black woman shot by white neighbor got it backwards is up to the state to prove it was not justified.

This is a fundamental tenet of our legal is up to the state to prove a defendant is guilty....anyone who does not understand this lacks a basic understanding of our system of juirisprudence....yet one sees several on here who just do not get it....typical for this dumbdowned board and even more typical of our dumbdowned society.

There is no presumption of innocence in a self defense shooting. The person is freely admitting to shooting the person and if the person he shot dies then it he is freely admitting to homicide.

The onus of proving justification is on the shooter not the state.

white lady bonds out and had to wear ankle monitor. told you this would happen.

After the shooting, Lorincz told investigators she had problems for two years with being disrespected by children in the neighborhood — including Owens' children, who are ages 12, 9, 7 and 3.

Owens then came over and knocked on her door. Lorincz told investigators that Owens threatened to kill her and banged on the door so hard she feared Owens would break it down.

She also said they threatened to kill her before the kids too. both were wrong. so we will see.
Whatelse is she going to say.

white lady bonds out and had to wear ankle monitor. told you this would happen.

After the shooting, Lorincz told investigators she had problems for two years with being disrespected by children in the neighborhood — including Owens' children, who are ages 12, 9, 7 and 3.

Owens then came over and knocked on her door. Lorincz told investigators that Owens threatened to kill her and banged on the door so hard she feared Owens would break it down.

She also said they threatened to kill her before the kids too. both were wrong. so we will see.
Yep makes a ton more sense. Racist black single mother of unruly kids! She went over to Lorincz’s house to whip her ass! Got shot istead.
Yep makes a ton more sense. Racist black single mother of unruly kids! She went over to Lorincz’s house to whip her ass! Got shot istead.
last i heard the white woman got bail and has to wear a bracelet.

well she got bail and has to wear ankle bracelet when she bails out. and black people want blood as usual. the black lady was part of the problem. she wasn't not innocent by any stretch neither were her kids.

well she got bail and has to wear ankle bracelet when she bails out. and black people want blood as usual. the black lady was part of the problem. she wasn't not innocent by any stretch neither were her kids.

There was a case in Florida not long ago. Two fathers road raging at each other. It escalated to guns.

The person who fired first has been found to have acted in self defense. The person who returned fire was not acting in self defense.

I mention that to show the law can sometimes split some very fine hairs. We don’t know who would have been in trouble if the Police had been summoned. The shooter may have faced charges for throwing and striking the child with the thrown object. It might have been the shooter for picking up another object owned by the kids and taking it inside. Those possible charges would be assault and theft.

The mother might have faced charges of disturbing the peace. Maybe. If the cops had been called.

Instead. The shooter is the one facing charges. If you fire through a closed and locked door. You had better have the baddie on the other side armed and shooting through the door too.
There was a case in Florida not long ago. Two fathers road raging at each other. It escalated to guns.

The person who fired first has been found to have acted in self defense. The person who returned fire was not acting in self defense.

I mention that to show the law can sometimes split some very fine hairs. We don’t know who would have been in trouble if the Police had been summoned. The shooter may have faced charges for throwing and striking the child with the thrown object. It might have been the shooter for picking up another object owned by the kids and taking it inside. Those possible charges would be assault and theft.

The mother might have faced charges of disturbing the peace. Maybe. If the cops had been called.

Instead. The shooter is the one facing charges. If you fire through a closed and locked door. You had better have the baddie on the other side armed and shooting through the door too.
i remember what does have to do with these punk on to compling with cops and shooting at them
God grant you the serenity to accept the things you can't change, courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference. And I'm telling you bro, there isn't a fucking thing you can do about this.

It's not your circus either.

I've book marked this one. Its the reply you're getting whenever you babble about Trump's indictment.

well she got bail and has to wear ankle bracelet when she bails out. and black people want blood as usual. the black lady was part of the problem. she wasn't not innocent by any stretch neither were her kids.
It's pretty obvious that you think the white woman should get away with murdering a black woman. Stop beating around the damn bush and just say that.
It's pretty obvious that you think the white woman should get away with murdering a black woman. Stop beating around the damn bush and just say that.
You are a vile black racists! The facts don’t matter you only that a white person was the accused and a black person is the “victim.”

I bet you still think the Duke LaCross Players are still guilty!

Fact of the matter, the narrative the media is pushing does not fit with what happened… but you are a useless person to discuss with.
You are a vile black racists! The facts don’t matter you only that a white person was the accused and a black person is the “victim.”
You are a POS white racist, what r the facts?
I bet you still think the Duke LaCross Players are still guilty!
Do you think Charles Stuart or Susan Smith are guilty?
Fact of the matter, the narrative the media is pushing does not fit with what happened… but you are a useless person to discuss with.
Tell us numbnuts, what really happened.
You are a POS white racist, what r the facts?

Do you think Charles Stuart or Susan Smith are guilty?

Tell us numbnuts, what really happened.
(1) Well behaved black angels did nothing… come on, they were the product of a single mother with no father in their lives. By the facts of the case these young kids were unsupervised. Guarantee they were the antagonists.
(2) There was an ongoing dispute, but they place it all on the white woman. Making it seem like the black woman is an angel.
(3) When the black woman came on the white woman’s property, they are making it like she came there in a calm and collective way and not in a violent way. Come on, that didn’t happen, even a mental midget like you knows this.

Now the moronic cop that investigated this talked about the stand your ground defense. Again he is a moron for quoting that defense. The castle doctrine covers this case.

Most states don’t allow deadly force until they breach your home, but most give leeway if you legitimately believe your life is in danger. That is the key here!
(1) Well behaved black angels did nothing… come on, they were the product of a single mother with no father in their lives. By the facts of the case these young kids were unsupervised. Guarantee they were the antagonists.
(2) There was an ongoing dispute, but they place it all on the white woman. Making it seem like the black woman is an angel.
(3) When the black woman came on the white woman’s property, they are making it like she came there in a calm and collective way and not in a violent way. Come on, that didn’t happen, even a mental midget like you knows this.

Now the moronic cop that investigated this talked about the stand your ground defense. Again he is a moron for quoting that defense. The castle doctrine covers this case.

Most states don’t allow deadly force until they breach your home, but most give leeway if you legitimately believe your life is in danger. That is the key here!

Interesting. You demand that the issue be discussed based upon facts, and then promptly create information, that has not been in the news, nor alluded to by anything other than RW types. The facts of the case as I understand it.

A long running dispute between neighbors. Not uncommon. YouTube is full of videos of neighborhood Karens losing their minds over anything.

On the day of the shooting. The kids who were playing in a lot next door to Karens house, crossed over the corner of her yard. There was a big court case in Texas where people had the right to cut the corner on private property to reach state property. Normally there are routes put in called Easements. A road or trail through property, say yours, which you must leave accessible to others. Sometimes these are used for utilities, as one example. You own the land, but they get to use it.

The woman in question threw something, and struck the foot of one of the children. That is assault. I’ve seen conflicting reports on if the shooter took something inside. However, thrown object is a near certainty.

Ok, so the facts are a neighborhood feud. Ok. The Shooter threw something at a child. Let’s be honest. If it was your child you would demand to know why your kid was struck. If it was justified, you might side with the person doing the striking, if not, you would demand at the very least an apology wouldn’t you?

Neighbors who were talked to by the Police, and Press, none of them said the kids were a problem. Including White People who were interviewed.

Lauren Smith, 40, lives across the street from where the shooting happened. She was on her porch that day and saw one of Owens’ young sons pacing, and yelling, “They shot my mama, they shot my mama.”

She ran toward the house, and started chest compressions until a rescue crew arrived. She said there wasn’t an altercation and that Owens didn’t have a weapon.

“She was angry all the time that the children were playing out there,” Smith said. “She would say nasty things to them. Just nasty.” Smith, who is white, described the neighborhood is family friendly.

The shooting took place through a closed door. The person who was shot was unarmed. A closed and locked door separated them. It is hard to claim self defense when the baddie can’t actually get to you isn’t it?

So the problem appears to be the Shooter. The problem in the neighborhood anyway.

So going by the facts that we have so far. And I readily admit there may be more to come, I’d have to continue with my earlier statements. This shooting was not justified. Not in any way, shape, or form.

Now, using the facts that are available, explain your position that it was a good thing.
Interesting. You demand that the issue be discussed based upon facts, and then promptly create information, that has not been in the news, nor alluded to by anything other than RW types. The facts of the case as I understand it.

A long running dispute between neighbors. Not uncommon. YouTube is full of videos of neighborhood Karens losing their minds over anything.

On the day of the shooting. The kids who were playing in a lot next door to Karens house, crossed over the corner of her yard. There was a big court case in Texas where people had the right to cut the corner on private property to reach state property. Normally there are routes put in called Easements. A road or trail through property, say yours, which you must leave accessible to others. Sometimes these are used for utilities, as one example. You own the land, but they get to use it.

The woman in question threw something, and struck the foot of one of the children. That is assault. I’ve seen conflicting reports on if the shooter took something inside. However, thrown object is a near certainty.

Ok, so the facts are a neighborhood feud. Ok. The Shooter threw something at a child. Let’s be honest. If it was your child you would demand to know why your kid was struck. If it was justified, you might side with the person doing the striking, if not, you would demand at the very least an apology wouldn’t you?

Neighbors who were talked to by the Police, and Press, none of them said the kids were a problem. Including White People who were interviewed.

Lauren Smith, 40, lives across the street from where the shooting happened. She was on her porch that day and saw one of Owens’ young sons pacing, and yelling, “They shot my mama, they shot my mama.”

She ran toward the house, and started chest compressions until a rescue crew arrived. She said there wasn’t an altercation and that Owens didn’t have a weapon.

“She was angry all the time that the children were playing out there,” Smith said. “She would say nasty things to them. Just nasty.” Smith, who is white, described the neighborhood is family friendly.

The shooting took place through a closed door. The person who was shot was unarmed. A closed and locked door separated them. It is hard to claim self defense when the baddie can’t actually get to you isn’t it?

So the problem appears to be the Shooter. The problem in the neighborhood anyway.

So going by the facts that we have so far. And I readily admit there may be more to come, I’d have to continue with my earlier statements. This shooting was not justified. Not in any way, shape, or form.

Now, using the facts that are available, explain your position that it was a good thing.
white woman got bail last i heard
I am sorry but one shouldn't have a right to shoot anyone unless they step foot into ones house with violent intentions. I am sorry but this bitch needs to be imprisoned for her evil actions. Murder is killing someone just because you feel like it. Well, this smells like that.
First you are wrong. They just have to come into your home uninvited. Second,
Interesting. You demand that the issue be discussed based upon facts, and then promptly create information, that has not been in the news, nor alluded to by anything other than RW types. The facts of the case as I understand it.

A long running dispute between neighbors. Not uncommon. YouTube is full of videos of neighborhood Karens losing their minds over anything.

On the day of the shooting. The kids who were playing in a lot next door to Karens house, crossed over the corner of her yard. There was a big court case in Texas where people had the right to cut the corner on private property to reach state property. Normally there are routes put in called Easements. A road or trail through property, say yours, which you must leave accessible to others. Sometimes these are used for utilities, as one example. You own the land, but they get to use it.

The woman in question threw something, and struck the foot of one of the children. That is assault. I’ve seen conflicting reports on if the shooter took something inside. However, thrown object is a near certainty.

Ok, so the facts are a neighborhood feud. Ok. The Shooter threw something at a child. Let’s be honest. If it was your child you would demand to know why your kid was struck. If it was justified, you might side with the person doing the striking, if not, you would demand at the very least an apology wouldn’t you?

Neighbors who were talked to by the Police, and Press, none of them said the kids were a problem. Including White People who were interviewed.

Lauren Smith, 40, lives across the street from where the shooting happened. She was on her porch that day and saw one of Owens’ young sons pacing, and yelling, “They shot my mama, they shot my mama.”

She ran toward the house, and started chest compressions until a rescue crew arrived. She said there wasn’t an altercation and that Owens didn’t have a weapon.

“She was angry all the time that the children were playing out there,” Smith said. “She would say nasty things to them. Just nasty.” Smith, who is white, described the neighborhood is family friendly.

The shooting took place through a closed door. The person who was shot was unarmed. A closed and locked door separated them. It is hard to claim self defense when the baddie can’t actually get to you isn’t it?

So the problem appears to be the Shooter. The problem in the neighborhood anyway.

So going by the facts that we have so far. And I readily admit there may be more to come, I’d have to continue with my earlier statements. This shooting was not justified. Not in any way, shape, or form.

Now, using the facts that are available, explain your position that it was a good thing.
White Karens usually call the cops for suspected reasons. Black Karens usually get ultra violent. Interesting you call her a Karen without one fact stating she was other the Lying Ben Crump’s comment!

But we do know they Black woman confronted her at her residency and banged on the door demanded she come out!

Interesting. You demand that the issue be discussed based upon facts, and then promptly create information, that has not been in the news, nor alluded to by anything other than RW types. The facts of the case as I understand it.

A long running dispute between neighbors. Not uncommon. YouTube is full of videos of neighborhood Karens losing their minds over anything.

On the day of the shooting. The kids who were playing in a lot next door to Karens house, crossed over the corner of her yard. There was a big court case in Texas where people had the right to cut the corner on private property to reach state property. Normally there are routes put in called Easements. A road or trail through property, say yours, which you must leave accessible to others. Sometimes these are used for utilities, as one example. You own the land, but they get to use it.

The woman in question threw something, and struck the foot of one of the children. That is assault. I’ve seen conflicting reports on if the shooter took something inside. However, thrown object is a near certainty.

Ok, so the facts are a neighborhood feud. Ok. The Shooter threw something at a child. Let’s be honest. If it was your child you would demand to know why your kid was struck. If it was justified, you might side with the person doing the striking, if not, you would demand at the very least an apology wouldn’t you?

Neighbors who were talked to by the Police, and Press, none of them said the kids were a problem. Including White People who were interviewed.

Lauren Smith, 40, lives across the street from where the shooting happened. She was on her porch that day and saw one of Owens’ young sons pacing, and yelling, “They shot my mama, they shot my mama.”

She ran toward the house, and started chest compressions until a rescue crew arrived. She said there wasn’t an altercation and that Owens didn’t have a weapon.

“She was angry all the time that the children were playing out there,” Smith said. “She would say nasty things to them. Just nasty.” Smith, who is white, described the neighborhood is family friendly.

The shooting took place through a closed door. The person who was shot was unarmed. A closed and locked door separated them. It is hard to claim self defense when the baddie can’t actually get to you isn’t it?

So the problem appears to be the Shooter. The problem in the neighborhood anyway.

So going by the facts that we have so far. And I readily admit there may be more to come, I’d have to continue with my earlier statements. This shooting was not justified. Not in any way, shape, or form.

Now, using the facts that are available, explain your position that it was a good thing.
Property rights vary in different states! And easements are different the crossing a lawn. A sidewalk is an easement, but you need to stay on the easement not private property. If she did toss the skates at them (big if) then those skates were left in her property, so they did more then just go on the property.

That neighbors testimony provided no relevant details whatsoever.
First you are wrong. They just have to come into your home uninvited. Second,

White Karens usually call the cops for suspected reasons. Black Karens usually get ultra violent. Interesting you call her a Karen without one fact stating she was other the Lying Ben Crump’s comment!

But we do know they Black woman confronted her at her residency and banged on the door demanded she come out!

Which of these Nazi’s protesting Disney and supporting DeSantis are you?

(1) Well behaved black angels did nothing… come on, they were the product of a single mother with no father in their lives. By the facts of the case these young kids were unsupervised. Guarantee they were the antagonists.
....but I am the racist, lol. Your racist ass just AssUMed because they are black they had to be the problem. Not the fact she could just be a racist ass Karen.
(2) There was an ongoing dispute, but they place it all on the white woman. Making it seem like the black woman is an angel.
Could it be because the white woman murdered a black mother in front of her 10yr old kid. According to the sheriff's office, evidence showed that, over time, Lorincz had become angry over Owens' children playing in a field close to her apartment. During the argument, the office continued, Lorincz threw a roller skate at Owens' 10-year-old son and hit him in a toe. The boy and his 12-year-old brother then went to speak to Lorincz, and she opened her door and swung at them with an umbrella. They told their mother what happened and "Owens approached Lorincz's home, knocked on the door multiple times, and demanded that Lorincz come outside. Lorincz then fired one shot through the door, striking Owens in her upper chest.
(3) When the black woman came on the white woman’s property, they are making it like she came there in a calm and collective way and not in a violent way. Come on, that didn’t happen, even a mental midget like you knows this.
Came on her property? They lived in damn apartment complex.
Now the moronic cop that investigated this talked about the stand your ground defense. Again he is a moron for quoting that defense. The castle doctrine covers this case.
No the Castle Doctrine doesn't, she didn't break into her house and she didn't attempt to break in her house. She asked her to bring her coward ass outside.
The sheriff said this was not a stand your ground case but "simply a killing."
Most states don’t allow deadly force until they breach your home, but most give leeway if you legitimately believe your life is in danger. That is the key here!
How in the hell was her life in danger? Please explain that.
The white woman yelled racial slurs at the black children and threw things at them. What parent wouldn’t be mad at that? The white woman instigated this and had no right to kill the black woman.

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