Black woman pretending to be stranded motorist...kills college student

Look at msm headlines.

All of them spin headlinea depending on the crime.

If a cop or a white person kills a black person the headline will mention the person is black. If a black person kills anyone the headline will never mention their skin color.

In like 95% of all headlines skin color is only mentioned if a black person is killed or hurt by a non black person.

Even still, even if say a black guy robs a store, runs over a old man, kills 3 police office, kidnaps a baby and sets an orphanage on fire killing 22 orphans and the cops finally catch up to and shoot him the headline will still "28 year old black man killed by police".

Hell I saw on the local news last week on the TV in the break room at work. They showed a black dude dive over the counter at a in store bank, steal money with a gun, ran outside, drove off, the cops found the same car at his place and still wearing the same clothes and the guy confessed to doing it. They had multiple witnesses and a shit load of clear store camera footage and they still used the word "alleged" a dozen times.
How shameful of you to post horrific black crime. It's 2022 for Allah's sake. Get with the times. We only post good things being done occasionally by our black friends now.

Please consider axing the mods to delete this thread and then axe our black kings and queens for forgiveness.
How about posting as many white crimes?
There are black hispanics.

You seem to be completely unaware that the OP has consistently posted as a leftist.
I don't care what the OP has posted as. I'm just tired of the one sided crap. Whites are killing, robbing, raping, and everything else, most of you are supporting a bunch of criminal politicians and yet all you post is black crimes.
I don't care what the OP has posted as. I'm just tired of the one sided crap. Whites are killing, robbing, raping, and everything else, most of you are supporting a bunch of criminal politicians and yet all you post is black crimes.
Blah, blah, blah.
Hold all criminals accountable.
Given that "culture's" crime stats a person would be a fool to go out of their way for them.....Let them reap what they have sown.....If you feel inclined just call the cops or 911 and let them deal with it.....Or not.
It not a theory. All the stats point to red states violent culture. Scream about NYC all you want you are safer there than Alabama.
Nice try idiot. You are mixing national data with DOJ data. The DOJ does not separate Hispanics/Latinos from whites. The majority of “white crime” is actually perpetrated by Hispanics.
You are partly right. The official rule is if a Hispanic is the victim of a crime they are classed as Hispanic. If they are perpetrators of a crime they are classed as white.
No mainstream media outlet has included the picture of the suspect. Some people are saying that it is considered journalistically insensitive to show an image of a black crime perpetrator.

i must have missed something. WHY did she shoot him?

to take his money?

or just bc he was white?
Now do murder and rape.

Here, bitch. How come blacks are 14%-ish of the population yet there's a higher percentage of them than white in prison when over 60% of the population are white? Y U wanna be stupid about it?

yeh, this reminds me of some saying i heard yrs ago, something about how a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing..


they have very limited knowledge. I don't suppose it has something to do with the fact that they hate truth? logic? things like that..
With Democrat destruction of the economy and tens of millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border, many violent criminals among them......

Americans are not ready for the violence and crime wave about to descend on them.
It's really too late to do a thing about it except bunker down.
Do not expect the media to report on the true magnitude of it.

Good luck. You're gonna need it especially after the Left totally disarms you.
That its all they ever seem to find while whites are committing terrible crimes and we don't see them every day.

Are you trying to be funny?
Whites are terrified little rabbits in a wolves den. Whites are totally scared shitless and doing nothing but hiding.
You are SO full of shit I'll bet your eyes are brown.

The ONLY whites that "might" be doing any violence at all are your FAR LEFT, SJW Democrat brethren heathens.
(and an occasional white serial killer maniac)
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