Blacks are walking away en masse from the Democrat party

It was 6% in the July poll...gee that was tough to research. Now you know.

So directionally speaking, Trump is doing 50% better (6% to 9%) among blacks in the past 6 weeks.

Sounds like he should keep doing what he is doing.

QU Poll Release Detail

From your link:

'From June 27 - July 1, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,020 voters nationwide, with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points, including design effect.'

So the gain is less than the margin of error. So it means little. The real number could be as high 9.7% or as low as 2.3%.

The point is that his support SUCKS MASSIVELY with 'blacks'.

And even if it is genuine...9%? You are bragging about 9%?

Go ahead...knock yourself out there.

And the new poll could be as high as 12.7%?

Interesting that you can’t discuss the comparative polls directionally and what may be causing the apparent increase in support among blacks for Trump.

I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

Black unemployment has been on precisely the same downward arc as it's been for the past EIGHT YEARS.

Cut the crap please


Game, Set and Match.

Well done.
“When you talk about black people right now as Democrats,” said Smith, “it is very obvious to me that the Democratic Party are completely selling out the African-American community to go all in on illegal immigration and an open-borders agenda. This is very obvious to anybody who is paying attention.

“They are kind of rejecting black America, like that’s over and now it’s all about, ‘OK, how can we go all in on illegal immigration? How can we make this the next reliable Democratic voting block for the next 30 to 40 years?’

Why Blacks Are Leaving the Democratic Party


Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?


They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?

Because they are here ILLEGALLY. THATS WHY, MORON

I would of said that, but it flys right over the average liberals head ...


I was being facetious, you psychos, calm the fuck down.

Look at my signature.

Have you read any of my fucking posts?

Take a deep breath, it’s gking to be ok.

Sig's are blocked . I thought you were smoking crack or Matthew hacked you.

Lol, gotcha.

Yes, illegal aliens in San Francisco can legally vote in school board elections.

The liberals had to get the ball rolling somehow.

Their endgame is to import as many voters as possible. They move the line inch by inch and after a few years, it has moved a mile. It’s what they do.
Last edited:
From your link:

'From June 27 - July 1, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,020 voters nationwide, with a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percentage points, including design effect.'

So the gain is less than the margin of error. So it means little. The real number could be as high 9.7% or as low as 2.3%.

The point is that his support SUCKS MASSIVELY with 'blacks'.

And even if it is genuine...9%? You are bragging about 9%?

Go ahead...knock yourself out there.

And the new poll could be as high as 12.7%?

Interesting that you can’t discuss the comparative polls directionally and what may be causing the apparent increase in support among blacks for Trump.

I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

Black unemployment has been on precisely the same downward arc as it's been for the past EIGHT YEARS.

Cut the crap please


Game, Set and Match.

Well done.

So then why are blacks supporting Trump more lately?
Has the GOP found a few more tokens? :laugh:
I love how you guys hate women and blacks.

They only have value if they vote dem and get abortions.
Type that black lives matter

Not to you they don't.
I knew you wouldn’t type it. You people are such scum that you aren’t even able to pretend to think that black people’s lives matter.
Now you're just gibbering.
You certainly got the socks in an uproar. Good job.
They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?

Because they are here ILLEGALLY. THATS WHY, MORON

I would of said that, but it flys right over the average liberals head ...


I was being facetious, you psychos, calm the fuck down.

Look at my signature.

Have you read any of my fucking posts?

Take a deep breath, it’s gking to be ok.

Sig's are blocked . I thought you were smoking crack or Matthew hacked you.

Lol, gotcha.

Yes, illegal San Francisco can legally vote in school board elections.

The liberals had to get the ball rolling somehow.

Their endgame is to import as many voters as possible. They move the line inch by inch and after a few years, it has moved a mile. It’s what they do.
They've abandoned blacks for criminal illegals.
I love how you guys hate women and blacks.

They only have value if they vote dem and get abortions.
Type that black lives matter

Not to you they don't.
I knew you wouldn’t type it. You people are such scum that you aren’t even able to pretend to think that black people’s lives matter.
Now you're just gibbering.
You certainly got the socks in an uproar. Good job.
Yes bode is obsessed with me.
And the new poll could be as high as 12.7%?

Interesting that you can’t discuss the comparative polls directionally and what may be causing the apparent increase in support among blacks for Trump.

I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

Black unemployment has been on precisely the same downward arc as it's been for the past EIGHT YEARS.

Cut the crap please


Game, Set and Match.

Well done.

So then why are blacks supporting Trump more lately?

I believe that has been addressed. Let it go Goober

AP FACT CHECK: Trump on black unemployment

I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

Black unemployment has been on precisely the same downward arc as it's been for the past EIGHT YEARS.

Cut the crap please


Game, Set and Match.

Well done.

So then why are blacks supporting Trump more lately?

I believe that has been addressed. Let it go Goober

AP FACT CHECK: Trump on black unemployment


No it hasn’t.

Why is Trumps support among blacks gaining?
Lol, Obama did.
You'd think if Obama encouraged illegals to vote...


get rid of ILLEGAL immigrants, not all immigrants, legal are welcome, illegal are criminals. that's what the word illegal means, idiot
Democrats don't recognize the difference between *illegal* and *legal*.

Oh the smart ones do that's why they spin it. They are hoping and praying their audience is more ignorant and stupider then them.

So true, that's why they will always create and isolate slave classes.

They remind me when I used to argue with the physco bitches at MADD when I was a kid, they would never have a coherent retort when we would say you could vote before 21 years old , you could die for your country before you were 21 how come you can't drink a fucking beer at 18 ???

They would say the same as Dr. Love " it has nothing to do with anything"

Fucking retards.

I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

Black unemployment has been on precisely the same downward arc as it's been for the past EIGHT YEARS.

Cut the crap please


Game, Set and Match.

Well done.

So then why are blacks supporting Trump more lately?

I believe that has been addressed. Let it go Goober

AP FACT CHECK: Trump on black unemployment


CNN=anti American, anti-black propaganda.

Fake news.
It seems that Trumps support among blacks is gaining because all the polls are wrong, and any anecdotal incidents of blacks who like Trump is fake news from paid Uncle Toms.

At least you disingenuous fucks are consistent.
What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

Black unemployment has been on precisely the same downward arc as it's been for the past EIGHT YEARS.

Cut the crap please


Game, Set and Match.

Well done.

So then why are blacks supporting Trump more lately?

I believe that has been addressed. Let it go Goober

AP FACT CHECK: Trump on black unemployment


CNN=anti American, anti-black propaganda.

Fake news.

You really aren't the sharpest tool - The source is GALLUP -

It seems that Trumps support among blacks is gaining because all the polls are wrong, and any anecdotal incidents of blacks who like Trump is fake news from paid Uncle Toms.

At least you disingenuous fucks are consistent.
How do you know his approval among blacks is gaining if the polls are all wrong
Nope. Sadly you have fallen for fake news.


Don't you ever get tired of that?
It came out of his own mouth dip shit, or was that another Obama lie?
Lol, no. It's a conservitard lie. President Obama never said that.

Unless maybe you can provide proof?
He told them to vote and they wouldn't be prosecuted, you have a right he said. As much as you worship him, i actually you would've loved that speech.
So post it up. Let's see that shit.
Does it matter, if i post it. You will claim he didn't mean it.
Post it, complete with context (that means not just some strung together clips but the whole speach) and we will seen if it's believable. I'm pretty sure it's just more conservative nonsense.
They remind me when I used to argue with the physco bitches at MADD when I was a kid, they would never have a coherent retort when we would say you could vote before 21 years old , you could die for your country before you were 21 how come you can't drink a fucking beer at 18 ???

So MADD wanted you to put down the bottle at 18.... Looks like they were right.
View attachment 212639
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?

Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.

Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

For someone who constantly polished his knob. You never actually listened to what he said. Proves you voted for him because he was black.
I will talk about it - why would I mind, I am not a Dem or a Rep? Trump appears to have increased his support amongst 'blacks' last month from a miniscule 6% to a miniscule 9%...a gain of 50%.

Now, let's look at how Trump was doing with 'black' voters in March?

QU Poll Release Detail

Oh was at 14%.

By my math...that mean Trump's support has dropped since March with 'blacks' by over 50% (and beyond the polls margin of error)?

Would you like to talk about that?

What are the for the apparent increase for Trumps support among blacks?

Could All time low unemployment among blacks be a reason?

Black unemployment has been on precisely the same downward arc as it's been for the past EIGHT YEARS.

Cut the crap please


Game, Set and Match.

Well done.

So then why are blacks supporting Trump more lately?

I believe that has been addressed. Let it go Goober

AP FACT CHECK: Trump on black unemployment

Cnn, lol.
View attachment 212639
Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?
Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.
For someone who constantly polished his knob. You never actually listened to what he said. Proves you voted for him because he was black.
Dude, you guys need a course on fake news identification. You fall for it Every Single Time.

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