Blacks and whites don't know each other well ... at all.

You do realize I'm white, right? White as a dove. I just felt like having an interesting conversation, to hear from people I might not often get to talk to in my day-to-day.

Look buddy; either you're trolling, or you're just a pretty unfortunate human being. Either way, maybe it's best to take the clown act to Stormfront, no? I'm not really interested.
I don't care what color you are. Your agenda speaks for you.

Yes, the agenda of treating people fairly. How horrible.

ZzZz ... c'mon buddy. I've heard it all already. Save yourself some time and effort and move along. This clearly isn't the place for you.
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The issue is about how whites in a certain segment of this society practice racism an how they created law and policy to deny people who were not white. I'm taking about whites recognizing the damage created by these laws and policies as well as the understanding of the current forms whites deny opportunities by skirting laws that are suppose to make such tactics illegal. We blacks know this happens so then this is not about thinking we know everything about whites, because it has been whites who have believed they know better what we want and need than we do.

Poor whites, middle class whites and rich whites are still practicing racism against non whites today. This white victimization crap needs to end and whites need to recognize what they have done to others in it's totality instead of always trying to build strawmen or argue using false equivalences.

And whits still fo it now.

Trouble with this line of thought is, most whites don't believe they've ever "done anything". And they haven't, for the most part. They may benefit from a past that has favored them, but are they actively going out and harming non-white people, specifically because they aren't white? Probably not. So when you say things like that, understandably they're going to bristle at the accusation. What are they supposed to do? Take the advantages they have and throw them away? That's foolishness. Why would you do that to yourself? Just to prove to everyone how noble you are? Come on. You'd laugh at such a person.

When it comes to laws, we have very little to do with them, and paid almost 0 attention to politics until this 2016 election between two circus clowns.

Republicans don't make it difficult for minorities to vote because they hate brown-skinned people; they do it because brown-skinned people don't like them, and don't vote for them. Their old playbook (from before the Trump era) was all about getting Hispanics on board the republican train. They would probably love to get more black people on board. But the democrats have that bloc on lock, for some reason, despite decades of urban poverty that disproportionately affected black folks. And I say all this as someone who doesn't like the republicans any more than he likes democrats. They're equally repugnant in their own special ways.

But the real reason republicans don't talk about black people specifically is because they think black people have no interest in their party and never will. Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Sorry but I just cannot accept that excuse. If you are unjustly being given advantages that harm others and do nothing then you are doing harm to the others. So whites can get as mad as they want, but when whites gather around in places like this talking about how blacks don't work and how blacks are the ones waiting for handouts when they are the ones getting them, they need to shut up.

Republicans are racists. I live in a republican state. I think I can say that. Urban poverty is not just on democrats. Stop trying to push that bull shit lie. We vote democrat because of the racism in the republican party. Most of these people in his section posting are republicans, yet they tell us how the republican party is not a racist party. C'mon man do you whites really think we are that stupid that we see what's going on but that you can tell us anything and we are so dumb that we will believe it? Blacks used to be faithful members of that party, but they turned to favoring the southern white racists that left the democratic party.This is the same mistake the democratic party is about to make as hey now ardently pursue the white "working class" voters which will create a third party because backs are going to leave the democratic party too.
. I went from a majority white elementary school to a majority black middle school by force due to desegregation. My first day was met with having to ride on a majority black student ridden school bus, and they wouldn't let me sit down with them until the driver walked back and yelled at one to slide over, and to let me sit down. Then when I got to school, I walked into a densely populated hall where I was bumped into by black students, and my wallet was stolen (no lie). I reported it, but the counselor who was black told me that she was sorry that it happened. Then one day I missed the bus, and walked towards a basketball court where I was going to ask someone what to do if such a thing happened ? I was met by the students who were playing basketball and we're black, where as then they started pushing me back and forth amongst them, until they pushed me down. Next me and a friend was wrestling, when all of a sudden I took a hit to the head. Blood began to flow down my face, and I sought medical help. It was a black girl who hit me with a pocket book that had books in it. Next I was attacked one day when I walked near to a group of blacks, and one of them took a stick and began hitting me with it. This was my experience in middle shool with the blacks back then. Now you would think that I didn't have any black friends right ? Wrong! I had a black friend who was super cool, but when we went to his home one day, his older brother said that I wasn't coming into their house, and I was especially not going to sit at the table with them. My friend told his brother bullcrap he isn't coming in, and he told me to just walk right by him, and to ignore him. I caught hell in the middle school years with blacks, but it never made me a racist, because I know all blacks aren't racist just like all whites are racist. I will say this though, you best believe that I can spot a racist from a mile away.
. Wow... Correction near the end.. It should have said just like all whites AREN'T racist... Good grief... LOL.

When you goys can stop telling us how blacks are using racism as an example to fail or are blaming whites for our failure then we can consider writing this disclaimer every time we write about whites. Because we damn sure don't see any of you saying some blacks at any time you decide to make comments about black people. You guys keep on talking abut black racists, but again what you call black racism is a response t the racism we get from whites. You guys seem to think that after experiencing white racism for years we are supposed to just think that the white person we see is not a racist automatically. And if we assume racism after years of trusting whites not to be racists and getting the racism from whites then a white person will call us black racists.

Things have not been the same for blacks and whites. Yet you want to assign racism to another race after your race has continually practiced it for at least 241 years.. Seriously you whites must be crazy if you think you can mistreat people of color as you have continued to do in this country and expect that you will not produce non whites who can't stand white people.
. There you go again, being a racist from hell.. Don't you understand that you can't blame whites that aren't racist for your butt hurt life, but here you are saying whites and not some whites. You are retarded.
Though they think they do.

Both are suspicious of the other. The media likes to make it seem like it's white peoples' fault, that we don't listen. But from everything I've read and heard, black folks seem to make plenty of assumptions about us as well, many of which are just downright ridiculous.

So here I am. While I can only represent myself, I do know a lot of white people, and I know how they act when black folks aren't around.. I know how we operate to the last little detail. At least, in the middle-upper middle class. Rich white people might as well be from a different planet than us, which is why it's so aggravating that we get lumped in with them.

Think you know white people, huh? Well ask your question, or state your supposition, and find out. I'll give you as straight an answer as I can, as long as it's not something lame like, "Why do you smell like wet dogs?" Dude; 1. I don't know, and 2. That's kinda rude.

Oh, ask me questions about sex and dating. I love those spicy ones.
Do you date blacks?
Bull shit.

I treat all people as individuals. I assess them as individuals and I find good people and I find assholes. There are white people I don't know and black people I do know.

Color does not matter.

Color doesn't matter? Please. It always matters, for pretty much everything. And, fact of the matter is, black folks get the shit end of the stick almost every time, and even when they have a supposedly "good" stereotype about them, like black men being gods of the bedroom, it's also a double-edged sword that degrades everyone around it.

To say color doesn't matter is quite laughable, I'm afraid.

No, color does not matter to me, not at all.

Maybe you didn't do the smart thing and read my post before replying, maybe you have a reading disability, or, more likely, you are a racist asshole.

Okay m8. Whatever you wanna believe.

Though, the way you wrote out your message, it comes off as "I don't see color" and THEN "color doesn't matter", as though they were not directly connected. That's how people are going to read that, FYI. And also, I find the idea that skin color means nothing to you a bit absurd, considering we are biologically programmed to flock toward people who look like us, as documented countless times. Our bodies are literally prejudiced. So, yeah, kind of hard to believe.

I don't care what you believe, you will believe what supports your already held beliefs. I don't know where I flock to but if I instinctively don't flick to blacks, it doesn't mean color matters to me.

But color does matter to you because you have made comments specifically about blacks.

If the thread is about blacks then yes, of course. It doesn't mean color matters to me. Are you able to see that simple truth or is your rabid rasism blocking your ability to think straight?
Trouble with this line of thought is, most whites don't believe they've ever "done anything". And they haven't, for the most part. They may benefit from a past that has favored them, but are they actively going out and harming non-white people, specifically because they aren't white? Probably not. So when you say things like that, understandably they're going to bristle at the accusation. What are they supposed to do? Take the advantages they have and throw them away? That's foolishness. Why would you do that to yourself? Just to prove to everyone how noble you are? Come on. You'd laugh at such a person.

When it comes to laws, we have very little to do with them, and paid almost 0 attention to politics until this 2016 election between two circus clowns.

Republicans don't make it difficult for minorities to vote because they hate brown-skinned people; they do it because brown-skinned people don't like them, and don't vote for them. Their old playbook (from before the Trump era) was all about getting Hispanics on board the republican train. They would probably love to get more black people on board. But the democrats have that bloc on lock, for some reason, despite decades of urban poverty that disproportionately affected black folks. And I say all this as someone who doesn't like the republicans any more than he likes democrats. They're equally repugnant in their own special ways.

But the real reason republicans don't talk about black people specifically is because they think black people have no interest in their party and never will. Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Sorry but I just cannot accept that excuse. If you are unjustly being given advantages that harm others and do nothing then you are doing harm to the others. So whites can get as mad as they want, but when whites gather around in places like this talking about how blacks don't work and how blacks are the ones waiting for handouts when they are the ones getting them, they need to shut up.

Republicans are racists. I live in a republican state. I think I can say that. Urban poverty is not just on democrats. Stop trying to push that bull shit lie. We vote democrat because of the racism in the republican party. Most of these people in his section posting are republicans, yet they tell us how the republican party is not a racist party. C'mon man do you whites really think we are that stupid that we see what's going on but that you can tell us anything and we are so dumb that we will believe it? Blacks used to be faithful members of that party, but they turned to favoring the southern white racists that left the democratic party.This is the same mistake the democratic party is about to make as hey now ardently pursue the white "working class" voters which will create a third party because backs are going to leave the democratic party too.
. I went from a majority white elementary school to a majority black middle school by force due to desegregation. My first day was met with having to ride on a majority black student ridden school bus, and they wouldn't let me sit down with them until the driver walked back and yelled at one to slide over, and to let me sit down. Then when I got to school, I walked into a densely populated hall where I was bumped into by black students, and my wallet was stolen (no lie). I reported it, but the counselor who was black told me that she was sorry that it happened. Then one day I missed the bus, and walked towards a basketball court where I was going to ask someone what to do if such a thing happened ? I was met by the students who were playing basketball and we're black, where as then they started pushing me back and forth amongst them, until they pushed me down. Next me and a friend was wrestling, when all of a sudden I took a hit to the head. Blood began to flow down my face, and I sought medical help. It was a black girl who hit me with a pocket book that had books in it. Next I was attacked one day when I walked near to a group of blacks, and one of them took a stick and began hitting me with it. This was my experience in middle shool with the blacks back then. Now you would think that I didn't have any black friends right ? Wrong! I had a black friend who was super cool, but when we went to his home one day, his older brother said that I wasn't coming into their house, and I was especially not going to sit at the table with them. My friend told his brother bullcrap he isn't coming in, and he told me to just walk right by him, and to ignore him. I caught hell in the middle school years with blacks, but it never made me a racist, because I know all blacks aren't racist just like all whites are racist. I will say this though, you best believe that I can spot a racist from a mile away.
. Wow... Correction near the end.. It should have said just like all whites AREN'T racist... Good grief... LOL.

When you goys can stop telling us how blacks are using racism as an example to fail or are blaming whites for our failure then we can consider writing this disclaimer every time we write about whites. Because we damn sure don't see any of you saying some blacks at any time you decide to make comments about black people. You guys keep on talking abut black racists, but again what you call black racism is a response t the racism we get from whites. You guys seem to think that after experiencing white racism for years we are supposed to just think that the white person we see is not a racist automatically. And if we assume racism after years of trusting whites not to be racists and getting the racism from whites then a white person will call us black racists.

Things have not been the same for blacks and whites. Yet you want to assign racism to another race after your race has continually practiced it for at least 241 years.. Seriously you whites must be crazy if you think you can mistreat people of color as you have continued to do in this country and expect that you will not produce non whites who can't stand white people.
. There you go again, being a racist from hell.. Don't you understand that you can't blame whites that aren't racist for your butt hurt life, but here you are saying whites and not some whites. You are retarded.

You don't get to make up what racism is.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Good luck.
Color doesn't matter? Please. It always matters, for pretty much everything. And, fact of the matter is, black folks get the shit end of the stick almost every time, and even when they have a supposedly "good" stereotype about them, like black men being gods of the bedroom, it's also a double-edged sword that degrades everyone around it.

To say color doesn't matter is quite laughable, I'm afraid.

No, color does not matter to me, not at all.

Maybe you didn't do the smart thing and read my post before replying, maybe you have a reading disability, or, more likely, you are a racist asshole.

Okay m8. Whatever you wanna believe.

Though, the way you wrote out your message, it comes off as "I don't see color" and THEN "color doesn't matter", as though they were not directly connected. That's how people are going to read that, FYI. And also, I find the idea that skin color means nothing to you a bit absurd, considering we are biologically programmed to flock toward people who look like us, as documented countless times. Our bodies are literally prejudiced. So, yeah, kind of hard to believe.

I don't care what you believe, you will believe what supports your already held beliefs. I don't know where I flock to but if I instinctively don't flick to blacks, it doesn't mean color matters to me.

But color does matter to you because you have made comments specifically about blacks.

If the thread is about blacks then yes, of course. It doesn't mean color matters to me. Are you able to see that simple truth or is your rabid rasism blocking your ability to think straight?

You've it very plain that color does matter to you,
Liar. I said no such thing. I said very clearly your butthurt feelings are not my problem. I'm a person, not a race. A race didn't respond to you, I did. I said your life isn't my problem or anyone else's. You can snivel like a jilted schoolgirl for the rest of your life, it has no bearing on mine.
I find it ironic, that whites r willing 2 ignore racism, but will not ignore a person (like me) who is calling out racism.

N if ur tired of seeing me n IM2 challenging white racism, there’s an easy way 2 solve that problem.

Do the work urselves.

If whites were willing 2 stand up condemn the racism in ur community then black people wud not have 2 b the ones leading the rally.

But most whites do nothing in the face of racism. Most don’t speak up, don’t talk back, don’t challenge family, friends, colleagues.

Genocides unfold in 8 stages. Stopping it at stage 1 - Stops the genocide from going forward. The 1st ppl killed in any genocide r those in the mainstream who speak up 2 them. Now the message goes unchallenged.

Racism grows n feeds off a culture of silence. The point of calling out racism is 2 break down that silence. It doesn't matter if u persuade anyone.
What matters is that u were heard n planted that seed in people’s minds of, “Hey, maybe this isn't right.”

Elizabeth Eckford was 1 of the first 9 black students 2 go 2 School in the American South. The 90% who were not giving her hell would not stand up to the 10% who were.


So sure, whites may discount what black ppl saying (unless they agree with them) but they still hear it.

If something racist goes down and blacks say nothing, whites will assume that it is “okay” Especially since white ppl assume blacks r “oversensitive”.

. So how exactly is it that the new white generation of today, is responsible for the racism of the past ? Seems to me that the blacks are the ones constantly dwelling in the past, where as the whites are trying as hard as they can to move ahead, and get beyond the chains of the past. You won't let them, why ???? What is your overall goal found in your accessing of the past in order to weaponize it or use it as a weapon against the new generation of whites not beholding to the past ? Is it seen as a way to exploit for easy gains or money maybe ? Is it in the hopes of someday paying the white race (on whole) back for their dastardly deeds ? Not being able to control your own race, has been found to pose a serious flaw in your agenda (if it is the case) that was being mentioned above. Time to move on don't you think ?

Well, I think this is a common way of looking at things. Not a very good one. You can't simply "move on". The ghosts of the past continue to haunt the present. You have to examine the way things are, identify problems, and then be willing to find solutions. Just saying, "Move on," is rather stupid. No offense.

There is no hope in the boomer generation. Maybe with millennials, though millennials have their own issues to sort out. Namely outrageous student loan debt and somewhat thin skins.

The Greatest Generation and the Boomers were the voters that kept voting pro-civil rights politicians into office thoughout the 50s and 60s and 70s, and 80s.

It is absurd to say they didn't do anything.

I didn't say they didn't do anything. I meant that they've gone as far as they can. Old people are notoriously bad at changing their minds. And let's face it; old white people may not want to oppress anyone by and large, but most sure aren't gonna be happy if their kid marries a black person. Whereas with millennials that aversion (though it still exists on a primitive level) has mostly evaporated.

So, decades of supporting civil rights counts for nothing because they are not as quite as hip as the kids? Supposedly.

I think it is time to ask, will it EVER BE ENOUGH?
I find it ironic, that whites r willing 2 ignore racism, but will not ignore a person (like me) who is calling out racism.

N if ur tired of seeing me n IM2 challenging white racism, there’s an easy way 2 solve that problem.

Do the work urselves.

If whites were willing 2 stand up condemn the racism in ur community then black people wud not have 2 b the ones leading the rally.

But most whites do nothing in the face of racism. Most don’t speak up, don’t talk back, don’t challenge family, friends, colleagues.

Genocides unfold in 8 stages. Stopping it at stage 1 - Stops the genocide from going forward. The 1st ppl killed in any genocide r those in the mainstream who speak up 2 them. Now the message goes unchallenged.

Racism grows n feeds off a culture of silence. The point of calling out racism is 2 break down that silence. It doesn't matter if u persuade anyone.
What matters is that u were heard n planted that seed in people’s minds of, “Hey, maybe this isn't right.”

Elizabeth Eckford was 1 of the first 9 black students 2 go 2 School in the American South. The 90% who were not giving her hell would not stand up to the 10% who were.


So sure, whites may discount what black ppl saying (unless they agree with them) but they still hear it.

If something racist goes down and blacks say nothing, whites will assume that it is “okay” Especially since white ppl assume blacks r “oversensitive”.

. So how exactly is it that the new white generation of today, is responsible for the racism of the past ? Seems to me that the blacks are the ones constantly dwelling in the past, where as the whites are trying as hard as they can to move ahead, and get beyond the chains of the past. You won't let them, why ???? What is your overall goal found in your accessing of the past in order to weaponize it or use it as a weapon against the new generation of whites not beholding to the past ? Is it seen as a way to exploit for easy gains or money maybe ? Is it in the hopes of someday paying the white race (on whole) back for their dastardly deeds ? Not being able to control your own race, has been found to pose a serious flaw in your agenda (if it is the case) that was being mentioned above. Time to move on don't you think ?

Well, I think this is a common way of looking at things. Not a very good one. You can't simply "move on". The ghosts of the past continue to haunt the present. You have to examine the way things are, identify problems, and then be willing to find solutions. Just saying, "Move on," is rather stupid. No offense.

There is no hope in the boomer generation. Maybe with millennials, though millennials have their own issues to sort out. Namely outrageous student loan debt and somewhat thin skins.

The Greatest Generation and the Boomers were the voters that kept voting pro-civil rights politicians into office thoughout the 50s and 60s and 70s, and 80s.

It is absurd to say they didn't do anything.

I didn't say they didn't do anything. I meant that they've gone as far as they can. Old people are notoriously bad at changing their minds. And let's face it; old white people may not want to oppress anyone by and large, but most sure aren't gonna be happy if their kid marries a black person. Whereas with millennials that aversion (though it still exists on a primitive level) has mostly evaporated.

So, decades of supporting civil rights counts for nothing because they are not as quite as hip as the kids? Supposedly.

I think it is time to ask, will it EVER BE ENOUGH?

There have been no decades like that.
I know white people would be basically to sh*t scared to say anything to a black man’s face. If a white man was to say anything to me, that would not end well for that white man. I wouldn’t just punch him in the face….I think you know where I’m coming from.
Violence is always the answer with you guys and then you wonder why no one trusts you; why you cant get a cab, why youre watched in stores, why people avoid you in public, etc. You guys confuse the common sense of non-blacks, as racism. Your reputation is awful, deservedly.

The black community has a lot of growing up to do.
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You do realize I'm white, right? White as a dove. I just felt like having an interesting conversation, to hear from people I might not often get to talk to in my day-to-day.

Look buddy; either you're trolling, or you're just a pretty unfortunate human being. Either way, maybe it's best to take the clown act to Stormfront, no? I'm not really interested.
I don't care what color you are. Your agenda speaks for you.

Yes, the agenda of treating people fairly. How horrible.

ZzZz ... c'mon buddy. I've heard it all already. Save yourself some time and effort and move along. This clearly isn't the place for you.
Oh the truth upsets your widdel feelings? Awe poor little guy.
You do realize I'm white, right? White as a dove. I just felt like having an interesting conversation, to hear from people I might not often get to talk to in my day-to-day.

Look buddy; either you're trolling, or you're just a pretty unfortunate human being. Either way, maybe it's best to take the clown act to Stormfront, no? I'm not really interested.
I don't care what color you are. Your agenda speaks for you.

Yes, the agenda of treating people fairly. How horrible.

ZzZz ... c'mon buddy. I've heard it all already. Save yourself some time and effort and move along. This clearly isn't the place for you.
If you were treating people fairly, you would be critical of the violence, racism and overall crime coming from the black community. You guys never criticize black people though. For some reason, the left has decided that criticizing non whites is racist. Its childish nonsense and you only perpetuate these problems by refusing to address them.
. So how exactly is it that the new white generation of today, is responsible for the racism of the past ? Seems to me that the blacks are the ones constantly dwelling in the past, where as the whites are trying as hard as they can to move ahead, and get beyond the chains of the past. You won't let them, why ???? What is your overall goal found in your accessing of the past in order to weaponize it or use it as a weapon against the new generation of whites not beholding to the past ? Is it seen as a way to exploit for easy gains or money maybe ? Is it in the hopes of someday paying the white race (on whole) back for their dastardly deeds ? Not being able to control your own race, has been found to pose a serious flaw in your agenda (if it is the case) that was being mentioned above. Time to move on don't you think ?

Well, I think this is a common way of looking at things. Not a very good one. You can't simply "move on". The ghosts of the past continue to haunt the present. You have to examine the way things are, identify problems, and then be willing to find solutions. Just saying, "Move on," is rather stupid. No offense.

There is no hope in the boomer generation. Maybe with millennials, though millennials have their own issues to sort out. Namely outrageous student loan debt and somewhat thin skins.

The Greatest Generation and the Boomers were the voters that kept voting pro-civil rights politicians into office thoughout the 50s and 60s and 70s, and 80s.

It is absurd to say they didn't do anything.

I didn't say they didn't do anything. I meant that they've gone as far as they can. Old people are notoriously bad at changing their minds. And let's face it; old white people may not want to oppress anyone by and large, but most sure aren't gonna be happy if their kid marries a black person. Whereas with millennials that aversion (though it still exists on a primitive level) has mostly evaporated.

So, decades of supporting civil rights counts for nothing because they are not as quite as hip as the kids? Supposedly.

I think it is time to ask, will it EVER BE ENOUGH?

There have been no decades like that.

Your idiocy is noted and held against you.
Sorry but I just cannot accept that excuse. If you are unjustly being given advantages that harm others and do nothing then you are doing harm to the others. So whites can get as mad as they want, but when whites gather around in places like this talking about how blacks don't work and how blacks are the ones waiting for handouts when they are the ones getting them, they need to shut up.

Republicans are racists. I live in a republican state. I think I can say that. Urban poverty is not just on democrats. Stop trying to push that bull shit lie. We vote democrat because of the racism in the republican party. Most of these people in his section posting are republicans, yet they tell us how the republican party is not a racist party. C'mon man do you whites really think we are that stupid that we see what's going on but that you can tell us anything and we are so dumb that we will believe it? Blacks used to be faithful members of that party, but they turned to favoring the southern white racists that left the democratic party.This is the same mistake the democratic party is about to make as hey now ardently pursue the white "working class" voters which will create a third party because backs are going to leave the democratic party too.
. I went from a majority white elementary school to a majority black middle school by force due to desegregation. My first day was met with having to ride on a majority black student ridden school bus, and they wouldn't let me sit down with them until the driver walked back and yelled at one to slide over, and to let me sit down. Then when I got to school, I walked into a densely populated hall where I was bumped into by black students, and my wallet was stolen (no lie). I reported it, but the counselor who was black told me that she was sorry that it happened. Then one day I missed the bus, and walked towards a basketball court where I was going to ask someone what to do if such a thing happened ? I was met by the students who were playing basketball and we're black, where as then they started pushing me back and forth amongst them, until they pushed me down. Next me and a friend was wrestling, when all of a sudden I took a hit to the head. Blood began to flow down my face, and I sought medical help. It was a black girl who hit me with a pocket book that had books in it. Next I was attacked one day when I walked near to a group of blacks, and one of them took a stick and began hitting me with it. This was my experience in middle shool with the blacks back then. Now you would think that I didn't have any black friends right ? Wrong! I had a black friend who was super cool, but when we went to his home one day, his older brother said that I wasn't coming into their house, and I was especially not going to sit at the table with them. My friend told his brother bullcrap he isn't coming in, and he told me to just walk right by him, and to ignore him. I caught hell in the middle school years with blacks, but it never made me a racist, because I know all blacks aren't racist just like all whites are racist. I will say this though, you best believe that I can spot a racist from a mile away.
. Wow... Correction near the end.. It should have said just like all whites AREN'T racist... Good grief... LOL.

When you goys can stop telling us how blacks are using racism as an example to fail or are blaming whites for our failure then we can consider writing this disclaimer every time we write about whites. Because we damn sure don't see any of you saying some blacks at any time you decide to make comments about black people. You guys keep on talking abut black racists, but again what you call black racism is a response t the racism we get from whites. You guys seem to think that after experiencing white racism for years we are supposed to just think that the white person we see is not a racist automatically. And if we assume racism after years of trusting whites not to be racists and getting the racism from whites then a white person will call us black racists.

Things have not been the same for blacks and whites. Yet you want to assign racism to another race after your race has continually practiced it for at least 241 years.. Seriously you whites must be crazy if you think you can mistreat people of color as you have continued to do in this country and expect that you will not produce non whites who can't stand white people.
. There you go again, being a racist from hell.. Don't you understand that you can't blame whites that aren't racist for your butt hurt life, but here you are saying whites and not some whites. You are retarded.

You don't get to make up what racism is.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Good luck.
. Good luck to you on trying to blame whites who had nothing to do with the way (not you), but your ancestors were treated because of their primitive culture, and their being cast into a bad situation in which the whites helped them get out of. The best solution for you is to get on a boat to the African Continent, and ask for justice, and reperations for your ancestors for selling your people into slavery all around the world. What, maybe to much of a task for you ? It's just to easy to get at that old guilt riddled brainwashed Hollywood liberal white idiot, who just might think that he owes you something in life huh ???
If you were treating people fairly, you would be critical of the violence, racism and overall crime coming from the black community. You guys never criticize black people though. For some reason, the left has decided that criticizing non whites is racist. Its childish nonsense and you only perpetuate these problems by refusing to address them.

I guess this is the part where I have to start talking about myself, even though I have no interest in the topic.

1. Who says I'm not critical of black people? This thread happens to be about white folks, though.
2. I'm not on the "left" or "right". I find both deplorable.
3. This thread is not about black people's problems. It's pretty simple, I thought.
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Do you date blacks?

Sure. If I have any sort of racial preference, I'm not consciously aware of it.

But I'm always wary of the weird fetishes that some black and white people have for the other. It kinda creeps me out.

If I hear a black woman say something like, "I only like white guys," it's like "Yikes ..." I've only heard that a few times, fortunately. It's not flattering, and certainly won't make me like you more.
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Do you date blacks?

Sure. If I have any sort of racial preference, I'm not consciously aware of it.

But I'm always wary of the weird fetishes that some black and white people have for the other. It kinda creeps me out.

If I hear a black woman say something like, "I only like white guys," it's like "Yikes ..." I've only heard that a few times, fortunately. It's not flattering, and certainly won't make me like you more.

Yeah that kind of thing si strange for sure.
You do realize I'm white, right? White as a dove. I just felt like having an interesting conversation, to hear from people I might not often get to talk to in my day-to-day.

Look buddy; either you're trolling, or you're just a pretty unfortunate human being. Either way, maybe it's best to take the clown act to Stormfront, no? I'm not really interested.
I don't care what color you are. Your agenda speaks for you.

Yes, the agenda of treating people fairly. How horrible.

ZzZz ... c'mon buddy. I've heard it all already. Save yourself some time and effort and move along. This clearly isn't the place for you.
If you were treating people fairly, you would be critical of the violence, racism and overall crime coming from the black community. You guys never criticize black people though. For some reason, the left has decided that criticizing non whites is racist. Its childish nonsense and you only perpetuate these problems by refusing to address them.

The thing is that whites have more violence and crime coming from their community. We don't have to multiply shit by 5, we don't have to male a claim of per capita. The overall total crime when tallied up show that whites commit 2.5 times the number of crimes as blacks. They commit almost double the violent crime, almost triple the drug crime, about 6 times the number of alcohol related crimes, double the crimes against family and children, double the rape, aggravated assaults, burglaries and larceny or theft. The commit 3 rimes the number of arsons, double the rate of car thefts, double the rate of property crime. So t hen why must John be critical of the black community when whites are worse?

What the fuck do idiots like you and maryl believe? That even though whites commit double the crimes as we do, that you don't have a problem until it's 5 times the rate? That is just plain stump stupid.

Racism coming from the black community? What's that? Our angry response to what whites have done to us is now racism? Are you crazy?
The thing is that whites have more violence and crime coming from their community. /QUOTE]
No we dont. Ill put my neighborhoods crime stats up against any black neighborhood in the nation, and ill win.
You have a chip on your shoulder, like a lot of black folks.
I don’t hate white people, but then again, I don’t hate Tigers, but I understand a Tigers nature. I understand that Tigers kill. It’s not personal. It’s just their nature. I think in a global system of white supremacy I think it’s constructive for black people to be wary, cautious and un-trusting of white people, if this is me having a chip on my shoulder, then so be it.
I've had several lately walk in front of my truck daring me to hit them. How stupid can humans get?

More like you tried to hit them but chickened out at the last minute.
I owe you nothing. Nobody owes you. If you can't make it in this country you can't make it anywhere. Maybe you should focus on success instead of being a butt hurt victim in life spoiling for a fight.
White ppl claim they are victims of all kinds of things: taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, secular humanism, gay marriage, “radical Islam,” you name it. Whites loves victimhood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count

For a black person to tell their kids that they can be anything they want to be if they try hard enough is nice, but unless you warn them about the obstacles in their path, they ill-suiting them for the real world. They are doing them no favours,

Downplaying racism backfires. If a black person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way, and that their hard work, intelligence and ability are all that will matter, they might slack up.

They might coast on the assumption that surely all will recognize their potential, and that they won’t have to go that extra mile to make a good impression. They may overestimate the extent to which whites will recognize their effort and hard work

On the other hand, by discussing those obstacle and strategies of resistance to them blk ppl who are the targets of racism can steel ourselves against the headwinds in our way
What sort of "obstacles" are you speaking of?

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