blacks protesting death of man by cops in austin

Did the Irish come to America under the conditions that black folks came? Did America mainstream the Irish into American society? Please point out the Constitutional Amendments that took the Irish out of slavery. Point out the bills or acts that gave the Irish the right to vote or gave the Irish just the basic freedoms of a human being.

America didn't do shit for the Irish. The irish pulled themselves up from the slums, risked their lives to fight in a civil war that had nothing to do with them, got better jobs, became organized, sought better education, higher wages through unions, and higher political influence. Thats how a people can rise above their circumstances. Constantly playing the victim does the opposite.
Explain it? YOU said it. You want someone else to take responsibility for the parenting in the hood. You don't believe hood parents can raise their children right.
Is the Big brother/Big sister programs taking over the responsibility of parenting? Can you find the post where I said parents in the Hood shouldn't raise their children.
America didn't do shit for the Irish. The irish pulled themselves up from the slums, risked their lives to fight in a civil war that had nothing to do with them, got better jobs, became organized, sought better education, higher wages through unions, and higher political influence. Thats how a people can rise above their circumstances. Constantly playing the victim does the opposite.
One thing got Irish over in this country and to the table, the fact they were WHITE. What part of that don't you understand?
yes it does . if you havenot bene t aught nothing then you got nothing to teach. no skills at ALL.
Wrong. You teach your child learning is important. A motivated child can learn a lot on his own at the library.

Why are you making excuses for inadequate parenting?
Is the Big brother/Big sister programs taking over the responsibility of parenting? Can you find the post where I said parents in the Hood shouldn't raise their children.
I didn't say you said they shouldn't. I said you said they can't.

At least try to pay attention.
Wrong. You teach your child learning is important. A motivated child can learn a lot on his own at the library.

Why are you making excuses for inadequate parenting?
you are . do not play games with me. you ever see doctor , teacher , lawyer get jobs with out degrees. you can not get degree from library twit. kids learn best from educated parents hood rat. does book help you learn to feed yourself .; dress yourself, walk , potty traim you. your parents doo. books are only an aid to a teacher and people who are not to lazy ot l;earn. you never abandon your kids by being an unedicatesd drop out working the fry buisness.
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you are . do not play games with me. you ever see doctor , teacher , lawyer get jobs with out degrees. you can not get degree from library twit. kids learn best from educated parents hood rat. does book help you learn to feed yourself .; dress yourself, walk , potty traim you. your parents doo. books are only an aid to a teacher and people who are not to lazy ot l;earn. you never abandon your kids by being an unedicatesd drop out working the fry buisness.
Goodness, you're not bright.

I never said a motivated child could get a degree. But, hey, you knocked that floppy strawman right down!

A motivated child can get an education through high school at the library, then get his/her GED, then go on to college.

Stop making excuses for poor people.
Is the Big brother/Big sister programs taking over the responsibility of parenting? Can you find the post where I said parents in the Hood shouldn't raise their children.

One thing got Irish over in this country and to the table, the fact they were WHITE. What part of that don't you understand?

Are asians white? Are mexicans and other latinos white? Are middle easterners white? What have they been given, outside of asylum, at best, in some scenarios? It's not a competition to see which race has it tougher. If anything, the group which is born, raised in america and knows it's native language from birth should have it the easiest compared to newly arrived immigrants and children of immigrants, but the exact opposite has been true of blacks here. Racism isn't why blacks have the bottom of the barrel test scores among any minority group, racism isn't the reason why young blacks don't value education. There are more blacks out committing crime then there are on deans lists and honor classes, by far. Racism doesn't cause this. Slavery from centuries ago didn't create this. Its about cultural values. This is what is creating the endless cycle blacks go through to get to the point where their children end up in the hood and in gangs. America isn't responsible for getting them out. They have to learn to get themselves out or the cycle simply repeats itself with the next person and the next.
Are asians white? Are mexicans and other latinos white? Are middle easterners white? What have they been given, outside of asylum, at best, in some scenarios? It's not a competition to see which race has it tougher. If anything, the group which is born, raised in america and knows it's native language from birth should have it the easiest compared to newly arrived immigrants and children of immigrants, but the exact opposite has been true of blacks here. Racism isn't why blacks have the bottom of the barrel test scores among any minority group, racism isn't the reason why young blacks don't value education. There are more blacks out committing crime then there are on deans lists and honor classes, by far. Racism doesn't cause this. Slavery from centuries ago didn't create this. Its about cultural values. This is what is creating the endless cycle blacks go through to get to the point where their children end up in the hood and in gangs. America isn't responsible for getting them out. They have to learn to get themselves out or the cycle simply repeats itself with the next person and the next.
narrow minded blacks only see black and white no other races. sad.
Are asians white? Are mexicans and other latinos white? Are middle easterners white? What have they been given, outside of asylum, at best, in some scenarios? It's not a competition to see which race has it tougher. If anything, the group which is born, raised in america and knows it's native language from birth should have it the easiest compared to newly arrived immigrants and children of immigrants, but the exact opposite has been true of blacks here. Racism isn't why blacks have the bottom of the barrel test scores among any minority group, racism isn't the reason why young blacks don't value education. There are more blacks out committing crime then there are on deans lists and honor classes, by far. Racism doesn't cause this. Slavery from centuries ago didn't create this. Its about cultural values. This is what is creating the endless cycle blacks go through to get to the point where their children end up in the hood and in gangs. America isn't responsible for getting them out. They have to learn to get themselves out or the cycle simply repeats itself with the next person and the next.
No other group of folks came to this country under the conditions black folks have, no other group has been hated like black folks have.

Name another group of people that it took a Constitutional Amendment to free them.

Name another group of people it took a bill or act to give them Civil Rights or a Right to vote.
No other group of folks came to this country under the conditions black folks have, no other group has been hated like black folks have.

Name another group of people that it took a Constitutional Amendment to free them.

Name another group of people it took a bill or act to give them Civil Rights or a Right to vote.

Right, and how long ago was that? None of that has a thing to do with being a black kid in 2022.
Another dumbass neeeegro got what he asked for. Now when they riot, blow the hell out of them.

I just say we ship them all back to Africa. If they hate america so much and if they think America is racist the answer is simple, send them somewhere else.

Problem solved. They no longer have to be subject to racism and we no longer have to be told we're racist. It's a win win. I'd even support my tax dollars going to that for the ones that can't afford a plane ticket. Revoke their citizenship and give them a free ticket to Africa.

Or maybe we just need a bounty on BLM and antifa.

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