Blame Bush now?

So the roughly 70% of America that realises that the Iraq war is not in Americas best interest are a threat to America?

Gunny you cant even admitt that Valerie Plame was OUR agent when our own CIA, The president, the congress and the rest of the entire world Knows this as fact.

What hope do you have to understand the differance between a lie and the truth?

What 70% of Americans? The ones you dreamed up? Or the ones in one of your rigged polls? Or perhaps just your dishonest protrayal of what their opinions?

That so-called 70% disapproved of the way the war was being conducted ... not the war itself.

One Plame has nothing to do with this thread. Two, it is not I that defines "covert." The law does. You and your ilk refuse to even acknowledge the fact that Plame's so-called "cover" did not meet the criteria of the law.

You're 0-2 attempting to push your dishonest arguments. Going to try for 3?
my Ilk?

Just who is my Ilk when it comes to the truths you chose not to believe, the CIA, the president, the congress and the entire thinking world?

How do you prove to someone that America wants the Iraq war to end who wont believe polls and elections?
my Ilk?

Just who is my Ilk when it comes to the truths you chose not to believe, the CIA, the president, the congress and the entire thinking world?

How do you prove to someone that America wants the Iraq war to end who wont believe polls and elections?

Your ilk: dishonest left-wing extremists perpetuating lies and half-truthes to support and cover up for the lack of any real political idealism based on anything positive.

I corrected your dishonest portrayal of poll that concerned conduct of the war, not the war itself.
What kind of message do you think the last election was sending to the elected officails of our country?
What kind of message do you think the last election was sending to the elected officails of our country?

The message sent in the last election is that conservatives will not support Republicans put in office to accomplish something they do not accomplish.

While you and your ilk claim some mandate, the fact is, it was a housecleaning, and the message you lefties should get is that conservatives can make or break.

The Dem's had a PERFECT opportunity to step up to the plate, rise above petty partisan politics and govern this Nation. Instead, all we've gotten is a continuation of where they left off in the 90s. For which they will pay, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

The difference between you and me is I was critical of the Republicans for not doing as they promised the entire time they held the majority. You on the other hand will just blindly support the name with a (D) next to it.

When you lefties start holding your own as accountable as you do Republicans, as conservatives did their own, we might just get some common sense and actual government back in the driver's seat.

As far as the war goes ... for the third time ... the majority did not oppose the war itself, they opposed the way it was being conducted. Quit trying to revise history.
There is a vast differance between giving up in a winable fight and ceasing to throw our kids lives away in an situation which has no solution.

I am not willing to leave the blood of our bravest in Iraq for 30 years until the various groups of the Iraqi "might" stop wanting to kill each other.

Continuing this war in the "hope" that they will change their hate for each other is folly and will destroy this country.

Libs need to make sure they can get their points across to the voters


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You know, I've been on tons of boards like these and have yet to see one active member who openly claims to be a commissioned officer. Just one. So far, it's been nothing but a bunch of enlistee and noncom slobs with endless buddy-rah-rah horsehockey. It gets tiresome.

Are there ANY officers out there who can provide some REAL perspective? Please??? :eusa_shifty:

Ya know, no matter how long the military has existed, there have been those who are just plain ignorant or just plain too lazy to find out how it works. It gets tiresome.

The "enlistees and noncom slobs" have a lot of comeraderie but it sure isn't horse-hockey. I guess you would rather we have a military as divided as the civilians in our country...that way we would be sure to see it dissolved?

Your post is arrogant and hypocritical and displays your lack of knowledge regarding military affairs. What you imply in our post is that you don't like what you hear from enlisted and noncoms. You think officers will tell you what you WANT to hear and that it will support our position. I am sure if you dig hard enough you will find such officers...Wesley Clark comes to mind. Of course, those types of generals are just your cup of tea and have NO political ambitions!
The "enlistees and noncom slobs" have a lot of comeraderie but it sure isn't horse-hockey. I guess you would rather we have a military as divided as the civilians in our country...that way we would be sure to see it dissolved?
We should have a military of well-educated (in addition to well-trained) men and women who know how to think for themselves. "We just follow orders" hasn't worked since Nuremburg.
Your post is arrogant and hypocritical and displays your lack of knowledge regarding military affairs. What you imply in our post is that you don't like what you hear from enlisted and noncoms. You think officers will tell you what you WANT to hear and that it will support our position. I am sure if you dig hard enough you will find such officers...Wesley Clark comes to mind. Of course, those types of generals are just your cup of tea and have NO political ambitions!
The biggest problem I see with noncoms who post on these types of boards is that they think no GOP Commander in Chief can do any wrong. This one has done them dirt plenty of times over, and yet they still maintain that battered wife relationship. And yet their arrogance and hypocrisy continues full steam.

BTW, I supported Clark in the primaries. :thup:
We should have a military of well-educated (in addition to well-trained) men and women who know how to think for themselves.

What makes you think military personnel are ill educated and unable to think for themselves?

"We just follow orders" hasn't worked since Nuremburg.

Hmm...didn't see that topic anywhere in this thread...not even a hint of it until now.

The biggest problem I see with noncoms who post on these types of boards is that they think no GOP Commander in Chief can do any wrong. How do you know that is what they think? How many noncoms do you know personally? This one has done them dirt plenty of times over, and yet they still maintain that battered wife relationship. Yeah, those military types should just go on strike dammit! Better yet they should just execute the coup and get a commander they like! And yet their arrogance and hypocrisy continues full steam. "Arrogance and hypocrisy..." abounds but it isn't by the military enlisted
BTW, I supported Clark in the primaries. :thup: Now that is a shocker![/QUOTE]

Obvioulsy (again) you know nothing of the military.
We should have a military of well-educated (in addition to well-trained) men and women who know how to think for themselves.

What makes you think military personnel are ill educated and unable to think for themselves?

"We just follow orders" hasn't worked since Nuremburg.

Hmm...didn't see that topic anywhere in this thread...not even a hint of it until now.

The biggest problem I see with noncoms who post on these types of boards is that they think no GOP Commander in Chief can do any wrong. How do you know that is what they think? How many noncoms do you know personally? This one has done them dirt plenty of times over, and yet they still maintain that battered wife relationship. Yeah, those military types should just go on strike dammit! Better yet they should just execute the coup and get a commander they like! And yet their arrogance and hypocrisy continues full steam. "Arrogance and hypocrisy..." abounds but it isn't by the military enlisted
BTW, I supported Clark in the primaries. :thup: Now that is a shocker![/QUOTE]

Obvioulsy (again) you know nothing of the military.

I agree with his ignorance of the military. Perhaps he and most certainly others that respect the military, would gain alot of perspective reading this

Coms and noncoms, heroes all!
The biggest problem I see with noncoms who post on these types of boards is that they think no GOP Commander in Chief can do any wrong. This one has done them dirt plenty of times over, and yet they still maintain that battered wife relationship. Yeah, those military types should just go on strike dammit! Better yet they should just execute the coup and get a commander they like! ...

Obvioulsy (again) you know nothing of the military.
Looks like you're the one whose military knowledge is lacking. Your oath was to defend the Constitution first, and obey the CiC second. Remember that? Obviously not (or you're one of those who remembers only what suits your purpose when it happens to suit your purpose).

Since the CiC has acted outside the Constitution, he should according to your oath be arrested and tried. Ideally at Gitmo.
You can't actually respond to the argument, so you just disingenuously accuse the opposition of ignorance. Reminds me of the sullen teenager telling mom and dad: "You don't UNDERSTAND me!"

At least teenagers grow out of it, eventually.

You. base. that. on. what?
Looks like you're the one whose military knowledge is lacking. Your oath was to defend the Constitution first, and obey the CiC second. Remember that? Obviously not (or you're one of those who remembers only what suits your purpose when it happens to suit your purpose).

Since the CiC has acted outside the Constitution, he should according to your oath be arrested and tried. Ideally at Gitmo.

It takes more than your assertions to prove the CiC acted outside the Constitution...or do you think justice is soley the perview of public opinion?

So I can now safely assume that you know nothing not only of military affairs but that you also care nothing for the US justice system....

That's ok, you are not alone. There are plenty of radical Islamics with your view....
It takes more than your assertions to prove the CiC acted outside the Constitution...or do you think justice is soley the perview of public opinion?
You act as though I'm the first ever to have suggested such a thing. :lol:

(The fact that there's no such word as "perview" doesn't help your cause much, either...)
On the obvious reality that, if you really thought someone was totally ignorant, you'd at least make some attempt to educate them. You didn't.

Much easier just to say "they don't get it" and pretend you "won."

Considering when I actually 'win', I rarely call it, wrong.
We should have a military of well-educated (in addition to well-trained) men and women who know how to think for themselves. "We just follow orders" hasn't worked since Nuremburg.The biggest problem I see with noncoms who post on these types of boards is that they think no GOP Commander in Chief can do any wrong. This one has done them dirt plenty of times over, and yet they still maintain that battered wife relationship. And yet their arrogance and hypocrisy continues full steam.

BTW, I supported Clark in the primaries. :thup:

Perhaps instead of jumping to conclusions/reacting preconceived notions you might try doing a little homework and seeing who says what before letting your mouth flat outrun your mind?

I, for one, have been quite outspoken in my displeasure with how Bush has conducted Iraq since the invasion phase ended and the occupation phase began, and I have been both critical and outspoken in my "uneducated, noncom, slob" opinion in regard to invading in the first place.

Your elitist mind obviously cannot grasp the fact that most of us "noncom slobs" serve the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, and we swear to protect and defend the Consitution of the United States. NOT a political party.

I served under Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton and I gave not one of them any less than the other.

Now if you can'[t understand why military-types would be more entusiastic toward a CinC that will confront an enemy rather than CinC's who brought us the Iranian Hostage Crisis and Somalia, you just aren't thinking clearly.

So when you jump to your conclusions next time, feel free to temper it with the fact that we serve the ideal, not the individual, but I for one am a LOT more willing to follow a man with balls into battle than I am one who is paralyzed through indecision or just doesn't have the stones to stand up to the plate.

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