#BlackLivesMatter Leader Warns US Needs New Constitution or “There will be Bullets”

A Constitution written by only white men will never serve the interests of Black people

Yeah, it NEVARRR was used to correct its initial mistake and free black folks from slavery. Hundreds of thousands of people didn't die in the effort to make that happen. Fucking moron.

Who is the moron who said mistakes werent corrected?

The who moron said the quote I quoted from the article...which should be pretty obvious to anyone who isn't a moron.

Yeah, but whos the person who said that no mistakes were corrected? The only person I see who said that is you and then you called no one a moron.....

I'm not even going to respond...your own words in these replies pretty much show that you ain't got the brains God gave an ape. Good job! Hey, maybe you can team up with the moron in the article...between the two of you there might be half a wit in there somewhere. :lol:

Ok, I just wondered why you said something the guy never did then called someone a moron for your words. In the entire article he never mentions what mistakes were made or solutions done in the past.

You should be wondering why you are not only too stupid to read and comprehend plain english, but why you are also so anal that you attempt to pass your own handicaps off as smarts via lame attempts at sniping. :lol:

I posted something awhile back where these lefties accused me of advocating overthrowing the Government. which was a joke but.

these people are calling for a Revolution AGAINST us the people in this country.
Someone kindly explain Article V to this boy, assuming he can comprehend standard English.
Who is the moron who said mistakes werent corrected?

The who moron said the quote I quoted from the article...which should be pretty obvious to anyone who isn't a moron.

Yeah, but whos the person who said that no mistakes were corrected? The only person I see who said that is you and then you called no one a moron.....

I'm not even going to respond...your own words in these replies pretty much show that you ain't got the brains God gave an ape. Good job! Hey, maybe you can team up with the moron in the article...between the two of you there might be half a wit in there somewhere. :lol:

Ok, I just wondered why you said something the guy never did then called someone a moron for your words. In the entire article he never mentions what mistakes were made or solutions done in the past.

You should be wondering why you are not only too stupid to read and comprehend plain english, but why you are also so anal that you attempt to pass your own handicaps off as smarts via lame attempts at sniping. :lol:


Well at least you recognize smarts when you see it
It is insane to defend such people that would say such things. What exactly do they want to change about the constitution?
What part of the Constitution is not inclusive to blacks?

I think this clown hasn't ever read the Constitution. I doubt his IQ is above 70.
Funny how when some shitkicker says the same thing people applaud, but when some black says it people go spare.


DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat

"A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010, CNN reported Friday.

These types of extremists believe that they can ignore laws because those laws attack their individual rights, even in routine daily instances like a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order, CNN reported Friday."

The End Of Constitutional Government | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Has some preventing me from highlighting and copying text, but read from "Persecution and tyranny are upon us..." Very seditious language.
Funny how when some shitkicker says the same thing people applaud, but when some black says it people go spare.


DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat

"A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010, CNN reported Friday.

These types of extremists believe that they can ignore laws because those laws attack their individual rights, even in routine daily instances like a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order, CNN reported Friday."

The End Of Constitutional Government | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Has some preventing me from highlighting and copying text, but read from "Persecution and tyranny are upon us..." Very seditious language.

And this supports your claim that shitkickers are calling for a new Constitution or there will be bullets? Oh and would be applauded for it.

Dude, that isn't even fucking remotely close!!
Funny how when some shitkicker says the same thing people applaud, but when some black says it people go spare.


DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat

"A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010, CNN reported Friday.

These types of extremists believe that they can ignore laws because those laws attack their individual rights, even in routine daily instances like a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order, CNN reported Friday."

The End Of Constitutional Government | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Has some preventing me from highlighting and copying text, but read from "Persecution and tyranny are upon us..." Very seditious language.

Wow, a whole 24 "attacks" in 5 years? IT'S A FUCKING EPIDEMIC!!!

How many casualties?
How many convictions?
How many were plots hatched and encouraged by the Feds themselves?

Now riddle me this...how many innocent lives have been taken by our government over those same five years?
Funny how when some shitkicker says the same thing people applaud, but when some black says it people go spare.


DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat

"A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010, CNN reported Friday.

These types of extremists believe that they can ignore laws because those laws attack their individual rights, even in routine daily instances like a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order, CNN reported Friday."

The End Of Constitutional Government | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Has some preventing me from highlighting and copying text, but read from "Persecution and tyranny are upon us..." Very seditious language.

And this supports your claim that shitkickers are calling for a new Constitution or there will be bullets? Oh and would be applauded for it.

Dude, that isn't even fucking remotely close!!

Remember that cattle rancher in Nevada refusing to pay federal grazing fees? His refusal was applauded by the right. Just like when Ruby Ridge went down, some on the right applauded the guy's resistance to federal law enforcement and bemoaned what invariably befell him.

Pleanty on the right exhibiting every bit the disloyalty as some on the left.
Funny how when some shitkicker says the same thing people applaud, but when some black says it people go spare.


DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat

"A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010, CNN reported Friday.

These types of extremists believe that they can ignore laws because those laws attack their individual rights, even in routine daily instances like a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order, CNN reported Friday."

The End Of Constitutional Government | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Has some preventing me from highlighting and copying text, but read from "Persecution and tyranny are upon us..." Very seditious language.

And this supports your claim that shitkickers are calling for a new Constitution or there will be bullets? Oh and would be applauded for it.

Dude, that isn't even fucking remotely close!!

Remember that cattle rancher in Nevada refusing to pay federal grazing fees? His refusal was applauded by the right. Just like when Ruby Ridge went down, some on the right applauded the guy's resistance to federal law enforcement and bemoaned what invariably befell him.

Pleanty on the right exhibiting every bit the disloyalty as some on the left.

Did he demand a new Constitution?

Face it bub, you made up some bullshit that wasn't even close to being true. Just admit it and move on.
Funny how when some shitkicker says the same thing people applaud, but when some black says it people go spare.


DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat

"A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010, CNN reported Friday.

These types of extremists believe that they can ignore laws because those laws attack their individual rights, even in routine daily instances like a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order, CNN reported Friday."

The End Of Constitutional Government | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Has some preventing me from highlighting and copying text, but read from "Persecution and tyranny are upon us..." Very seditious language.

And this supports your claim that shitkickers are calling for a new Constitution or there will be bullets? Oh and would be applauded for it.

Dude, that isn't even fucking remotely close!!

Remember that cattle rancher in Nevada refusing to pay federal grazing fees? His refusal was applauded by the right. Just like when Ruby Ridge went down, some on the right applauded the guy's resistance to federal law enforcement and bemoaned what invariably befell him.

Pleanty on the right exhibiting every bit the disloyalty as some on the left.

Holy shit...are you really trying to equate the American tradition of civil disobedience with calls for armed rebellion if we don't scrap the Constitution?

You're an idiot, possibly as dumb as the moron cited in the OP.
When Black people stop waiting for white america to care about the moral deficit inherent in this hypocritical country they will focus their attention on building and defending their own communities. I understand what they are trying to do but it wont happen waiting on whites. Never in the history of the world has anyone willing surrendered or probably ever shared power with a group they hate and fear.
Funny how when some shitkicker says the same thing people applaud, but when some black says it people go spare.


DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat

"A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010, CNN reported Friday.

These types of extremists believe that they can ignore laws because those laws attack their individual rights, even in routine daily instances like a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order, CNN reported Friday."

The End Of Constitutional Government | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Has some preventing me from highlighting and copying text, but read from "Persecution and tyranny are upon us..." Very seditious language.

And this supports your claim that shitkickers are calling for a new Constitution or there will be bullets? Oh and would be applauded for it.

Dude, that isn't even fucking remotely close!!

Remember that cattle rancher in Nevada refusing to pay federal grazing fees? His refusal was applauded by the right. Just like when Ruby Ridge went down, some on the right applauded the guy's resistance to federal law enforcement and bemoaned what invariably befell him.

Pleanty on the right exhibiting every bit the disloyalty as some on the left.

Did he demand a new Constitution?

Face it bub, you made up some bullshit that wasn't even close to being true. Just admit it and move on.

Soverign citizens, neo-Nazis, etc have already commited seditious acts, murdered law enforcement (neo-Nazi couple a while back who left Nazi flags on the officer they murdered,) OKC bombing, Ruby Ridge, etc. No shortage of right-wing terrorism actually perpetuated.

Versus an online threat. Reality vs bluster. Certainly there's left-wing terrorism as well, but there's right-wingers doing it too.

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