black woman shot by white neighbor

About 53 (mostly black) victims were shot over Memorial Day weekend in Chicago. Why does an incident in rural Florida rise to the level of a current event?
About 53 (mostly black) victims were shot over Memorial Day weekend in Chicago. Why does an incident in rural Florida rise to the level of a current event?
most blacks are shot by blacks. and over 10,000 blacks de a year mostly by other blacks.
white lady arrested on manslaughter. she still say the black lady tried to break in her house and thats why she shot he and the b lack lady has come after her before. there was no ipad. the lady tosssed some skates in their direction nothing hit the kids. the kids were yelling at lady too. plus they went to ladies door to keep the arguing going and the white lady chased them away with an umbrella . then there momma showed up banging on the door demanding she come out. then black lady was shot.,

cops :

Susan Lorincz was arrested on charges of manslaughter with a firearm, culpable negligence, battery and two counts of assault, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office confirmed in a statement Tuesday night.

crump needs to stop lieing to get paid. ugh
Whatsa Matta "funny button"? Don't wanna test your "thesis"? Inquiring minds... So desperately wanna know....
Whatsa Matta "funny button"? Don't wanna test your "thesis"? Inquiring minds... So desperately wanna know....

Oh my friend. You are just so angry that the world hasn’t adapted to your racist ideology. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be. But hey. I’m sure that you will continue enjoying similar success in the future.

So you keep on posting silly little nonsense and wondering who will recognize your little symbol for the hate it represents. But in your case it is literally true. You aren’t equal to other races. They are superior. Well they’re superior to you anyway.

So keep on intimating that people are afraid of you and your ilk.
Oh my friend. You are just so angry that the world hasn’t adapted to your racist ideology. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be. But hey. I’m sure that you will continue enjoying similar success in the future.

So you keep on posting silly little nonsense and wondering who will recognize your little symbol for the hate it represents. But in your case it is literally true. You aren’t equal to other races. They are superior. Well they’re superior to you anyway.

So keep on intimating that people are afraid of you and your ilk.
Waitin' on that knock on my door from Georgia... Come show em' champ....
So many people with guns who don't have the common sense to own one. Then they get upset, feel "threatened", and kill someone, claiming self-defense.

The gun cult is killing us all.

The problem is that those people think the law says what they want it to say. That’s why they rage against races and all that when one of their brethren is tried and convicted for doing what they dream of.

They may read a news report. More than likely it is a two minute video from someone else who read a news report. So they set out convinced they know the truth. They imagine that the magic words. “I was afeared for my life” is a get out of jail free card.

Imagine their surprise when the laws actually say something different. Imagine their surprise when they face criminal penalties for their actions. Imagine the surprise of those who believe similar nonsense. Didn’t they pass castle doctrine? Don’t they have stand your ground?

So instead of admitting they’re ignorant and don’t know anything about law. They blame gun grabbers. They blame Blacks. They blame Leftists. They blame everyone but the people who pulled the trigger.

I’ve lost count on how many times I have written the advice. Learn what the laws actually say. It isn’t hard. There are classes, and even groups like the one I joined. The USCCA sends out books and information on the actual laws.

The nuts spend hundreds of hours shooting at silhouettes and don’t realize that a Prosecutor will make it look like the shooter was dreaming of blowing someone away. They modify their weapons and fail to imagine the Plaintiff in a Civil Suit will use that to claim the person wanted to be a killer. Those tactical training programs will be made to look like the shooter wanted to be a vigilante.

Here is just one thing to consider.

A mere 96,000 people viewed that video. Where two lawyers explain what customization of your firearms will be explained as in court. Millions watch videos of people who talk about shooting someone. Almost no one looks at the video to see the implications.

Ignorance is defined as you just don’t know. I always admit my ignorance on a number of topics. But you can learn. Ignorance does not mean stupid. Stupid is when you can learn. But don’t.
Tragic shit often happens with feuds between neighbors especially when it involves assaults on kids. About 100 mostly black kids get shot every week in Chicago but lefties would rather dwell on a tragedy in rural republican Florida. No surprise here.
Yea you're right, they should just sweep this under rug. White woman murders a black mother of 4, what's the big deal.
white lady arrested on manslaughter. she still say the black lady tried to break in her house and thats why she shot he and the b lack lady has come after her before. there was no ipad. the lady tosssed some skates in their direction nothing hit the kids. the kids were yelling at lady too. plus they went to ladies door to keep the arguing going and the white lady chased them away with an umbrella . then there momma showed up banging on the door demanding she come out. then black lady was shot.,

cops :

Susan Lorincz was arrested on charges of manslaughter with a firearm, culpable negligence, battery and two counts of assault, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office confirmed in a statement Tuesday night.

crump needs to stop lieing to get paid. ugh
So why was she arrested, if she is so innocent.

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