black woman sueing because she got hit with a rubber bullet at blm riot

Great job Horseshitting, you have successfully started another one of your racist threads that is really talking about nothing. You have brought out the usual racist to make their racist remarks, I guess you sit at home and masturbate while you are reading this garbage.
It's not racist making a factual observation.

It IS racist trying to destroy white culture.

And it is very VERY racist accusing others of racism when your own purity is highly questionable in that regard.

The race baiters in this country have gone far enough. They'll be getting serious pushback now. LOUD pushback. Louder than the racists
It's not racist making a factual observation.
Factual observation, that's laughable.
It IS racist trying to destroy white culture.
Folks not worshipping racist is destroying white culture.
And it is very VERY racist accusing others of racism when your own purity is highly questionable in that regard.

The race baiters in this country have gone far enough. They'll be getting serious pushback now. LOUD pushback. Louder than the racists.
This country was founded on racism, now you are upset because being a racist POS isn't the norm anymore.
I wasn't there, thats why I started out my comments with "If she can prove she was shot in the face while peacefully exercising her 1st amendment rights..."

The rest of your buddies here seem to be cheering her getting shot in the face or at least intimating it was her own fault. Where they there? How about you since you liked a comment about her getting shot because she "probably threw a molotov cocktail"? That make sense to you? An elderly woman throwing a molotov cocktail?

What does age have to do with it?
And just how old is she?
Is that a lip piercing on grandmas lip?

Cops dont breakout the rubber bullets for no reason.
What does age have to do with it?
And just how old is she?
Is that a lip piercing on grandmas lip?

Cops dont breakout the rubber bullets for no reason.
What does age have to do with the probability that this is lady was throwing a molotov? I'll let you sus that out short bus... 😄
I wasn't the one who brought up age or molotov cocktails pole smoker.
I brought it up because it's unlikely this elderly woman was throwing a molotov and the article never mentioned a molotov. That poster totally made that up. What was mentioned in the article was her holding up a sign.
I brought it up because it's unlikely this elderly woman was throwing a molotov and the article never mentioned a molotov. That poster totally made that up. What was mentioned in the article was her holding up a sign.

You keep saying she's elderly yet you dont know how old she is.
Oh...they never mentioned her age either,thats something you just made up.
You keep saying she's elderly yet you dont know how old she is.
Oh...they never mentioned her age either,thats something you just made up.
They did show her picture. She looked to be in her late 60s at least. Yea, I consider that elderly and an unlikely age for people to be throwing molotovs.
They did show her picture. She looked to be in her late 60s at least. Yea, I consider that elderly and an unlikely age for people to be throwing molotovs.

She doesnt look that old to me.
And it appears she has a lip piercing,not something an elderly person would have.
And if she's elderly she shouldn't be at a violent protest. Just like when you see black women with their young children at riots,they should be brought up on child endangerment charges.
She doesnt look that old to me.
And it appears she has a lip piercing,not something an elderly person would have.
And if she's elderly she shouldn't be at a violent protest. Just like when you see black women with their young children at riots,they should be brought up on child endangerment charges.
No you've made up a child as well as a molotov... real desperate aren't you... 😄
My question would be, was she struck after the curfew? Did the cops order the crowd to disperse? IOW, was it a legal protest? If you don't go home when the curfew hits or you don't leave when the cops tell you to, then it's all on you after that.
Nope you see it often.
Black women bringing their children to riots isn't uncommon.
And I never mentioned molotov cocktails.
Who's making shit up? That'd be you.
No. It's not common. That just you letting your racism show. No one brings their children to riots. They might bring them to protests that turn into riots but if you think black women don't care about endangering their children that's just you revealing yourself.
If she can prove she was shot while exercising her 1st amendment right to peacefully protest
Good luck with that

Good luck with that

Is that picture supposed to be representative of something?

Do you agree with me? That if she can prove she was shot in the eye while peacefully exercising her first amendment rights that she should win her law suit? I didn't think that was a radical statement.

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