Blacks are walking away en masse from the Democrat party

Lol, Obama did.
Nope. Sadly you have fallen for fake news.


Don't you ever get tired of that?
It came out of his own mouth dip shit, or was that another Obama lie?
Lol, no. It's a conservitard lie. President Obama never said that.

Unless maybe you can provide proof?
He told them to vote and they wouldn't be prosecuted, you have a right he said. As much as you worship him, i actually you would've loved that speech.
So post it up. Let's see that shit.
Does it matter, if i post it. You will claim he didn't mean it.
Lol, Obama did.
Nope. Sadly you have fallen for fake news.


Don't you ever get tired of that?
It came out of his own mouth dip shit, or was that another Obama lie?
Lol, no. It's a conservitard lie. President Obama never said that.

Unless maybe you can provide proof?
He told them to vote and they wouldn't be prosecuted, you have a right he said. As much as you worship him, i actually you would've loved that speech.
Debunked years ago as another example of conservatives unable to understand the English language
By snopes? Lol, yes he did say it. Just like when he said manufacturing jobs weren't coming back.
“Blacks are walking away en masse from the Democrat [sic] party”

No, conservatives are contriving more lies and hasty generalization fallacies, this thread being yet another example.
This is where conservatives say how much blacks love them
Nope. Sadly you have fallen for fake news.


Don't you ever get tired of that?
It came out of his own mouth dip shit, or was that another Obama lie?
Lol, no. It's a conservitard lie. President Obama never said that.

Unless maybe you can provide proof?
He told them to vote and they wouldn't be prosecuted, you have a right he said. As much as you worship him, i actually you would've loved that speech.
Debunked years ago as another example of conservatives unable to understand the English language
By snopes? Lol, yes he did say it. Just like when he said manufacturing jobs weren't coming back.
By anyone who understands context in a sentence
Has the GOP found a few more tokens? :laugh:

Looks like the democrats found one more racist hypocrite ^^^^^^.

Nobody's fallin' for the Pee Wee Herman schtick any more Unko. It went stale right around the time you and Putin put the lifelong, multi-generational orange racist in the Oval Office. Hey, has Trump apologized for the full page Central Park 5 ad in NYT calling for the death penalty on innocent children yet?

Meh :rolleyes:

This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

This thread is SUCH a joke. One guy claims to be leaving the Dems on a YouTube video...and you translate that to mean 'blacks are walking away en masse'?

One guy?!?

Here is a suggestion? Next time you want to show that people are doing anything 'en masse'...have more proof than the thoughts of only ONE PERSON.


BTW - here is the latest Quinnipiac Presidential poll:

QU Poll Release Detail

And the percentage of 'blacks' that approve of the job the man-child has done is 9%.

So much for your 'en masse' exit.


Once again, I am an indy. I hate both major parties...but I hate Trump as POTUS more than I hate both parties.

It's the way a Trumpling rolls McRocket. They take their exaggerative cues from the Toxic Orange Turd Putin and a gaggle of Deplorables put in the Oval Office. Remember this?


"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."​

Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled
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Go to YouTube and search walk away, see what you find.
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

This thread is SUCH a joke. One guy claims to be leaving the Dems on a YouTube video...and you translate that to mean 'blacks are walking away en masse'?

One guy?!?

Here is a suggestion? Next time you want to show that people are doing anything 'en masse'...have more proof than the thoughts of only ONE PERSON.


BTW - here is the latest Quinnipiac Presidential poll:

QU Poll Release Detail

And the percentage of 'blacks' that approve of the job the man-child has done is 9%.

So much for your 'en masse' exit.


Once again, I am an indy. I hate both major parties...but I hate Trump as POTUS more than I hate both parties.

True True - there are a dozen or so other Blacks for Trump on the Tube ranting away in search of 15 minutes of fame.. And of course there are Donald's favorites Diamond and Silk. They're awesome! :rolleyes-41:
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?

Yes sir, it’s fake news...

Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds

Dems need to keep doing exactly what they are doing.


The poll you quote is from it means nothing...except to Trumpbots.

Are you saying that Trumps approval has NOT gone up with blacks?

What polls of African American support of Trump do you seem valid?

I assume it has dropped since he took office. Though, I am not sure, but I know it still sucks. The highly respected Quinnipiac polling has Trump's 'black' approval rating at 9%.

QU Poll Release Detail

Also - last January - 'Data from Gallup show that his approval among blacks declined from 15 percent between Jan. 20 and Jan. 29, 2017, to 6 percent between Dec. 25 and Dec. 31, 2017. And data from the Pew Research Center show that Trump’s approval in that demographic dropped 7 percentage points in 2017 — from 14 percent in February to 7 percent in December.'

Trump Tweets Faulty Black Approval Claim -

Come on now...Trump is universally known (rightly or wrongly) as 'racist'. From insulting predominantly 'black' countries, to insulting 'black' athletes, to not calling out white-supremacist groups nearly enough, to a virtually all-'white' cabinet and on and on. There is NO WAY that a large percentage of 'blacks' are going to be for him. That should be obvious.
Just look at his rally's? Please show me one, open rally that attracted even 20% 'blacks' to it? I doubt - other than the token 'blacks' he seems to put behind him on stage so the camera see's them - you could find an open rally where even 10% of the Trump supporters were 'black'.

I literally CANNOT believe that we still have Orangelings floating this turd.

Trump Tweets Faulty Black Approval Claim -
Stelter: How Trump's false claim about African American support happened
Trump Falsely Claims His Approval Among Black Americans Has Doubled
I assume it has dropped since he took office. Though, I am not sure, but I know it still sucks. The highly respected Quinnipiac polling has Trump's 'black' approval rating at 9%.

QU Poll Release Detail

Also - last January - 'Data from Gallup show that his approval among blacks declined from 15 percent between Jan. 20 and Jan. 29, 2017, to 6 percent between Dec. 25 and Dec. 31, 2017. And data from the Pew Research Center show that Trump’s approval in that demographic dropped 7 percentage points in 2017 — from 14 percent in February to 7 percent in December.'

Trump Tweets Faulty Black Approval Claim -

Come on now...Trump is universally known (rightly or wrongly) as 'racist'. From insulting predominantly 'black' countries, to insulting 'black' athletes, to not calling out white-supremacist groups nearly enough, to a virtually all-'white' cabinet and on and on. There is NO WAY that a large percentage of 'blacks' are going to be for him. That should be obvious.

It was 6% in the July poll...gee that was tough to research. Now you know.

So directionally speaking, Trump is doing 50% better (6% to 9%) among blacks in the past 6 weeks.

Sounds like he should keep doing what he is doing.

QU Poll Release Detail

From your link:

'From June 27 - July 1, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,020 voters nationwide, with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points, including design effect.'

So the gain is less than the margin of error. So it means little. The real number could be as high 9.7% or as low as 2.3%.

The point is that his support SUCKS MASSIVELY with 'blacks'.

And even if it is genuine...9%? You are bragging about 9%?

Go ahead...knock yourself out there.

And the new poll could be as high as 12.7%?

Interesting that you can’t discuss the comparative polls directionally and what may be causing the apparent increase in support among blacks for Trump.

I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

Black unemployment has been on precisely the same downward arc as it's been for the past EIGHT YEARS.

Cut the crap please

This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

This thread is SUCH a joke. One guy claims to be leaving the Dems on a YouTube video...and you translate that to mean 'blacks are walking away en masse'?

One guy?!?

Here is a suggestion? Next time you want to show that people are doing anything 'en masse'...have more proof than the thoughts of only ONE PERSON.


BTW - here is the latest Quinnipiac Presidential poll:

QU Poll Release Detail

And the percentage of 'blacks' that approve of the job the man-child has done is 9%.

So much for your 'en masse' exit.


Once again, I am an indy. I hate both major parties...but I hate Trump as POTUS more than I hate both parties.

It's the way a Trumpling rolls McRocket. They take their exaggerative cues from the Toxic Orange Turd Putin and a gaggle of Deplorables put in the Oval Office. Remember this? :)

"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."​

Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled

Another reason Trump is such a poor liar. His claims are so easy to disprove
No national or local station covered thousands cheering the would have been big news at the time

Even more telling is there is nothing on YouTube. You would think outraged citizens would record it

But no....Trump “saw it “
View attachment 212639
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?

Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.

Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.
Nope. Sadly you have fallen for fake news.


Don't you ever get tired of that?

Who is getting tired of what, may have more to do with African Americans getting tired of Democrats pushing them under the bus to chase foreign nationals. If you capture and maintain the vote of a demographic by instilling in them you are there serve them, when you turn your back on them and start courting the competition, don't be surprised when they tell you to take a long walk on a short pier.
Trump insults blacks
Black athletes will not even visit the White House

Nope - LeBron called that one


Lol, Obama did.
Nope. Sadly you have fallen for fake news.


Don't you ever get tired of that?
It came out of his own mouth dip shit, or was that another Obama lie?
Lol, no. It's a conservitard lie. President Obama never said that.

Unless maybe you can provide proof?
He told them to vote and they wouldn't be prosecuted, you have a right he said. As much as you worship him, i actually you would've loved that speech.
Debunked years ago as another example of conservatives unable to understand the English language

Recycled urban legends, exaggerations and flat our conspiracy theories is their stock in trade. SAD
Has the GOP found a few more tokens? :laugh:
I love how you guys hate women and blacks.

They only have value if they vote dem and get abortions.
Type that black lives matter

Not to you they don't.
I knew you wouldn’t type it. You people are such scum that you aren’t even able to pretend to think that black people’s lives matter.
Now you're just gibbering.
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

This thread is SUCH a joke. One guy claims to be leaving the Dems on a YouTube video...and you translate that to mean 'blacks are walking away en masse'?

One guy?!?

Here is a suggestion? Next time you want to show that people are doing anything 'en masse'...have more proof than the thoughts of only ONE PERSON.


BTW - here is the latest Quinnipiac Presidential poll:

QU Poll Release Detail

And the percentage of 'blacks' that approve of the job the man-child has done is 9%.

So much for your 'en masse' exit.


Once again, I am an indy. I hate both major parties...but I hate Trump as POTUS more than I hate both parties.

It's the way a Trumpling rolls McRocket. They take their exaggerative cues from the Toxic Orange Turd Putin and a gaggle of Deplorables put in the Oval Office. Remember this? :)

"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."​

Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled

Another reason Trump is such a poor liar. His claims are so easy to disprove
No national or local station covered thousands cheering the would have been big news at the time

Even more telling is there is nothing on YouTube. You would think outraged citizens would record it

But no....Trump “saw it “

Donald's miserable devotees believe absolutely anything and everything that flies out of his orange pie-hole.
And anyone who calls him out on his 7 whoppers a day is a Deep State liberal.
It's a pathetic display that doesn't bode well for our country.
View attachment 212639
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?

Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.

Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?

This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

This thread is SUCH a joke. One guy claims to be leaving the Dems on a YouTube video...and you translate that to mean 'blacks are walking away en masse'?

One guy?!?

Here is a suggestion? Next time you want to show that people are doing anything 'en masse'...have more proof than the thoughts of only ONE PERSON.


BTW - here is the latest Quinnipiac Presidential poll:

QU Poll Release Detail

And the percentage of 'blacks' that approve of the job the man-child has done is 9%.

So much for your 'en masse' exit.


Once again, I am an indy. I hate both major parties...but I hate Trump as POTUS more than I hate both parties.

It's the way a Trumpling rolls McRocket. They take their exaggerative cues from the Toxic Orange Turd Putin and a gaggle of Deplorables put in the Oval Office. Remember this? :)

"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."​

Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled

Another reason Trump is such a poor liar. His claims are so easy to disprove
No national or local station covered thousands cheering the would have been big news at the time

Even more telling is there is nothing on YouTube. You would think outraged citizens would record it

But no....Trump “saw it “

Donald's miserable devotees believe absolutely anything and everything that flies out of his orange pie-hole.
And anyone who calls him out on his 7 whoppers a day is a Deep State liberal.
It's a pathetic display that doesn't bode well for our country.

Still waiting for his lie that forces me to buy something I don't want , almost two years have gone by now.

View attachment 212639
Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?
Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?


They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?
bottom line: blacks are not as ignorant and subservient as the dems think they are. they understand having jobs and being part of a growing economy. the dem plantation is shrinking every day under the leadership of idiots like Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, and the young idiot socialist Ocasio-Cortez.

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