.6% in April. The rate for whites is 3.1%. For black Americans, it’s 6.7%. Worse, that rate has been rising in opposition to the broader trend.

What gives?

The black jobless rate tends to be a volatile data series, so it’s still possible the recent uptick might be a statistical anomaly. That shouldn’t make anyone feel good about a 6.7% jobless rate, which if applied to the overall economy would equate to deeply recessionary conditions.

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, has a frighteningly plausible theory about what could be taking place.

In a recent column for TruthOut, Baker wrote: "The idea that the labor market is deteriorating even as the overall unemployment rate hits 50-year lows is very disturbing."

"If the rise in black male unemployment is real, why is this happening in an otherwise strong labor market? Having a president who seems to think that white men, starting with himself, are the biggest victims in society could be part of the problem. This may encourage employers to think that it is okay to discriminate again."

Black Unemployment Is Rising Again, And Trumpism Could Be Playing a Role
You failed to note how much Black unemployment has risen...

Could that be because it's well under 1/2% unemployment and still far better for Black Americans now than ever in America since Republicans defeated the Democrats and ended slavery?

Did you notice Democrats didn't clap when Trump announced in the SOTU Address that Black Unemployment was the lowest in history? That's because Democrats know that every time a Black person gets a job and gains self-dignity they're more likely to vote Republican.
The Libs are doing what they can to push black unemployment back up.

The real problem here is that millions of black youths are working instead of spending their days standing on the corner drinking Schlitz Malt Liquor and smoking Newports, feeling sorry for themselves and making plans for the big Reparations check the libs keeping promising.

This is bad news for the libs, who count on victims for their victories
What I see that is repubs like to talk about unemployment rates and how low they are under Trump

And they are the lowest in recent history but are the because of Trump No Economics policies or is he just riding the wave

Compare the unemployment rates overall Obama came in with rate at 15.2 on his first day at office

When he left it was 9.2

With two years of trump in Jan 2019 it spiked at 8.1 and currently at 7.2
At best a 2 point drop with time still on the line

Still OB dropped it 6 points

Trump inherited a unemployment rate that has been declining except for spikes in the recession period and other anonymities

IN 2009 the rates A 16.5

staying with the tread topic, minorities unemployment rates are doubled in many states. Unemployment rates are falling but with Trump trade wars and his dalliances with giving business a free reign to do anything they want (unless he see you as an enemy like Bezoa and does not support the free reign theory with him or others) it is inevitable that unemployment rates will rise when corporate greed becomes the driving factor.
What I see that is repubs like to talk about unemployment rates and how low they are under Trump

And they are the lowest in recent history but are the because of Trump No Economics policies or is he just riding the wave

Compare the unemployment rates overall Obama came in with rate at 15.2 on his first day at office

When he left it was 9.2

With two years of trump in Jan 2019 it spiked at 8.1 and currently at 7.2
At best a 2 point drop with time still on the line

Still OB dropped it 6 points

Trump inherited a unemployment rate that has been declining except for spikes in the recession period and other anonymities

IN 2009 the rates A 16.5

staying with the tread topic, minorities unemployment rates are doubled in many states. Unemployment rates are falling but with Trump trade wars and his dalliances with giving business a free reign to do anything they want (unless he see you as an enemy like Bezoa and does not support the free reign theory with him or others) it is inevitable that unemployment rates will rise when corporate greed becomes the driving factor.

Recovering from a bubble recession happens automatically if you don't screw it up.

The Bush Bank Bailout did the hard work.
What I see that is repubs like to talk about unemployment rates and how low they are under Trump

And they are the lowest in recent history but are the because of Trump No Economics policies or is he just riding the wave

Compare the unemployment rates overall Obama came in with rate at 15.2 on his first day at office

When he left it was 9.2

With two years of trump in Jan 2019 it spiked at 8.1 and currently at 7.2
At best a 2 point drop with time still on the line

Still OB dropped it 6 points

Trump inherited a unemployment rate that has been declining except for spikes in the recession period and other anonymities

IN 2009 the rates A 16.5

staying with the tread topic, minorities unemployment rates are doubled in many states. Unemployment rates are falling but with Trump trade wars and his dalliances with giving business a free reign to do anything they want (unless he see you as an enemy like Bezoa and does not support the free reign theory with him or others) it is inevitable that unemployment rates will rise when corporate greed becomes the driving factor.

Recovering from a bubble recession happens automatically if you don't screw it up.

The Bush Bank Bailout did the hard work.

Quote - Recovering from a bubble recession happens automatically if you don't screw it up.

fiscal policy is a more effective tool for aiding recovery and yes it doesn't happen automatically. Monetary policy is subordinate to fiscal policy. The bailout was nothing more than a bank bailout and giving them money or they would file for bankruptcy. It doesn't address the root cause for the recession.
The Federal Reserve stepped in and controlled the money and interest rates in order to effect GDP and inflation.

Well since there was a recovery OB didn't screw it up

Bush Bank bailout was passed in late 2008

blaming OB for what was inherited and giving Trump credit for what was inherited. That is a oxymoron.
What I see that is repubs like to talk about unemployment rates and how low they are under Trump

And they are the lowest in recent history but are the because of Trump No Economics policies or is he just riding the wave

Compare the unemployment rates overall Obama came in with rate at 15.2 on his first day at office

When he left it was 9.2

With two years of trump in Jan 2019 it spiked at 8.1 and currently at 7.2
At best a 2 point drop with time still on the line

Still OB dropped it 6 points

Trump inherited a unemployment rate that has been declining except for spikes in the recession period and other anonymities

IN 2009 the rates A 16.5

staying with the tread topic, minorities unemployment rates are doubled in many states. Unemployment rates are falling but with Trump trade wars and his dalliances with giving business a free reign to do anything they want (unless he see you as an enemy like Bezoa and does not support the free reign theory with him or others) it is inevitable that unemployment rates will rise when corporate greed becomes the driving factor.

Recovering from a bubble recession happens automatically if you don't screw it up.

The Bush Bank Bailout did the hard work.

Quote - Recovering from a bubble recession happens automatically if you don't screw it up.

fiscal policy is a more effective tool for aiding recovery and yes it doesn't happen automatically. Monetary policy is subordinate to fiscal policy. The bailout was nothing more than a bank bailout and giving them money or they would file for bankruptcy. It doesn't address the root cause for the recession.
The Federal Reserve stepped in and controlled the money and interest rates in order to effect GDP and inflation.

Well since there was a recovery OB didn't screw it up

Bush Bank bailout was passed in late 2008

blaming OB for what was inherited and giving Trump credit for what was inherited. That is a oxymoron.
The reason the Obama recovery was the worst in 50 years is because he did screw it up. Heavy regulations and huge corporate welfare payoffs to Democrat Party donors that created a pitifully small number of jobs/$ kept Obama from a recovery of Reagan-magnetude.

The quazi-government Fannie and Freddie created the recession after the execs were threatened with jail time if they didn't loan money to people that couldn't pay the loan back.

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