Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy -- M Stanton Evans

McCarthy fist came on the scene a few months after the Soviets tried starting WWIII by blockading Berlin and a few months before the ChiComs stared killing American soldiers in Korea -- yet McCarthy is blamed for stirring up a "Red Scare".

The last few years I've completely revised much of what I was taught, especially the greatness of FDR and the supposed red baiting of Joe McCarthy. Books like "Blacklisted" should be required reading, it is meticulously researched, well written and completely obliterates the McCarthy narrative as set forth by the Progressive controlled media and educational system.
What Frankie?? you think you will get your ass kicked less if you wait every six months to dredge up this two year old thread?

McCarthy was a piece of shit. History was not wrong.
McCarthy fist came on the scene a few months after the Soviets tried starting WWIII by blockading Berlin and a few months before the ChiComs stared killing American soldiers in Korea -- yet McCarthy is blamed for stirring up a "Red Scare".

The last few years I've completely revised much of what I was taught, especially the greatness of FDR and the supposed red baiting of Joe McCarthy. Books like "Blacklisted" should be required reading, it is meticulously researched, well written and completely obliterates the McCarthy narrative as set forth by the Progressive controlled media and educational system.

Joe McCarthy was right all along. He was right about everything.
What Frankie?? you think you will get your ass kicked less if you wait every six months to dredge up this two year old thread?

McCarthy was a piece of shit. History was not wrong.

Coming form the guy who keeps bumping his "the List" with music videos -- that's hysterical! Moreover, find a grown up to read you the first 22 pages of the book, then we'll talk some more about McCarthy.

Did you know when the Berlin Airllift, McCarthy's first speech and the Korean War occurred?
Berlin Airlift (1948), Korea (June, 1950), McCarthy's first speech does not matter.

Feb 9, 1950.

After the Soviets tried to start WWIII by blockading Berlin (proving Patton correct), and 4 months before the ChiComs started killing US GI's in Korea.

Yet, McCarthy is blamed for igniting the "Red Scare"

"Speech at Wheeling, West Virginia" (1950)
Joseph McCarthy

"Today we are engaged in a final, all-out battle between communistic atheism and Christianity..."

That is why Progressives have demonized McCarthy with lies and slander
Another Frank Pro MCcarthy thread?

Frank encouraging people to read source material and keep up on current events that not only totally and completely vindicate McCarthy's Central premise of Communist infiltration but seem to indicate he vastly underestimated the extent of the penetration and the damage they'd do to the USA.
Look in the FICTION section. McCarthy died a drunken wreck, as he was when he ruined lives, drove some to suicide with his false claims and wasted millions in taxpayer money. He was looking for the demon inside himself. No commies found, some of Russian origin destroyed. A sad chapter in US history.
Another Frank Pro MCcarthy thread?

Frank encouraging people to read source material and keep up on current events that not only totally and completely vindicate McCarthy's Central premise of Communist infiltration but seem to indicate he vastly underestimated the extent of the penetration and the damage they'd do to the USA.
Look in the FICTION section. McCarthy died a drunken wreck, as he was when he ruined lives, drove some to suicide with his false claims and wasted millions in taxpayer money. He was looking for the demon inside himself. No commies found, some of Russian origin destroyed. A sad chapter in US history.

History is unkind to your distorted version of reality.

McCarthy correctly identified numerous Communists through the government especially at State and the in White House.

Frankly, to chime in as you did, without bothers to read a single post or a page in the book, makes you look more like an idiot than I dared hope.
Berlin Airlift (1948), Korea (June, 1950), McCarthy's first speech does not matter.

Feb 9, 1950.

After the Soviets tried to start WWIII by blockading Berlin (proving Patton correct), and 4 months before the ChiComs started killing US GI's in Korea.

Yet, McCarthy is blamed for igniting the "Red Scare"

"Speech at Wheeling, West Virginia" (1950)
Joseph McCarthy

"Today we are engaged in a final, all-out battle between communistic atheism and Christianity..."

That is why Progressives have demonized McCarthy with lies and slander

Berlin Blockade began in 1948, Frank.

Korean War began in June 1950, Frank.
Berlin Airlift (1948), Korea (June, 1950), McCarthy's first speech does not matter.

Feb 9, 1950.

After the Soviets tried to start WWIII by blockading Berlin (proving Patton correct), and 4 months before the ChiComs started killing US GI's in Korea.

Yet, McCarthy is blamed for igniting the "Red Scare"

"Speech at Wheeling, West Virginia" (1950)
Joseph McCarthy

"Today we are engaged in a final, all-out battle between communistic atheism and Christianity..."

That is why Progressives have demonized McCarthy with lies and slander

Berlin Blockade began in 1948, Frank.

Korean War began in June 1950, Frank.


Berlin blockade 49-49, McCarthy Wheeling Speech Feb 50, FDR's buddies the ChiComs ignite Korean War June 1950


See how McCarthy invented the Red Scare all by himself?
Check your dating more closely, Frank. And the chicoms came in Nov 50. They were trying to hold the NK dictator back from invading SK. See how this all work.
Check your dating more closely, Frank. And the chicoms came in Nov 50. They were trying to hold the NK dictator back from invading SK. See how this all work.

Jake, are you saying China had no involvement with NoKo prior to Nov 1950?
Jake, don't post here again until you can demonstrate you have at least a grade school level of understanding of the Korean War.

Here, this is from Wiki:

"In April 1950 Kim Il-sung travelled to Moscow and secured Stalin's support for a policy to unify Korea under his authority. Although agreeing with the invasion of South Korea in principle, Stalin refused to become directly involved in Kim's plans, and advised Kim to enlist Chinese support instead. In May 1950 Kim visited Beijing, and succeeded in gaining Mao's endorsement."
Red China and the USSR had helped to create NK's military and infrastructure. It was the crazy Korean, against Stalin and Mao's wishes, who launched across the border in June 1950.

You truly don't know the history, evidenced by your comments.
Red China and the USSR had helped to create NK's military and infrastructure. It was the crazy Korean, against Stalin and Mao's wishes, who launched across the border in June 1950.

You truly don't know the history, evidenced by your comments.

Jake, you're embarrassing yourself, again.
Jake, if all you can read and retain is 2 sentences from Wiki I suggest you try these:

"In April 1950 Kim Il-sung travelled to Moscow and secured Stalin's support for a policy to unify Korea under his authority. Although agreeing with the invasion of South Korea in principle, Stalin refused to become directly involved in Kim's plans, and advised Kim to enlist Chinese support instead. In May 1950 Kim visited Beijing, and succeeded in gaining Mao's endorsement."

I bolded the key sentence for you

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