Black vs. Jewish racism


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
So which is worse?

Here is an article of a black who is an anti-Semite.

So here you have an Anti-Semite allegation that Jews run the world and is why this black man was fired.

But the two groups of people, Jews and Blacks, both have an extensive history of oppression with Jews arguably having much more than blacks.

For example, Jews are said to have been slaves for close to 500 years in Egypt. They were also persecuted extensively in Western Europe for centuries, as they were stolen from and kicked out of entire countries, made to live in ghettos, forced to wear a star of David to help identify them as someone who should be oppressed, and rounded up and murdered in mass numbers. The climax then came later with the Holocaust as some 6 million Jews were exterminated.

Today, anti-Semitism seems to be at an all time high as we see with this example in the article. Also, the UN has passed more resolutions against Israel than any other country in the world, no other country comes close. This is impressive considering that other countries like the Sudan and Syria, which have engaged in mass genocide of late, and oppressive countries like Iran and North Korea that murder on a whim and close to developing WMD's to start murdering people world wide, have not been targeted like Israel for building walls.

But yet when looking at socioeconomic status, the two groups are worlds apart with Jews at the top and black at the bottom

So with Jews receiving much more oppression in world history, how is it they rose to the top?
So which is worse?

Here is an article of a black who is an anti-Semite.

So here you have an Anti-Semite allegation that Jews run the world and is why this black man was fired.

But the two groups of people, Jews and Blacks, both have an extensive history of oppression with Jews arguably having much more than blacks.

For example, Jews are said to have been slaves for close to 500 years in Egypt. They were also persecuted extensively in Western Europe for centuries, as they were stolen from and kicked out of entire countries, made to live in ghettos, forced to wear a star of David to help identify them as someone who should be oppressed, and rounded up and murdered in mass numbers. The climax then came later with the Holocaust as some 6 million Jews were exterminated.

Today, anti-Semitism seems to be at an all time high as we see with this example in the article. Also, the UN has passed more resolutions against Israel than any other country in the world, no other country comes close. This is impressive considering that other countries like the Sudan and Syria, which have engaged in mass genocide of late, and oppressive countries like Iran and North Korea that murder on a whim and close to developing WMD's to start murdering people world wide, have not been targeted like Israel for building walls.

But yet when looking at socioeconomic status, the two groups are worlds apart with Jews at the top and black at the bottom

So with Jews receiving much more oppression in world history, how is it they rose to the top?
Because of BRAINS.
Here is an interesting Wiki article on black Jews

According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), "Some, but not all [sects of the Black Hebrew Israelites], are outspoken anti-Semites and racists."[14] As of December 2019, the Southern Poverty Law Center "lists 144 Black Hebrew Israelite organizations as black separatist hate groups because of their antisemitic and anti-white beliefs."[15] Former KKK Grand Wizard Tom Metzger once remarked to the Southern Poverty Law Center, "They're the black counterparts of us."[16]

So I wonder if Black Jews are referred to as Uncle Toms

Anyone know?
No one seems to want to touch this question with a 10 foot pole.

I wonder why.
Well, it's a myth that Jews have always been 'horribly oppressed n stuff', that's just their own bullshit they scare their children with these days, about the 'horrors Of Da Evull Xians!!!' They were big supporters of Muslim invasions and regimes, persecuted Chrisiten with glee at every opportunity, which were plentiful given their special status with Muslim leaders as administrators and garrison soldiers, particularly in Spain.

The last two Jewish regimes in what is now Yemen bragged about their killings of some 40,000 Christians, before the Muslim imperialist butcher invasions began to conquer first the ME then India and North Africa. Jews sided with Muslims against Christians everywhere, which is why they were never trusted by anybody else, along with their self-isolation and racist bigotry against pretty much everybody else as well. They don't have much to legitimately snivel about, seeing as most of their problems are self-inflicted, which is usually the case for most everybody else as well. except to lesser extremes than Jewish Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox racism. Lots of tribes and peoples suffered a lot more than Jews ever did over thousands of years. Under Romans, Greeks, and Persians, for instance, Jews were substantially a privileged minority, same in Spain under the Muslims, which is why they had such extensive international trading privileges for so many centuries. They also enjoyed 'Temple State' privileges under Greek and Roman rule, and substantial freedoms under the Persians, and were exempt from forced military service in most cases as well. They only lost that under the Romans with their stupid revolt in A.D. 70 and a later one a couple decades later, a more minor one.

Their later history, after their own 'Enlightenment' type reforms in the late 18th century are a different story; many began devoting their education advantages to reason and the sciences, practically inventing entire new fields of study, like biochemistry. The later Nazi vilification of Jews was particularly bizarre, given it was the Jewish banking establishment that was supporting the Germans in WW I, due to their hatred of the Russians, for obvious reasons, and suffered a lot of consequences for going against Wilson and the British Morgan interests; so where Hitler and those idiots got the idea to babble 'Jewish Money' was out to destroy Germany is a curiosity, mostly due to their being lunatics who didn't really know squat, much like modern 'leftists' and 'revolutionaries' now doing the dirty work in the streets for Wall Street's BLM franchise and funded by some 300 major multi-national banks and corporations.

Blacks hate Jews for a number of reasons, their part in the slave trade, having their own ambulances in the case of NYC blacks, the standard NOI bullshit, and of course Jews and blacks clashed in NYC over the school system, wherein Jews cut their own throats in trying to stick a finger in the WASP establishment's eye over 'civil rights', and ended up getting tossed out of the NYC school system themselves by black racists, which of course is hilarious stuff. One reason they hate Jews:

In "Broken Cities: Liberalism's Urban Legacy" in the March-April 1998 issue of Policy Review: The Journal of American Citizenship, Steven Hayward quotes an infamous New York City welfare commissioner whom The New York Daily News dubs "Come and Get It Ginsburg." The city actually was advertising for people to come on to welfare. What was the logic? It was the logic of the Kerner Commission Report. It was the sense that African-Americans were so damaged that what they needed was not help making it into society, but a respite from society; in effect, they should be pensioned off.

people sometimes argue that this welfare explosion was the price of good intentions. Nonsense. The theorists behind this movement are two people named Piven and Cloward, who are still alive. It's difficult to imagine how they get through the day knowing what they did, but they seem to do it. One's at Columbia University, and other is at City University of New York. Their logic is that, if you expanded the welfare role sufficiently, you would bankrupt the city, force a political crisis, and set people at each other's throats. The idea was that New York was at a median point, so if New York exploded like this, then the rest of the country would have to respond. Well, they succeeded in part. people were at each other's throats, and the city did go bankrupt.

You simply can't add that many people to welfare. This is difficult to imagine, but in1965, New York was not a particularly high-tax place. I don't mean that we were ever low. We taxed all sorts of things that no one else would think of taxing, such as moving vans. But we weren't off the charts. Five years later, however, we were off the charts, and the city's economy was heading straight downhill. That's one disaster, a disaster for which we really haven't fully recovered even today. people talk about the drop in welfare rolls under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. It's true, but we are back only to 1989 levels.

The second disaster was the creation of the Ocean Hill-Brownsville school district. What ties these two disasters together is the sense that Mayor Lindsay held strongly that rural immigrants with semi-literate pasts, without any skills in an urban economy, had nothing whatsoever in common with earlier immigrants. Now, the argument that blacks were just like immigrants of old was wrong. But the sense that they were completely different from immigrants of old is also wrong. people coming from rural backgrounds without the kinds of academic skills you needed to make it into the economy need to be acculturated.

New York's schools, like those in Washington, D.C., at the time, were integrationist in their ideology, and both were judged highly successful using a contemporary standard. That model was destroyed in the name of a kind of multiculturalism. And what happened at Ocean Hill-Brownsville was a conflict so intense, so vicious, so hostile, over black separatism in the schools that the people in the city were literally at each other's throats.

Let me tell you what happened, and I'll tell you how Jason Epstein, one of the resident geniuses at the New York Review of Books described it. There was broad support in New York for decentralization. Once Tammany Hall was gone, there was no way to access government horizontally. From the 1940s, Ed Costikyan, one of the city's wisemen, was able to build broad support for decentralization. Unfortunately, the first attempt at large-scale decentralization occurred around schooling, and it intersected with the rise of black nationalism. The New York teachers union turned into the kind of time-serving, self-interested bureaucracy people claim it is, but it had not reached that point yet in those days. The teachers union had been active in the civil rights movement and had supported even decentralization.

Despite this, Mayor Lindsay double-crossed the union. He brought in McGeorge Bundy, fresh from Vietnam, even though he knew very little about Vietnam or the Vietnamese. He also knew very little about New York City, eastern New York State, or black Americans. That didn't stop him. Nation-building had failed in Vietnam, but he was determined to make it succeed in eastern New York State. He also was going to impose an essentially black nationalist regime on the schools in New York City through a man named Rhody McCoy, now forgotten even to New Yorkers who follow these things. He ended up as a professor, fittingly enough in the education department of the University of Massachusetts.

Essentially, decentralization got hijacked and, without stretching, it was taken over by thugs. There was a lot of violence; teachers were threatened; blacks and Jews were at each other's throats. It was right after the Six Day War: Jews were feeling newly empowered, and these two groups clashed.

Jason Epstein went to McCoy to tell him that, at that point, the city had two choices, that is, it could restore the teachers to that school district either by "exterminating every black in New York City or by capitulating entirely." Now, neither of those things happened, fortunately, but neither did the schools ever recover. One of the great economic mechanisms of New York, and one of the great civic mechanisms for integrating people into the larger society -- integrating them into the economy -- was destroyed, and it has never been repaired. It's constantly reexamining itself and reshaping itself. It's like Soviet-era agriculture: It's constantly reforming itself, but never succeeding.

So, I would suggest that in New York we actually see the Kerner Commission played out on the ground. In the one case, welfare replaced work for low-income people who were ready to move up the job ladder. In another case, race became the central factor of the curriculum (and the only factor of curriculum in Ocean Hill-Brownsville).

One final point on Mayor Lindsay: His authority to lead the Kerner Commission was due to the fact that his city was the one that had not burned. You will recall that New York City had only minor disturbances that didn't fit the official qualifications the Kerner Commission Report had laid out. Having been there, however, and having been in some of them, it was hard for me to tell the difference. As a personal note, I was in the Newark riots, the Pittsburgh riots, and the more recent Crown Heights and Washington Heights riots, and I was in some riots in New York City in those periods that did not qualify by the Kerner Commission standards but that didn't look very different to me.

I would suggest that part of this reputation is undeserved, but not exactly in that way. It was undeserved in the sense that the measures Mayor Lindsay took to keep the lid on were as destructive -- if not more destructive -- to the city than the riots themselves because they caused financial bankruptcy and the destruction of the school system. That is the legacy of the Kerner Commission in New York City.

-- Fred Siegel is Senior Fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute.

Most 'minorities' are far more violently racist than WASPs are, a fact the latter often forget to their own damages.
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Jews are racist???
..anyway, blacks are the most racist of any group

that's because in the U.S. they're surrounded by so many examples of people coming here far worse off than slaves, literally starving and dying in big numbers, but finally managing to succeed via cooperation and education and organizing, while blacks never could, preferring to glorify dope and gangster culture. Who else would make a George Floyd a 'Martyr'???
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Because of BRAINS.
So you are saying that Jews are smarter?

You do realize that being Jewish is not even a race, right?
Jews are smarter---doesn't matter if they are a race or not

They value education almost obsessively; that doesn't necessarily translate into 'smarter', though; they have a lot of educated idiots, people educated far beyond their abilities to use it well, too. Need examples, just look at Lester Madoff and his client list of 'highly educated smart people'.
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Jews are racist???
..anyway, blacks are the most racist of any group

that's because in the U.S. they're surrounded by so many examples of people coming here far worse of than slaves, literally starving and dying in big numbers, but finally managing to succeed via cooperation and education and organizing, while blacks never could, preferring to glorify dope and gangster culture. Who else would make a George Floyd a 'Martyr'???
Jews are racist???
..anyway, blacks are the most racist of any group

that's because in the U.S. they're surrounded by so many examples of people coming here far worse of than slaves, literally starving and dying in big numbers, but finally managing to succeed via cooperation and education and organizing, while blacks never could, preferring to glorify dope and gangster culture. Who else would make a George Floyd a 'Martyr'???

Yes, it's just bizarre, proof their 'leaderhip' is corrupt and mentally ill, as well as the Burb Brats who think they're grand, too.
Well, it's a myth that Jews have always been 'horribly oppressed n stuff', that's just their own bullshit they scare their children with these days, about the 'horrors Of Da Evull Xians!!!' They were big supporters of Muslim invasions and regimes, persecuted Chrisiten with glee at every opportunity, which were plentiful given their special status with Muslim leaders as administrators and garrison soldiers, particularly in Spain.

The last two Jewish regimes in what is now Yemen bragged about their killings of some 40,000 Christians, before the Muslim imperialist butcher invasions began to conquer first the ME then India and North Africa. Jews sided with Muslims against Christians everywhere, which is why they were never trusted by anybody else, along with their self-isolation and racist bigotry against pretty much everybody else as well. They don't have much to legitimately snivel about, seeing as most of their problems are self-inflicted, which is usually the case for most everybody else as well. except to lesser extremes than Jewish Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox racism. Lots of tribes and peoples suffered a lot more than Jews ever did over thousands of years. Under Romans, Greeks, and Persians, for instance, Jews were substantially a privileged minority, same in Spain under the Muslims, which is why they had such extensive international trading privileges for so many centuries. They also enjoyed 'Temple State' privileges under Greek and Roman rule, and substantial freedoms under the Persians, and were exempt from forced military service in most cases as well. They only lost that under the Romans with their stupid revolt in A.D. 70 and a later one a couple decades later, a more minor one.

Their later history, after their own 'Enlightenment' type reforms in the late 18th century are a different story; many began devoting their education advantages to reason and the sciences, practically inventing entire new fields of study, like biochemistry. The later Nazi vilification of Jews was particularly bizarre, given it was the Jewish banking establishment that was supporting the Germans in WW I, due to their hatred of the Russians, for obvious reasons, and suffered a lot of consequences for going against Wilson and the British Morgan interests; so where Hitler and those idiots got the idea to babble 'Jewish Money' was out to destroy Germany is a curiosity, mostly due to their being lunatics who didn't really know squat, much like modern 'leftists' and 'revolutionaries' now doing the dirty work in the streets for Wall Street's BLM franchise and funded by some 300 major multi-national banks and corporations.

Blacks hate Jews for a number of reasons, their part in the slave trade, having their own ambulances in the case of NYC blacks, the standard NOI bullshit, and of course Jews and blacks clashed in NYC over the school system, wherein Jews cut their own throats in trying to stick a finger in the WASP establishment's eye over 'civil rights', and ended up getting tossed out of the NYC school system themselves by black racists, which of course is hilarious stuff. One reason they hate Jews:

In "Broken Cities: Liberalism's Urban Legacy" in the March-April 1998 issue of Policy Review: The Journal of American Citizenship, Steven Hayward quotes an infamous New York City welfare commissioner whom The New York Daily News dubs "Come and Get It Ginsburg." The city actually was advertising for people to come on to welfare. What was the logic? It was the logic of the Kerner Commission Report. It was the sense that African-Americans were so damaged that what they needed was not help making it into society, but a respite from society; in effect, they should be pensioned off.

people sometimes argue that this welfare explosion was the price of good intentions. Nonsense. The theorists behind this movement are two people named Piven and Cloward, who are still alive. It's difficult to imagine how they get through the day knowing what they did, but they seem to do it. One's at Columbia University, and other is at City University of New York. Their logic is that, if you expanded the welfare role sufficiently, you would bankrupt the city, force a political crisis, and set people at each other's throats. The idea was that New York was at a median point, so if New York exploded like this, then the rest of the country would have to respond. Well, they succeeded in part. people were at each other's throats, and the city did go bankrupt.

You simply can't add that many people to welfare. This is difficult to imagine, but in1965, New York was not a particularly high-tax place. I don't mean that we were ever low. We taxed all sorts of things that no one else would think of taxing, such as moving vans. But we weren't off the charts. Five years later, however, we were off the charts, and the city's economy was heading straight downhill. That's one disaster, a disaster for which we really haven't fully recovered even today. people talk about the drop in welfare rolls under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. It's true, but we are back only to 1989 levels.

The second disaster was the creation of the Ocean Hill-Brownsville school district. What ties these two disasters together is the sense that Mayor Lindsay held strongly that rural immigrants with semi-literate pasts, without any skills in an urban economy, had nothing whatsoever in common with earlier immigrants. Now, the argument that blacks were just like immigrants of old was wrong. But the sense that they were completely different from immigrants of old is also wrong. people coming from rural backgrounds without the kinds of academic skills you needed to make it into the economy need to be acculturated.

New York's schools, like those in Washington, D.C., at the time, were integrationist in their ideology, and both were judged highly successful using a contemporary standard. That model was destroyed in the name of a kind of multiculturalism. And what happened at Ocean Hill-Brownsville was a conflict so intense, so vicious, so hostile, over black separatism in the schools that the people in the city were literally at each other's throats.

Let me tell you what happened, and I'll tell you how Jason Epstein, one of the resident geniuses at the New York Review of Books described it. There was broad support in New York for decentralization. Once Tammany Hall was gone, there was no way to access government horizontally. From the 1940s, Ed Costikyan, one of the city's wisemen, was able to build broad support for decentralization. Unfortunately, the first attempt at large-scale decentralization occurred around schooling, and it intersected with the rise of black nationalism. The New York teachers union turned into the kind of time-serving, self-interested bureaucracy people claim it is, but it had not reached that point yet in those days. The teachers union had been active in the civil rights movement and had supported even decentralization.

Despite this, Mayor Lindsay double-crossed the union. He brought in McGeorge Bundy, fresh from Vietnam, even though he knew very little about Vietnam or the Vietnamese. He also knew very little about New York City, eastern New York State, or black Americans. That didn't stop him. Nation-building had failed in Vietnam, but he was determined to make it succeed in eastern New York State. He also was going to impose an essentially black nationalist regime on the schools in New York City through a man named Rhody McCoy, now forgotten even to New Yorkers who follow these things. He ended up as a professor, fittingly enough in the education department of the University of Massachusetts.

Essentially, decentralization got hijacked and, without stretching, it was taken over by thugs. There was a lot of violence; teachers were threatened; blacks and Jews were at each other's throats. It was right after the Six Day War: Jews were feeling newly empowered, and these two groups clashed.

Jason Epstein went to McCoy to tell him that, at that point, the city had two choices, that is, it could restore the teachers to that school district either by "exterminating every black in New York City or by capitulating entirely." Now, neither of those things happened, fortunately, but neither did the schools ever recover. One of the great economic mechanisms of New York, and one of the great civic mechanisms for integrating people into the larger society -- integrating them into the economy -- was destroyed, and it has never been repaired. It's constantly reexamining itself and reshaping itself. It's like Soviet-era agriculture: It's constantly reforming itself, but never succeeding.

So, I would suggest that in New York we actually see the Kerner Commission played out on the ground. In the one case, welfare replaced work for low-income people who were ready to move up the job ladder. In another case, race became the central factor of the curriculum (and the only factor of curriculum in Ocean Hill-Brownsville).

One final point on Mayor Lindsay: His authority to lead the Kerner Commission was due to the fact that his city was the one that had not burned. You will recall that New York City had only minor disturbances that didn't fit the official qualifications the Kerner Commission Report had laid out. Having been there, however, and having been in some of them, it was hard for me to tell the difference. As a personal note, I was in the Newark riots, the Pittsburgh riots, and the more recent Crown Heights and Washington Heights riots, and I was in some riots in New York City in those periods that did not qualify by the Kerner Commission standards but that didn't look very different to me.

I would suggest that part of this reputation is undeserved, but not exactly in that way. It was undeserved in the sense that the measures Mayor Lindsay took to keep the lid on were as destructive -- if not more destructive -- to the city than the riots themselves because they caused financial bankruptcy and the destruction of the school system. That is the legacy of the Kerner Commission in New York City.

-- Fred Siegel is Senior Fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute.

Most 'minorities' are far more violently racist than WASPs are, a fact the latter often forget to their own damages.

The Jewish People have persecuted and oppressed Christians? Christians have been persecuting and killing Jews for over 2000 years . They were responsible for slavery? They make up less then 2/10 0f 1 percent of the World Population. Another Moronic Claim
Blame the Killing of 6 Million Jews on the Jews themselves, part of your " Christian Values"

Well, it's a myth that Jews have always been 'horribly oppressed n stuff', that's just their own bullshit they scare their children with these days, about the 'horrors Of Da Evull Xians!!!' They were big supporters of Muslim invasions and regimes, persecuted Chrisiten with glee at every opportunity, which were plentiful given their special status with Muslim leaders as administrators and garrison soldiers, particularly in Spain.

The last two Jewish regimes in what is now Yemen bragged about their killings of some 40,000 Christians, before the Muslim imperialist butcher invasions began to conquer first the ME then India and North Africa. Jews sided with Muslims against Christians everywhere, which is why they were never trusted by anybody else, along with their self-isolation and racist bigotry against pretty much everybody else as well. They don't have much to legitimately snivel about, seeing as most of their problems are self-inflicted, which is usually the case for most everybody else as well. except to lesser extremes than Jewish Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox racism. Lots of tribes and peoples suffered a lot more than Jews ever did over thousands of years. Under Romans, Greeks, and Persians, for instance, Jews were substantially a privileged minority, same in Spain under the Muslims, which is why they had such extensive international trading privileges for so many centuries. They also enjoyed 'Temple State' privileges under Greek and Roman rule, and substantial freedoms under the Persians, and were exempt from forced military service in most cases as well. They only lost that under the Romans with their stupid revolt in A.D. 70 and a later one a couple decades later, a more minor one.

Their later history, after their own 'Enlightenment' type reforms in the late 18th century are a different story; many began devoting their education advantages to reason and the sciences, practically inventing entire new fields of study, like biochemistry. The later Nazi vilification of Jews was particularly bizarre, given it was the Jewish banking establishment that was supporting the Germans in WW I, due to their hatred of the Russians, for obvious reasons, and suffered a lot of consequences for going against Wilson and the British Morgan interests; so where Hitler and those idiots got the idea to babble 'Jewish Money' was out to destroy Germany is a curiosity, mostly due to their being lunatics who didn't really know squat, much like modern 'leftists' and 'revolutionaries' now doing the dirty work in the streets for Wall Street's BLM franchise and funded by some 300 major multi-national banks and corporations.

Blacks hate Jews for a number of reasons, their part in the slave trade, having their own ambulances in the case of NYC blacks, the standard NOI bullshit, and of course Jews and blacks clashed in NYC over the school system, wherein Jews cut their own throats in trying to stick a finger in the WASP establishment's eye over 'civil rights', and ended up getting tossed out of the NYC school system themselves by black racists, which of course is hilarious stuff. One reason they hate Jews:

In "Broken Cities: Liberalism's Urban Legacy" in the March-April 1998 issue of Policy Review: The Journal of American Citizenship, Steven Hayward quotes an infamous New York City welfare commissioner whom The New York Daily News dubs "Come and Get It Ginsburg." The city actually was advertising for people to come on to welfare. What was the logic? It was the logic of the Kerner Commission Report. It was the sense that African-Americans were so damaged that what they needed was not help making it into society, but a respite from society; in effect, they should be pensioned off.

people sometimes argue that this welfare explosion was the price of good intentions. Nonsense. The theorists behind this movement are two people named Piven and Cloward, who are still alive. It's difficult to imagine how they get through the day knowing what they did, but they seem to do it. One's at Columbia University, and other is at City University of New York. Their logic is that, if you expanded the welfare role sufficiently, you would bankrupt the city, force a political crisis, and set people at each other's throats. The idea was that New York was at a median point, so if New York exploded like this, then the rest of the country would have to respond. Well, they succeeded in part. people were at each other's throats, and the city did go bankrupt.

You simply can't add that many people to welfare. This is difficult to imagine, but in1965, New York was not a particularly high-tax place. I don't mean that we were ever low. We taxed all sorts of things that no one else would think of taxing, such as moving vans. But we weren't off the charts. Five years later, however, we were off the charts, and the city's economy was heading straight downhill. That's one disaster, a disaster for which we really haven't fully recovered even today. people talk about the drop in welfare rolls under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. It's true, but we are back only to 1989 levels.

The second disaster was the creation of the Ocean Hill-Brownsville school district. What ties these two disasters together is the sense that Mayor Lindsay held strongly that rural immigrants with semi-literate pasts, without any skills in an urban economy, had nothing whatsoever in common with earlier immigrants. Now, the argument that blacks were just like immigrants of old was wrong. But the sense that they were completely different from immigrants of old is also wrong. people coming from rural backgrounds without the kinds of academic skills you needed to make it into the economy need to be acculturated.

New York's schools, like those in Washington, D.C., at the time, were integrationist in their ideology, and both were judged highly successful using a contemporary standard. That model was destroyed in the name of a kind of multiculturalism. And what happened at Ocean Hill-Brownsville was a conflict so intense, so vicious, so hostile, over black separatism in the schools that the people in the city were literally at each other's throats.

Let me tell you what happened, and I'll tell you how Jason Epstein, one of the resident geniuses at the New York Review of Books described it. There was broad support in New York for decentralization. Once Tammany Hall was gone, there was no way to access government horizontally. From the 1940s, Ed Costikyan, one of the city's wisemen, was able to build broad support for decentralization. Unfortunately, the first attempt at large-scale decentralization occurred around schooling, and it intersected with the rise of black nationalism. The New York teachers union turned into the kind of time-serving, self-interested bureaucracy people claim it is, but it had not reached that point yet in those days. The teachers union had been active in the civil rights movement and had supported even decentralization.

Despite this, Mayor Lindsay double-crossed the union. He brought in McGeorge Bundy, fresh from Vietnam, even though he knew very little about Vietnam or the Vietnamese. He also knew very little about New York City, eastern New York State, or black Americans. That didn't stop him. Nation-building had failed in Vietnam, but he was determined to make it succeed in eastern New York State. He also was going to impose an essentially black nationalist regime on the schools in New York City through a man named Rhody McCoy, now forgotten even to New Yorkers who follow these things. He ended up as a professor, fittingly enough in the education department of the University of Massachusetts.

Essentially, decentralization got hijacked and, without stretching, it was taken over by thugs. There was a lot of violence; teachers were threatened; blacks and Jews were at each other's throats. It was right after the Six Day War: Jews were feeling newly empowered, and these two groups clashed.

Jason Epstein went to McCoy to tell him that, at that point, the city had two choices, that is, it could restore the teachers to that school district either by "exterminating every black in New York City or by capitulating entirely." Now, neither of those things happened, fortunately, but neither did the schools ever recover. One of the great economic mechanisms of New York, and one of the great civic mechanisms for integrating people into the larger society -- integrating them into the economy -- was destroyed, and it has never been repaired. It's constantly reexamining itself and reshaping itself. It's like Soviet-era agriculture: It's constantly reforming itself, but never succeeding.

So, I would suggest that in New York we actually see the Kerner Commission played out on the ground. In the one case, welfare replaced work for low-income people who were ready to move up the job ladder. In another case, race became the central factor of the curriculum (and the only factor of curriculum in Ocean Hill-Brownsville).

One final point on Mayor Lindsay: His authority to lead the Kerner Commission was due to the fact that his city was the one that had not burned. You will recall that New York City had only minor disturbances that didn't fit the official qualifications the Kerner Commission Report had laid out. Having been there, however, and having been in some of them, it was hard for me to tell the difference. As a personal note, I was in the Newark riots, the Pittsburgh riots, and the more recent Crown Heights and Washington Heights riots, and I was in some riots in New York City in those periods that did not qualify by the Kerner Commission standards but that didn't look very different to me.

I would suggest that part of this reputation is undeserved, but not exactly in that way. It was undeserved in the sense that the measures Mayor Lindsay took to keep the lid on were as destructive -- if not more destructive -- to the city than the riots themselves because they caused financial bankruptcy and the destruction of the school system. That is the legacy of the Kerner Commission in New York City.

-- Fred Siegel is Senior Fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute.

Most 'minorities' are far more violently racist than WASPs are, a fact the latter often forget to their own damages.

The Jewish People have persecuted and oppressed Christians? Christians have been persecuting and killing Jews for over 2000 years . They were responsible for slavery? They make up less then 2/10 0f 1 percent of the World Population. Another Moronic Claim
Blame the Killing of 6 Million Jews on the Jews themselves, part of your " Christian Values"

Rubbish, followed by an assortment of blatantly false strawmen and fake history. Your own historians have been exploding a lot of those myths. And do cite where the Nazis were' Christians'; they weren't, that's just lies that Jewish racists like to peddle and scare their kids with. I've already posted some of that history in the History Forum, complete with sources, and have more I never got around to, so go ahead and damage your credibility by lying about what I said and keep trying to sell those strawmen about the holocaust being 'Christian Values'. You want to trash Catholics, well, fine, but even there you'll be full of shit over 60% of the time. We can find many more Jews than priests selling out to the Nazis and doing their dirty work for them. I'm happy that Patton was ignored, as I wouldn't have shed one drop of blood saving eastern Europe from the Reds, for the record, because of their cooperation with the Nazis. Jews never showed much 'mercy' to their enemies, either, so don't feel you're special enough to criticize others over their bigotry.
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Well, it's a myth that Jews have always been 'horribly oppressed n stuff', that's just their own bullshit they scare their children with these days, about the 'horrors Of Da Evull Xians!!!' They were big supporters of Muslim invasions and regimes, persecuted Chrisiten with glee at every opportunity, which were plentiful given their special status with Muslim leaders as administrators and garrison soldiers, particularly in Spain.

The last two Jewish regimes in what is now Yemen bragged about their killings of some 40,000 Christians, before the Muslim imperialist butcher invasions began to conquer first the ME then India and North Africa. Jews sided with Muslims against Christians everywhere, which is why they were never trusted by anybody else, along with their self-isolation and racist bigotry against pretty much everybody else as well. They don't have much to legitimately snivel about, seeing as most of their problems are self-inflicted, which is usually the case for most everybody else as well. except to lesser extremes than Jewish Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox racism. Lots of tribes and peoples suffered a lot more than Jews ever did over thousands of years. Under Romans, Greeks, and Persians, for instance, Jews were substantially a privileged minority, same in Spain under the Muslims, which is why they had such extensive international trading privileges for so many centuries. They also enjoyed 'Temple State' privileges under Greek and Roman rule, and substantial freedoms under the Persians, and were exempt from forced military service in most cases as well. They only lost that under the Romans with their stupid revolt in A.D. 70 and a later one a couple decades later, a more minor one.

Their later history, after their own 'Enlightenment' type reforms in the late 18th century are a different story; many began devoting their education advantages to reason and the sciences, practically inventing entire new fields of study, like biochemistry. The later Nazi vilification of Jews was particularly bizarre, given it was the Jewish banking establishment that was supporting the Germans in WW I, due to their hatred of the Russians, for obvious reasons, and suffered a lot of consequences for going against Wilson and the British Morgan interests; so where Hitler and those idiots got the idea to babble 'Jewish Money' was out to destroy Germany is a curiosity, mostly due to their being lunatics who didn't really know squat, much like modern 'leftists' and 'revolutionaries' now doing the dirty work in the streets for Wall Street's BLM franchise and funded by some 300 major multi-national banks and corporations.

Blacks hate Jews for a number of reasons, their part in the slave trade, having their own ambulances in the case of NYC blacks, the standard NOI bullshit, and of course Jews and blacks clashed in NYC over the school system, wherein Jews cut their own throats in trying to stick a finger in the WASP establishment's eye over 'civil rights', and ended up getting tossed out of the NYC school system themselves by black racists, which of course is hilarious stuff. One reason they hate Jews:

In "Broken Cities: Liberalism's Urban Legacy" in the March-April 1998 issue of Policy Review: The Journal of American Citizenship, Steven Hayward quotes an infamous New York City welfare commissioner whom The New York Daily News dubs "Come and Get It Ginsburg." The city actually was advertising for people to come on to welfare. What was the logic? It was the logic of the Kerner Commission Report. It was the sense that African-Americans were so damaged that what they needed was not help making it into society, but a respite from society; in effect, they should be pensioned off.

people sometimes argue that this welfare explosion was the price of good intentions. Nonsense. The theorists behind this movement are two people named Piven and Cloward, who are still alive. It's difficult to imagine how they get through the day knowing what they did, but they seem to do it. One's at Columbia University, and other is at City University of New York. Their logic is that, if you expanded the welfare role sufficiently, you would bankrupt the city, force a political crisis, and set people at each other's throats. The idea was that New York was at a median point, so if New York exploded like this, then the rest of the country would have to respond. Well, they succeeded in part. people were at each other's throats, and the city did go bankrupt.

You simply can't add that many people to welfare. This is difficult to imagine, but in1965, New York was not a particularly high-tax place. I don't mean that we were ever low. We taxed all sorts of things that no one else would think of taxing, such as moving vans. But we weren't off the charts. Five years later, however, we were off the charts, and the city's economy was heading straight downhill. That's one disaster, a disaster for which we really haven't fully recovered even today. people talk about the drop in welfare rolls under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. It's true, but we are back only to 1989 levels.

The second disaster was the creation of the Ocean Hill-Brownsville school district. What ties these two disasters together is the sense that Mayor Lindsay held strongly that rural immigrants with semi-literate pasts, without any skills in an urban economy, had nothing whatsoever in common with earlier immigrants. Now, the argument that blacks were just like immigrants of old was wrong. But the sense that they were completely different from immigrants of old is also wrong. people coming from rural backgrounds without the kinds of academic skills you needed to make it into the economy need to be acculturated.

New York's schools, like those in Washington, D.C., at the time, were integrationist in their ideology, and both were judged highly successful using a contemporary standard. That model was destroyed in the name of a kind of multiculturalism. And what happened at Ocean Hill-Brownsville was a conflict so intense, so vicious, so hostile, over black separatism in the schools that the people in the city were literally at each other's throats.

Let me tell you what happened, and I'll tell you how Jason Epstein, one of the resident geniuses at the New York Review of Books described it. There was broad support in New York for decentralization. Once Tammany Hall was gone, there was no way to access government horizontally. From the 1940s, Ed Costikyan, one of the city's wisemen, was able to build broad support for decentralization. Unfortunately, the first attempt at large-scale decentralization occurred around schooling, and it intersected with the rise of black nationalism. The New York teachers union turned into the kind of time-serving, self-interested bureaucracy people claim it is, but it had not reached that point yet in those days. The teachers union had been active in the civil rights movement and had supported even decentralization.

Despite this, Mayor Lindsay double-crossed the union. He brought in McGeorge Bundy, fresh from Vietnam, even though he knew very little about Vietnam or the Vietnamese. He also knew very little about New York City, eastern New York State, or black Americans. That didn't stop him. Nation-building had failed in Vietnam, but he was determined to make it succeed in eastern New York State. He also was going to impose an essentially black nationalist regime on the schools in New York City through a man named Rhody McCoy, now forgotten even to New Yorkers who follow these things. He ended up as a professor, fittingly enough in the education department of the University of Massachusetts.

Essentially, decentralization got hijacked and, without stretching, it was taken over by thugs. There was a lot of violence; teachers were threatened; blacks and Jews were at each other's throats. It was right after the Six Day War: Jews were feeling newly empowered, and these two groups clashed.

Jason Epstein went to McCoy to tell him that, at that point, the city had two choices, that is, it could restore the teachers to that school district either by "exterminating every black in New York City or by capitulating entirely." Now, neither of those things happened, fortunately, but neither did the schools ever recover. One of the great economic mechanisms of New York, and one of the great civic mechanisms for integrating people into the larger society -- integrating them into the economy -- was destroyed, and it has never been repaired. It's constantly reexamining itself and reshaping itself. It's like Soviet-era agriculture: It's constantly reforming itself, but never succeeding.

So, I would suggest that in New York we actually see the Kerner Commission played out on the ground. In the one case, welfare replaced work for low-income people who were ready to move up the job ladder. In another case, race became the central factor of the curriculum (and the only factor of curriculum in Ocean Hill-Brownsville).

One final point on Mayor Lindsay: His authority to lead the Kerner Commission was due to the fact that his city was the one that had not burned. You will recall that New York City had only minor disturbances that didn't fit the official qualifications the Kerner Commission Report had laid out. Having been there, however, and having been in some of them, it was hard for me to tell the difference. As a personal note, I was in the Newark riots, the Pittsburgh riots, and the more recent Crown Heights and Washington Heights riots, and I was in some riots in New York City in those periods that did not qualify by the Kerner Commission standards but that didn't look very different to me.

I would suggest that part of this reputation is undeserved, but not exactly in that way. It was undeserved in the sense that the measures Mayor Lindsay took to keep the lid on were as destructive -- if not more destructive -- to the city than the riots themselves because they caused financial bankruptcy and the destruction of the school system. That is the legacy of the Kerner Commission in New York City.

-- Fred Siegel is Senior Fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute.

Most 'minorities' are far more violently racist than WASPs are, a fact the latter often forget to their own damages.

The Jewish People have persecuted and oppressed Christians? Christians have been persecuting and killing Jews for over 2000 years . They were responsible for slavery? They make up less then 2/10 0f 1 percent of the World Population. Another Moronic Claim
Blame the Killing of 6 Million Jews on the Jews themselves, part of your " Christian Values"

Rubbish, followed by an assortment of blatantly false strawmen and fake history. Your own historians have been exploding a lot of those myths. And do cite where the Nazis were' Christians'; they weren't, that's just lies that Jewish racists like to peddle and scare their kids with. I've already posted some of that history in the History Forum, complete with sources, and have more I never got around to, so go ahead and damage your credibility by lying about what I said and keep trying to sell those strawmen about the holocaust being 'Christian Values'. You want to trash Catholics, well, fine, but even there you'll be full of shit over 60% of the time. We can find many more Jews than priests selling out to the Nazis and doing their dirty work for them. I'm happy that Patton was ignored, as I wouldn't have shed one drop of blood saving eastern Europe from the Reds, for the record, because of their cooperation with the Nazis. Jews never showed much 'mercy' to their enemies, either, so don't feel you're special enough to criticize others over their bigotry.

My links are lies? The Antisemitism that the Church has been spewing for over 2000 years isn’t true and we’re responsible for the Holocaust?
Tell us why Jews should have “ mercy” to their “ Christian “ Mankind. .
Well, it's a myth that Jews have always been 'horribly oppressed n stuff', that's just their own bullshit they scare their children with these days, about the 'horrors Of Da Evull Xians!!!' They were big supporters of Muslim invasions and regimes, persecuted Chrisiten with glee at every opportunity, which were plentiful given their special status with Muslim leaders as administrators and garrison soldiers, particularly in Spain.

The last two Jewish regimes in what is now Yemen bragged about their killings of some 40,000 Christians, before the Muslim imperialist butcher invasions began to conquer first the ME then India and North Africa. Jews sided with Muslims against Christians everywhere, which is why they were never trusted by anybody else, along with their self-isolation and racist bigotry against pretty much everybody else as well. They don't have much to legitimately snivel about, seeing as most of their problems are self-inflicted, which is usually the case for most everybody else as well. except to lesser extremes than Jewish Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox racism. Lots of tribes and peoples suffered a lot more than Jews ever did over thousands of years. Under Romans, Greeks, and Persians, for instance, Jews were substantially a privileged minority, same in Spain under the Muslims, which is why they had such extensive international trading privileges for so many centuries. They also enjoyed 'Temple State' privileges under Greek and Roman rule, and substantial freedoms under the Persians, and were exempt from forced military service in most cases as well. They only lost that under the Romans with their stupid revolt in A.D. 70 and a later one a couple decades later, a more minor one.

Their later history, after their own 'Enlightenment' type reforms in the late 18th century are a different story; many began devoting their education advantages to reason and the sciences, practically inventing entire new fields of study, like biochemistry. The later Nazi vilification of Jews was particularly bizarre, given it was the Jewish banking establishment that was supporting the Germans in WW I, due to their hatred of the Russians, for obvious reasons, and suffered a lot of consequences for going against Wilson and the British Morgan interests; so where Hitler and those idiots got the idea to babble 'Jewish Money' was out to destroy Germany is a curiosity, mostly due to their being lunatics who didn't really know squat, much like modern 'leftists' and 'revolutionaries' now doing the dirty work in the streets for Wall Street's BLM franchise and funded by some 300 major multi-national banks and corporations.

Blacks hate Jews for a number of reasons, their part in the slave trade, having their own ambulances in the case of NYC blacks, the standard NOI bullshit, and of course Jews and blacks clashed in NYC over the school system, wherein Jews cut their own throats in trying to stick a finger in the WASP establishment's eye over 'civil rights', and ended up getting tossed out of the NYC school system themselves by black racists, which of course is hilarious stuff. One reason they hate Jews:

In "Broken Cities: Liberalism's Urban Legacy" in the March-April 1998 issue of Policy Review: The Journal of American Citizenship, Steven Hayward quotes an infamous New York City welfare commissioner whom The New York Daily News dubs "Come and Get It Ginsburg." The city actually was advertising for people to come on to welfare. What was the logic? It was the logic of the Kerner Commission Report. It was the sense that African-Americans were so damaged that what they needed was not help making it into society, but a respite from society; in effect, they should be pensioned off.

people sometimes argue that this welfare explosion was the price of good intentions. Nonsense. The theorists behind this movement are two people named Piven and Cloward, who are still alive. It's difficult to imagine how they get through the day knowing what they did, but they seem to do it. One's at Columbia University, and other is at City University of New York. Their logic is that, if you expanded the welfare role sufficiently, you would bankrupt the city, force a political crisis, and set people at each other's throats. The idea was that New York was at a median point, so if New York exploded like this, then the rest of the country would have to respond. Well, they succeeded in part. people were at each other's throats, and the city did go bankrupt.

You simply can't add that many people to welfare. This is difficult to imagine, but in1965, New York was not a particularly high-tax place. I don't mean that we were ever low. We taxed all sorts of things that no one else would think of taxing, such as moving vans. But we weren't off the charts. Five years later, however, we were off the charts, and the city's economy was heading straight downhill. That's one disaster, a disaster for which we really haven't fully recovered even today. people talk about the drop in welfare rolls under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. It's true, but we are back only to 1989 levels.

The second disaster was the creation of the Ocean Hill-Brownsville school district. What ties these two disasters together is the sense that Mayor Lindsay held strongly that rural immigrants with semi-literate pasts, without any skills in an urban economy, had nothing whatsoever in common with earlier immigrants. Now, the argument that blacks were just like immigrants of old was wrong. But the sense that they were completely different from immigrants of old is also wrong. people coming from rural backgrounds without the kinds of academic skills you needed to make it into the economy need to be acculturated.

New York's schools, like those in Washington, D.C., at the time, were integrationist in their ideology, and both were judged highly successful using a contemporary standard. That model was destroyed in the name of a kind of multiculturalism. And what happened at Ocean Hill-Brownsville was a conflict so intense, so vicious, so hostile, over black separatism in the schools that the people in the city were literally at each other's throats.

Let me tell you what happened, and I'll tell you how Jason Epstein, one of the resident geniuses at the New York Review of Books described it. There was broad support in New York for decentralization. Once Tammany Hall was gone, there was no way to access government horizontally. From the 1940s, Ed Costikyan, one of the city's wisemen, was able to build broad support for decentralization. Unfortunately, the first attempt at large-scale decentralization occurred around schooling, and it intersected with the rise of black nationalism. The New York teachers union turned into the kind of time-serving, self-interested bureaucracy people claim it is, but it had not reached that point yet in those days. The teachers union had been active in the civil rights movement and had supported even decentralization.

Despite this, Mayor Lindsay double-crossed the union. He brought in McGeorge Bundy, fresh from Vietnam, even though he knew very little about Vietnam or the Vietnamese. He also knew very little about New York City, eastern New York State, or black Americans. That didn't stop him. Nation-building had failed in Vietnam, but he was determined to make it succeed in eastern New York State. He also was going to impose an essentially black nationalist regime on the schools in New York City through a man named Rhody McCoy, now forgotten even to New Yorkers who follow these things. He ended up as a professor, fittingly enough in the education department of the University of Massachusetts.

Essentially, decentralization got hijacked and, without stretching, it was taken over by thugs. There was a lot of violence; teachers were threatened; blacks and Jews were at each other's throats. It was right after the Six Day War: Jews were feeling newly empowered, and these two groups clashed.

Jason Epstein went to McCoy to tell him that, at that point, the city had two choices, that is, it could restore the teachers to that school district either by "exterminating every black in New York City or by capitulating entirely." Now, neither of those things happened, fortunately, but neither did the schools ever recover. One of the great economic mechanisms of New York, and one of the great civic mechanisms for integrating people into the larger society -- integrating them into the economy -- was destroyed, and it has never been repaired. It's constantly reexamining itself and reshaping itself. It's like Soviet-era agriculture: It's constantly reforming itself, but never succeeding.

So, I would suggest that in New York we actually see the Kerner Commission played out on the ground. In the one case, welfare replaced work for low-income people who were ready to move up the job ladder. In another case, race became the central factor of the curriculum (and the only factor of curriculum in Ocean Hill-Brownsville).

One final point on Mayor Lindsay: His authority to lead the Kerner Commission was due to the fact that his city was the one that had not burned. You will recall that New York City had only minor disturbances that didn't fit the official qualifications the Kerner Commission Report had laid out. Having been there, however, and having been in some of them, it was hard for me to tell the difference. As a personal note, I was in the Newark riots, the Pittsburgh riots, and the more recent Crown Heights and Washington Heights riots, and I was in some riots in New York City in those periods that did not qualify by the Kerner Commission standards but that didn't look very different to me.

I would suggest that part of this reputation is undeserved, but not exactly in that way. It was undeserved in the sense that the measures Mayor Lindsay took to keep the lid on were as destructive -- if not more destructive -- to the city than the riots themselves because they caused financial bankruptcy and the destruction of the school system. That is the legacy of the Kerner Commission in New York City.

-- Fred Siegel is Senior Fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute.

Most 'minorities' are far more violently racist than WASPs are, a fact the latter often forget to their own damages.

The Jewish People have persecuted and oppressed Christians? Christians have been persecuting and killing Jews for over 2000 years . They were responsible for slavery? They make up less then 2/10 0f 1 percent of the World Population. Another Moronic Claim
Blame the Killing of 6 Million Jews on the Jews themselves, part of your " Christian Values"

Rubbish, followed by an assortment of blatantly false strawmen and fake history. Your own historians have been exploding a lot of those myths. And do cite where the Nazis were' Christians'; they weren't, that's just lies that Jewish racists like to peddle and scare their kids with. I've already posted some of that history in the History Forum, complete with sources, and have more I never got around to, so go ahead and damage your credibility by lying about what I said and keep trying to sell those strawmen about the holocaust being 'Christian Values'. You want to trash Catholics, well, fine, but even there you'll be full of shit over 60% of the time. We can find many more Jews than priests selling out to the Nazis and doing their dirty work for them. I'm happy that Patton was ignored, as I wouldn't have shed one drop of blood saving eastern Europe from the Reds, for the record, because of their cooperation with the Nazis. Jews never showed much 'mercy' to their enemies, either, so don't feel you're special enough to criticize others over their bigotry.

My links are lies? The Antisemitism that the Church has been spewing for over 2000 years isn’t true and we’re responsible for the Holocaust?
Tell us why Jews should have “ mercy” to their “ Christian “ Mankind. .

You still can't address what I said, can you? That's because you know you're being dishonest.

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