Black women to gay white men : Stop stealing our culture

I need to read the link? Were's the OP?

You forgot the OP.

I'll just state that I think homos can emulate whomever they want and black women have a perfect right to whine about it.

So an obscure black college writer rips into white gay (and basically all white people). blah blah blah white privilege. So then a gay guy writes an even stupider response. blah blah blah yes white privilege exists blah blah blah.

If you want to help African Americans, let's start with a 70% out of wedlock birth rate, compared to 26% white. Families try to help their families. Should the government come in and stop that?
Those that complain about white privilege have no explanation for Asians coming over here and doing better than whites with zero family connections. (although in some cases, affirmitive action help them when they are already doing better as a demographic).

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