Blacks are walking away en masse from the Democrat party

I assume it has dropped since he took office. Though, I am not sure, but I know it still sucks. The highly respected Quinnipiac polling has Trump's 'black' approval rating at 9%.

QU Poll Release Detail

Also - last January - 'Data from Gallup show that his approval among blacks declined from 15 percent between Jan. 20 and Jan. 29, 2017, to 6 percent between Dec. 25 and Dec. 31, 2017. And data from the Pew Research Center show that Trump’s approval in that demographic dropped 7 percentage points in 2017 — from 14 percent in February to 7 percent in December.'

Trump Tweets Faulty Black Approval Claim -

Come on now...Trump is universally known (rightly or wrongly) as 'racist'. From insulting predominantly 'black' countries, to insulting 'black' athletes, to not calling out white-supremacist groups nearly enough, to a virtually all-'white' cabinet and on and on. There is NO WAY that a large percentage of 'blacks' are going to be for him. That should be obvious.

It was 6% in the July poll...gee that was tough to research. Now you know.

So directionally speaking, Trump is doing 50% better (6% to 9%) among blacks in the past 6 weeks.

Sounds like he should keep doing what he is doing.

QU Poll Release Detail

From your link:

'From June 27 - July 1, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,020 voters nationwide, with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points, including design effect.'

So the gain is less than the margin of error. So it means little. The real number could be as high 9.7% or as low as 2.3%.

The point is that his support SUCKS MASSIVELY with 'blacks'.

And even if it is genuine...9%? You are bragging about 9%?

Go ahead...knock yourself out there.

And the new poll could be as high as 12.7%?

Interesting that you can’t discuss the comparative polls directionally and what may be causing the apparent increase in support among blacks for Trump.

I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

No idea...but until the gain is beyond the polls margin of error, it means little to me.

And the unemployment rate is a hoax...Trump (rightly) said so himself:

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the “Biggest Hoaxes in Politics”

Now what about the fact that Trump's support among 'blacks' has dropped since March (beyond the poll's margin of error)?

Why do you suppose that is?
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It was 6% in the July poll...gee that was tough to research. Now you know.

So directionally speaking, Trump is doing 50% better (6% to 9%) among blacks in the past 6 weeks.

Sounds like he should keep doing what he is doing.

QU Poll Release Detail

From your link:

'From June 27 - July 1, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,020 voters nationwide, with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points, including design effect.'

So the gain is less than the margin of error. So it means little. The real number could be as high 9.7% or as low as 2.3%.

The point is that his support SUCKS MASSIVELY with 'blacks'.

And even if it is genuine...9%? You are bragging about 9%?

Go ahead...knock yourself out there.

And the new poll could be as high as 12.7%?

Interesting that you can’t discuss the comparative polls directionally and what may be causing the apparent increase in support among blacks for Trump.

I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

No idea...but until the gain is beyond the polls margin of error, it means little to me.

And the unemployment rate is a hoax...Trump (rightly) said so himself:

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the “Biggest Hoaxes in Politics”

Now what about the fact that Trump's support among 'blacks' has dropped since March (beyond the margin of error)?

Why do you suppose that is?

You aren’t really engaging, so I will just mimic your tactics.

Here is my response to you:

“I have no idea but anything empirical that you might bring up I will just try to minimalize rather than having an actual discussion”
there are no more liberals. even the media calls the dnc base 'progressives'
Well, there are a few. They're just being drowned out by the illiberal leftist authoritarians.
do you know any?

I don't and I live in blue PA
Sure. They're mostly people who look at what is happening to political discourse and find it repellent, so they don't participate.
well then, I'm a liberal

Spineless to enforce federal law by deporting illegal immigrants?

That’s fascinating.

Yeah, pretty spineless since both parties have as much as admitted the current system is broken and doesn't work.

Why don’t any Democrats introduce bills to vote on?

Obama had a majority in the house and senate for his first 2 years in office, why didn’t he fix it then?
From your link:

'From June 27 - July 1, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,020 voters nationwide, with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points, including design effect.'

So the gain is less than the margin of error. So it means little. The real number could be as high 9.7% or as low as 2.3%.

The point is that his support SUCKS MASSIVELY with 'blacks'.

And even if it is genuine...9%? You are bragging about 9%?

Go ahead...knock yourself out there.

And the new poll could be as high as 12.7%?

Interesting that you can’t discuss the comparative polls directionally and what may be causing the apparent increase in support among blacks for Trump.

I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

No idea...but until the gain is beyond the polls margin of error, it means little to me.

And the unemployment rate is a hoax...Trump (rightly) said so himself:

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the “Biggest Hoaxes in Politics”

Now what about the fact that Trump's support among 'blacks' has dropped since March (beyond the margin of error)?

Why do you suppose that is?

You aren’t really engaging, so I will just mimic your tactics.

Here is my response to you:

“I have no idea but anything empirical that you might bring up I will just try to minimalize rather than having an actual discussion”

What engaging? You asked me a question and I gave you an honest answer. You just didn't like the answer so now you are (apparently) pouting.

And you keep avoiding my earlier point. I have answered your you answer mine, please:

Has Trump's approval among 'blacks' dropped (according to Quinnipiac) since March?

True or False?
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This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

This thread is SUCH a joke. One guy claims to be leaving the Dems on a YouTube video...and you translate that to mean 'blacks are walking away en masse'?

One guy?!?

Here is a suggestion? Next time you want to show that people are doing anything 'en masse'...have more proof than the thoughts of only ONE PERSON.


BTW - here is the latest Quinnipiac Presidential poll:

QU Poll Release Detail

And the percentage of 'blacks' that approve of the job the man-child has done is 9%.

So much for your 'en masse' exit.


Once again, I am an indy. I hate both major parties...but I hate Trump as POTUS more than I hate both parties.

Do you even try to be honest?
walkaway movement - YouTube
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

One guy = "en masse"? :lol:
Hey - Maybe Mr. Norman could parlay this into an all expenses paid gig traveling with Michael the Black man to all the Trump rallies.
Premium Placement Guaranteed!


"They oppose all of the things that are going to make the black community better" his words on the Democratic party.

I for one dont see what was wrong with his statement. Because that makes your warm fuzzy feeling go away, nobody can help.
I have to say that in my lifetime this is a significant political groundswell.....just too many wtf? moments for blacks who now realize they got the bumpy cucumber from Soetero.:113:

Sure puts an exclamation point on "WINNING"

Hard to say really, outside of the if's, could's and should's. Where it may be true that a significant number of African Americans have grown less than pleased with the Democrat party, the driving factor behind that is where they connect with the fact the Democrats are full of crap and not really helping them. They have realized their families, communities and schools still suffer under Democrat policies and control.

But, then you have to look into the future, and try to figure out where they are going when they walk away. A few may grasp the easy fix of becoming a sounding board for the Republicans. Still others don't seem to be all that impressed by Republicans either. The greatest divide in those (that I have heard of to this point) is that they don't feel the Republicans know how to listen to them and their concerns.

The Republicans don't know how to listen, because their actual Conservative constituents (not suggesting all Republicans are conservatives) do not view government as the solution to all the People's problems. If African Americans want to leave Democrats because the Democrats aren't taking care of their concerns, that doesn't mean that Republicans are going to pick up the mantel, then charge out there and act like they should be doing what the Democrats failed to do.

African Americans may be leaving the Democrats, but there is no telling where they are going, or how long the immediate support for Republicans will last for those who choose that path.
Republicans have around eight percent of the black vote
They have lost it for good

Now they are working at losing the Hispanic vote
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

The Democratic party politicized the African American struggle for equal rights from the outset. However, the politicization of the civil rights movement was not done for the purpose of elevating the cause to some platform of national awareness, nor to provide it traction in federal level chambers of political power. Democrat politicians inserted themselves into the movement in order to weld their own public service careers to the fate of minority group grass roots lobbying organizations so they could be ideologically converted for use as weapons of political currency in Democrat candidate running platforms to serve the Democratic party as convenient and eternal martyrs whose quest for equality against the American majority skin tone would be turned into one that could never end or be solved.

In the exploitation of the great African American endeavor to cast off the stigma of second class American citizen, The DNC founded--and on its back constructed, a new doctrinal platform--one it surely must have expected to be both politically bulletproof and a depthless source of future party campaign victories. After all, what American voter could deny the horror of slavery and associated following decades of Black oppression from the 1870's to the 1960's? The long and hard fought Black American struggle for equality had become a depthless source of political revenue for the Democrats.

However, the value of the political currency of African American exploitation devaluated in the DNC bank the more equality Blacks achieved. The Democratic party's response to this was to directly aid in the creation of militant Black revolutionary cells to use as strategic cultural weapons for the purpose of reigniting the disparity of civil rights between races and Black hatred of whites. But that ploy eventually ran out of steam as generations of Blacks educated themselves, recognized the nefariousness of their Democratic party betrayers and achieved academic, political and professional career levels equal to those held by any other American. The decades running Democrat political strategy of Identity Politics by means of African American exploitation was failing at long last.

Then, from the 1970's to the mid-2000's African Americans, armed with the same potential for achieving any height of the American dream as any other cultural or racial demographic, found a degree of unprecedented contentment in their proliferation within the middle class. The decades of Democrat instigated race warfare seemed to have been broken on the truth that: any American could achieve the same dream through the putting forth of enough effort and paying heed to the American way of life of freedom governed by personal responsibility.

Something happened around 2008 which in a de facto manner (not a legal one) seemed to erase both culturally-- and in African American minds, all their progress made toward social and political equality since their very earliest civil rights victories. Once again the American Left was fanning the flames of race warfare through the MSM, pop culture, the music industry and university ideologues who then disseminated this new ideology of make believe rampant racial inequality, to the African American masses.

In our America of today, Democratic party instigated Identity Politics and race warfare are back in full operation and stoked to red hot daily on a nationally broadcast stage. And it is succeeding in its ultimate purpose of dividing the races and cultures who together as a whole have always made our country stronger for its demonstration to the rest of the Free World of peaceful cultural and racial integration. The radical American Left intelligentsia has very unfortunately succeeded in restarting that decades old racial war from out of American history where Blacks grow up despising whites as their ancient enemy oppressors, and where Whites are led by the throat into hating themselves, their traditions, ethnic origins and Old World cultural heritage.

The insidiousness of Democrat created and weaponized Identity Politics cannot be underestimated, nor can its comparison to Leninist class warfare be ignored.

What Democrats don't understand, is that identity politics is completely lost on a young African American from Detroit singing songs about the neighborhood where he lives, the education he didn't get, the people next to him shooting each other, and making money by the fistful doing it. That person knows where the problems reside, knows who wants to keep him there, knows he can do better. They also know they can start a record label, sign on new singers, make even more money, and eventually contribute to their communities.

In short, they have just experienced a crash course in capitalism, and know what they have been taught is a lie.

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