Blagojevich Given Longer Sentence Than Al Capone/Admitted Contract Killer but Never Proven 'Guilty'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"I have twice been given a longer prison sentence than Al Capone?” he says. “I’ve been given a prison sentence by the same judge who gave a mafia hit man...he acknowledged under oath, a contract killer, my judge gave me a longer sentence than him!”

Blagojevich is correct. And he drew that 14-year sentence in a case where the government was never able to prove that he took any money.

Blagojevich and his legal team point to other notable cases where there were much smaller penalties: former governor George Ryan did only 6 and a half years; many other governors in other states who were convicted of taking money or accepting lucrative favors have done fewer than two years in prison.

Evidence in the Blagojevich trial showed he never received a penny in bribes. But he is doing 14 years in prison."

NBC 5 Exclusive: Blagojevich Breaks Silence From Prison

Interesting read.....
More interesting that Blago getting a 14-year prison sentence despite no evidence being presented that he ever took a dime is how there is a mountain of evidence proving Hillary Clinton broke numerous laws but is instead being protected from indictment / prison....


New Clinton Violations In Use Of Thumb Drives For Emails

"The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into the handling of her emails, more than 400 of which have now been shown to include classified material.

In transferring her emails to private thumb drives, Clinton violated a slew of federal regulations, including those of her own State Department.

The State Department’s Foreign Affairs manual prohibits the storage of classified material on any external drive, stating, “the flash drive may only be used for the transfer of unclassified files.” Flash and thumb drives are treated inter-changeably by the rules.

Further, unclassified material must be on a “department owned” drive, not a personal or private sector drive."

"I have twice been given a longer prison sentence than Al Capone?” he says. “I’ve been given a prison sentence by the same judge who gave a mafia hit man...he acknowledged under oath, a contract killer, my judge gave me a longer sentence than him!”

Blagojevich is correct. And he drew that 14-year sentence in a case where the government was never able to prove that he took any money.

Blagojevich and his legal team point to other notable cases where there were much smaller penalties: former governor George Ryan did only 6 and a half years; many other governors in other states who were convicted of taking money or accepting lucrative favors have done fewer than two years in prison.

Evidence in the Blagojevich trial showed he never received a penny in bribes. But he is doing 14 years in prison."

NBC 5 Exclusive: Blagojevich Breaks Silence From Prison

Interesting read.....
Newsflash: Blagojevich was not charged with taking money. So to whine that he wasn't caught taking money is fucking stupid.

He was convicted of 17 charges, including wire fraud, attempted extortion, and SOLICITING bribes.
Blagojevich convicted on corruption charges

After delivering their verdict, the jurors addressed the news media. "We felt it was very clear he was trying to make a trade for the Senate seat," one juror said.

Another juror said, "We'd tried everything to find him not guilty, but the evidence was there."

The forewoman, a retired director of music and liturgy at a church, said the experience left her with a negative view of politics in general. "I told my husband that if he was running for politics he'd probably have to find a new wife," she said.
More interesting that Blago getting a 14-year prison sentence despite no evidence being presented that he ever took a dime is how there is a mountain of evidence proving Hillary Clinton broke numerous laws but is instead being protected from indictment / prison....


New Clinton Violations In Use Of Thumb Drives For Emails

"The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into the handling of her emails, more than 400 of which have now been shown to include classified material.

In transferring her emails to private thumb drives, Clinton violated a slew of federal regulations, including those of her own State Department.

The State Department’s Foreign Affairs manual prohibits the storage of classified material on any external drive, stating, “the flash drive may only be used for the transfer of unclassified files.” Flash and thumb drives are treated inter-changeably by the rules.

Further, unclassified material must be on a “department owned” drive, not a personal or private sector drive."


Wow. OP derails his own thread on one, count 'em one post.
Wow. OP derails his own thread on one, count 'em one post.
Reading comprehension is not really your strong suit....

It is an appropriate comparison......

Blago is in jail serving a 14 year prison sentence, longer than Al Capone and an admitted hit man was given, despite the Prosecuting Attorneys not being able to prove he profited one dime - no evidence; yet, Hillary is out free instead of being in jail, getting rich(er) selling her 'fictional' 'This is what I claim happened' book and book tour, despite the mountain of evidence proving her guilt.

Blago's problem is that he fell out of favor with Obama - had to be jettisoned to the curb to protect Obama, while Hillary was 'the chosen One'.

Again, there are '2 Americas' where the law is enforced against some while some are protected from it.

Don't get me wrong, Blago was a slimeball who tried to sell his political seat and deserves to be un prison, but he thought he was in the 'Protected From The Law' Zone with Hillary and Obama but found out the hard way he was horribly mistaken. :p

(Count yourself lucky, Blago - they just ensured you went to jail for a long time instead of deciding you should take a 'dirt nap' like so many others (#SethRich :p).
Wasn't Obama a pal of Blag?


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