blacks protesting death of man by cops in austin

Mental disorder or not, you confront the police wielding a machete, you’re going to get shot. This isn’t about race.

Maybe we should point fingers at the family, if they’re so eager to blame everyone except the criminal. His psychosis didn’t appear overnight, they state themselves they knew he was mentally ill. Was family checking on him? Was he taking his meds? Why didn’t they petition to have him involuntarily admitted to a psych hospital before things got to this point?

Once things have progressed to the point that a mentally ill person is walking the streets with a machete terrorizing people, what can the police do?
true he has no right to wig out in puiblic. no matter what is wrong with him. they police tried everything they could to subdued this guy till he forced their hand. they did everything black people tell them to do taized him , pepper sprayed him . didnt work. he forced their hand and they did what they had to do . they should be thanked for it.
If you comitt a crime you take your life into your own hands. If you fight or resist police you further your odds of the police using force, and again you did it to yourself.

Blacks need to shut the fuck up. If you don't want the cops after you then the extremely easy way to avoid them is to obey the law. If you don't break the law cops don't care about you.

We shouldnt be saying "fuck the police", we should be screaming "fuck criminals".
SO true.

look how these crazy people are acting . now read what really happened.

justifiable. crazy black man with knife trying to hurt people have no choice. they tried tazers and gad he had no reaction to them. the dude left them no choice. Watch blm going to b urn down the city. we know what is next.

Actually, Austin being burned to the ground would not be a bad thing.
I guess we should just let blacks go around killing people and destroying businesses. So much for being equal. They'll never do their share of what it means to be equal as they have to follow the law and allow for the cops to protect society against bad apples. They don't grasp the reality that you can't have a civilization without this.

This is completely justified by the cops.

Hard to hold them to the same standard as humans, really.
I am hoping it was a good shooting....police need to catch a break every now and then....

It's not like there aren't enough examples of police misconduct.....praying they got this one right
it was they did everything they could stop him and he still didnt comply and tassing and smokingh him out . ;didnt work he still trying to stap people with knife so they shot. dude was armed and nuts. they ever tryied to save his life after words. and you think every crazy black gets himself shot is unjustified. your the one no one beleives ;this was justified.
Please turn on your freaking spell checker.
From what I read it looked justified. That being said I will withhold final judgment until the whole story comes out.
I really do wonder why BLM exists except to enrich Those at the top and create looting situations for its members.
They do absolutely nothing to stop black crime or black shootings. If they attempted to bring stability to the family unit to keep kids away from gangs. If they tried to intervene or at least talk some sense into those trying to purchase guns. Or any of a dozen other avenues they could follow to reduce black deaths then I could see the purpose.
Why doesn't America as a whole do that?
Why hasn't America changed the situation in the Hood that would give these kids an alternative to joining the gangs?
Tell me how folks who have no resources or vision are suppose to change the situation they are in.
This was going on long before BLM was created and why was BLM created?
Why doesn't America as a whole do that?
Why hasn't America changed the situation in the Hood that would give these kids an alternative to joining the gangs?
Tell me how folks who have no resources or vision are suppose to change the situation they are in.
This was going on long before BLM was created and why was BLM created?
Progs make the rules. Tell them to make the changes needed. The smart ones know that tough love is needed.

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