Blackrock Drives LGBT/ESG Agenda by Favoring Companies That Bow to Degenerates


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Donate to the NYC groomer parade, grown men in underwear twerking at little kids? You get extra points in your investment score at Blackrock. Put up a LGBT flag at corporate HQ? Same thing. Just so you know, this is not just a breakdown in society that is some inevitable, late stage Roman Empire thing. It is being paid for and driven.

Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard control $20 trillion in assets. So if you want Blackrock to invest in your stock, you do what it wants. If you are Investor Relations, telling the CEO he has got to put up a few LGBT flags, or put up solar panels whether it makes sense or not is a no-brainer. Blackrock and WEF are what is driving what you think is just a world gone crazy.

This is planned and deliberate. LGBT breaks down the family unit. ESG allows government to control every aspect of your life.

The Hill
A lawsuit waiting to happen: ESG violates fiduciary duty


By engaging in stakeholder capitalism and using ESG to shape how companies operate, regardless of the impact on their bottom line, these institutions are breaching their sacred fiduciary duty.

BlackRock steps up its push for LGBT+ equality and inclusion | LGBT Great

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Thank goodness, I was so tired of being employed by bastards that would not hire me to abuse me for their gain.
You guys should be much more worried about the kids pastor or teacher or maybe friend of the family molesting children. Why are you so concerned about some flamboyant guy you can spot from a mile away?
Groomer say it out loud "We're coming for your children!"

Moon isn't a groomer nor a true believer. He is here for kicks, nothing more.

And for the record I am too half the time although I despise the lefts agenda. If you can't enjoy posting why bother? No one here is gonna change any truly felt beliefs because of another posters opinion.
You guys should be much more worried about the kids pastor or teacher or maybe friend of the family molesting children. Why are you so concerned about some flamboyant guy you can spot from a mile away?

And what about the pastors that go their whole lives without banging boys? I went to church as a kid for 10 years, never happened there.

And if you think a homo priests are a bigger threat to children that the fag community that openly talks about kids, has support from corporations and politicians, being pushed across social media kids frequent and so on then you seriously have your priorities messed up.

You're so fixated on "oh well maybe that priest over there is banging kids" that you don't even see things like this going on right in the public eye.

You can't see the forrest from the trees.

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