Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy -- M Stanton Evans

No one has ever said there weren't commie spies in the government. That is nothing new or exciting.

What is not true is that the Democratic Party was a front for communism.

We supported Stalin and Mao against fascists and militarists.

This is my point about you: you let your ideology, just like a communist or a fascist, trump the facts and the narrative.

In that, you are every bit as subjective as a Catholic interrogator of the Inquisition.
No, it does not. In no way shape or form is your narrative conforming to he narrative.

Your conclusion is laughable, and if you tried it in a graduate history course you would get dropped metaphorically on your head.
No, it does not. In no way shape or form is your narrative conforming to he narrative.

Your conclusion is laughable, and if you tried it in a graduate history course you would get dropped metaphorically on your head.

I've listened to Progressives lie to me about history for a real long time.

You lied about McCarthy's "Red Scare", about FDR's unquestioned "greatness" and now even today, you lie that an ordinary tax write off is an "oil subsidy" and I won't have it any more.

McCarthy tried to warn us that FDR's White House and State Department were a nest of spies and he was treated like a lunatic, traitor and a fool and the lie that McCarthy was wrong was passed on unquestioned for generations. Were it harmless, it might not matter. But now we've all seen what happens when Communists have their way. Eastern Europe unnecessarily labored under the yolk of Communism until Reagan freed them. How sad. How unnecessary.

Shek and the Free China he started was a beacon of freedom and prosperity while Mao, the person that FDR chose to back, lead a nation to destitution and mass graves. Shek gave us Taiwan; Mao gave us mass graves, slavery and destitution. It's as clear as day, even a fool can see it.

You've been show countless times how wrong and evil and inhuman these Communists were and are, the mass graves number in the tens maybe hundreds of millions -- and you bleat on.
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Nicky continues to melt down; hey, that's his right.

Shek was a dictator in a dictatorship, only marginally better than the commies under Mao.

The commies were awful and evil, yes, and so were the nazis, and so have been the neo-cons who took us to war in Iraq.
Nicky continues to melt down; hey, that's his right.

Shek was a dictator in a dictatorship, only marginally better than the commies under Mao.

The commies were awful and evil, yes, and so were the nazis, and so have been the neo-cons who took us to war in Iraq.

Jake, you're insane
Frank, your dooshiness is not an excuse. It is what you are. You live by your lie.
Shek and the Free China he started was a beacon of freedom and prosperity while Mao, the person that FDR chose to back, lead a nation to destitution and mass graves.

Actually, FDR backed Chiang, not Mao. It was the Soviet agents in his administration -- Lauchlin Currie, Harry Dexter White, Solomon Adler, Virginius Frank Coe, etc. -- who betrayed him to subvert this policy, obstructing aid that FDR had ordered be sent to the KMT. After Truman succeeded FDR, things went from bad to worse, as the opposing faction -- Adolph Berle, Joseph Grew, Frederick Lyon, Robert Bannerman, J. Anthony Panuch, etc. -- was purged from the State Department, leaving the Soviet agents and their collaborators -- Owen Lattimore, John Stewart Service, John Paton Davis, John Carter Vincent, Philip Jessup, etc. -- unopposed in their manipulation of credulous policy makers like Dean Acheson and George Marshall.
Thank you for that correction on FDR and Truman.

I disagree with the emphasis of influence by the names listed as manipulating master manipulators like George Marshall.
Marshall may have been a "master manipulator" as you keep saying, but I see no evidence of it in the record. He may have been wise, but he could only make decisions based on the information he had.

Having spent his entire career in the Army, Marshall knew nothing about the office politics of the State Department, or about the factions therein. He relied on Acheson who, according to Berle, headed the "pro-Russian" faction at State. Marshall had no experience of such problems, there being no "pro-Russian" faction in the Army command.

Acheson personally fired Panuch his first day on the job, then systematically got rid of everyone who opposed his faction. He told Marshall that the first order of business was to move the State Department to larger quarters, where thousands of people from hastily-vetted wartime outfits like OWI, BEA and OSS were dumped into the State Department headquarters -- among them an unbelievable number of Soviet agents. State's security hawks having been purged, these people had free reign.

Acheson trusted and believed such people, for example, publicly defending his "principal assistant" Alger Hiss even after his conviction. Such agents falsified intelligence, manipulated data, and parroted the Soviet line, that Chiang was a corrupt "fascist" while Mao was incorruptible and "democratic," that the KMT was doomed and Communism the wave of the future, etc. Those who knew better had been purged, so such counsel went unopposed.

While the Soviet agent Harry Dexter White manipulated the Chinese currency to cause economic collapse, and the Soviets massively stepped up aid to the Communists, Acheson willfully obstructed aid to Chiang in defiance of the law, and Marshall never knew what was happening.
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Sophistry, Mark. Conclusiions based on possibilities. You did not spend a lifetime in the military then six years as Chief of Staff of the Joint Chiefs, then many years as Sec of Defense and Sec of State. You need the smoking gun evidence, not the assumptions. You build an interesting case, but it does not substantiate Marshall and Truman as tools of Soviet infilitrators.
Marshall may have been a "master manipulator" as you keep saying, but I see no evidence of it in the record. He may have been wise, but he could only make decisions based on the information he had.

Having spent his entire career in the Army, Marshall knew nothing about the office politics of the State Department, or about the factions therein. He relied on Acheson who, according to Berle, headed the "pro-Russian" faction at State. Marshall had no experience of such problems, there being no "pro-Russian" faction in the Army command.

Acheson personally fired Panuch his first day on the job, then systematically got rid of everyone who opposed his faction. He told Marshall that the first order of business was to move the State Department to larger quarters, where thousands of people from hastily-vetted wartime outfits like OWI, BEA and OSS were dumped into the State Department headquarters -- among them an unbelievable number of Soviet agents. State's security hawks having been purged, these people had free reign.

Acheson trusted and believed such people, for example, publicly defending his "principal assistant" Alger Hiss even after his conviction. Such agents falsified intelligence, manipulated data, and parroted the Soviet line, that Chiang was a corrupt "fascist" while Mao was incorruptible and "democratic," that the KMT was doomed and Communism the wave of the future, etc. Those who knew better had been purged, so such counsel went unopposed.

While the Soviet agent Harry Dexter White manipulated the Chinese currency to cause economic collapse, and the Soviets massively stepped up aid to the Communists, Acheson willfully obstructed aid to Chiang in defiance of the law, and Marshall never knew what was happening.

I wonder, were the Soviets ever totally cleaned out from State? Are their descendants still operating today?
CF's remarks demonstrate him as a tool and flunky of the far right nutter wing nuts.
McCarthy was right in his actions.

Of course the liberal swill still hate him. They're anti-American pieces of shit, of course they hate him.
McCarthy was right in his actions.

Of course the liberal swill still hate him. They're anti-American pieces of shit, of course they hate him.


Same reason they hate Reagan, he identified their home tean as evil and set out to defeat them
Notice through this and other threads the modern day useful idiots don't have any problem with the idea that our government was infiltrated by Communists.

Are they ok with it? They must be, how else to explain their reaction?
The nutters like koshergirl and frank are entitled to their unfounded opinions.

McCarthy is not going to be rehabilitated.

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