black woman shot by white neighbor

Another pogrom against a white person who defended herself from a violent racist black nutjob. The local thug fans will hope to make an example of her to discourage other white people from self-defense against feral black animals.

Correct me if I am wrong. In your opinion of course. However. The Stand Your Ground etc. Self Defense laws all provide for the right of self defense in an imminent threat.

How imminent can the threat be if the threat is on the other side of a closed and locked door? There is a literal barrier between the parties.

Second. The standard for the afraid of an imminent threat is called the Reasonable Person scenario isn’t it? Would the reasonable or average person be afraid in that scenario? This prevents people with phobias. A phobia is defined as unreasonable fear. This prevents those phobic people from being able to legally act on their fears. If I had a phobia of say midgets, I would not be legally justified in shooting them. The phobia you mention, an unreasonable fear of Black people is not justification. The Reasonable or average person isn’t petrified of darker skinned people.

I think the defense is going to have a hard time explaining to a jury that the threat was so extreme, so immediate, that the shooter had to fire through a closed and locked door at an unarmed individual.

I further think that the Jury is going to be reluctant to buy into this Phobia of yours that Dark Skinned people are just supernaturally powerful and should be shot for shouting through a closed and locked door.

"A White woman who fired through her front and killed a Black neighbor was arrested Tuesday, authorities said, in a case that's put Florida's divisive "stand your ground law" back in the spotlight. The shooting sparked widespread anger and protests. The Marion County Sheriff's Office said Susan Lorincz, 58, was charged with manslaughter with a firearm and other offenses. Ajike Owens, a 35-year-old mother of four, was killed Friday night in a shooting Sheriff Billy Woods said was the culmination of a 2-and-a-half-year feud between the neighbors. According to the sheriff's office, evidence showed that, over time, Lorincz had become angry over Owens' children playing in a field close to her apartment. On Friday night, the office said, Lorincz got into an argument with the children and "was overhead yelling at them by a neighbor."

Lorincz threw a roller skate at Owens' 10-year-old son and hit him in a toe. The boy and his 12-year-old brother then went to speak to Lorincz, and she opened her door and swung at them with an umbrella. They told their mother what happened and "Owens approached Lorincz's home, knocked on the door multiple times, and demanded that Lorincz come outside. Lorincz then fired one shot through the door, striking Owens in her upper chest. "At the time she was shot, Owens' 10-year-old son was standing beside her," the sheriff's office noted. Lorincz claimed she acted in self-defense and that Owens was trying to break down her door - but "detectives were able to establish that Lorincz's actions were not justifiable under Florida law" and she was arrested, the office said. Angela Ferrell-Zabala, executive director of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, described the fatal shooting as
"so senseless." "We've seen this again and again across this country," she said, adding that "it's really because of lax gun laws and a culture of shoot first." Ferrell-Zabala said stand your ground cases, which she refers to as "shoot first laws," are deemed justifiable five times more frequently when a White shooter kills a Black victim."

I know this will come as quite a disappointment to the resident racists on this message board who were cheering for the shooter and saying the mother of 4 deserved to be killed for no other than her name being "Ajike" or to put it more plainly, she deserved it because she was black.....This may also come as a disappointment to even the self-hating buckdancing c00ns on here like, well, I will spare her the embarrassment....point is, the police in this case should be congratulated as they quickly followed the evidence, talked to the witnesses and account after account showed that Ms Owens was murdered by a cowardly woman and not a single witness backed up her claim of self defense.

If you folks really care about these "Stand Your Ground" and self defense laws, you should be happy that when someone wrongfully claims this defense, they are held accountable.....if not, these laws won't be worth the paper they are written on. As for the resident racists and self-hating Sambos; don't linger on this too long, I am sure there is a shooting in Chicago or a shoplifting story in San Francisco you post about to help you to get your racist rocks off. Also, another silver lining for you resident racists is that the prosecutor did the shooter a favor by charging her with manslaughter instead of what she should have been charged with, which is murder...there was nothing accidental or unintentional about what she did -- the mother's children were right next to her; they could have easily been shot instead.
The lady should have never shot through her door and deserves to be arrested, charged, and convicted. BUT, I am a big believer in but fors. But for the fact that this lady went over to the neighbor with whom they apparently had a history with and repeatedly knocked on the door demanding the neighbor come out to talk, this lady would have never been shot.

It's like a road rage incident. Someone cuts you off, you beep your horn at them and give them the finger, and then the other person pulls out a gun and shoots you dead. Did you deserve to be killed? No. BUT FOR the fact that you beeped your horn at them and gave them the finger, you would still be alive. With the crazy world we live in these days, people need to think with their brains and not let emotions take over their actions. If you had controlled your anger then you might still be alive.

Yes, this person who did the shooting may never see the light of day again and justly so but that doesn't change the fact that this one lady could still be alive today if she hadn't gone over there to vent her anger. And, yes, the fact is that there has been more than one time in my life where I could have been on the wrong end of my very own but for and it would have been partially my fault for being so stupid as to vent my anger over something that wasn't worth my life. Very few people will be remembered as being a martyr. Most will just simply be dead.
The lady should have never shot through her door and deserves to be arrested, charged, and convicted. BUT, I am a big believer in but fors. But for the fact that this lady went over to the neighbor with whom they apparently had a history with and repeatedly knocked on the door demanding the neighbor come out to talk, this lady would have never been shot.

It's like a road rage incident. Someone cuts you off, you beep your horn at them and give them the finger, and then the other person pulls out a gun and shoots you dead. Did you deserve to be killed? No. BUT FOR the fact that you beeped your horn at them and gave them the finger, you would still be alive. With the crazy world we live in these days, people need to think with their brains and not let emotions take over their actions. If you had controlled your anger then you might still be alive.

Yes, this person who did the shooting may never see the light of day again and justly so but that doesn't change the fact that this one lady could still be alive today if she hadn't gone over there to vent her anger. And, yes, the fact is that there has been more than one time in my life where I could have been on the wrong end of my very own but for and it would have been partially my fault for being so stupid as to vent my anger over something that wasn't worth my life. Very few people will be remembered as being a martyr. Most will just simply be dead.
I bet you the type who thinks if a woman had a tight skirt on, she was asking to be raped.....

The person who escalated this situation from the beginning is the woman who shot the mother.....

I won't fault the mother for wanting to confront the person who attacked her children.......I fault the grown up for attacking the children in the first place......police should have been called, yes....but this need to continue to "yea but" whenever these situations happen, but don't do it when the roles are reversed is very telling about you....

Prime example......Kyle Rittenhouse.....I notice you folks don't do all of that "but for" shit in that case...and he had a fucking gun.....what was this mother armed with?
I further think that the Jury is going to be reluctant to buy into this Phobia of yours that Dark Skinned people are just supernaturally powerful and should be shot for shouting through a closed and locked door.

Laughable strawmen, as usual. Black violence is endemic, and the reactions they get are entirely justified, especially from women alone. 'Locked and/or closed doors' get broken open all the time, and screaming manics exhibiting violent behavior are real threats, especially when they have several thug 'kids' on the loose and Mommy runs over carrying on like a loon about her 'poor babies'.

The only 'phobia' here is just your fear of white people defending themselves from violent racist blacks. Black people really enjoy their Rep, and play on it, so keep competing for those Darwin Awards and then crying about the outcomes.
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I bet you the type who thinks if a woman had a tight skirt on, she was asking to be raped.....

The person who escalated this situation from the beginning is the woman who shot the mother.....

I won't fault the mother for wanting to confront the person who attacked her children.......I fault the grown up for attacking the children in the first place......police should have been called, yes....but this need to continue to "yea but" whenever these situations happen, but don't do it when the roles are reversed is very telling about you....

Prime example......Kyle Rittenhouse.....I notice you folks don't do all of that "but for" shit in that case...and he had a fucking gun.....what was this mother armed with?

lol you're ridiculous.
I bet you the type who thinks if a woman had a tight skirt on, she was asking to be raped.....

The person who escalated this situation from the beginning is the woman who shot the mother.....

I won't fault the mother for wanting to confront the person who attacked her children.......I fault the grown up for attacking the children in the first place......police should have been called, yes....but this need to continue to "yea but" whenever these situations happen, but don't do it when the roles are reversed is very telling about you....

Prime example......Kyle Rittenhouse.....I notice you folks don't do all of that "but for" shit in that case...and he had a fucking gun.....what was this mother armed with?
This woman was apparently nuts. Living in a shitty neighborhood full of single babymommas in Section 8 housing couldn't have helped either.
This woman was apparently nuts. Living in a shitty neighborhood full of single babymommas in Section 8 housing couldn't have helped either.
I love the way you empathize with the murderer....most of you folks long as the people being murdered are folks you hate anyway
Laughable strawmen, as usual. Black violence is endemic, and the reactions they get are entirely justified, especially from women alone. 'Locked and/or closed doors' get broken open all the time, and screaming manics exhibiting violent behavior are real threats, especially when they have several thug 'kids' on the loose and Mommy runs over carrying on like a loon about her 'poor babies'.

The only 'phobia' here is just your fear of white people defending themselves from violent racist blacks. Black people really enjoy their Rep, and play on it, so keep competing for those Darwin Awards and then crying about the outcomes.

I see I triggered you. That wasn’t my intent. I also noticed you ignored the difficulty in defending her actions this Woman will endure. So I am left to assume that you admit she is figuratively speaking, screwed.

As for your phobias. You are entitled to them. It’s a free country. However when you act upon them. Or perhaps before you act on them, learn what the laws actually say so you aren’t left like this woman and facing years in prison with minorities who might not share your outlook. However maybe you can join the Aryan Nation, if you aren’t already a member, for protection from those scary minorities.
The thing is that if the roles were reversed it wouldn't be anywhere in the news.

The thing is that if the roles were reversed it wouldn't be anywhere in the news.

Stay off other peoples property.

what say you about all the little black kids that get kidnapped or worse & there's hardly a peep ... yet when it's a little blonde blue eyed cherub involved - then it makes national news 24/7?
The thing is that if the roles were reversed it wouldn't be anywhere in the news.

What was the black female doing to invoke this scenario? With blacks, who represent 12-13% of the population, committing 55%-60% of the violent crimes .. what was she (the black female) doing?

what say you about all the little black kids that get kidnapped or worse & there's hardly a peep ... yet when it's a little blonde blue eyed cherub involved - then it makes national news 24/7?
Democrats don't give a shit about record-high sex trafficking in 2022-2023, regardless if it is brown or black individuals.

what say you about all the little black kids that get kidnapped or worse & there's hardly a peep ... yet when it's a little blonde blue eyed cherub involved - then it makes national news 24/7?
You are kidding right? Amber alert go out 5 minutes after a black child is missing cops won't even wait the normal amount of time because they would be called racists
Sketchy details but it seems it was a long time feud.

Probably best to not go onto someone's property if tensions are high
The thing is that if the roles were reversed it wouldn't be anywhere in the news.

If the roles were reversed, the black woman would've been arrested the same day.
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The lady should have never shot through her door and deserves to be arrested, charged, and convicted. BUT, I am a big believer in but fors. But for the fact that this lady went over to the neighbor with whom they apparently had a history with and repeatedly knocked on the door demanding the neighbor come out to talk, this lady would have never been shot.

It's like a road rage incident. Someone cuts you off, you beep your horn at them and give them the finger, and then the other person pulls out a gun and shoots you dead. Did you deserve to be killed? No. BUT FOR the fact that you beeped your horn at them and gave them the finger, you would still be alive. With the crazy world we live in these days, people need to think with their brains and not let emotions take over their actions. If you had controlled your anger then you might still be alive.

Yes, this person who did the shooting may never see the light of day again and justly so but that doesn't change the fact that this one lady could still be alive today if she hadn't gone over there to vent her anger. And, yes, the fact is that there has been more than one time in my life where I could have been on the wrong end of my very own but for and it would have been partially my fault for being so stupid as to vent my anger over something that wasn't worth my life. Very few people will be remembered as being a martyr. Most will just simply be dead.

The shooter wouldn’t be facing years in prison if she had understood the consequences of her actions. But for the absence of any training people will continue operating on what they think the law says. They think I was afraid is a magic phrase to absolve them of all responsibility.

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