Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

The policies of whites that created the conditions in inner cities are what's screwed up. But yoi don't want to take responsibility for that.
You are VERY CLOSE to the truth with that statement IM2! The evil White Racist LBJ and his predominantly Racist White Party created the policies that led to the destruction of Black families in poor inner city areas. No I don't take responsibility for policies that were put in place when I was 8 years old.
I was born in 1970 Detroit. 1978 we moved out. Why can't blacks move out? Yes whites created those ghettos and for 50 years blacks have been getting out same as we got out. Some blacks even make something of themselves in Detroit and never leave. But the ones who feel like there is no economic opportunity for them need to get out and ask their parents why they brought them into this world when they were so fucking poor and living in a shit hole with such high crime and bad schools.

Correction: Democrats created those ghettos.
White people including Republicans and conservatives created those ghettos.

Democrats were the conservatives back then. Today you love those Democrats so much you fight to keep their statues up. So STFU dummy.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Democrats took over leadership of that city back in the 1950s and fucked it up big time. Just like they fuck up everything they touch and they are fucking up all the great American cities nowadays.
Nonsense. I grew up in Detroit and then moved to Metro Detroit. Detroit always complained the white conservative Republicans in Lansing were always against them. And it was true. Let me give you a great example that proves you are full of shit. Us Liberals said let's take the school tax money you rich whites pay every year and put it all in one big pool of money and give every child in Michigan an equal amount. But that would mean your white kids would get a little less so that the poor kids (mostly black) would get the same amount. Even the playing field. Blacks loved this idea. Liberals loved this idea. The only people who didn't like it were white Republicans.

So don't give us that right wing spin about it being us democrats who fucked blacks. Blacks are smarter than that. This is right wing bullshit.
I was born in 1970 Detroit. 1978 we moved out. Why can't blacks move out? Yes whites created those ghettos and for 50 years blacks have been getting out same as we got out.

Because that city is dominated by white supremacy. White people are always telling black people that they're are no units available.

Whites create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out, or banks that redlined entire communities, thereby depriving them of capital investment, or the predatory lenders who set up shop in the hood, and charge black borrowers 10 or 20 times the interest that a normal bank would. And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history

Some blacks even make something of themselves in Detroit and never leave.

But you are looking at that from your white supremacist perspective were you don't want to live around a sizable number of black people. You talk like white people have been just so welcoming and roll out the red carpets for black ppl who want to move into white areas.
You're talking about decades ago. Nothing stopping you from moving out today. Excuses excuses.

No I don't want black people to make up any more than 20% of any community. If they do the place goes to shit.
The policies of whites that created the conditions in inner cities are what's screwed up. But yoi don't want to take responsibility for that.
You are VERY CLOSE to the truth with that statement IM2! The evil White Racist LBJ and his predominantly Racist White Party created the policies that led to the destruction of Black families in poor inner city areas. No I don't take responsibility for policies that were put in place when I was 8 years old.
I was born in 1970 Detroit. 1978 we moved out. Why can't blacks move out? Yes whites created those ghettos and for 50 years blacks have been getting out same as we got out. Some blacks even make something of themselves in Detroit and never leave. But the ones who feel like there is no economic opportunity for them need to get out and ask their parents why they brought them into this world when they were so fucking poor and living in a shit hole with such high crime and bad schools.

Correction: Democrats created those ghettos.
White people including Republicans and conservatives created those ghettos.

Democrats were the conservatives back then. Today you love those Democrats so much you fight to keep their statues up. So STFU dummy.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Democrats took over leadership of that city back in the 1950s and fucked it up big time. Just like they fuck up everything they touch and they are fucking up all the great American cities nowadays.
Nonsense. I grew up in Detroit and then moved to Metro Detroit. Detroit always complained the white conservative Republicans in Lansing were always against them. And it was true. Let me give you a great example that proves you are full of shit. Us Liberals said let's take the school tax money you rich whites pay every year and put it all in one big pool of money and give every child in Michigan an equal amount. But that would mean your white kids would get a little less so that the poor kids (mostly black) would get the same amount. Even the playing field. Blacks loved this idea. Liberals loved this idea. The only people who didn't like it were white Republicans.

So don't give us that right wing spin about it being us democrats who fucked blacks. Blacks are smarter than that. This is right wing bullshit.
You are really confused Moon Bat.

The fucking corrupt Democrats promised the Negroes the sun and the stars if they would vote Democrats. The Democrats over spent and over taxed in every area and their union ass kissing welfare state collapsed on top of them. Just like it is doing in other Democrat controlled cities now.

Stop blaming Democrat failures on Republicans. it just makes you look like an asshole when you post that silly shit.
Great Post IM2

Three people I'd add to that list is

!. Chaka Zulu


Most ppl have heard of his name but this brother was a bad man. He invented guerrilla warfare. White people act like they did. That's were all the Rambo sh*t comes from, you know a white man, running around the forest, using nature and setting traps to kill ppl.

Shaka showed that it's not all about Technology. After all the white man had the technological edge in Vietnam but they still got their asses kicked. Why ? Because the Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare tactics. Chaka Zulu had brothers that would come from the ground in Camo that would kill white Europeans in S.Africa. The white man waited until Chaka died before he came in and the Dutch took over S.Africa. They still study Chaka Zulu's mililtary strategy in Euro Colleges to this day to this day

2. Jean-Jacques Dessalines of Haiti.


I don't even know where to begin with Jean Jacques Dessaline

Haiti (San Domingo as was known by then) was by far the most profitable slave colony during the 1700's. Whites were making serious money from sugar.

But the white man (the Brits and French) came over to Haiti to put those uppitty negroes in their place because of all the slave revolts. Once the French and Brits thought that the Haitians could not be enslaved there mission was to exterminate them and start over again with newly enslaved ppl from Africa

This means that they turned ships into gas chambers, mass drowning, and importing thousands of dogs from Cuba that had been trained to eat ppl. Not to mention all the guns and canons that gives white supremacists confidence

None of this scared the Haitian, This is what the war of 1804

Dessaline chopped the heads of 100's white men and put them in rows on sticks and sfaffs on the beaches when Euros landed and put them every where and when they saw that they got to running.


And as far Nat Turner. He killed every white in sight in his rebelllion and when he was on the gallows about to be hung.


This white man said "I heard that God put you on this mission" and Turner said "Yes the Lord made me do what I'm doing" and the white man said "Well your about to die. Doesn't that mean your lord has failed you ?" and Turner said "No. My God did not fail me because even Jesus Christ had to be crucified"


Now how many of these white supremacists who talk tough (Canon Shooter, Godboy, MarathonMike Meathead @thepurge harmonica PoliticalChic rightwinger horselightning) on here would go out like that ?

I'll wait

And even when they lowered him (Nat Turner) n hung him. He was still. His body wasn't shaken which is what normally happens when oxygen leaves ur body. He showed no fear. And after he was dead, whites cuts of his ears, nose, balls, dk and kept them as sovenuirs, They kept his skull for centuries and to this day his skull is somewhere and his family are trying to get it returned

3. Malcolm X

Malcolm X is one of the few black people who white people have not been able to destroy in the minds of blacks people.

You say the name "Malcolm X" to any person on this planet and there is respect there, White people always tried destroy black heroes

A black kid reads Marcus Garvey he may try to become Marcus Garvey
A blk girl reads Harriet Tubman she may try to become Harriet Tubman

Jean did what you are always on here crying like a little bitch about. "white people did this" "white people did that"
Its not the violence those people did that you hate. Its simply their skin color. OBVIOUSLY. Because you are one of the most racist people I have ever seen or heard of. Its disturbing how hateful you are.
Genocide and rape of innocent white children gives your racist ass a smile, donit? You sick mother fucker.

It's hateful because I don't start from the position that you do. White supremacists (Like yourself) start from the position that black people are screwed up. So there fore you look for any evidence that black people are screwed up and if you can prove that black people are screwed up then it doesn't matter what happens to blk ppl because they are screwed up anyway. I know how you think. I know exactly how you think.

White people do not get decide how black people respond to your bullshit.

I have evidence:

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

You don't have any evidence. There is no white genocide anywhere.

Thats the thread where he said those horrible things. :rolleyes:
To be such a condescending asshole, you sure stupid.

I know what it is. And his response was due to the fact that white south africans did those very same things to blacks. But you racists get amnesia relative to such things.

No, I dont forget things like that. He is no better than them. Killing and raping children? You sick fuck

You nor any other so called colorblind white "conservative" here did not mention the decades of murder, rape and plunder by whites in South Africa. Instead the whining was about an Afrikaner lie pertaining to the genocide of white farmers. Until you can roundly condemn what whites have done, don't expect empathy from blacks that you don't show blacks.

Oh bullshit. You black savages were killing each just like you still are in every city you populate that's run by Democrats. If it wasn't for the white man, you'd still be in Africa eating bugs, rats and snakes and living in a mud hut.

Shut up. You ignorant
View attachment 504407

Im the ignorant one but you use racist terminology :lol:
I couldnt make this shit up. Nope. It takes a truly stupid person to pull this.

Fuck you. You never say shit to whites about what they do.

The Honorable Huey P. Newton


This is the founder of THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY FOR SELF DEFENSE. That was the name of the organization. Promptly whites got scared about thinking that blacks were thinking about defending themselves again.

Enough said.
The Honorable Earnest Thomas and Frederick Douglass Kirkpatrick


The 2 men named were the Founders of Deacons for Defense and Justice, an armed group of black men who didn't mind going toe to toe with white supremacists.
was born in 1970 Detroit. 1978 we moved out. Why can't blacks move out? Yes whites created those ghettos and for 50 years blacks have been getting out same as we got out. Some blacks even make something of themselves in Detroit and never leave. But the ones who feel like there is no economic opportunity for them need to get out and ask their parents why they brought them into this world when they were so fucking poor and living in a shit hole with such high crime and bad schools.
What I saw during the 70s in the Washington DC suburbs was a surge of upwardly mobile Black people moving into previously all White neighborhoods in Maryland. Busing brought in city Black kids which went fairly smoothly. I really don't remember any violence at all. But the strong Black families moving out left a void and the inner cities of DC went straight downhill and crime skyrocketed. That wasn't the only reason, but it was IMO a contributing factor to the decline.
was born in 1970 Detroit. 1978 we moved out. Why can't blacks move out? Yes whites created those ghettos and for 50 years blacks have been getting out same as we got out. Some blacks even make something of themselves in Detroit and never leave. But the ones who feel like there is no economic opportunity for them need to get out and ask their parents why they brought them into this world when they were so fucking poor and living in a shit hole with such high crime and bad schools.
What I saw during the 70s in the Washington DC suburbs was a surge of upwardly mobile Black people moving into previously all White neighborhoods in Maryland. Busing brought in city Black kids which went fairly smoothly. I really don't remember any violence at all. But the strong Black families moving out left a void and the inner cities of DC went straight downhill and crime skyrocketed. That wasn't the only reason, but it was IMO a contributing factor to the decline.
Your opinion is wrong. And that is the problem; whites who think they are experts on being black in America.
"We have no right to sit silently by while the inevitable seeds are sown for a harvest of disaster to our children, black and white. First, it is the duty of black men to judge the South discriminatingly,"

W.E.B. Dubois

Read More: A Look At The Conflict Between W.E.B. Du Bois And Booker T. Washington

These words were spoken by the great W.E.B. Dubois in response to Booker T. Washington. Throughout American history there has been a subculture in the white community who could not stand Black men/woman who refused to shut up and take it. We see a continuation of that tradition today by that same white subculture. They recite Booker T, and read idiot, weak minded, low self esteemed, ass kissing, grant grovelling, ivory tower blacks like Thoman Sowell, the late Walter Williams or Shelby Steele.

Here's to the blacks who have been throught history, to quote Ice Cube, the wrong blacks to fuck with.

1. The Honorable Nat TurnerView attachment 504256

That's right, HONORABLE. Not one of you racists in this forum would have tolerated the conditions slaves lived in had they been white. Your asses are talking about civil wars and race wars now because you can't get everything given to you. Your ancestors fought a war wth a country that provided them with free land called headrights, and you did so over taxes as the legend goes. So I damn sure know what would have happened had whites been enslaved for 200 odd years as was the case with blacks when Nat Turner decided to fight fire with fire.

2. The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey.-I'll let him do the talking.

you aint gettin any reparations idiot !
Great Post IM2

Three people I'd add to that list is

!. Chaka Zulu


Most ppl have heard of his name but this brother was a bad man. He invented guerrilla warfare. White people act like they did. That's were all the Rambo sh*t comes from, you know a white man, running around the forest, using nature and setting traps to kill ppl.

Shaka showed that it's not all about Technology. After all the white man had the technological edge in Vietnam but they still got their asses kicked. Why ? Because the Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare tactics. Chaka Zulu had brothers that would come from the ground in Camo that would kill white Europeans in S.Africa. The white man waited until Chaka died before he came in and the Dutch took over S.Africa. They still study Chaka Zulu's mililtary strategy in Euro Colleges to this day to this day

2. Jean-Jacques Dessalines of Haiti.


I don't even know where to begin with Jean Jacques Dessaline

Haiti (San Domingo as was known by then) was by far the most profitable slave colony during the 1700's. Whites were making serious money from sugar.

But the white man (the Brits and French) came over to Haiti to put those uppitty negroes in their place because of all the slave revolts. Once the French and Brits thought that the Haitians could not be enslaved there mission was to exterminate them and start over again with newly enslaved ppl from Africa

This means that they turned ships into gas chambers, mass drowning, and importing thousands of dogs from Cuba that had been trained to eat ppl. Not to mention all the guns and canons that gives white supremacists confidence

None of this scared the Haitian, This is what the war of 1804

Dessaline chopped the heads of 100's white men and put them in rows on sticks and sfaffs on the beaches when Euros landed and put them every where and when they saw that they got to running.


And as far Nat Turner. He killed every white in sight in his rebelllion and when he was on the gallows about to be hung.


This white man said "I heard that God put you on this mission" and Turner said "Yes the Lord made me do what I'm doing" and the white man said "Well your about to die. Doesn't that mean your lord has failed you ?" and Turner said "No. My God did not fail me because even Jesus Christ had to be crucified"


Now how many of these white supremacists who talk tough (Canon Shooter, Godboy, MarathonMike Meathead @thepurge harmonica PoliticalChic rightwinger horselightning) on here would go out like that ?

I'll wait

And even when they lowered him (Nat Turner) n hung him. He was still. His body wasn't shaken which is what normally happens when oxygen leaves ur body. He showed no fear. And after he was dead, whites cuts of his ears, nose, balls, dk and kept them as sovenuirs, They kept his skull for centuries and to this day his skull is somewhere and his family are trying to get it returned

3. Malcolm X

Malcolm X is one of the few black people who white people have not been able to destroy in the minds of blacks people.

You say the name "Malcolm X" to any person on this planet and there is respect there, White people always tried destroy black heroes

A black kid reads Marcus Garvey he may try to become Marcus Garvey
A blk girl reads Harriet Tubman she may try to become Harriet Tubman

Jean did what you are always on here crying like a little bitch about. "white people did this" "white people did that"
Its not the violence those people did that you hate. Its simply their skin color. OBVIOUSLY. Because you are one of the most racist people I have ever seen or heard of. Its disturbing how hateful you are.
Genocide and rape of innocent white children gives your racist ass a smile, donit? You sick mother fucker.

It's hateful because I don't start from the position that you do. White supremacists (Like yourself) start from the position that black people are screwed up. So there fore you look for any evidence that black people are screwed up and if you can prove that black people are screwed up then it doesn't matter what happens to blk ppl because they are screwed up anyway. I know how you think. I know exactly how you think.

White supremacists do not get decide how black people respond to your bullshit.

the biggest threat to you is other black males ...its the leading cause of death among black men ...
was born in 1970 Detroit. 1978 we moved out. Why can't blacks move out? Yes whites created those ghettos and for 50 years blacks have been getting out same as we got out. Some blacks even make something of themselves in Detroit and never leave. But the ones who feel like there is no economic opportunity for them need to get out and ask their parents why they brought them into this world when they were so fucking poor and living in a shit hole with such high crime and bad schools.
What I saw during the 70s in the Washington DC suburbs was a surge of upwardly mobile Black people moving into previously all White neighborhoods in Maryland. Busing brought in city Black kids which went fairly smoothly. I really don't remember any violence at all. But the strong Black families moving out left a void and the inner cities of DC went straight downhill and crime skyrocketed. That wasn't the only reason, but it was IMO a contributing factor to the decline.
Did you know one of the places blacks are doing the best is Washington dc area? Probably because of all the government jobs.
was born in 1970 Detroit. 1978 we moved out. Why can't blacks move out? Yes whites created those ghettos and for 50 years blacks have been getting out same as we got out. Some blacks even make something of themselves in Detroit and never leave. But the ones who feel like there is no economic opportunity for them need to get out and ask their parents why they brought them into this world when they were so fucking poor and living in a shit hole with such high crime and bad schools.
What I saw during the 70s in the Washington DC suburbs was a surge of upwardly mobile Black people moving into previously all White neighborhoods in Maryland. Busing brought in city Black kids which went fairly smoothly. I really don't remember any violence at all. But the strong Black families moving out left a void and the inner cities of DC went straight downhill and crime skyrocketed. That wasn't the only reason, but it was IMO a contributing factor to the decline.
Your opinion is wrong. And that is the problem; whites who think they are experts on being black in America.
Wha about you? You seems to want to claim that you know white people but we can’t know blacks?
You're talking about decades ago.

And that means what ? White people used to deny racism back in the 60's. What's your point

No I don't want black people to make up any more than 20% of any community. If they do the place goes to shit.

OK. Well let's open that. What is about black people that makes an area go to shit ? And what is about white people that makes an area not go to shit ?

Nothing stopping you from moving out today. Excuses excuses.

OK. So how do black people move out ? I'm given you the floor
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Us Liberals said let's take the school tax money you rich whites pay every year and put it all in one

Us liberals ? Who are you trying to convince ? Certainly not blk ppl.

They type of liberal white man I gotta take my hat off to (And probably the only one in history) is this man (John Brown)


He was hanged for treason, murder and insurrection after his failed attempt to take over the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry to gain arms for a slave uprising. He studied military history, particularly guerrilla warfare and the slave uprising of Toussaint L’Ouverture in Haiti.

His idea was to create a new state in the mountains of Virginia where black slaves could flee and defend their freedom.

In those mountains was Harpers Ferry. There the government kept 100,000 guns, more than enough for an army. Brown led a band of 22 armed men, both blacks and whites, and took it – but then lost it two days later to the Marines under Robert E. Lee. Brown was badly wounded in the fighting but not killed.

That's the type of sh*t I'm talking about.


I still would not trust him. I'd still would have, have to have kept one eye open on him
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