black woman sueing because she got hit with a rubber bullet at blm riot

there has bene so many of these lawsuit with rioters and the city. it only a matter of time before the cities stopped paying them out.
The problem is the the ultra liberal judges.

A corrupt, overly interpretive judiciary can cripple as nation.

The knock-ons from bench decisions can be immense.

We are seeing that.

is this win or loss>? it wasnt a rea l bullet.
If she can prove she was shot while exercising her 1st amendment right to peacefully protest then yes, she should absolutely win and take the city tax payers for millions.
Someone should tell her that there are worse things that she could've been hit by.

God bless you always!!!

Look at all these clowns who would talk about needing guns to defend against tyrannical government suggesting it's okay for the cops to shoot elderly women in the face with rubber bullets for exercising her first amendment rights.

black woman sueing because she got hit with a rubber bullet at blm riot​

Lemme guess: she got hit as she was raising her hand to throw a molotov cocktail at the police, right? These are the risks you take when joining a mostly peaceful but violent BLM riot.

I only note that NOT ONE BULLET, rubber or otherwise, was needed nor used at the mostly peaceful J6 protest objecting to the fraud 2020 election and the installation of an unelected puppet president.
Look at all these clowns who would talk about needing guns to defend against tyrannical government suggesting it's okay for the cops to shoot elderly women in the face with rubber bullets for exercising her first amendment rights.

Were you there?
We dont know what the situation was so I dont see how you can pass judgement.
How about we wait and see what actually happened?
Were you there?
We dont know what the situation was so I dont see how you can pass judgement.
How about we wait and see what actually happened?
I wasn't there, thats why I started out my comments with "If she can prove she was shot in the face while peacefully exercising her 1st amendment rights..."

The rest of your buddies here seem to be cheering her getting shot in the face or at least intimating it was her own fault. Where they there? How about you since you liked a comment about her getting shot because she "probably threw a molotov cocktail"? That make sense to you? An elderly woman throwing a molotov cocktail?
Great job Horseshitting, you have successfully started another one of your racist threads that is really talking about nothing. You have brought out the usual racist to make their racist remarks, I guess you sit at home and masturbate while you are reading this garbage.

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