Black woman pretending to be stranded motorist...kills college student

Funny how that has never been the case before. Funny how you guys scrape the news to find these stories while some white men are trying to end democracy in this country because they have committed all kinds of crime and that gets excuses.
what is not funny is what this action will do for real stranded motorists. When it happens for real, you will be one of the first ones screaming racism for not stopping to help. Funny.
Unfortunately it is far too easy for a criminal to mimic a victim. Think of the guy with a leg cast and crutches, fumbling around to get his groceries in his van. Your first instinct, as a human, is to rush in and help the poor soul. Predators know this.... Of course we should always try and help out whenever we can, for the shear joy of doing so......but, that being said... it can be a "weakness" that criminals target.
Lot's of folks have a tendency to "drop their guard" somewhat, when out in the "back country". It's only fishing, friendly folks camping, the serenity of the great outdoors etc... However they should be aware that criminals are well aware that "easy pickens" can be found in some of the places most folks feel most comfortable at, including structured campgrounds and "dispersed" campsites, hiking/ biking trails, and the trail head parking spots. Predators and thieves routinely drive out to these places much like a lioness walks down to the waterhole.
People would always ask me if I was afraid of bears out in solo wilderness trips.
The answer was no, and that I was more concerned about bumping into the wrong two legged animal out in the middle of nowhere.
This was a story of campers harrassed and threatened in the very rural BWCA Wilderness on the MN Ontario border.
It was reported in other stories that they were firing guns at night out on the lake and threatening to kill campers from the dark of night.
People would always ask me if I was afraid of bears out in solo wilderness trips.
The answer was no, and that I was more concerned about bumping into the wrong two legged animal out in the middle of nowhere.
This was a story of campers harrassed and threatened in the very rural BWCA Wilderness on the MN Ontario border.
It was reported in other stories that they were firing guns at night out on the lake and threatening to kill campers from the dark of night.
Well..where I go there's a lot of bears, so yes I carry a .357 when I go.

(for all the good it would do) Pfft. It's better than nothing. I suppose.

Not certain it would stop them.

Shuffle my feet when I hear one around, too. And they are around.

Bears are the trailblazers of the woods. Bears do not care, they just get going and crash through everything. IMO the best stategy is to make the bear aware of you. You are you and here I am and am coming through and fuck them. That's worked for me over the years.

The 2-legged variety of predator is much worse.
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“Some people”? You mean leftwingers who never want to talk about black criminals.
How about right wingers who created those criminal breeding neighborhoods? They ran them out of the south and when they arrived in the north, white people wouldn`t hire them. Do you think that they wanted to live in those neighborhoods? If you wanted to learn something, which I'm sure you don`t, this is a good place to start. It`s history.
Amazon product ASIN 0679763880
How about right wingers who created those criminal breeding neighborhoods? They ran them out of the south and when they arrived in the north, white people wouldn`t hire them. Do you think that they wanted to live in those neighborhoods? If you wanted to learn something, which I'm sure you don`t, this is a good place to start. It`s history.
Amazon product ASIN 0679763880
Oh of course, all black crime exists cuz whu-wyyte peoples mades them du it.

Black crime in black neighborhoods didn’t actually get bad until their fatherless families became predominant. Once FDR got them hooked on welfare, fathers disappeared in black households, and we all know that is the biggest factor in determining if a child will be successful or become a criminal.

Destroying the family unit and replacing it with government dependence is leftwing policy, not right wing. So in a sense these white liberals are to blame, but ultimately it was the black people themselves that embraced their ideology. So much so that most blacks today defend leftwing policies that have kept their cities dirty, unsafe, and undesirable.

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