#BlackLivesMatter Leader Warns US Needs New Constitution or “There will be Bullets”

As opposed to making black friends or whatever? Or as opposed to making liberal friends? Was making a statement.

Also, guess how big is the plastic surgery industry for double-eyelids & bigger nose? How about whitening cream? Not to mention how I shouldn't have to follow someone else's taste even if they were into small slanted oblique eyes & flat small nose. It's my own right aside from how that's the taste even for the general public in Asia.
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As opposed to making black friends or whatever? Or as opposed to making liberal friends? Was making a statement.

Also, guess how big is the plastic surgery industry for double-eyelids & bigger nose? Not to mention how I shouldn't have to follow someone else's taste even if they were into small slanted oblique eyes & flat small nose. It's my own right aside from how that's the taste even for the general public.
As opposed to being an uncle sun and a self hater?
BLM is is racist, period. All lives matter.

Care is attempting to blow smoke and claim Simons isn't a prominent leader in the "White Lives Don't Matter" movement. This is common shit for the left, lie, deny, distort, lie, distort, lie. Care is just following the script.

yes it is. remember how many times they had Rush Limbaugh the leader of the Republican party?
Where is the morality or the law that you should think Asian is the best looking if you are an Asian? Also, I don't look like a typical Asian as I said before. I find it just annoying when Asians cling to me as if they are entitled to any expectation. No, they aren't. No idea what uncle Sun is, but I'm not mixed with Japs as disproven already aside from the wrong placement of the burden of proof.
I wonder where the SPLC, Hillary, Obama, etc hasn't branded this GROUP a hate group that is more dangerous to us than terrorist like Hillary did recently about the NRA? When are on the left going to take a stand for ALL OF US in this country? this is getting OUT OF HAND

Black Lives Matter activist leader Black Simons penned a piece in September warning that the US needs a new Constitution or “there will be bullets.”

Blake Simons, a UC Berkeley student, argues that a Constitution written by white men will never serve the interests of Black People.

Simons warns that either a new Constitution is written or there will be violence and bloodshed.
The Social Memo reported, via Free Republic:

A “Black Lives Matter” leader has issued a dire warning for the United States: the United States needs a new Constitution or else, he warns, “it will be the bullet” for the US.

Blake Simons, who wrote an article detailing his ideas, is the Deputy Comms Director of “Afrikan Black Coalition.” The name of his piece is “A New Constitution or the Bullet.”

Simons writes, “Our Black Lives Matter protests have stormed the country, yet cops continue to kill us daily, and the judicial system continues to justify our deaths with acquittals, non-indictments, and light sentences-all in the name of upholding the Constitution.”

After months of protesting, Simons explains that he came “to realize that the Constitution is the root of virtually all our problems in America.”

He continues, “The U.S. is a country that was founded on slavery, genocide, rape, and white male patriarchy. The colonizers that we condemn for enslaving Afikans and murdering indigenous peoples are the same people that produced and upheld the document we use to govern our nation to this day. Our bloodshed is rooted in this nation’s founding document, The Constitution.”

For this reason, there “must be a new constitution or the bullet.”

“A Constitution written by only white men will never serve the interests of Black people,” Simons argues. “The Constitution was written for the ruling class of white men which constructed whiteness to be more valuable than any other race. When we discuss institutional racism, it is essential that we realize that the Constitution created it.”

Blake is a Louis Farrakhan supporter.

all of it here:
#BlackLivesMatter Leader Warns US Needs New Constitution or "There will be Bullets" - The Gateway Pundit
By God, they sound just like the white loonies on this board.
Funny how when some shitkicker says the same thing people applaud, but when some black says it people go spare.
Why do you use an offensive term to describe white people, but you call Black people "black people"? Is it cowardice, bias? Explain yourself.
I think the word you're looking for is hypocrite.
White Guilt is very, very powerful.
It should be powerful. It shows you have at least a modicum of empathy, intelligence, and civilization.

is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes—accurately or not—that he or she has compromised his or her own standards of conduct or has violated a moral standard and bears significant responsibility for that violation. It is closely related to the concept of remorse.
Quiet down Cave Monkey. Your superiors are talking.
The PC Police post to me even when I have them on ignore.

I can strike a nerve with six words.

Now that's power!


Is the movement that is threatening violence to gain political change (exact definition of terrorism) been labeled a terror group yet? Mr. President???
I wonder where the SPLC, Hillary, Obama, etc hasn't branded this GROUP a hate group that is more dangerous to us than terrorist like Hillary did recently about the NRA? When are on the left going to take a stand for ALL OF US in this country? this is getting OUT OF HAND

Black Lives Matter activist leader Black Simons penned a piece in September warning that the US needs a new Constitution or “there will be bullets.”

Blake Simons, a UC Berkeley student, argues that a Constitution written by white men will never serve the interests of Black People.

Simons warns that either a new Constitution is written or there will be violence and bloodshed.
The Social Memo reported, via Free Republic:

A “Black Lives Matter” leader has issued a dire warning for the United States: the United States needs a new Constitution or else, he warns, “it will be the bullet” for the US.

Blake Simons, who wrote an article detailing his ideas, is the Deputy Comms Director of “Afrikan Black Coalition.” The name of his piece is “A New Constitution or the Bullet.”

Simons writes, “Our Black Lives Matter protests have stormed the country, yet cops continue to kill us daily, and the judicial system continues to justify our deaths with acquittals, non-indictments, and light sentences-all in the name of upholding the Constitution.”

After months of protesting, Simons explains that he came “to realize that the Constitution is the root of virtually all our problems in America.”

He continues, “The U.S. is a country that was founded on slavery, genocide, rape, and white male patriarchy. The colonizers that we condemn for enslaving Afikans and murdering indigenous peoples are the same people that produced and upheld the document we use to govern our nation to this day. Our bloodshed is rooted in this nation’s founding document, The Constitution.”

For this reason, there “must be a new constitution or the bullet.”

“A Constitution written by only white men will never serve the interests of Black people,” Simons argues. “The Constitution was written for the ruling class of white men which constructed whiteness to be more valuable than any other race. When we discuss institutional racism, it is essential that we realize that the Constitution created it.”

Blake is a Louis Farrakhan supporter.

all of it here:
#BlackLivesMatter Leader Warns US Needs New Constitution or "There will be Bullets" - The Gateway Pundit
By God, they sound just like the white loonies on this board.
who? name some names dude. Gonna speak out like that let's see them. And the links from where they made such statements. about the constitution that is since that is the OP.
The problem with tagging anyone with "leader" of BLM is that there is no organizational structure to the movement tag. This person is a leader of his "chapter" perhaps, but that doesn't preclude there being other leaders of different "chapters" who disagree with him. Likely why there will be no "hate group" tag applied by any true authority because there is no actual "group" to apply it to. The tag is being used by pretty much anyone and everyone who has a bone and an agenda. Though I would remind everyone that similar was done with the Confederate flag, so I don't think anyone can really defend the position of /not/ condemning BLM for such statements either.
Why do you use an offensive term to describe white people, but you call Black people "black people"? Is it cowardice, bias? Explain yourself.
I think the word you're looking for is hypocrite.
White Guilt is very, very powerful.
It should be powerful. It shows you have at least a modicum of empathy, intelligence, and civilization.

is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes—accurately or not—that he or she has compromised his or her own standards of conduct or has violated a moral standard and bears significant responsibility for that violation. It is closely related to the concept of remorse.
Quiet down Cave Monkey. Your superiors are talking.
The PC Police post to me even when I have them on ignore.

I can strike a nerve with six words.

Now that's power!

You only exposed your own shaky nerves. If you had to tell me I was on ignore then that means you have been emotionally traumatized. Remember that when you read this as I know you will.

Goofyboy is a cave monkey but at least he has enough pride in his simian roots to not expose the fact I cause mayhem in his mind.
Sounds more like a self-acclaimed victory with the sort of "you mad? hahaha! I won!" when you are the only one living in your head delusionally.

But such does show the kind of level over there.
Sounds more like a self-acclaimed victory with the sort of "you mad? hahaha! I won!" when you are the only one living in your head delusionally.

But such does show the kind of level over there.
That didnt make sense uncle Sun. Of course I am the only one living in my head. Is english your second language?
Remember that cattle rancher in Nevada refusing to pay federal grazing fees? His refusal was applauded by the right. Just like when Ruby Ridge went down, some on the right applauded the guy's resistance to federal law enforcement and bemoaned what invariably befell him.

Pleanty on the right exhibiting every bit the disloyalty as some on the left.

I consider the government at fault at Ruby Ridge, Waco, and in the Nevada cattle attempted theft incident. But most certainly do not consider myself part of any sovereign citizen group. At present I think we have a much bigger with the government breaking the law than with private citizens doing so.

wtf? the government sent out 200 ARMED federal agents to supposedly COLLETC some fees and so some people took the Americans citizens side. HOW IS THAT comparable to calling for BULLETS if we don't bow to their demands? just dumb
English is my second language, but that was perfectly explained. If you didn't get it, that's your problem although you did figure out that I was referring to you. Also, this "uncle Sun" attempt works just in your head "just like" the "you mad? hahaha!" sort "victory" (doesn't make you win). The reality nor my approval doesn't change obviously.
Remember that cattle rancher in Nevada refusing to pay federal grazing fees? His refusal was applauded by the right. Just like when Ruby Ridge went down, some on the right applauded the guy's resistance to federal law enforcement and bemoaned what invariably befell him.

Pleanty on the right exhibiting every bit the disloyalty as some on the left.

Did he demand a new Constitution?

Face it bub, you made up some bullshit that wasn't even close to being true. Just admit it and move on.

Soverign citizens, neo-Nazis, etc have already commited seditious acts, murdered law enforcement (neo-Nazi couple a while back who left Nazi flags on the officer they murdered,) OKC bombing, Ruby Ridge, etc. No shortage of right-wing terrorism actually perpetuated.

Versus an online threat. Reality vs bluster. Certainly there's left-wing terrorism as well, but there's right-wingers doing it too.

But have they demanded a new Constitution?

If talking about overthrowing the government one assumes a new Constitution is part of it. :)

You know what they say about "assume". But that's not what you claimed.

I don't understand why you just don't man up and admit you were wrong.
Two of the members of the Bundy ranch pep rally against the fed govt left there, went home, and killed in cold blood two policemen simply having lunch in a fast food joint, and a man that was carrying at a Wal-Mart that tried to stop them.

By conservatives standards, doesn't that make those who went to Bundys ranch and those supporting them, hateful, cop murdering thugs, or supporters of cop murdering thugs, too?
Did he demand a new Constitution?

Face it bub, you made up some bullshit that wasn't even close to being true. Just admit it and move on.

Soverign citizens, neo-Nazis, etc have already commited seditious acts, murdered law enforcement (neo-Nazi couple a while back who left Nazi flags on the officer they murdered,) OKC bombing, Ruby Ridge, etc. No shortage of right-wing terrorism actually perpetuated.

Versus an online threat. Reality vs bluster. Certainly there's left-wing terrorism as well, but there's right-wingers doing it too.

But have they demanded a new Constitution?

If talking about overthrowing the government one assumes a new Constitution is part of it. :)

You know what they say about "assume". But that's not what you claimed.

I don't understand why you just don't man up and admit you were wrong.
Two of the members of the Bundy ranch pep rally against the fed govt left there, went home, and killed in cold blood two policemen simply having lunch in a fast food joint, and a man that was carrying at a Wal-Mart that tried to stop them.

By conservatives standards, doesn't that make those who went to Bundys ranch and those supporting them, hateful, cop murdering thugs, or supporters of cop murdering thugs, too?

wtf? you better show some proof of that ? Just amazing to see you use this Bundy to Justify what this BLM has been doing to all OF US with instigating riots, lootings, destruction of public property, (statues, flags, etc) and NOW threatening us all if we don't bow to them there is going to be more VIOLENCE.

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