Blacks are walking away en masse from the Democrat party

View attachment 212639
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?

Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.

Lol, Obama did.

You'd think if Obama encouraged illegals to vote...

Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?


They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?

Are you being serious...

So if I broke in your house, I could have a vote on how the " cookie jar money" is spent?

Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?


They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?

Because they are here ILLEGALLY. THATS WHY, MORON
View attachment 212639
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?

Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.

Lol, Obama did.

You'd think if Obama encouraged illegals to vote...


Trump loves immigrants.

That's what your stupid meme shows. He's not interested in eliminating immigrants.

He's interested in eliminating the animals that are coming here illegally and preying upon our citizens.
Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?


They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?

Are you being serious...

So if I broke in your house, I could have a vote on how the " cookie jar money" is spent?


Swear to god, man...

Peep it....San Francisco, of fucking course.

San Francisco allows undocumented immigrants to vote in school elections
View attachment 212639
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?

Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.

Lol, Obama did.

You'd think if Obama encouraged illegals to vote...


get rid of ILLEGAL immigrants, not all immigrants, legal are welcome, illegal are criminals. that's what the word illegal means, idiot
This is so heartening..."Black people are starting to wake up..."

This thread is SUCH a joke. One guy claims to be leaving the Dems on a YouTube video...and you translate that to mean 'blacks are walking away en masse'?

One guy?!?

Here is a suggestion? Next time you want to show that people are doing anything 'en masse'...have more proof than the thoughts of only ONE PERSON.


BTW - here is the latest Quinnipiac Presidential poll:

QU Poll Release Detail

And the percentage of 'blacks' that approve of the job the man-child has done is 9%.

So much for your 'en masse' exit.


Once again, I am an indy. I hate both major parties...but I hate Trump as POTUS more than I hate both parties.

It's the way a Trumpling rolls McRocket. They take their exaggerative cues from the Toxic Orange Turd Putin and a gaggle of Deplorables put in the Oval Office. Remember this? :)

"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."​

Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled

Another reason Trump is such a poor liar. His claims are so easy to disprove
No national or local station covered thousands cheering the would have been big news at the time

Even more telling is there is nothing on YouTube. You would think outraged citizens would record it

But no....Trump “saw it “

Donald's miserable devotees believe absolutely anything and everything that flies out of his orange pie-hole.
And anyone who calls him out on his 7 whoppers a day is a Deep State liberal.
It's a pathetic display that doesn't bode well for our country.

Still waiting for his lie that forces me to buy something I don't want , almost two years have gone by now.


That has nothing to do with anything
Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?


They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?

Because they are here ILLEGALLY. THATS WHY, MORON

I would of said that, but it flys right over the average liberals head ...

View attachment 212639
Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?
Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.
You'd think if Obama encouraged illegals to vote...


get rid of ILLEGAL immigrants, not all immigrants, legal are welcome, illegal are criminals. that's what the word illegal means, idiot
Democrats don't recognize the difference between *illegal* and *legal*.
This thread is SUCH a joke. One guy claims to be leaving the Dems on a YouTube video...and you translate that to mean 'blacks are walking away en masse'?

One guy?!?

Here is a suggestion? Next time you want to show that people are doing anything 'en masse'...have more proof than the thoughts of only ONE PERSON.


BTW - here is the latest Quinnipiac Presidential poll:

QU Poll Release Detail

And the percentage of 'blacks' that approve of the job the man-child has done is 9%.

So much for your 'en masse' exit.


Once again, I am an indy. I hate both major parties...but I hate Trump as POTUS more than I hate both parties.

It's the way a Trumpling rolls McRocket. They take their exaggerative cues from the Toxic Orange Turd Putin and a gaggle of Deplorables put in the Oval Office. Remember this? :)

"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."​

Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled
Another reason Trump is such a poor liar. His claims are so easy to disprove
No national or local station covered thousands cheering the would have been big news at the time

Even more telling is there is nothing on YouTube. You would think outraged citizens would record it

But no....Trump “saw it “

Donald's miserable devotees believe absolutely anything and everything that flies out of his orange pie-hole.
And anyone who calls him out on his 7 whoppers a day is a Deep State liberal.
It's a pathetic display that doesn't bode well for our country.

Still waiting for his lie that forces me to buy something I don't want , almost two years have gone by now.


That has nothing to do with anything

It has everything to do with it, you just don't want to admit it, when you have poor broke ass illegals voting local, they are voting to indoctrinate people.

Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?


They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?

Because they are here ILLEGALLY. THATS WHY, MORON

I would of said that, but it flys right over the average liberals head ...


I was being facetious, you psychos, calm the fuck down.

Look at my signature.

Have you read any of my fucking posts?

Take a deep breath, it’s gking to be ok.
Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.
You'd think if Obama encouraged illegals to vote...


get rid of ILLEGAL immigrants, not all immigrants, legal are welcome, illegal are criminals. that's what the word illegal means, idiot
Democrats don't recognize the difference between *illegal* and *legal*.

Oh the smart ones do that's why they spin it. They are hoping and praying their audience is more ignorant and stupider then them.

This thread is SUCH a joke. One guy claims to be leaving the Dems on a YouTube video...and you translate that to mean 'blacks are walking away en masse'?

One guy?!?

Here is a suggestion? Next time you want to show that people are doing anything 'en masse'...have more proof than the thoughts of only ONE PERSON.


BTW - here is the latest Quinnipiac Presidential poll:

QU Poll Release Detail

And the percentage of 'blacks' that approve of the job the man-child has done is 9%.

So much for your 'en masse' exit.


Once again, I am an indy. I hate both major parties...but I hate Trump as POTUS more than I hate both parties.

It's the way a Trumpling rolls McRocket. They take their exaggerative cues from the Toxic Orange Turd Putin and a gaggle of Deplorables put in the Oval Office. Remember this? :)

"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."​

Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled
Another reason Trump is such a poor liar. His claims are so easy to disprove
No national or local station covered thousands cheering the would have been big news at the time

Even more telling is there is nothing on YouTube. You would think outraged citizens would record it

But no....Trump “saw it “

Donald's miserable devotees believe absolutely anything and everything that flies out of his orange pie-hole.
And anyone who calls him out on his 7 whoppers a day is a Deep State liberal.
It's a pathetic display that doesn't bode well for our country.

Still waiting for his lie that forces me to buy something I don't want , almost two years have gone by now.


That has nothing to do with anything
Shut up, bode. Nothing you've ever said is relevant, you are the last person in the world qualified to determine what is relevant, and what isn't.
Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.

Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?


They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?

Because they are here ILLEGALLY. THATS WHY, MORON


Thanks for the outrage on my behalf.

I was being facetious and laying out the liberal argument.

Of course they shouldn’t be voting, they should be deported and the border should be secure, but thanks for the froth.
Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.
You'd think if Obama encouraged illegals to vote...


get rid of ILLEGAL immigrants, not all immigrants, legal are welcome, illegal are criminals. that's what the word illegal means, idiot
Democrats don't recognize the difference between *illegal* and *legal*.

Oh the smart ones do that's why they spin it. They are hoping and praying their audience is more ignorant and stupider then them.

So true, that's why they will always create and isolate slave classes.
Lol - NO HE DIDN'T and the only people still peddling this nonsense are WorldNutDaily, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote
You people seriously need to cut this urban legend crap.

Just a question, why wouldn't Obama encourage illegals to vote?


They live here, why shouldn’t they be represented?

California already lets illegal immigrants vote for school board members.

Why shouldn’t illegal immigrants have a voice in how our taxpayer funded schools are run?

Because they are here ILLEGALLY. THATS WHY, MORON

I would of said that, but it flys right over the average liberals head ...


I was being facetious, you psychos, calm the fuck down.

Look at my signature.

Have you read any of my fucking posts?

Take a deep breath, it’s gking to be ok.

Sig's are blocked . I thought you were smoking crack or Matthew hacked you.
View attachment 212639
Lol, you know this has been proven to be Russian propaganda right?

You know, "fake news"?
Nobody is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Lol, Obama did.
You'd think if Obama encouraged illegals to vote...

Trump loves immigrants.

That's what your stupid meme shows. He's not interested in eliminating immigrants.

He's interested in eliminating the animals that are coming here illegally and preying upon our citizens.

It's an INFESTATION! :lol:

“When you talk about black people right now as Democrats,” said Smith, “it is very obvious to me that the Democratic Party are completely selling out the African-American community to go all in on illegal immigration and an open-borders agenda. This is very obvious to anybody who is paying attention.

“They are kind of rejecting black America, like that’s over and now it’s all about, ‘OK, how can we go all in on illegal immigration? How can we make this the next reliable Democratic voting block for the next 30 to 40 years?’

Why Blacks Are Leaving the Democratic Party

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